View Full Version : Windows Screen resolution message

Nov 19, 2010, 05:55 PM
ok, the problem is, that when i boot up Oblivion (or other games) a message comes up in blue saying that for best picture quality choose *insert resolution here* if i dont have it on the highest resolution, and this wouldnt matter except that when this message comes up Oblivion stops working (not for any other games i've seen it on, just this one) can someone help me, i dont want this game to lag because of high res

Nov 19, 2010, 09:36 PM
That's Bethesda for you. Awesome games, crappily programed engine.

Try editing the .INI file.

Nov 19, 2010, 09:45 PM
ah, Oblivion, the game that i had so much fun with moddings. a beautiful game.
you should try out the max setting resolution and see if it lags your comuputer first.
with game like this, it's a shame not playing it on high-end computer.

my character that i modded for and the sword. 1080p resolution.

these were taken by screenshot while i was playing. it looks 10x better in motion. also, they were
save as low qualities.

Nov 19, 2010, 11:00 PM
I've been playing for a while, im just getting a bit annoyed with the way to make it stop lagging at highest res while playing anything above "low" quality graphics. and this message is not specific to Oblivion, it happened on Portal also, though i dont play too many games on the computer in question, so i would assume it would happen on others as well.

Nov 20, 2010, 02:40 AM
Terrible games and broken engines are bad enough individually - yet, Bethesda likes to mash up the two.

I run most of my games in windows nowadays - just because I happen to be doing a lot else on my computer at any given moment, and I don't like waiting on it to change resolutions (and some games aren't task-switch-friendly). Unless you're easily distracted by other things happening or you have a pretty small monitor, it shouldn't really be a problem. Of course, that's not a solution, but a work-around.

Messages like that will typically have an option to disable future notifications. If it's being triggered by a change in resolution, then you should be able to trigger it by simply changing your desktop resolution - there may be a way to disable them from there.

Nov 20, 2010, 11:32 AM
it's only triggered when i bring up a "game" in lower then full res, or maybe some other program thats on a disk, i havent really tried, but the disable button it gives doesnt work, it says press 2 to disable this message or something like that and it doesnt work, it comes back up the next time

Nov 20, 2010, 05:55 PM
Honestly, my advice in situations like this is to copy the entire text of the message and google it. It might be a known issue with an easy fix.

Nov 21, 2010, 12:48 PM
good idea, ill try that