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View Full Version : Xbox 360 Looking for easygoing running partners

Nov 6, 2010, 01:33 PM
Hi. Most of my friends on my friend list have stopped playing PSU or don't play very often. I am looking for people to run with. Please not too hard core. I am an adult player and prefer more mature players. I prefer players that don't talk too much trash. Prefer easygoing players who enjoy chatting it up. I have not been able to run the new missions yet so I need people willing to help me out. My main character is Moorea, a level 177 GunMaster. All of my pa' are at 50 except a few laser cannons that are in the high 40's. Please feel free to contact me.

Nov 6, 2010, 06:44 PM
Moorea, where were you when i needed you! hahaha. one of the reasons i ran solo during my time (2006-2010) playing PSU was because my encounters with extremely immature players and people only ran white beast 24/7. and it was hard to find people my age (36) to play with. i don't play anymore but just wanted to express i wish there were more people that i could have played with that fit the description of the type of players you're looking for. anyway, good luck.

Nov 7, 2010, 10:00 AM
Hey there, I definitely can relate too that. I pretty much run solo or alongside my one friend. I'm am not a fan of WB but currently with how the game is setup is almost seems like its the only place to get some quick XP at my level. I just hit 100, level 20 wartecher. When me and my friend get together we completely avoid the WB area unless we're running it together. We love to do new missions but him being only mid 80s and me just hitting 100, its tough to do a lot of the stuff. We like the MAG missions and all the stuff no one else even knows about. But hey, My GT is DebonairX20 and if you'd like to toss me a line sometime. Hope to hear from ya

Nov 7, 2010, 10:50 AM
Thanks for the support bupjo. As predicted my post got moved which means I prolly won't get too many more responses. g I will look for you this week

Nov 14, 2010, 11:20 AM
hey there moorea. i too am looking for some players to run with. im over the white beast runs since it is all people are doing nowadays. its hard to find players that dont talk trash are are there just to have fun. im a 156 achrotecher. ive been off the game for a while, but managed to get all my support spells at 45+. my char name is Ava if you ever need a techer to run with. im usually stuck at white beast or sitting and waiting for a group to run with at the guardian security on 3rd floor. good luck.

Nov 14, 2010, 04:05 PM
Thanks for responding. Please look for me too!