View Full Version : PSO for PSP...where?

Nov 22, 2010, 09:52 PM
Sure its been mentioned before, and I'm still new to the forums but...Why the hell hasn't PSOBB been made for the PSP? Shit would easily outsell PSP1/2, + Zero.

Nov 22, 2010, 11:10 PM
Haha! - No.

Nov 22, 2010, 11:43 PM
Considering that PSO:BB can still be played for free on private servers and Sega/ST have finally given up on the game, it is unlikely that it would happen and sell well.

Nov 23, 2010, 03:06 AM
You would be surprised.

Why do you think all of Nintendo's best selling games are all remakes of older games...?

Nov 23, 2010, 01:56 PM
In Japan they play portables ALL THE TIME, and they still love PSO so in a matter of sales SEGA would do just fine. Dongra is right about the free servers and that many people would not pay for a game that they can get for free (I myself do not like to play on the free servers cause of the drop rate changes and exp bonuses, if it isn't SEGA's guidelines then it's not legit.) but I believe that the true fan base of PSO would get it regardless. It's been a dream of mine ever since I had my PSP to play PSO on the go as I like. Maybe SEGA has thought of re-releasing it for the portable, though I would like it more for the PSP myself maybe there is a plan for the 3DS? I will not lie that it would be cool to see the world of PSO in 3D.

Nov 23, 2010, 04:05 PM
You would be surprised.

Why do you think all of Nintendo's best selling games are all remakes of older games...?

Because they are actually popular?

Nov 23, 2010, 04:13 PM
Ishia's actually got a point. PSO isn't a very well known game, at least in the US, and most of the people who are dedicated to Phantasy Star are already playing for free on private servers or playing PSU. We've also got PSO2 on the way, so I don't see any point in porting over PSO just so it can live on the PSP for a year.

Nov 24, 2010, 07:18 AM
Well then whats the point of Sega making PSP1/2...? Lots of people bought the game in Japan. If they had released PSOBB onto the PSP it would of sold just as many copies as PSP1/2 because people were expecting PSP to be closer to PSO - Thats what I expected at least. I, as well as many other people, thought PSP was just a cheap rip off of PSU with 'some' PSO elements. It doesn't play the same at all.

As far as US popularity, I'd agree, but most of the people who play PSP/PSO/PSU etc, are JPN.

Idk, it's something I've always wanted to see happen. PSO would work brilliantly on a PSP...thats why I was so excited for PSP2 but it still felt like the same old PSU junk;;

Nov 24, 2010, 11:19 AM
PSO would do it great on psp consoles...but SEGA would never do that to themselves...at least on the next 3 years...cause why spent so much time and money on other incomming phantasy star titles just to blow themselves giving a PSO remake for psp...it jeopardice it other sales...

Nov 24, 2010, 05:06 PM
Well then whats the point of Sega making PSP1/2...? Lots of people bought the game in Japan. If they had released PSOBB onto the PSP it would of sold just as many copies as PSP1/2 because people were expecting PSP to be closer to PSO - Thats what I expected at least. I, as well as many other people, thought PSP was just a cheap rip off of PSU with 'some' PSO elements. It doesn't play the same at all.

As far as US popularity, I'd agree, but most of the people who play PSP/PSO/PSU etc, are JPN.

Idk, it's something I've always wanted to see happen. PSO would work brilliantly on a PSP...thats why I was so excited for PSP2 but it still felt like the same old PSU junk;;
Most of the things you mentioned here are solely opinions, not facts. The only "facts" I can see are that Phantasy Star is more popular in JP and more people bought the games there. Just wait for Infinity, as it will have more PSO elements than any other previous Portable titles.

PSO would do it great on psp consoles...but SEGA would never do that to themselves...at least on the next 3 years...cause why spent so much time and money on other incomming phantasy star titles just to blow themselves giving a PSO remake for psp...it jeopardice it other sales...

PSO would do great on the PSP, but then it woudn't do great on the PSP? Make up your mind.

Seth Astra
Nov 24, 2010, 05:08 PM
PSO would do great on the PSP, but then it woudn't do great on the PSP? Make up your mind.
I think he was saying that, although he thinks it'd sell well, it'd do so at the cost of sales of other Phantasy Star games. (PSP2i, PSO2, and anything else released in there).

