View Full Version : PSP2 Wondering if I should restart...

Dec 12, 2010, 01:25 AM
I started the game as a Newman Hunter and I'm really sort of regretting it. My character's defense is so low that I often get wiped out on the higher ranked missions. Like now, I'm sort of stuck at lv84 due to the fact that lower ranked missions give too low exp and higher ranked missions are too difficult due to me getting wiped out in about 4-5 attacks.

I have S-rank armor, two Solid Body, Solid Hit and Solid Power and it still doesn't help. Even with Solid Legs, it doesn't help me EVA. Also I tried a Vanguard class and its even worse. ATP and DEF are too low and mt EVA isn't helping a bit. I'm starting to think my Newman is a lost cause.

So my question is should I restart as another race? It'll probably be a Beast or a Human...I'm just mad because I'm finally able to equip Extend Weapons and I just got my Kokuintou Houzuki. Do Newmen get any better endgame? And yes, I know Newmen supposedly make horrible hunters but it works for me...sort of.

Dec 12, 2010, 01:36 AM
Seeing as Newmans are rather squishy, and DEF being moot, the best thing to do is to take advantage of it's high EVA and stack Leg units. And despite what most say, Newman Hunter isn't that bad, so long as you do the above and learn to Perfect Block and roll at the right times.

The same thing if you switch to VA, just take advantage of the high EVA, but don't soley depend on it.

Try doing missions with enemies that are about 5-10 levels higher than you, seeing as you are having difficulty with anything higher.

One final thing: keep Deband up

Dec 12, 2010, 01:39 AM
Sorry man all I can say is learn to hit and run or run behind the enemy and attack them. Because human and beasts have the same problems at that level also. also stick with Rabol armor since a majority of those give good DEF and EVA and If you do have vanguard leveled to at least 2 you'd have damage resist ability.

Dec 12, 2010, 01:44 AM
Sorry man all I can say is learn to hit and run or run behind the enemy and attack them. Because human and beasts have the same problems at that level also. also stick with Rabol armor since a majority of those give good DEF and EVA and If you do have vanguard leveled to at least 2 you'd have damage resist ability.
I have a Rabol series armor on now. Its ok with enemies lower than me but enemies 5-10 levels higher still hit hard. And my VA is leveled to 10 atm. My Hunter is 12. The skills I have on now are ATP boost, DEF boost, HP item up, Damage Resist and Sword Strike.

Seeing as Newmans are rather squishy
I've heard that before...You wouldn't happen to visit the Gamefaqs/Gamespot forums as well would you?
So I guess I should get a TECH weapon huh? Does it matter what rank it is if I'm only using it for shifta and deband?

Dec 12, 2010, 01:44 AM
It can't be that bad, I can whore out the evasion even on my cast, the secret is to as stated, not expect it to be the end all for defense.

You have to get out of the way a lot of the time and the only S rank armor worth a damn is tenora armors for their high eva, I use a rabol vijeri which also has high def, but I rarely notice the def while the evasion is great.

At the mid 80s gemaga is your friend too.

Dec 12, 2010, 01:48 AM
I'm good at timing my blocks and dodging but I think my problem may be due to the fact that I'm trying to master a new weapon as well. I was using Daggers and 1h Sabers but now I'm trying to use a Sword. The slow attack usually lets me only get 1 good hit in and hardly a 3 hit combo followed by a PA (which are slow timed as well) Should I just give up on using a Sword?

Dec 12, 2010, 01:53 AM
I have a Rabol series armor on now. Its ok with enemies lower than me but enemies 5-10 levels higher still hit hard. And my VA is leveled to 10 atm. My Hunter is 12. The skills I have on now are ATP boost, DEF boost, HP item up, Damage Resist and Sword Strike.

I've heard that before...You wouldn't happen to visit the Gamefaqs/Gamespot forums as well would you?
So I guess I should get a TECH weapon huh? Does it matter what rank it is if I'm only using it for shifta and deband?

If its only for shifta/deband, use Mr. Ecoeco rod. It has reduced PP usage at 80%.

You might want to swap DEF boost for HP boost, seeing as DEF isn't scaled properly in this game. Also, HP Restore Rate is very effective. And you can also put in EVA boost, if you dig a few lvls into Ranger.

And no, I've never been to those forums ^^;

EDIT: There's alot of hate for swords in this game, but they're not that bad. The thing is swords are best at crowd control, or if you have a pair of brass, single large enemies. Keep in mind that Tornado Break and Gravity Break are the only good sword PAs (Grand Crusher takes too long to execute and Spinning Break tends to miss on small targets)

Dec 12, 2010, 01:55 AM
Yeah I guess I can do a few story mode missions to level up a ranger...Thanks for the advice though guys.

Dec 12, 2010, 02:23 AM
Stack EVP while set as a Vanguard, but don't rely on it too much. In situations where you know it's enough you can go for broke easily, but in missions like Magashi Plan where EVP doesn't work you may want to switch back to Hunter.


Dec 12, 2010, 02:44 AM
I've heard that before...You wouldn't happen to visit the Gamefaqs/Gamespot forums as well would you?

I've been using the term "Squishy" a lot here, especially when it comes to a Newman called Ce'Nedra :p

Dec 12, 2010, 03:19 AM
be a newman vanguard or hunter is frustrating...
i even have problems with gamega...and yes i abuse traps already...(abuse traps...sounds dirty XD)

my bigest problems are: too less traps, i have to use the normal ones too,
i "waste" them in this order: confuse, burn, freeze, ex stun, ex burn
2. prob is: using mates while have a trap equip is...annoying and slow...so i often dies...

what is better? a neutral twin saber with blade destruction, or light twin daggers with that one jumpy PA?

