View Full Version : PSP2 Beginner's Guide to Hunter Domination

Dec 12, 2010, 09:14 AM
This is a nice, simple guide with info on the Hunter class in Phantasy Star Portable 2. Be patient with it, as it very long, but also very informative. The may or may not be updated when Infinity releases, at least until a western release. EDIT: Just added a small section about Infinity near the end. Check it out!


Beginner's Guide to Hunter Domination

Ah, a new recruit. Welcome, friend, to the Hunter's Guide to Domination! With the help of this guide, you will be transformed into a raging warrior of might, knocking enemies down and sending them packing! Now first, a brief description about the Hunter...

What is a Hunter?
Hunters are the ones that charge into the fray with a big weapon in their hands and an excitement for battle seen in their eyes. As such, they specialize in close-quarter combat, and are built to strive in the battlefield. Hunters come in all shapes and sizes, but one things for sure; they will be the ones putting a lot of hurt on the foes.

What are the benefits of Hunters?
Hunters gain very high HP, ATK, and DEF, ensuring that you will survive a beast's attacks and return the favor tenfold. They are proficient with all melee weapons, so whether it's bashing a Lapucha's skull with an axe or shredding one to pieces with a claw, it is all possible. And being melee-craving warriors, they can learn melee Photon Arts up to level 30. They also have access to several abilities that help boost their already amazing power, whether its increased ATK, protection from freezing, or even invulnerability to staggers!

Downsides of a Hunter?
...But of course, nothing is perfect, and Hunters are no exception. Being melee masters, they are not very proficient with guns or magic weapons, and they could care less about Techs, so as the ol' saying goes; “All brawn and no brains.” Having said that, Hunter can learn Bullet and Tech Photon Arts up to level 15. So if you love to shoop-da-whoop with a Laser Cannon or want to fry up a few Rappies with Foie, well you can, you just won't be that good at it.

So, to recap:

Hunters get high HP, ATK, and DEF
More proficient with melee than guns or magic weapons.
Can learn melee PAs to lvl 30 and everything else to lvl 15

For more info on weapon proficiency check the link below:

Pick a Race, any Race
Right then, so that you know what a Hunter is, it is time to choose your race! Each race has it's own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to being a Hunter, but with enough tweaking you can easily fix that and become the whirling dervish that is expected of you! So now, you must choose.

Human: The most balanced of all races, they seem to have better DEF and MND, which gives a bit more survivability. As Hunters, they can be more defensive thanks to the DEF/MND, and can hack and slash a lot faster with the help of their exclusive Dark Mirage Blast.

Newman: A squishy lot. Many don't heed the call of the Hunter, but for the few that do, respect to ya! Newmans have the lowest HP, ATK, and DEF of all the races, hence their squishiness. However, they excel with TEC, EVA, and more PP than anyone else, and while the TEC means squat to Hunters, EVA will ensure those blows aimed to your head will miss and the large PP pool will mean you'll roll out of the way more often and still have enough to launch a PA! And with the second highest ACC, they'll hit whatever they can reach. Also, their exclusive Light Mirage Blast is rumored to grant a small bonus to DEF, which may reduce the squishiness a bit.

Beast: The brawniest of brawn, Beasts and Hunters go together like peas and carrots. Beast grant the most HP and ATK, along with the second highest EVA, making them absolutely perfect for the job! The downside? They also have the lowest ACC and slowest PP regeneration rate, so when you're trying to punch that Booma for looking at you funny, it may take a couple of tries before you actually hit it.

Cast: In the eyes of this Hunter, Casts are indeed the 'perfect' choice, but you are not me so let's see what they bring to the table. Casts have high HP, ATK, DEF, and the highest ACC, meaning that you'll be able to hit that Kakwane and hit it hard! And while they have the smallest PP pools of all the races, their regeneration rate is off the charts, ensuring you'll have enough for just about anything! And just when it can't get any better, Casts have access to the Ultimate Healing/Support unit known as Fluge, which fully heals, revives, casts long-lasting buffs and removes status effects on everyone! The Cast's one major weakness? Techs hurt them severely thanks to their low MND.

A quick note to the veteran Hunters out there: At low levels a Beast will beat a Cast in terms of HP, but at higher levels a Cast will eventually have more than a Beast.

So, to recap:

Pro: Balanced, attack speed increase with Mirage Blast
Con: Doesn't excel anywhere

Pro: High EVA, ACC, large PP pool
Con: Low HP, ATK, DEF

Pro: High HP, ATK, EVA
Con: Low ACC, slow PP regeneration rate

Pro: High HP, ATK, DEF, ACC, Fast PP regeneration rate, access to Fluge
Con: Small PP pool, low EVA, MND

So with that in mind, you can see which race will deliver more on your own personal choices. And again, with a bit of customizing under the hood, you can null out the cons and make an all-pro Hunter!

Thou art Man or Woman?
You're probably wondering, 'If it doesn't matter what gender I am to the pack of wolves I'm about to kill, why should it matter to me?' Good question, and the answer is simple; Each gender grants a small bonus to certain stats, and while it is entirely unnecessary to consider this, it is here for those who would like that extra edge.

