View Full Version : What "turns you off"?

Dec 5, 2010, 04:08 AM
I was thinking about this a few minutes ago: things about the opposite sex/partner that "turns me off", and I got curious about what everyone else's "turn offs" were. I'll list mine first, to start off. Now, please remember that these are personal preferences, and don't mean to offend or displease anyone. I'll group mine into "Personality" and "Appearance" for sake of simplicity.


1) I don't like women that are materialistic. As in, it aggravates me when a woman would rather have a fancy diamond necklace instead of a passionate kiss. Now, I'm not saying that it's not appropriate to buy her flowers, some earrings, or any little somethin'-somethin' once in a while. But, if she'd rather have 100$+ presents than her man's love and respect, then there's a problem.

2) I don't like it when women feel "entitled", "special", or "above men" just because they're women. I'm not saying men are better, because we're not. People are equal, no matter what their sex. But, when a woman feels that her date/boyfriend/husband is basically her slave/stepping stool/pet, it's not right. Also, relationships are a partnership. It's not the man's responsibility alone to show love, caring, respect, and compassion. The woman should show it back.


This is pretty straight-forward. I don't like big breasts and/or butts, or ridiculously long hair (like, down to the buttocks or lower). Don't call me shallow for these; I believe everyone's entitled to a few of their own little standards. It's when people get nit-picky that you should get annoyed with them.

Dec 5, 2010, 05:24 AM
Oh ho. Let's see how long people can stay mature and cool with such a potentially fragile topic. =P

That said, BIG OLAF pretty much nailed all the general ones that I also share with him, so I'm going to have to delve into my own specifics.

I guess my personal peeve in some women would probably be... unwarranted and constant sass? That's the best and simplest way to put it without resorting to more vulgar terms, I suppose. I mean, there's a time and place for that; I don't want that laced into a normal conversation 24/7.

Appearance....well, that's a land mine waiting to explode, but there is one thing I feel is safe to declare, and that's my dislike toward butts that are a little on the large side; I just don't understand why some prefer 'em huge. I prefer small, yet still shapely.

Dec 5, 2010, 02:52 PM
Personality-wise, I can't really stand people (in general) that are stuck-up, or think their "beliefs" are invariably right for any reason - especially if they can't give any intelligent or sound justification for their beliefs. So, I'm not really a fan of people who are inarticulate, can't think for themselves, or have silly convictions they can't logically justify that drive their actions.

As far as appearance goes... Well, tattoos are never attractive (particularly tramp stamps - because let's be honest here, you might as well just carry a sign with your going rate on it), and any piercings beyond simple ear piercings is just plain ugly.

Dec 5, 2010, 03:18 PM
In no particular order.

1. Out of shape
2. Tattoos
3. Smoker
4. No hobbies of their own
5. Tries to convert me to their religion

Chukie sue
Dec 5, 2010, 03:21 PM
Personality-wise, I can't really stand people (in general) that are stuck-up, or think their "beliefs" are invariably right for any reason - especially if they can't give any intelligent or sound justification for their beliefs. So, I'm not really a fan of people who are inarticulate, can't think for themselves, or have silly convictions they can't logically justify that drive their actions.

As far as appearance goes... Well, tattoos are never attractive (particularly tramp stamps - because let's be honest here, you might as well just carry a sign with your going rate on it), and any piercings beyond simple ear piercings is just plain ugly.

This, except for some reason I'd prefer my lady to wear no jewelry.

Arrogance, ignorance, and caring too much about what other people think of them pisses me off.

Dec 5, 2010, 03:30 PM
I can't stand smug bastards. By that, I mean that I don't like guys who think they are just the shit. It doesn't help it when they think they can justify every arguement to work out in their favor--as if being right is really what matters when it comes to being personable. I often find this awful mannerism in guys who are either very conservative(U.S. conservative) or very atheist.

I also think guys should be capable of handling things on their own... I don't want to go make you a goddamn sandwich 'because you can't'. That's a dumb reason and you are a dumbf*** if you can't.

And although a smug attitude can come equipped to a douche who can back his views with an argument, they're not always logically sound. Sometime, I think to myself, "Wipe that grin off your face, you look like an ***hole. You're the only one who thinks you know better."

As far as tattoos go, I think they can be hot, like the one on Dwayne Johnson's shoulder--That being said, most are ugly or ridiculous to have on your body for life.
Smoking and drinking turn me off, too.
Too many piercings make you an unattractive prospect for bringing you anyplace out of the house. So long as you don't guage your ears to over a centimeter in diameter, you're alright. I don't even know where that got started... is it a buddhist thing?

In terms of body-type I can get into a guy with any bodytype, really. Although one last major turnoff is if a guy just really cares nothing for his body. For example, eating like a glutton or having too many sweets, or not bathing/showering regularly, or getting into unsavoury drug habits would repel me pretty easily.

