View Full Version : I love you PSO-World Forums.

Dec 6, 2010, 10:57 PM
I put this thread here(hopefully I haven't posted it in the wrong place--but this IS site related) to share with you how much nicer the PSO-WORLD forums are than any other forums I've been a part of.

This place is well moderated, and its users are friendly and very rarely start flame wars. Places like deviantART, GaiaOnline, and other forums I visit are full of trolls and frankly, I find this one to be the most respectful of them all. Mostly everyone here is helpful, but there's hardly a shred of serious malice here(And if there is, it's being well enough moderated that I don't notice it). It could be because I'm not as seasoned here as many of the regulars. It could be because Phantasy Star is such a niche game franchise--though I'd like to believe that Pantasy Star games just make people better people XD.

I'm knocking on wood in the hopes that this thread topic doesn't suddenly cause the forums to collapse under flame wars or the abuse of mod power.

Dec 7, 2010, 12:34 AM
It's nice to hear some positive review. Thank you. There's quite a bit of deliberate effort that goes into keeping this place as it is, most of it on Ryna's part.

This has always been a rather friendly community, even if it can get a little morbid behind the scenes.

An interesting note here, we'll be celebrating our 10th Anniversary in just about a month.