View Full Version : Where did Newmen come from?

Dec 9, 2010, 01:53 AM
If I recall correctly, Newmen came from experiments on Humans. Does anyone have any more insightful details than that?

Dec 11, 2010, 06:43 PM
Most of the information about Newmans in the old Phantasy Star games comes from a few cutscenes in Phantasy Star II and IV, Phantasy Star II: Nei's Adventure, and the Phantasy Star Memorial Drama CD.

You can read a translation of the PS Memorial Drama CD here:

As for the Phantasy Star II Adventure games you can find english translated roms of them online and play them with a sega genesis emulator. you can read about the games here:

As for newmans in PSO:
Information from quests indicates that Dr Osto Hyle created the Newmans from early experiments with D-Cells. And hilariously through some bad dialoge the game sometimes explains that Dr Montague created the Newmans which would imply that he created himself. :-P

Dec 16, 2010, 10:02 PM
Most of the information about Newmans in the old Phantasy Star games comes from a few cutscenes in Phantasy Star II and IV, Phantasy Star II: Nei's Adventure, and the Phantasy Star Memorial Drama CD.

You can read a translation of the PS Memorial Drama CD here:

As for the Phantasy Star II Adventure games you can find english translated roms of them online and play them with a sega genesis emulator. you can read about the games here:

As for newmans in PSO:
Information from quests indicates that Dr Osto Hyle created the Newmans from early experiments with D-Cells. And hilariously through some bad dialoge the game sometimes explains that Dr Montague created the Newmans which would imply that he created himself. :-P

That's true but I guess the question is that are Newman's birthed as Newmans? Or are they humans that are genetically modified after birth? Like Relmitos in Ep. 3 was human, but didn't they use some sort of Newman technology type thing on his to make him look the way he does even though he's supposed to be kind of old? In that sense it could have worked where Dr Montague experimented on himself to extend his life so he could continue working on his experiments longer than his normal human lifespan would have allowed him.

Dec 17, 2010, 04:00 PM

Nef Miyama used medicine given to Newmen on himself. That medicine caused Newmen to look younger than they were. I think the assumption is that he used a large quantity of this medicine. Even though he did, he stated in Ep3 that he would still not be around for long and would be joining his friends soon.

Dec 22, 2010, 07:34 PM
Genetic mutation according to PS II.

Dec 23, 2010, 03:26 PM
zandra117 pretty much hit the nail on the head. Though I would only add that there is strong indication that the Numan project that the Biosystems Lab technicians were creating was co-opted by the central authority who's auspices they operated under (Mother Brain) had tampered with and directed the course of their development. Mother Brain was trying to turn them into Biosoldiers that could wipe out the (now weak and pampered) human civilization - then quickly reach the limit of their lifespan and die off. Early Numans fully matured by age 2, could not reproduce, and died very early. However the project was deemed a failure, and halted shortly after NeiFirst was created, possibly due to control and mental instability issues.

GENE (A biosystems lab AI) spent 1,000 years perfecting the Nei model into the ultimate supersoldier after the Great Collapse, but was destroyed after the showdown between the Series-1000 (Nei) and Series-2000 (NM-2011). SEED then took over the Numan Project and changed it's directive, building on the stabilized framework that GENE had created - he would extend their lifespans and give them the ability to reproduce with humans as a means of spreading vital genetic material into the human population which would help them cope with the changing planetary environment. That's where Rika comes in as of PSIV.

They are an amalgam of human and biomonster DNA, though it's never explained exactly what biomonster was used as stock. It could be one or many different types of biomonster, though it's pretty strongly hinted at that their lineage descends either directly or spiritually from Musk Cats.

As for PSO... it's never well fully explained. The hand waving regarding Dr Osto Hoyle is really about all there is on Newman origins... and as stated, it's not even well written/translated since Montague (a Newman) is credited as being a creator of Numans. I've heard the expression of being a "self-made-man"... but I don't think it was ever intended to be taken so literally.

PSU also has a similarly brief and undetailed origin for Newmen. They were simply justified as being a human enhancement endeavor, boosting intelligence and their general nervous systems so as to better grasp the advanced theories and "spiritual" components relating to photons and creating the technology needed to harness them. Like PSO/PS Numen, PSU's Newmen also seem to have been designed with faster maturation, though still much slower than PS's... reaching maturity in about 8-10 years, rather than 2. I don't know how fast PSO Numen develop, but according to Sue it is also accelerated - though their lifespans are unstable and uncertain.. which isn't the case in PSU, as their Newmen have similar lifespans to other human derivatives.

At any rate, apparently the first thing these super intelligent/super scientific photon researching race decided to do was to found a religion on them and worship them as a god on the Planet Neudaiz, where the photon concentrations were highest. Cause yeah, scientists are super religious and totally enthralled by creating arbitrary dogmas and ceremonies and hierarchies out of quantifiable natural phenomena.