Dec 5, 2010, 03:30 PM
Being fat, ESPECIALLY when they or other people refer to them as "Curvy."

I might edit this later when I have more time.

Powder Keg
Dec 5, 2010, 03:41 PM
In no particular order.

1. Out of shape
2. Tattoos
3. Smoker
4. No hobbies of their own
5. Tries to convert me to their religion

This, pretty much. Especially no hobbies of their own. Only I would change 5 to convert me to anything at all that would benefit their own selfish desire.

Dec 5, 2010, 03:58 PM
1. Materialist (Spend, spend)
2. Hypocrites (Wow, if i would get a coin for every...)
3. Know-it all (Really, let me get a word in)
4. Out of shape (Why is that i´ve learned to see the inside when you clearly look at the outside first and judge? I can´t help that i´m shallow)

Dec 5, 2010, 04:08 PM
lets see here i dont like girls that...
1. act stupid with their friends in public
2. are not independent
3. hate on my friends/family
4.are lazy
5. talk about past relationships
as far as looks go you have to be..
1. in shape
2. dress nice ( not like a hooker, but not to formal)
3. hair (on head)
and just details like that

Dec 5, 2010, 05:51 PM
Same as many of you guys. Best one so far was the "hobby of her own". Totally.

--Personality of their own. Don't get into whatever I like just because you're my GF now. Live your own life.
--In somewhat-to-better shape at the very least.
--Isn't a know-it-all.
--None of the converting me stuff.
--Hobby/shit to do of their own.
--No formal wear--ever. I love casually dressed women. Nothing hotter than a chick in a T-shirt and old jeans.
--oh right.....COMMON SENSE. Don't do/say stupid shit at the wrong places/time(inappropriate behavior). I shouldn't have to baby sit your behavior just because the environment or company changes.
--Try and socialize and hang with my friends, don't just act like they are out to get you or something.
--Give me my space/time alone, and at least try to recognize when I may need it.
--Don't think money is everything, but understand how to budget accordingly.
--They BETTER have their own bank account. Their finances are their problem.

Most of everyone in this thread already covered what I said...so much of my statement is not needed I guess.

Dec 5, 2010, 06:06 PM
brats & scums, but most definitely liars.

Dec 5, 2010, 06:16 PM
Darkante has the same turn offs that I do, save one..... Those that treat me like i'm a nobody. People who try to walk over me because, according to them, i'm "unpopular" or a "misfit".

Dec 5, 2010, 07:03 PM
-I automatically get "turned off" by girls that smokes. I don't smoke, and it's kinda hard to to stay together if someone that is trying to kill my lung.
-I don't like drinking, but I can accept it as long it's extremely moderate and with "low-alcohol drinks". I hate beers and drunk girls.
-I don't like tattoos, but (really) little, unnoticeable and cute tattoos (lol flowers) are ok.
-Hypocrisy/Lies/Ignorance kills my interest for a girl automatically too.
-And girls that are not willing to learn something new too.
-I usually don't like feminists. Not because I'm a idiot who thinks that "girls should stay in the kitchen", but because I had bad experiences trying to have a normal conversation with a feminist, so I'm trying to avoid them now.
-Like Ceresa said, "No hobbies of their own".
-And I also hate girls that criticizes MY hobbies. Mainly, that criticizes me for playing games, telling me to "grown-up" and calling me "kid" and stuff.
-I totally hate "money addition" and materialist girls.
-Finally, I don't like girls that aren't independent/cant live by their on. But I accept if they are at least trying and learning (I just hate lazy/spoiled girls).

-I don't like big breasts and/or butts and short hair, but I can accept them, if not exaggerated (like bald, giant breasts...).
-I hate girl that uses plastic surgery for trivial things (mainly breasts/butt).
-Girls that don't take care of their appearance, basically "out of shape".
-Like Dusk said, "Girls that dress like hookers".

That's all, I guess.

Dec 5, 2010, 08:54 PM
I'm far happier being alone than undertaking the arduous task of finding someone that meets my ridiculous standards. Life's easier that way.

In the interest of increasing postcount, however, here are things that will disqualify a woman immediately:

Excessive sense of material entitlement
Underdeveloped sense of humor
Interest in pop culture and music

Excessively skinny
Plastic surgery

Dec 5, 2010, 09:23 PM
I'm going to assume that in the OP, "opposite sex" was just a turn of phrase and that turn-offs with the same sex also fit into the scope of the thread.

...I can't stand weakness. If she lacks physical strength, if she lacks mental strength, if she is weak-willed, if she cannot stand up to others or especially to me, if she is afraid or even simply disinclined to make her will known and stand up for it, all of these are huge turn-offs. Everyone has moments of weakness, but I'm not interested in a woman for whom weakness is a characteristic.

