View Full Version : What does your name mean?(Your given name and your username)

Nov 14, 2010, 04:28 PM
My given name means "Lover" and "Noble Defender"

My username is part of the protagonist's name in the very worst book in the world, Great Expectations.

What about you?

Nov 14, 2010, 04:47 PM
My real life name is Amanda, and it's means "loveable", "fit for love".

My username is xmoonprismpowerx (:P obviously) and it's what Serena/Usagi says in Sailor Moon to transform. I pretty much love Sailor Moon and have since I was a kid, so I just was uncreative and hence my username was born. My GT (o moonie o) is just to pwn my love for Sailor Moon AND moons and stars.

Ugh I'm so uncreative XDD

Nov 14, 2010, 04:47 PM
I am god's gift.
My user name is a piece of a song Ha al Sayara by Fairouz.

Nov 14, 2010, 04:50 PM
the very worst book in the world, Great Expectations.?

Either you forgot the /sarcasm, or you have the literary comprehension of a fetus.

Nov 14, 2010, 05:01 PM
Either you forgot the /sarcasm, or you have the literary comprehension of a fetus.

Oh! That's new! Insulting someone because you have a different opinion!

Charles Dickens was paid by the word to write that bloody book.
I'm an English majour. Suck it.

But do feel free to get the last word. ^w^

Nov 14, 2010, 05:17 PM
Charles Dickens was paid by the word to write that bloody book.
I'm an English majour. Suck it.

McTeague's better anyway

Nov 14, 2010, 05:22 PM
Charles Dickens was paid by the word to write that bloody book.
I'm an English majour. Suck it.

Did you get that degree by mail?

Nov 14, 2010, 05:26 PM
My name means "awesome".

Nov 14, 2010, 07:11 PM
my name means noble and chivalrous. -Xefizyxen-

Nov 14, 2010, 07:31 PM
I am god's gift.

Sup fellow Matthew.

I made up Zarode when I was making my first HUcaseal. Basically, I wanted a name with the letter "Z" in it, just like the name I used before (Zio). So, there I was, with my friend watching me go "Zaaaa... Zaaaaaa....row. Hm. Zaro....de. Za-row-de!"

Rest is history.

Nov 14, 2010, 08:03 PM
My name has no meaning..... or it means "randomness".

Nov 14, 2010, 08:17 PM
My name means "victory of the people", or just "victory". How boring.

I would also tell the story of how "BIG OLAF", the name, came to be, but that story is pretty R-rated. I'll just give the short version: it's a euphemism for male genitalia.

Nov 14, 2010, 08:24 PM
it's a euphemism for male genitalia.


Sounds about right. XD

Chukie sue
Nov 14, 2010, 08:27 PM
Chukie sue is Telly's hampster's name on Sesame Street.

My real name, Judah Nathaniel, means Praise the Gift.

I like it.

Nov 14, 2010, 08:30 PM

Sounds about right. XD

Well, that's one way to look at it, haha. But it's not what I meant.

Nov 14, 2010, 08:31 PM
Well, that's one way to look at it, haha. But it's not what I meant.

I tried, but oh well. XD

Nov 14, 2010, 08:59 PM
My given name is Hewbrew for "laughter" or "he who laughs." (Note: I'm not Jewish)

My username doesn't really mean anything, so I'd rather share my old PSU main's name and it's meaning. Gatz is a German-based term/name/title that would roughly mean "companion."

Nov 14, 2010, 09:10 PM
My given name is Hewbrew for "laughter" or "he who laughs." (Note: I'm not Jewish)

My username doesn't really mean anything, so I'd rather share my old PSU main's name and it's meaning. Gatz is a German-based term/name/title that would roughly mean "companion."

I'll take a stab at your name... Is it Isaac? That's the name of one of the main characters in Golden Sun (I'm playing that game now)

Nov 14, 2010, 09:21 PM


Nov 14, 2010, 09:29 PM
Hebrew for God is my might.

Username is a boss in the Megaman Zero series.

Nov 14, 2010, 09:41 PM
My real name, Patrik, was thought of after some actor with no "c" in his name.
My username is Volcompat321- because I like Volcom, used their stuff a lot when I used to skateboard. Pat is my name, and 321 is the area code of the county I live in.

Nothing special, or creative. In fact, I'm not creative one bit. :P

Nov 14, 2010, 10:40 PM
Given name:"Gift of God"
Username:It kind of suits my personality. :wacko:

Nov 14, 2010, 11:13 PM
My name comes from the Genesis story of Jacob and Esau wherein the brothers were beating the shit out of each other in the womb over who would be born first and claim their birthright. Esau won the fight, and when Jacob came out he was still gripping Esau's foot (apparently trying to pull him back in). However, Jacob would later become the inheritor and be titled first born when he cheated Esau out of it for a bowl of stew (that he probably dipped his balls in beforehand). So the name means "Supplanter" or "Heel-Catcher".

