View Full Version : If someone was buying you a gift of one DS system.....

Roger Triton
Nov 29, 2010, 01:01 AM
which would you choose of these 3?

DS Lite has a GBA slot, long battery life, no camera, easily fits in the pocket.

DSi XL has biggest screen (4.2"), no GBA slot, better battery than DSi but about same as DS Lite, Camera, cannot fit in shirt pocket.

DSi has camera, lower battery life than DSi XL & DS Lite, fits easily in pocket. About same screen size as DS Lite.

The Amazon pages are below.

Please take the poll and vote too.
(Oh and I wonder if any of you have seen if PSzero runs looking better on an XL or not? But this is a gift for a family member.)
DS Lite:



Nov 29, 2010, 01:12 AM
I would want the DSI XL/LL personally, so I would gift that one. ^^ (Recipients can't be choosers. I'm sure if they really wanted to play GBA games, they could buy a used $20 GBA console online someplace).

Nov 29, 2010, 01:32 AM
It really comes down to whether or not they want to play GBA games on it.

If they do, DS Lite. If they don't, DSi XL (there's no point in getting a regular DSi).

Of course, if it were me receiving it... I'd rather just wait and get a 3DS.

Roger Triton
Nov 29, 2010, 01:32 AM
Thanks for the reply.
M00000oooar poll needed!

There is no way to legally play GBA games on the DSi or DSi XL due to the loss of the GBA slot. :(

Nov 29, 2010, 01:40 AM
So, out of respect for the GBA, I have to say the DS Lite, then. Just because a DSi/XL could be rendered obsolete (or traded in) when the 3DS comes out, but the DS Lite still lets you play GBA games, which the person in question may want to do eventually (but then again, it's hard to say because I have no idea who or what this person is).

Nov 29, 2010, 01:41 AM
There is no way to legally play GBA games on the DSi or DSi XL due to the loss of the GBA slot. :(

This statement isn't neccessarily true. I can prove that I own a legitimate copy of Golden Sun and Golden Sun:The Lost age and a Gameboy advance.

If the player doesn't own a legal copy of the game they are playing, it would be illegal, but otherwise it's fine.

I guess if you're gifting someone who doesn't have a GBA or Brick DS as well as the GBA game they want to emulate, it would be illegal.

Nov 29, 2010, 01:44 AM
If the player doesn't own a legal copy of the game they are playing, it would be illegal, but otherwise it's fine.
This is bullshit spewed by emulation sites, by the way.

The legality of a copy of software is not determined by whether or not you legally own a retail copy - it's determined by how you obtain the soft copy.

Nov 29, 2010, 01:52 AM
This is bullshit spewed by emulation sites, by the way.

The legality of a copy of software is not determined by whether or not you legally own a retail copy - it's determined by how you obtain the soft copy.

. . . seriously? Do you mind if I ask you to substantiate this?

Roger Triton
Nov 29, 2010, 02:08 AM
So, out of respect for the GBA, I have to say the DS Lite, then. Just because a DSi/XL could be rendered obsolete (or traded in) when the 3DS comes out, but the DS Lite still lets you play GBA games, which the person in question may want to do eventually (but then again, it's hard to say because I have no idea who or what this person is).

I'm more likely to play GBA games than he is (kids want everything new & have little value for the older stuff. Pfffft.)

This is b------t spewed by emulation sites, by the way.

The legality of a copy of software is --------------------

Please don't derail the thread with a teh piracy (!!!) war, OK? My personal thoughts are below in spoiler.

I'm lucky I didn't get suckered into going to GameSchlock on Black Friday. Their DS deals were major SUCK. The DS Lite for $89 at Walfart wasn't too bad. Of course I was intercepted by someone who grabbed up the last one (Grrr). But I called the store mgr a few hours ago & he offered to sell me the $129 DS Lite for $89.

btw it's not for me, but maybe I'll get the XL & give mine away to family member for Christmas. Har Har.