I'm actually kind of wrestling with the above at the moment because my current girlfriend is intelligent and amazingly strong in the physical sense (as in, she can haul a 250-pound human being like a sack of flour and that's without working out), but she frankly seems to be letting me call the shots instead of calling them herself and it is an enormous turn-off.

Dec 5, 2010, 09:30 PM
In no particular order.

1. Out of shape
2. Tattoos
3. Smoker
4. No hobbies of their own
5. Tries to convert me to their religion

Also, those who push opinions on others and can't rely on themselves for their own lives. Yes, I can use a sword well, but that doesn't mean you rely on me the whole damn time. Kinda like that.


Dec 5, 2010, 09:44 PM
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE people who are self-centered. Really. I've never understood why some people think it's okay to act that way when they often are getting constant signals from everyone around them that say otherwise.

Dec 5, 2010, 10:27 PM
Here's another one that I forgot in my first post (which is weird, since it's a major one for me):

3) Women who won't accept me for how I look. I mean, I'm not some horrendous, 300-pound creature, but I certainly don't look like this guy (http://images.rottentomatoes.com/images/spotlights/2007/marcus_schenkenberg.jpg) (and it seems that that's the only kind of guys girls go for). I've got a little bit of a gut going on, but I'm not "fat". I mean, I think myself a little on the unattractive side anyway, so I don't need to hear or feel it from anyone else, haha. That being said, it hurts when I'm called "fat" and/or not even given a chance, or even noticed, because I'm not "physically perfect". People in general (not just women) that are like that piss me off. Too bad a lot of people think that way nowadays.

Dec 5, 2010, 10:33 PM
this thread needs to go to the rant section.

Dec 5, 2010, 10:34 PM
In no particular order:
1) Smoker
2) Does drugs
3) Party animal (as in likes to get drunk often)
4) Tattoos (one small one is OK)
5) Dislikes video games (I enjoy them too much to be with someone who dislikes them)
6) Dresses slutty
7) Extremely religious
8 ) Too many piercings

Pretty sure those are my big ones.

It's funny, though, because my girlfriend (once upon a time) had 4 or 5 of my turn offs. At times, I questioned why I am with her when she was once someone I would have never, ever wanted to date. Yet here we are, just over 1 and a half years of being together with no end in sight. I suppose I was too immature in the beginning, holding grudges for stuff she had done in her past (such as smoking, etc) and had a tough time believing that she had grown up and matured past that phase of life.

@ Big Olaf, start working out and watch what you eat. It will take some time and dedication, but you CAN look like that! I used to be a scrawny guy who could only pass for "cute". After several months of working out, my mid section is starting to like his (still a ways to go) and can pass as "hott" to some. I'm not tooting my own horn, but I am saying that it is quite possible for any guy to achieve that sort of body :) (with the exception of those with certain medical conditions)

Dec 5, 2010, 10:37 PM
Not being a half-tard moron half of the time. Then i might think about considering it. Even then thats very highly unlikely to happen.

Dec 5, 2010, 10:53 PM
@ Big Olaf, start working out and watch what you eat. It will take some time and dedication, but you CAN look like that! I used to be a scrawny guy who could only pass for "cute". After several months of working out, my mid section is starting to like his (still a ways to go) and can pass as "hott" to some. I'm not tooting my own horn, but I am saying that it is quite possible for any guy to achieve that sort of body :) (with the exception of those with certain medical conditions)

Thanks for the encouragement, and I'm trying. It's just that I have to watch how often and how much I exercise, because I have a semi-severe case of A-fib (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrial_fibrillation), which keeps me from leading a predominately physically-active lifestyle, due to these complications (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_intolerance), which stem from A-fib. I'm doing my best to not get any bigger, at least, but dropping down to my ideal weight (which is, apparently, 200 pounds) will be a bit of a challenge for me, according to my physician. If anyone thinks that's all "just making excuses", then you should actually read the articles. Or open a medical book, and stop being ignorant.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to address this:

this thread needs to go to the rant section.

I don't really think so, because this thread has no "ranting". It's just people speaking about what works and doesn't work for them in a partner.

Dec 5, 2010, 10:59 PM
I don't really think so, because this thread has no "ranting". It's just people speaking about what works and doesn't work for them in a partner.

I might have gotten a little ranty there. My apologies.

