View Full Version : Chemtrails

Dec 10, 2010, 10:44 AM
Anyone notice this lately...?


Dec 10, 2010, 03:32 PM
Noticed what? That local television stations often produce tabloid quality exposes about topics of menial significance while detailing all the horrible ways in which it's going to kill you? That if you don't stick around through the commercial break, you could miss their shocking new discoveries that could probably prevent your youngest boy from being raped to death by coyotes on his way home from school?

Hint: New outlets are typically more concerned about commercials, and how they can keep your watching through them, than they are about accuracy and truth in journalism. Should I be surprised that they're hocking moon-bat crazy pills and trying to pass it off as a news story? How can I be when my local stations seem to have a weekly Hollistic/Homeopathy spotlight where tips and treatments and magic incantations are passed off as legitimate medical advise.

Besides, there's no way the government is out to kill us all. Even if they were, they'd never pass a method of execution though the congress between the lip service concessions, filibustering, blocking, ear-marking, and whole rest of the clusterfuck. Though mass genocide of the american public may be a special rush item and manage to squeek through while someone is in the can. We're gonna have to do something soon though... as that bet we made with the nation of Burundi over who'd be able to drive their country into the number one wracked wasteland shithole on Earth has not been going well for us so far. No thanks to those damned those matrix defying red pill takers... going around uncovering all our secrets and always foiling plans for mass genocide. We would have got away with it too if it was for you damned kids! *shakes fist*

Dec 10, 2010, 03:47 PM
How embarrassing for that stupid news station.

Dec 10, 2010, 06:22 PM
Noticed what? That local television stations often produce tabloid quality exposes about topics of menial significance while detailing all the horrible ways in which it's going to kill you? That if you don't stick around through the commercial break, you could miss their shocking new discoveries that could probably prevent your youngest boy from being raped to death by coyotes on his way home from school?

Hint: New outlets are typically more concerned about commercials, and how they can keep your watching through them, than they are about accuracy and truth in journalism. Should I be surprised that they're hocking moon-bat crazy pills and trying to pass it off as a news story? How can I be when my local stations seem to have a weekly Hollistic/Homeopathy spotlight where tips and treatments and magic incantations are passed off as legitimate medical advise.

Besides, there's no way the government is out to kill us all. Even if they were, they'd never pass a method of execution though the congress between the lip service concessions, filibustering, blocking, ear-marking, and whole rest of the clusterfuck. Though mass genocide of the american public may be a special rush item and manage to squeek through while someone is in the can. We're gonna have to do something soon though... as that bet we made with the nation of Burundi over who'd be able to drive their country into the number one wracked wasteland shithole on Earth has not been going well for us so far. No thanks to those damned those matrix defying red pill takers... going around uncovering all our secrets and always foiling plans for mass genocide. We would have got away with it too if it was for you damned kids! *shakes fist*

epic post of the millennium and for all time

Dec 10, 2010, 11:58 PM
epic post of the millennium and for all time

It was pretty epic... However... Even though i hate the news, and i can't stand or trust the media cause most of the stories are bull... I can safely say this chem trail thing is for real. There's a difference between contrails and chem trails. The ones i saw looming around my house, definitely chem trails. They stay up in the sky for hours at a time, and expand. Contrails go away in seconds.

Dec 11, 2010, 02:57 AM
What exactly ARE chem trails?

I'm afraid to look them up online because there's enough hype and fakery around them as much as bigfoot and those stupid "THE GRAYS!" that you couldn't find real information if you wanted to. (and I take it this news story picked up only the fakery) What good is poisoning people to death? It's the people who make money and pay taxes if you kill them all you'd be poor.

Dec 11, 2010, 03:00 AM
Please, no. The moonlanding thread from... probably a couple years back actually, was bad enough.

Dec 11, 2010, 11:39 AM
What exactly ARE chem trails?

I'm afraid to look them up online because there's enough hype and fakery around them as much as bigfoot and those stupid "THE GRAYS!" that you couldn't find real information if you wanted to. (and I take it this news story picked up only the fakery) What good is poisoning people to death? It's the people who make money and pay taxes if you kill them all you'd be poor.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF8xgRnkh4A be sure to watch part 2... And you're right, why would anyone poison the people that are paying taxes and things? doesn't seem smart... maybe it's not about money, hmmmm?