As for my username:


I got the name from a misspelling of the word "sinew" (tendons) from a book I was reading on Native American culture and spirituality. The chapter described the sun dance ritual in which Lakotan men would pierce their nipples with shards of bone, tied them to lengths of "sinue", and hoisted into the air by them until either their flesh tore or they received a vision.

Nov 14, 2010, 11:19 PM
My name comes from the Genesis story of Jacob and Esau wherein Jacob and Esau were beating the shit out of each other in the womb over who would be born first and claim their birthright. Esau won the fight, and when Jacob came out he was still gripping Esau's foot (apparently trying to pull him back in). However, Jacob later became the inheritor as he cheated Esau out of his birthright for a bowl of stew. So the name means "Supplanter" or "Heel-Catcher".

As for my username:


I got the name from a misspelling of the word "Sinew" from a book on Native American culture and spirituality I was reading. The chapter described the sun dance ritual in which lakotan men would piece their nipples with shards of bone, tied to lengths of "sinue", and hoisted into the air by them until either their flesh tore or they received a vision.

I remember that biblical story...
But I can honestly say that the backstory behind your username is brutal.... You sir, I dub the most hardcore username maker I've come across.

Nov 15, 2010, 12:58 AM
I got the name from a misspelling of the word "sinew" (tendons) from a book I was reading on Native American culture and spirituality. The chapter described the sun dance ritual in which Lakotan men would pierce their nipples with shards of bone, tied them to lengths of "sinue", and hoisted into the air by them until either their flesh tore or they received a vision.

Yeah, I read something about native american rituals for a class once. I recall something similar to that... (Whoever invented it was a masochist. It had like ten different ways they pierced their flesh and hung things from their skin)

Nov 15, 2010, 02:14 AM
Dude ths wrong on level tht cant be described man ahh tht must hurt like hell ...ahh god ...
Wel I dont remeber wht David means soemthing like king or hero or something I dont like the name anyway ...Daak isent the most creative it just stands for my full name David Aaron Kübler yeah i I am german well and ever since i was six I used it as my nick in evrything ...

Nov 15, 2010, 06:34 AM
If I recall, I was named after my great grandfather. My name is Greek for "healer," and was also the name of a Greek hero who led the Argonauts to obtain the Golden Fleece. Should be easy to figure out now. ^^

My last name is "Holder." I am in no way related to the current U.S. Attorney General... I think...

The name "Tetsaru" was made up by a friend of mine years ago in an attempt to come up with a Japanese-sounding name for me. He was wanting to become a manga-ka later on in life, and for one of his story ideas, he made characters based off of our friends; thus, Tetsaru was the name of the character based off of me. Since then, I've used it as my online alias. :)

Nov 15, 2010, 10:29 AM
My name is Greek for "Manly, brave, warrior"

My username has no real meaning, just a short name i twisted a little to fit me more.

Nov 15, 2010, 01:14 PM
I'll take a stab at your name... Is it Isaac? That's the name of one of the main characters in Golden Sun (I'm playing that game now)

Yep! Also, a big HELL YES for mentioning Golden Sun! :)

Chukie sue
Nov 15, 2010, 01:30 PM
Dude ths wrong on level tht cant be described man ahh tht must hurt like hell ...ahh god ...
Wel I dont remeber wht David means soemthing like king or hero or something I dont like the name anyway ...Daak isent the most creative it just stands for my full name David Aaron Kübler yeah i I am german well and ever since i was six I used it as my nick in evrything ...

From my understanding, the original meaning of David is uncertain, though it may have roots as "friend" or "dear".

Chukie sue
Nov 15, 2010, 01:33 PM
And I was somewhat inaccurate in my own translation.

Judah - Praise

Nathaniel - Gift of God/ Gift

*last name* - Power/Strength

Nov 15, 2010, 02:25 PM
Yep! Also, a big HELL YES for mentioning Golden Sun! :)

I'm catching up on the old ones this month... You know the new game is only 14 days away in the U.S. ^^ (I've been counting it down)

Nov 15, 2010, 02:28 PM
My real name means "Loyal, Famous by Glory Prince" or something like that.

My Username is really old, since my first login on the Internet.

"Leon" is nothing special, its just a name I like. I guess I started to like this name with Cervantes de Leon from Soul Calibur.
"Alabard" is one of my favorites types of weapons. Also, I usually change this second name, using "di Luna" for example.

Nov 15, 2010, 07:14 PM
My first name, Allison, means "noble or kind," which I found cutely ironic, given that I am neither. It is also age- and region-appropriate and isn't one of the many, many names with a meaning like "gift of God" or "blessed by God" or "beloved by God" or anything else having to do with this "God" character, and both concerns went into its selection.

My last name, which begins with a W, means "traveler," "foreigner," or "pilgrim," which seemed somehow appropriate. It also sounds really cool. Honest.

The origin of my username should be obvious in light of the above.