Dec 5, 2010, 11:44 PM
I don't really think so, because this thread has no "ranting". It's just people speaking about what works and doesn't work for them in a partner.

alright, i'm just seeing a lot of posts with "i hate this, i hate that, i dont
like this, i dont like that" and so on. i guess those aren't ranting. i might
have misinterpret some of the posts and think they're ranting rather. some
of the posts actually intimadate me. i'll probably just stay away from this thread.

just dont mind me and carry on. :cat:

P.S.: have you try playing some sports? like basketball, tennis, or even running.
you can get into shape and lose quite a bit of weight that way. or try eating
food that aren't fat. Hot tea after a meal is also good for ya. :cake:

Dec 5, 2010, 11:57 PM
The main thing a girl could not be is a junkie, drug addicted, disgusting witch.

Nothing is worse than a junkie.

Other than that, I don't judge anyone of how they look, wear their jewelery, how they decorate their bodies, or their body type.

I do prefer a certain body type, but if I like the person enough to have a powerful conversation with, and enjoy her company, then so be it.

I don't say I don't want a woman with or without tattoos, or piercings, I don't mind.

This is 2010, almost 2011, be open minded people.

Of course I don't perfer a smoker, but if the woman I like smokes, then so be it.

Other than stating that, people seem too demanding.
But it's not my place to say.

Dec 6, 2010, 12:09 AM
@Pat: you say the donest (spelling?) thing ever. you got my thumbs up, bro.

Dec 6, 2010, 06:35 AM
2. Tattoos
3. Smoker
5. Tries to convert me to their religion
Oh yeah. Though tatoos and smoking don't apply to friends. I'm not fond of people proselytizing anywhere though for a variety of reasons.

Dec 6, 2010, 09:29 AM
1. "head" to any drug, from your basic weed to your ridiculous meth and cocaine.
2. Overzealous in their religion. I have no problem with religion, I do have a problem with people who are completely blinded and engulfed by it, and thus feel the need to bug the shit out of me with it.

Dec 6, 2010, 09:35 AM
The only real "turn-off" for me is smoking, but it's not just a matter of not being a smoker myself. I had really bad asthma as a kid, and while most of the symptoms are long gone, I'm still fairly sensitive to smoke.

Of other note, I don't care for gossipers or high-pitched voices. (In short, 99% of the sorority girls on my campus.) In fact, I usually like a girl's voice to be just a little on the husky side.

Somewhat off-topic reply for Olaf:[spoiler-box]

Thanks for the encouragement, and I'm trying. It's just that I have to watch how often and how much I exercise, because I have a semi-severe case of A-fib (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrial_fibrillation), which keeps me from leading a predominately physically-active lifestyle, due to these complications (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_intolerance), which stem from A-fib. I'm doing my best to not get any bigger, at least, but dropping down to my ideal weight (which is, apparently, 200 pounds) will be a bit of a challenge for me, according to my physician. If anyone thinks that's all "just making excuses", then you should actually read the articles. Or open a medical book, and stop being ignorant.

You know, looking good isn't just all about your body weight and type. Well, it is if you're just looking for one night... encounters, but that doesn't really seem to be the case here. How you dress and how you present yourself in general can go a long way. I'm not suggesting you go with a frat boy or preppy look, nor am I suggesting you invest a buttload of time and money into it, but there's some value in wearing a nice shirt with your jeans instead of a t-shirt on a night out.

I am completely ignorant of your dressing habits, so I openly confess that this is a shot in the dark.

Chukie sue
Dec 6, 2010, 11:50 AM
Thanks for the encouragement, and I'm trying. It's just that I have to watch how often and how much I exercise, because I have a semi-severe case of A-fib (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrial_fibrillation), which keeps me from leading a predominately physically-active lifestyle, due to these complications (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_intolerance), which stem from A-fib. I'm doing my best to not get any bigger, at least, but dropping down to my ideal weight (which is, apparently, 200 pounds) will be a bit of a challenge for me, according to my physician. If anyone thinks that's all "just making excuses", then you should actually read the articles. Or open a medical book, and stop being ignorant.

Drink apple cider vinegar and use body togs :)

They're both miracle workers when it comes to shedding weight.

Dec 6, 2010, 01:32 PM
Men that bake = Awesome.

Nitro Vordex
Dec 6, 2010, 02:04 PM
Men that bake = Awesome.
You'd love me then. ;3

On topic: I absolutely HATE stupid women. Or women who think it's cute to act stupid. I could never be with a woman who is outright dumb. Now I'm not gonna say she'd better be a genius, because I'm definitely not one of those(anymore).

Also, she needs to have a good natural smell. Don't question that one, my sense of smell(of all things) is my best sense.

Dec 6, 2010, 03:25 PM
Men that bake = Awesome.

I can bake. :P

I can bake real well.

Dec 6, 2010, 03:25 PM
Men that bake = Awesome.My brother. Non-stop, and delicious. He started baking because he wanted to make good-tasting egg-less food for my mother who's allergic (and also an excellent cook), then he just got really good at it. EVERY girl he knows has a crush on him, but unfortunately for them, he's openly gay. Handsome kid, too.