Males: 5% more on HP, ATK, DEF and EVA. Great to help balance out a Newman
Females: 5% more on ACC, TEC, and MND, plus a small boost to the PP pool. Great to help balance out Beast and Cast

Remember, in the end, it really doesn't matter. Those wolves will still be dead.

You Need a Weapon
So you think you have all the info you need to get started, recruit? Well let's not get hasty. We've just got to the best part; the weapons! To Hunters, the weapon is like a an extension of the Hunter's power, to be used in succeeding the Hunter's cause, which for the most part is beating up beasties. Now for the fun to begin, as I'll give a list of all the melee weapon types there are available and any interesting info about them such as stat bonuses which you can use to your Hunter's advantage!

Swords: Slow but strong, this 2-hander is best used for crowd control, or bosses with multiple attack spots. Most high-leveled swords can hit additional targets. Stat Bonus: +DEF/MND, 3-hit combo

Axes: Slower than swords but also stronger, this unique 2-hander can knockdown enemies on the first and third hit. Stat Bonus: -EVA, 3-hit combo

Spears: This 2-hander has average speed and accuracy, and can hit multiple targets, although it's tricky to use for crowd control. Most high leveled spears don't grant a stat bonus. Stat Bonus: +EVA, 3 hit combo

Double Sabers: Has a very high hit combo compared to most 2-handers, with average speed and PA's that focus mostly on multiple targets. Stat Bonus: +MND, 6 hit combo

Knuckles: Average speed 2-hander with great accuracy and average power, unique for having diverse PAs. Stat Bonus: +EVA, 4hit combo

Twin Claws: Average speed 2-hander with great power and average accuracy, confirmed to have a higher hit combo with females than males. Stat Bonus: +EVA, 5 hit combo(males), 6 hit combo(females)

Twin Saber: Very (over)balanced 2-hander with great accuracy, power, speed, and high hit combo. Popular among all Hunters! Stat Bonus: +EVA, 6 hit combo

Twin Dagger-Lowest power of the 2-handers, but are also the fastest. Perfectly balanced with power and accuracy. Also has the highest hit combo of all the weapons. Stat Bonus: +EVA, 7 hit combo

Sabers: A Hunter's friend in the beginning, 1-hander offering average power and accuracy. Stat Bonus: None, 3 hit combo

Daggers: Weaker than Sabers, but offer more accuracy and are faster. Stat Bonus: +ACC, 3 hit combo

Claws: The stronger of the 1-handers, also the least accurate. Stat Bonus: +ATK, 3 hit combo

Whips: 1-hander that grants an extended range, also great for crowd control. Stat Bonus: +TEC, 3 hit combo

Slicers: 1-hander that acts like a ranged weapon, and as such can help keep some distance while being balanced in power and accuracy. Stat Bonus: +EVA, 3 hit combo

That's all in terms of melee, but sometimes there would be moments where another weapon type is needed, and for those times where the Hunter is alone in battle, this is a must.

Guns: Sometimes, those nasty critters will take flight and stay in the air, and you'll be reduced to just standing there like an idiot waiting for it to come down. In times like these, a gun wouldn't be that bad to have, preferably a rifle or twin handguns, and blow them out of the sky!

Any Tech Weapon: There are 2 techs that every Hunter must remember by heart; Shifta and Deband. Shifta boosts a Hunter's ATK and Deband boosts their DEF, MND, and EVA, making them great techs to aid the Hunters cause. As such, it is wise to invest a few points into getting any of the tech weapons available, which are rod, wand, and TEC-mag. Rod stands out more for giving 2 additional techs, which can be used for Jellen, which weakens enemies, and Zalure, which makes them a lot more squishy. Learning to utilize this method can help lean the battle in your favor!

The final weapon in our discussion is the trusty shield. It's primary use is to be paired with 1-handers and be used to block enemy attacks, even going so far as to reflect some of that damage back! So when that Svaltia is about to strike, just raise up your shield and give a taste of it's own medicine!

Now that you know what each weapon can offer you as a Hunter, you are ready to fully customize your destroyer of worlds to the max! And be sure to bring with you a different variety of weapons. Because sometimes the situation calls for a change, and the best Hunters are known to adapt!

The Best Defense is an Even Better Defense
So now that you have an understanding of a Hunter's offensive arsenal, it is time to talk about being defensive! First we will discuss blocking. Blocking allows the Hunter to reduce the amount to damage they are receiving, or if they manage to time a Perfect Block, nullify the damage. Only 2-handers and shields can block, and only shields can reflect damage during Perfect Blocks. The next topic is rolling. The Hunter can roll out of harms way in any direction they wish, it is perfect to help avoid incoming attacks or traps. Keep in mind, however, that both blocking and rolling consume PP (except Perfect Blocks) so make sure you get your timing right with those blocks and roll out the way to ensure you'll live to fight another day!

Decisions, Decisions...
As you will progress further in the path of the Hunter, you will feel that some abilities, as mentioned above, will feel lacking. Don't fret, recruit! Thanks to the joint efforts of the other classes, Hunters can have access to a plethora of abilities outside of their own! Here is a small list of some abilities used by veteran Hunters from the other classes.