Nov 24, 2010, 11:28 PM
thanks Seth thats what i was trying to say...sorry for the misundertanding guys

Nov 25, 2010, 12:27 AM
Yeah well if PSO isn't so popular then why would they even bother making an announcement of PSO2. Why not just call it something else...? This obviously points out that the game was a huge success.

And porting the game to PSP wouldn't require them to spend that much money. Ports are great for companies b/c it IS a port. Your not having to recreate anything, if anything you just touch up on the interfaces and such.

How many times has PSO been re-released?
One person might think its lived its lifespan...It has and it hasn't.

Oh! Lets not forget the fact that they made PSP1/2, and PSZero which were all trying to be based off PSO in one way or another. If PSO wasn't popular...I doubt they would of even attempted to continue making online Phantasy Star games.

Honestly I was sold with Phantasy Star IV...The fact that they made one of my favorite games online was a shock...I would of been happy had they kept continuing the offline franchise.

Nov 29, 2010, 03:06 PM
PSO portable is on the DS in PSZ :D

Nov 29, 2010, 03:37 PM
Yeah well if PSO isn't so popular then why would they even bother making an announcement of PSO2. Why not just call it something else...? This obviously points out that the game was a huge success.

And porting the game to PSP wouldn't require them to spend that much money. Ports are great for companies b/c it IS a port. Your not having to recreate anything, if anything you just touch up on the interfaces and such.

How many times has PSO been re-released?
One person might think its lived its lifespan...It has and it hasn't.

Oh! Lets not forget the fact that they made PSP1/2, and PSZero which were all trying to be based off PSO in one way or another. If PSO wasn't popular...I doubt they would of even attempted to continue making online Phantasy Star games.

Honestly I was sold with Phantasy Star IV...The fact that they made one of my favorite games online was a shock...I would of been happy had they kept continuing the offline franchise.
Holy shit. Its popular in JAPAN for the millionth time. All those platforms you mentioned, they all died NA/EU side long before JP did. NA/EU generates just enough profit for there to be a localization of such games.

Phantasy Star Portable 1/2 and PSZ are not trying to be PSO, they are borrowing references from the game for the nostalgia. PSO is horribly outdated now and you are a fool if you think its better than PSU/P mechanics-wise. Do not let nostalgia blind you.

Also, porting the game? That would require SEGA's assistance. Look how they did with Phantasy Star Universe to the Xbox 360 and Bayonetta to the PS3. It would be terrible.

Nov 29, 2010, 07:05 PM
Nostalgia? Kinda hard to have nostalgia when you never left the game, yo. Chill out. We get that PSO is not coming back to a new gen system (especially with the new PSO2 comig out). No need to freak out because some user disagrees with you.

Nov 29, 2010, 07:26 PM
just because it takes good gameplay elements from a previous game does not mean it is trying to copy it. PSZ and PSP2 both took player complaints into consideration and tried to fix the problems. some of the answers to the problems came from gameplay machanics PSO used.

also, continuing a know franchise is usually a good idea. an already established seires such as phantasy star has lots of dedicated players (all the people on this forum for example), and many of them will buy the game regardless of its quality. this means garenteed sales on top of sales to new players.

Robocop II
Dec 4, 2010, 10:38 PM
Well then whats the point of Sega making PSP1/2...? Lots of people bought the game in Japan. If they had released PSOBB onto the PSP it would of sold just as many copies as PSP1/2 because people were expecting PSP to be closer to PSO - Thats what I expected at least. I, as well as many other people, thought PSP was just a cheap rip off of PSU with 'some' PSO elements. It doesn't play the same at all.

As far as US popularity, I'd agree, but most of the people who play PSP/PSO/PSU etc, are JPN.

Idk, it's something I've always wanted to see happen. PSO would work brilliantly on a PSP...thats why I was so excited for PSP2 but it still felt like the same old PSU junk;;

Agreed, I played PSP and disliked it immediatlly, then picked up PSP2 hoping it would be different, nope wrong again, geez what crap. I would pick up PSO for the PSP in a heartbeat, add an episode and some new items or something and I would be set! I would play that so much more than I would PSP2

Red Ring
Dec 4, 2010, 11:25 PM
Lunariancrystal is awesome. I agree with him and bitch quite a bit about such things like PSO coming on PSP. Let's be friends.