Dec 6, 2010, 04:21 PM
My brother. Non-stop, and delicious. He started baking because he wanted to make good-tasting egg-less food for my mother who's allergic (and also an excellent cook), then he just got really good at it. EVERY girl he knows has a crush on him, but unfortunately for them, he's openly gay. Handsome kid, too.

Nothing wrong with that. :P

I think guys should learn how to bake.
It's not 1950 anymore, so I think guys should have to bake, cook, clean sometimes.
Growing up in a house full of women, I learned pretty quick how to do all that.

Working in a fancy 5 star restaurant also helped the cooking/baking part though.

Dec 6, 2010, 04:55 PM
Here's mine:

Smokers. I had asthma as a kid, and I still have horrible nasal allergies that sometimes keep me from breathing well. I can't stand the smell of it, or when their clothes/house/car reeks of it. It makes me choke up, and I don't want to risk my own health being exposed to it.
Addiction to drugs or alcohol. I don't mind if they drink every so often though, as sometimes I will too if I can find something I like.
Too skinny (ribs showing) or too fat. I say this, but I'm overweight and out of shape myself...
Overzealous in their beliefs (religion, politics, etc.)
Girls who don't like video games, anime, or other "nerdy" stuff that I'm into
Lack of "people skills," manners, proper upbringing, etc.

I might think of some more later...

Dec 6, 2010, 05:12 PM
Nothing wrong with that. :P

I think guys should learn how to bake.
It's not 1950 anymore, so I think guys should have to bake, cook, clean sometimes.
Growing up in a house full of women, I learned pretty quick how to do all that.

Working in a fancy 5 star restaurant also helped the cooking/baking part though.

Of the many skills I don't have that I wish I could obtain, I wish I could cook.

I mean, I can already cook - I can make the basics and spice them up when necessary - but I really wish I could cook, y'know?

I guess to stay on-topic, I'll mention that smoking has always been a huge turn-off for me. The drinking thing used to be more of a problem in my more immature days, but my brain eventually separated the "moderate drinker" from "binge drinker" and cleared things up for me.

Dec 6, 2010, 05:13 PM
Others who angst over their weight. When they're not what would be considered fat in a healthy sense (where as "society sense" you're fat if you're over 100lbs).

Dec 6, 2010, 05:40 PM
Of the many skills I don't have that I wish I could obtain, I wish I could cook.

I mean, I can already cook - I can make the basics and spice them up when necessary - but I really wish I could cook, y'know?

I guess to stay on-topic, I'll mention that smoking has always been a huge turn-off for me. The drinking thing used to be more of a problem in my more immature days, but my brain eventually separated the "moderate drinker" from "binge drinker" and cleared things up for me.

I can guarantee your lady friends will love it, and I'm sure if you live close to your mother, she'd appreciate it as well!

I've always watched my mom cook for holidays, and during the year, and one year, I just asked if I could cook.
Loved it ever since.

Bad part- I HATE working in restaurants. I love the fast paced style, but dislike many "chefs" that are just full of themselves.
I've net a lot... Bobby Flay was one of them. Such an ass.

I could never work under someone like that, and you pretty much have to work your way up in order to get anywhere in the restaurant business.

To stay on topic-
Another thing that turns me off, well, I noticed this today.
Blond women. Not their fault, I just prefer a darker color hair.

Dec 6, 2010, 05:43 PM
My brother. Non-stop, and delicious. He started baking because he wanted to make good-tasting egg-less food for my mother who's allergic (and also an excellent cook), then he just got really good at it. EVERY girl he knows has a crush on him, but unfortunately for them, he's openly gay. Handsome kid, too.

Story of my life. :sad:

Physical Traits I Like:

Taller than me. [And I am really tall.]
Eyes that provoke some sort of emotion out of me.


Share identical beliefs. [Religion, politics, issues, etc.]
Passionate in what they are studying/ doing with their life.

Dec 6, 2010, 06:05 PM
What turns me off

1. shallow guys
2. guys that watch porn (in a relationship)
3. being unhygenic
4. ugly feet (though I don't like feet in general)
5. dumm/stupid guys (need to be able to have a real conversation)
6. unindepentend guys

hm, pretty weird points on the list lol.

Dec 6, 2010, 06:19 PM
This'll put me on my knees:
-Piercing eyes, especially if brightly and/or oddly colored.
-Decorative tattooing (ex.: tribal)

This'll be advantageous:
-As tall or slightly taller than me.
-Educated, abreast of a variety of things.
-Pretty face.
-Proportions from average to curvy.
-Love for beer or wine.
-Lacks a Facebook or other social networking site account.
-Fashion experimenter on the edges.