Nov 15, 2010, 10:10 PM
Tylor: Middle england I think, means tiler of roofs.
Roderick: I think it means famous king.
McLaughlin: No idea if the Irish meaning is the same, but the Scottish version means "son of the expert sailor."

Some forums I go by my last name, other forums I go by Obsidian, which is a volcanic rock. A couple sites I go to I use Affable Rattlesnake, which came from a Metal Gear name generator I saw here a long time ago. It amused me so I hung on to it.

Nov 15, 2010, 10:12 PM
Tylor: Middle england I think, means tiler of roofs.
Roderick: I think it means famous king.
McLaughlin: No idea if the Irish meaning is the same, but the Scottish version means "son of the expert sailor."

Some forums I go by my last name, other forums I go by Obsidian, which is a volcanic rock. A couple sites I go to I use Affable Rattlesnake, which came from a Metal Gear name generator I saw here a lnog time ago. It amused me so I hung on to it.

From here on out, you shall now be known as Tylor Mclovin'

Nov 15, 2010, 10:14 PM
Sounds good. I prefer lovin' to fightin' anyway.

Sha Sha
Nov 15, 2010, 10:37 PM
My given name means resurrection
and username is sorta off of Tsukuyomi a moon god

Nov 17, 2010, 05:00 AM
Mine is just Ambition of Illuminus Tifa Lockhart, cos i'm a PSU and FF7 fanboy (but I still prefer 8 and 10) but in my opinion Tifa is one of the better characters in gaming

Nov 17, 2010, 05:14 AM
A little BIT of ZEN. (If ONE more person calls me Blitzen I'm gonna kill them by impaling them with reindeer horns)

Nov 17, 2010, 06:36 AM
Very festive way to go xD

Nov 17, 2010, 02:30 PM
My handle on here is basically just my first PSO character's name.:) She was a Whitill HUnewearl, and I played around with a bunch of elven-type syllables to get the Whitill result for some reason. I think I wanted some kind of certain drop?

As for my real name... really boring! Ashley. According to Behind the Name and other various sources, it means "Ash tree clearing" from Old English.:)

Nov 18, 2010, 06:57 PM
sCI = Abbreviation for Scilace = 1st character name I used in PSO = messed up form of the word Solace = ~"Comfort from sorrow" = What PSO ment to me when I started playing, or rather my brother did. It made me feel good from the world troubles.

Nov 20, 2010, 02:01 PM
the first part of my username actualy came from the bomberman character Max from bomberman generations. I got PSO for gamecube right after I had finished playing that game, and he was my favorite character. So I named my first character max. also i just like the name so i stuck with it :)

the second part "robo" comes from my love of anything mecha related. I added it on because just Max is always taken.

Nov 21, 2010, 10:51 AM
Jinketsu stands for 'great man' or 'hero.' My screenname used to be "The Hero's Legend" as a reference to Zelda (being a huge Zelda fan), then while in a big otaku phase, found the japanese phrase for it - "Jinketsu no Densetsu." I just took it from there.

As a bonus, any time I make a female character, I name her the female counterpart of Jinketsu: Retsujo. Though with the attachment I have for my FFXI character (of which I've been playing for over 7 years now), I'm beginning to consider that character as 'Retsujo's hurrah' and consider other names for future female characters created.

Woo history.

I don't know my given name's meaning. It's Scott. (Nice to meet you!)

Nov 21, 2010, 11:41 PM
I have two older sisters and my parents weren't planning on having any more kids; and then they made me by mistake. On the bright side, I wasn't another girl, so they gave me the name is "Benjamin", or "son of my right hand".

As for my user name, "Kion" is Japanese 気温 (temperature). Basically in manga there are tons of cool character names in English from random words, Spike, Vicious, Kite. It kind of made me jealous (stop taking all of our cool words), so I figured I search for a Japanese word that sounded like a name but wasn't and use that.

Nov 23, 2010, 07:13 AM
As for a meaning of my given name... Scraps or bits of paper, such as the perforated edges of paper for tractor feed printers or the tiny rectangles punched out from data cards.

Username: CIG- is a acronym for Cause im God... Really it has no ties to religion. It was something I came up with in Highschool when I 1st started playing PSU. My sophmore year I was playing football in highschool and one of the seniors would start calling me Smoker, because of the way I talk. So when I was thinking of a name, I thought about what I could tie into to smoking and that was what I thought of originally. That is also the name of my 1st character on PSU.

Nov 23, 2010, 11:41 AM
Screen name: HUcast = Hunter Cast. Simple no?

Real name: Ever seen Forrest Gump? *Cough* That then.

Nov 23, 2010, 12:12 PM
I have two older sisters and my parents weren't planning on having any more kids; and then they made me by mistake.

Wow, same here. Well, except that I have one sister, and one brother. At least now I know that I'm not the only one. Funny part is, my mom got pregnant with me three years after getting fixed.