As far as piracy goes, the RIAA several times has said that someone ripping THEIR OWN legal copy of a movie was unacceptable. And the MPAA has been against MP3's from the beginning. Rather than paint your customer as a criminal, why not try to convert them over to using something legally? The RIAA + MPAA can suck my nuts!!! As far as video games go, buying a used game does not help the publisher one darn bit. It's not a grey area (like dLing a movie when you own it), but is sure doesn't help the company that makes the game.
If the game companies had any sense, they would offer all games as downloadable so you can run it on your system. Whether that be retro/emulation or a current gen software.

Screw the man!
End rant.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Nov 29, 2010, 02:16 AM
Please don't derail the thread with a teh piracy (!!!) war, OK?
No war here - just stating the facts.

. . . seriously? Do you mind if I ask you to substantiate this?
Well, for starters, obtaining a copy of a piece of software through means other than the legal purchase of a license is called piracy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_infringement_of_software). If you're obtaining a copy of software through, say, some random seedy website where the license is not transferred to you by the people who have the rights to distribute the software, then congratulations! You're participating in piracy.

When you purchase a game at a store (games are software, after all), you're actually purchasing the physical media on which the game data exists (and the manual, box, etc.), but you're purchasing a license to the software itself. You might also notice that in the manual for every Nintendo game you've ever purchased, it usually says within the first couple pages that copying this software is illegal. These are weasel words (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weasel_words), because it's attempting to condemn the act of making a backup for the protection of your software - which Nintendo also mentions in that same section of your game's manual, that "backup" and "archival" copies of the game software is "not necessary" to protect your software at all.

Most legal experts representing the computer sofware industry (http://www.abanet.org/publiced/practical/software_backups.html) will tell you that they believe consumers have the legal right to make a backup copy.

Now, the tricky part here, is the term "backup." Backup copies exist for the sole purposes of retaining a copy of the software should the original be destroyed (such as your physical GBA cartrige getting run over by a car). They do not exist for the purpose of being in-use while the original copy still exists, however, but the notion of whether or not you're allowed to still keep multiple copies of software you own for use on multiple devices (like installing Microsoft Office on both your desktop and your laptop). Though a lot of major computer software companies don't have a problem with you using a single piece of software you purchased on both your desktop and your laptop (as long as you don't install it on your buddies' computers as well), it's still a legal grey area.

To reiterate though: If you got your copy of the software through anything other than a legal source, it's still piracy - even if you own a copy otherwise.

Roger Triton
Nov 29, 2010, 02:30 AM

I almost spat out my Taco Bell watching this guy... Fun stuff.

I hope to see a lot of people vote, and will make my decision in the next week or two on the best DS or DSi.

Nov 29, 2010, 11:01 AM
having own the DS Lite, i recommend you to buy
the DSi XL even though it has no GBA slot. the bigger
screen will do you justice. just buy another GameBoy Advance
for the gameboy game. notice that when you play gameboy
games on the DS, the screen gotten smaller. might as well
just buy a new GameBoy Advance.

DSi XL got me vote. :cake:

Chukie sue
Nov 29, 2010, 11:14 AM
None of those, but not a PSP. DS Phat's are the way to go.

DSiXL though I believe has a decent d-pad.

Nov 30, 2010, 10:25 PM
whatever happened to the original DS, im sure some people would still like that.

Nov 30, 2010, 10:59 PM
It all depends on the situation dude. Do you even have gba games is the real question...

Roger Triton
Nov 30, 2010, 11:09 PM
It all depends on the situation dude. Do you even have gba games is the real question...
Yeah, i have them (GBA games) but the family member getting the gift might have gotten my DS Lite. So I think the XL, based on screen size, is a good choice.

Amazon has no magnifiers (worth buying for the DS Lite/DSi, which makes my choice that much easier).

Nov 30, 2010, 11:12 PM
Ah ok. So your gonna use the DS Lite to play gba games behind his or hers back no?

Bomber The Cosmonaut
Dec 1, 2010, 12:18 AM
DSi/DSi XL. I've owned every DS ever made, but I love the hell out of the DSi XL. Sure there's no GBA slot, but The DSi and DSi XL felt the most comfortable to me. (that and i have a GBA SP and a Game Boy Player XD) Plus, some of the DSi Ware Titles are pretty fun. (I say both, because The DSi is smaller, in case you have Smaller hands.)