Chances are slim:
-Diverging and/or pushy political and/or religious beliefs. (Might lead to love-hate, who knows?)

Fuck you:
-Childish personality (if you are a natural at animating kid shows...!)
-Dependent personality (if you are like my coworker's GF and you break down in tears when he's gone for three straight days...!)

Neo Flint
Dec 6, 2010, 08:14 PM
As an African-American, the one thing that turns me off the most is ghetto woman, black or otherwise. They're usually louder then most other women and you're most likely to get into conflicts (from my experience) if you're not careful. I'm not too fond of the slag and grammar either. Things such as "What [is] you doing" or "salty." In terms of appearance however, thickness and too much make-up are my only turn offs.

That said, I pretty much gave up on relationships a while ago for now mainly due to everyone on earth being spooking for. No matter. I never knew how the talk to girls anyway.

Dec 6, 2010, 08:40 PM
1) Smoking. If I ever see a cig in your mouth, I don't even give it a second thought. I find it extremely disgusting =/
2) Tattoos. I know, crazy huh? But huge/body tattoos are really unattractive to me. A small one on her ankle won't bother me.
3) Facial piercings. Mainly lip rings. Bleh.
4) Girls that refuse to let you hang out with other female friends. Self explanatory. I don't mind jealousy since we all can get jealous easily and it also shows close affection, but do realize you aren't the first person I've met in my life and I'm not dropping my friends for you.
5) Cannot take a joke. I'm extremely sarcastic and slip out wit/jokes often, even dark humor (I try my best to know who can take dark humor and who can't). If you don't like to laugh often, stay out of my way!

That's about it. Anything else can be talked over, but if she refuses to change other small things, then forget it. I'm very lenient, but I can only be pushed but so far. If I'm willing to change, so should she.

Dec 6, 2010, 10:30 PM
4) Girls that refuse to let you hang out with other female friends. Self explanatory. I don't mind jealousy since we all can get jealous easily and it also shows close affection, but do realize you aren't the first person I've met in my life and I'm not dropping my friends for you.

I just recently got ditched by a friend because she and her boyfriend came to the conclusion that she should no longer talk to me. It came out of the blue, which was odd. That's probably one of the most frustrating things I've ever had happen to me via the people I know/I considered to be my friends.

That aside, I guess I'll chime in on which features I find to be absolute "turn-offs":

1. Smoking -- So many people smoke around here. I have never been able to get used to it, and I never will. It's a dangerous habit in multiple ways and I'm not risking my own health/comfort because of this issue.

2. What's implied is different from what's said. That's right, I absolutely despise it when something bites you in the ass later down the road because "...you should've known what I meant" happens. I.e. :

Myself: "Would you like to go to (Restaurant X) tonight?"

My partner: "Sure."

1 month later a minor inconvenience in the relationship is inflated by minor problems in the past, such as:

My partner: "Well, when you asked if I wanted to go to (Restaurant X) you should've known that I didn't want to go, even though I said I did! Sometimes I feel like you just don't understand me."

No. I don't understand why someone would answer the complete opposite of what he/she would mean with a seemingly sincere tone.

3. As many people here have already stated, hygiene is important.

4. Emotionally stable. I have respect and care for those who are not as emotionally stable, but for a relationship I cannot carry that burden alongside everything else while trying to build a successful relationship.

I'm sure there are others, but I don't think it's good to be too picky. There are some fundamental rules set down in each of our minds as to what is good and what is bad, but I think people are forgetting that sometimes people are affected by their partners own morals/behaviors. I'm not the most organized person outside of school, which frustrates even myself. If I had someone who was more organized than I am, I'm sure I'd be more apt and willing to change my habits.

That being said, I'm sure there are certain rules I have set for my potential future partner that may evaporate. What I mean is that, if we work through certain things, there should be some give and take. While it's ideal to have everything work out this way, without feeling around the boundaries of differing personalities it's hard to gauge how compatible you are with others. In other words, while giving & taking won't be a viable option for every issue, it's still important to know which areas of your relationship can implement this method.

If there's anything else I think of, I'll add it later. This is a rather interesting thread.

Nitro Vordex
Dec 6, 2010, 11:06 PM
Not being a half-tard moron half of the time. Then i might think about considering it. Even then thats very highly unlikely to happen.
There's so many things wrong with this post that it's right.

Dec 6, 2010, 11:07 PM
Also, my ideal girl needs to be interested in video games. I'll drop a game faster than anything to spend time with other people, though.

She doesn't need to be a video game freak like I am, but if a controller is like the Black Plague to her, we might have some issues. Preferably one that's also into RPGs so we can make various jokes about lacking MP when someone gets cut and cannot heal them. :x

My idea of a party is a few of my friends over and we play video games. I see no need for partying and excessive drinking.

