View Full Version : Xbox PSO Episode 1 and 2 Music

Dec 3, 2010, 06:22 AM
I dont know what happen to me today. I was looking at some old games I use to play on my old xbox. One of those games was PSO episode 1 and 2. Many great memories of wonderful times spent on that game came back to me. Made me feel both happy and sad. Wow has it really been over 7 years that I last played that game? The music is in my head now. It all came back to me. But one song is driving me crazy tonight and I cant get no sleep. I need to hear that song once again. I want to be able to hear it through my speakers. Can someone help me find that song? I dont know the name of the song. All I know is that it sounded like a Japanese rock song to me. And if I remember correctly (although I can be wrong...it was so long ago) it was a song that was on one of the add on download extensions to the game. It had vocals on it and everything (it was not an instrumental song ). And it rocked. I never knew what the singer was saying in the song because I dont understand or speak Japanese. What I do know is that it hit me hard and was a great song. I wish I could get back online with the game just so I can hear that song again. Please someone help me if you know the name and/or artist of that song. I need to hear it one more time. I signed up just now to PSOworld because I dont know where else to turn :(

Dec 3, 2010, 11:20 AM
That's a fairly vague description. It sounds like you are thinking of a song from one of the download quests. Perhaps you are thinking of the Burning Rangers opening song? It tends to be quite catchy.


Dec 3, 2010, 11:31 AM
Oh boy...Now I have this sudden violent urge to just log on PSO BB and play labyrinthine trial. Such a great song!

Dec 5, 2010, 05:27 AM
Oh my goodness. I cant believe you knew the song. I hadnt checked the website for a couple of days because I figured no one would know and I would be disapointed. You have made my night. Thank you so much Ryna. You rock...and yes the song is catchy. I will never forget you. Thank you :-). I dont play any Pso online anymore. But if your playing and you needed support or friends..tell me which game and server and how to find you. I will be there. Thank you.