BD do more damage,
but with the dagger pa i'm far harder to hit

Dec 12, 2010, 08:22 AM
If you wanna be a Newman I would first say get a female, they are way better then the males due to higher Evasion and Tech. I'm playing a lv133 Female Newman Vanguard atm and I'm at a point that alot of enemies just can't hit me at all. Offline I can easly go up to 160 enemies without worrrying about getting hit to much.

What I'd recommend is using 1 or 2 Feril/Legs (Fight for Food S clear box is easiest to find them) and get armors with high Evasion. Might also raise RA a few levels for Eva boost skill. Get a T-mag/Wand for Deband and Resta and try keep Deband up all the time, that's your best friend since it boosts evasion.

If you can, play Stolen Weapon on S, the clear box can hold a Rabol Vijeri which is easy enough to farm (lv125 enemies on S rank) and has 403 def and 212 Evasion, only downside is that it's :dark: only. Try to get some weapons that boost Evasion as well, every bit helps.

I would also like to add, for Mirage Blast, use Landslide Impact, it does major damage and since female newmans have highest Tech they do most damage with it, I've just hit for 9656 on a Magas Maggahna with it, and I can go much higher. Might also consider getting Mighty Haven, if you get hit alot in the beginning your blast gauge fills very fast, and the Light one enables everyone in your party to fill their Blast Gauges faster and it also boosts PP recovery rate.

Hope this will help you out.

Dec 12, 2010, 08:55 AM
Females actually have lower evasion than males in PSPo2. In PSU and PSP females had higher EVP but not this time, unfortunately.


Dec 12, 2010, 09:07 AM
Males have around 5% more HP, ATK, DEF and EVA.
Females have around 5% more ACC, TEC and MND. They also have a larger PP pool and thus regenerate more PP per second than males. a 200/va30 male newman has like 650 eva a female has 619 eva a male beast has 648 female 618 eva

http://spoiler.sakura.ne.jp/srv/psp2/E382B9E38386E383BCE382BFE382B9.html even though its in japanese if you have google translator it works lol. stat chart ftw

Also Ce'n he hasn't been through the hell I put everyone through when I'm party leader lol.

Dec 12, 2010, 09:54 AM
Here's a tip. Equip a slicer+shield. It let's you do an average of 100 per hit (since you're a hunter) but while keeping the R button pressed you can keep spamming shots almost as fast as a rifle. Essentially it's a safe alternative to close-quarters combat. Also, since you're guarding every second, you have a chance of perfect blocking attacks and dealing a bit of reflect damage. You can also actually do decent group damage since the shots are penetrating and the PAs are good. Definitely give it a try, it can keep you going through those tough mobs.

Dec 12, 2010, 12:34 PM
I thought Female had the higher evp as well, oh well doesnt matter that much.

Well Altoh, if he hasnt been thourgh the hell i've been through, and he has a hard time already, i can only imagine how it would go if he did XD.

Dec 12, 2010, 04:39 PM
Seriously, use Daggers... They prevent counterattacks... ;-)

Daigon Roogen
Dec 13, 2010, 05:53 PM
my suggestion would to be use evasive armor, shizuru's Daggers, 4 feri legs. and keep DeBand up the whole time so you have as much evp as possible.

Dec 13, 2010, 11:27 PM
Hunters get penalized on EVP, so while stacking Leg units would still work due to Newman's bonus in EVP, you're probably better off learning to properly timing blocks & dodges.

Even though Newmans get low ATP, Hunters get a significant boost in ATP, so you could use slow, heavy hitting weapons along with fast, chain building weapons. But if there is another heavy hitter (Beast or Cast) in your party who can deal bigger damage, just stick with chain building.

IMHO, a Newman Hunter should be treated like a Newman Vanguard, with exception that your focus is more on melee offense rather on all-around stats with godly EVP & EX-Trap.

To be perfectly honest though, if you're gonna melee with Newman... I say Vanguard is probably a better bet.

Dec 14, 2010, 03:53 AM
Guess I better offer up some tips on this, seeing as my main is a lvl 106 Newman Female Hunter.

Skill setup I use:
HP Boost
Damage Resist
Assist Advance
DEF Boost
HP Restore Rate
Freeze Protect

Armor and slots:
Gera-senba (I know it's doesn't have the best EVA, but it's the best I have so far)
Solid/Legs x3
Levee Impact

Use weapons that offer decent/high ACC.
Shifta is your friend.
Hit some enemies a few times, let your allies finish them off.
Tenora Works armors offer the best EVA overall.
Dodge/Block often.
Don't be afraid to run away when you absolutely have to.
Best to not stay in the center of a mob rampage.

Sure, what everyone has said about Vanguard would be better for you for the high EVA, but I chose Hunter for it's charms and the godly weapons like Gudda Las Leords. This is all I can offer as some sort of advice as a Newman Hunter, but it worked out well for me, although, I drain more mates than most others I've played with.

Edit: I forgot to mention that Gemaga is hell of a sorts if you don't stock up on all 3 mates, and Double Sabers are the best way to do it effectively. Sure, knockback is rather frowned upon, but it saved me HUnewearl plenty of times with that method.