Dec 6, 2010, 11:13 PM
Also, my ideal girl needs to be interested in video games.

I've seen a lot of people posting this, and I'd have to agree. I don't care if she's "not into video games", but I would still like her to be at least tolerant of my hobby. All too often I hear of gamer guys that have to (well, they don't have to do anything, but they have no spine) stop playing altogether because their girlfriend doesn't like it. Aren't relationships about supporting each other's interests and hobbies?

Dec 6, 2010, 11:41 PM
I'm pretty open when trying to get to know girls; there's really not much that, on its own, would make me get up and leave.

That said, she can't be a wishy-washy person, and I wouldn't want her to humour me if I say something stupid. I never hold arguments against anyone, so if she has something she wants to say I don't want her to be afraid to say it. Whether she's a ditz or an Einstein doesn't much matter to me, I can find companionship either way.

As far as aethstetics are concerned, I'm not too picky here either. While I don't necessarily want tattooes for myself, I won't turn someone away if they've got some art on them. Piercings are kinda eh, but as long as I can tell your face is more flesh than metal I'll give you a chance. I'd say probably the only two things that would really start you off on the wrong foot with me would be smoking or being obese. I'm not going to turn you away if you've got meat on your bones, but if I think getting into the same bed as you is going to be dangerous for my health then we probably aren't the right fit for each other. With smoking, it probably isn't an immediate deal breaker unless you're a chain smoker. If we seem to get along I'll look past it, but I'll be honest when I say that if we're meeting for the first time and you're lighting up or smell like an ash tray I won't be expecting us to hit it off. Both of these, I think, stem from the fact that I take care of my body and I'd like the person I think I'm going to spend my life with to take care of theirs so we can live our lives out together.

Dec 7, 2010, 01:14 AM
-The dude cannot be uglier than me HAHA
-Can't take a joke
-Racist (in anyway idc eff that)
-Asking me to preform sexual favor wtih my mouth when im tryn to sleep(wtf!)

-Taller than me
-Color/Race i really dont care (its childish in my eyes to care anyways)
-People that wanna talk without always wantiing to have a topic on hand

Dec 7, 2010, 01:30 AM
Physical Traits I Like:

Taller than me. [And I am really tall.]

From experience, I know how much of a pain in the ass this particular combination is. (I'll add that it's worse when you're into girls, but I'm lucky in that my girlfriend is bigger than I am.)

Dec 7, 2010, 02:13 AM
1) Smokers
2) Stinkers
3) Touchy flirts

Dec 7, 2010, 03:06 PM
(I'll add that it's worse when you're into girls
You can say that again...:oops:

Dec 7, 2010, 03:57 PM
You can say that again...:oops:

lol funny

Dec 7, 2010, 04:20 PM
I'll add that it's worse when you're into girls,

I'll plus one this. The problem seems to be that people are getting taller and taller these days. Sucks to have so many prospects cut off because you aren't like 6ft 5inches.

Dec 7, 2010, 04:53 PM
I'll plus one this. The problem seems to be that people are getting taller and taller these days. Sucks to have so many prospects cut off because you aren't like 6ft 5inches.

Really? Seems like a lot of people are getting smaller and smaller over here >.>

Anyhoo, I guess I can share my turn offs:
-Heavily dependent on the other person (see Kodiax's example)
-Always makes excuses/"It's never my fault"
-Acting/Playing dumb
-Having that whole "I hate everything" personality
-Having several partners (don't get me wrong. A little experience in bed is one thing, but if you have a different partner almost every single night, I'm not interested).
-Still calling your parents "Mommy and Daddy" when you're 18+ (it just sounds very childish, IMO).

I'm not overly picky about physical attributes. Just take care of your body; that's all I care about.

Dec 7, 2010, 07:40 PM
I'm not really interested in close relationships atm, but I guess I could make a list.

- Overweight/out of shape. Mind, I am biased as all hell as I am naturally skinny and athletic without putting any serious effort into it whatsoever.
- Too prideful. There's being proud, and then there's arrogance. This one's kinda ironic as I'm guilty of it myself at times...
- Intolerant/thin-skinned. This really goes without saying, but I'd need someone who is tolerant of my... less savory hobbies.
- Childishness/immaturity. This one also goes without saying. I could not possibly allow myself to associate with someone who I could only ever regard as an intellectual inferior.
- Maniacs. Enthusiasm is nice - hell, it's great! - but going to the realm of, say, otaku is going too far. Even I have limits.
- Materialism. This one seems to have shown up everywhere, and for good reason. I should note that I am not a fashion-conscious individual, and that my list of "wants" is very, very small (basically, games and better computer components). I could live comfortably on a very minimal salary.
- Promiscuity. Anyone with this personality trait is obviously not compatible with me.
- Grossness. Basically, weird piercings, smoking, breath stained with alcohol... er... yeah. Anything in that realm is just not my thing.
- Poor conversation partner. Many things go into this, but for example: chatting on your cell phone while I'm talking (BIG no-no), going "uh-huh" and "mm-hmm" constantly and offering no feedback, being a "yes" (wo)man, being too unassertive, and so on. Obviously, anyone who doesn't share my interests really isn't in my interests to begin with.
- Implants and excessive make-up. To me, these things are the same thing as lying to everyone who lays eyes on you. The same thing as continuing to act when you are not on stage, continuing to roleplay when you are not in-session, and so forth. I do not want to wake up in the morning to see a completely different person next to me(!?).

Nothing terribly special about mine.

The Last Baron
Dec 7, 2010, 07:53 PM
Excuse me if this has already been stated, but this thread turns me off.

Dec 7, 2010, 08:05 PM
Excuse me if this has already been stated, but this thread turns me off.

Well, no one's forcing you to read it and/or post in it, but you did anyway. So it must not be that bad for you. That reminds me...

...saying something negative or annoying to a person or group of people just for the sole purpose of trying to illicit a negative emotional response from others also turns me off.

On-topic: I'm not going to name any names here, but some posts in this thread are pretty particular when it comes to what you "don't want". Now, that's all well and good, and I'm certainly not judging anyone, as I do agree with some of the major ones (doesn't smoke, doesn't get drunk all the time, doesn't do drugs, etc.), but I hope some of your lists are more like vague guidelines than a more "he/she must look like this, and must not do that, or it just ain't happening!" kind of thing.

Dec 7, 2010, 08:16 PM
Excuse me if this has already been stated, but this thread turns me off.

This turns me on.

Anyway my turn offs

My turn on's

Dec 7, 2010, 09:33 PM
Yeah, mine are just vague guidelines. There's not much you could say on its own that would make me up and leave. Even if the first words out of your mouth were "I'm a drug addict," if we really got along well I'd be willing to help you get past that and move on.

That's not to say I'll marry the first girl who asks me out (I didn't >_>), but I like to think I'm pretty open minded when it comes to potential relationships, and while I'm not necessarily looking for one right now, you never know when love will come knocking, or what kind of person will be at the door.

Dec 7, 2010, 11:42 PM
I'll take anything. I mean ANYTHING.
I dated Mrs. Thing.

I can handle anything God can throw at me.

EDIT: sorry, I think I should clarify my post.

I didn't mean 'Miss Thang'

Instead, more like this

or this
Sorry for any confusion.

Dec 7, 2010, 11:48 PM
[...] I hope some of your lists are more like vague guidelines than a more "he/she must look like this, and must not do that, or it just ain't happening!" kind of thing.
This is a thread about "turn-offs". How severe the turn-off will vary greatly from individual to individual.

Personally, I am not pursuing romance and, as such, it'd take one hell of a person to break me out of my shell.

Dec 8, 2010, 09:58 AM
1. Being clingy
2. Jealousy
3. Bad hygiene/out of shape

I'm not really that particular on personality, long as they aren't annoying or complete morons. Whatever.

Dec 8, 2010, 11:32 AM
1: Weakling crybabies. I like strong women.
2: Stinky people.
3: Unkempt living space. I like Sanford and Son as much as the next person, but not when your place resembles theirs.

Dec 15, 2010, 06:36 AM
I think a lot fo people dislike their own flaws in personna. Sure nobody's perfect but we tend to project our own faults onto other's. But turn off's would imply physicial features. Difficult to say, i'm not sure. Where I work everyone is so primp and proper, seriosuly 75% of the women here should be models, it's a bit alienating to be honest xD But so many people seem to look and dress so alike, sure everyone's different when you get to know them and what I said was a sweeping generalistion. Then again when people who are "alternative" although they look different...yet also can look and act more alike than any other social clique, thinking they're so different can lead to bigger ego.

I've dated too many crazy people so nowadays i'm indifferent to a relationship, so the turn off for me atm is the thought of being with someone. 2 years and 1 month single and counting :)


Dec 17, 2010, 07:08 PM
What turns me off

4. ugly feet (though I don't like feet in general)

hm, pretty weird points on the list lol.

This seems to be common with a lot of girls I know, I remember an Ex of mine complimenting me on my feet. It was a very awkward, "Uh... thanks" moment.

As for me, I tend to like girls who are girls, you know ? I don't need another friend who's into Soccer and video games, or also agrees that 'Once upon a time in the west' is the greatest movie of all time. Just don't be a giant bitch and you'll probably be okay in my book.