Lv.2-Damage Resist: 10% Damage reduction.
Lv.2/15-PP boost/High-PP boost: Increases your PP pool.
Lv.3-HP Restore Rate: Effective Passive healing.
Lv.8-Half Defense: Can survive being OHKO'd with 1 hp
Lv.25-PP Restore Rate: Increase PP regeneration rate
Lv.9/10-Shock Protect/Confuse Protect: Immune to Shock/Confuse


Lv.2/15-ACC boost/High-ACC boost: Increase ACC
Lv.4/25-EVA boost/High-EVA boost: Increase EVA
Lv.8-Elemental Hit: Increase chance to inflict status effects
Lv.9/10-Poison Protect/Sleep Protect: Immune to Poison/Sleep


Lv.9/10-Infect Protect/Stun Protect: Immune to Infect/Stun


Lv.1/25-HP boost/High-HP boost: Increase HP
Lv.2/15-ATK boost/High-ATK boost: Increase ATK
Lv.2-Healing Item Boost: Increases healing from items
Lv.8-Super Armor: Invulnerable to staggers
Lv.3-PP Escape Save: Reduce PP cost of dodging
Lv.3-PP Defense Save: Reduce PP cost of blocking
Lv.9/10-Burn Protect/Freeze Protect: Immune to Burn/Freeze
Lv.30-PP Skill Save: Reduce PP cost of melee Photon Arts

For a complete list of class abilities, click the link below:

Time to Enter the Fray
Alright recruit, it is time for you to arm yourself with the knowledge you have gained and to go out there and become the best Hunter you can possibly be! And if you ever forget something Hunter-related, you can always come back to the guide. After all, knowledge is power, and Hunters are all about power!

A Helping Hand
I hope this guide will prove useful in some shape or form. If you have any thoughts about this guide that you wish to add/change, feel free to leave your two cents and they shall be taken into consideration. Let the way of the Hunter flourish!


The following regards to the new info introduced in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.

Ah, it appears that with the new expansion, comes new changes, even a new challenger! Let's dig into this, recruit!

Dewman After All
New to Infinity is the mysterious race, the Dewmans. Trademarked with pale skin and an eyepatch of sorts, Dewmans are a powerful race thanks to their innate abilities, but as with everything else, it has its ups and downs. Dewmans have the eyes of a Cast, the strength of a Beast, and the wisdom of a Newman, but are entirely fragile, earning them the moniker of the 'Glass Cannon' Or in this case, a sword, thanks to their special Infinity Blast. As Hunters, they'll be able to use all weapons with great ease, but will have trouble surviving the fray.

Pro: High ATK, ACC, TECH, Exclusive 'Sword' Infinity Blast
Con: Low HP, DEF, MND, EVA, STA, PP, and slow PP regen

Tweakin' the Weapons
Along with the new Hunter race, several of the Hunter's favorite weapons received some interesting changes! Now this data you're about to see will seem incomplete, so keep an eye out for anything new that might pop up!

Changes so far

Swords: X2 attack speed, Able to hit +1 target, 3rd hit has been shortened
Axes: 2 attacks per hit, possible knock down on 2nd swing along with the 1st and 3rd
Twin Sabers: New running pose (Personally, it doesn't look good on the burly Hunters, but it works well with the femme fatales!)
Twin Claws: New running pose (Works for the guys too!)
Shields: Given a massive power boost for stronger Perfect Blocks
Several PAs have been nerfed (Twin saber's Blade Destruction and spear's Dus Skaad) while others have been buffed (Double saber's Absolute Dance)
Sword PA Grand Crusher is now faster
DEF and MND are now scaled
Enemies flinch more often
Shifta and Deband have their durations extended
Status Effects appear to occur more often

A Helping Hand Deux
If you know of any new changes that will affect Hunters, or something here is incorrect, let me know and it will considered. Now, Hunters, to arms for Infinity and beyond!

Dec 12, 2010, 09:46 AM
Females have an extra attack in the 3rd combo hit for twin claws. They also swing swords faster...marginally, I think.

Don't forget about class points.

Hunters need a rod. Heck, all classes need a rod. Especially for CASTs and Beasts, since they won't be able to fully heal with a wand or madoog.

Hunters can't use EX Traps, if I remember correctly...or maybe just Burn EX Traps.


Dec 12, 2010, 10:04 AM
Hunters don't have access to EX traps. Only classes that do are Vanguard and Ranger (burn only)

I mentioned class points as 'weapon proficiencies' and even linked it to the pedia page concerning that.

I should put the Rod requirement there, despite the fact that I don't use any tech weapon on my hunter (surprise, surprise)

And can you confirm if females get 6 hits with twin claws, or is it still 5?

Thanks for your input!

Dec 12, 2010, 10:15 AM
Females get 6 hits, yes.


Dec 12, 2010, 10:19 AM
Cool, thanks

Dec 13, 2010, 04:18 AM
Added some more info about class abilities, dodging/blocking, and other notes.

Dec 13, 2010, 04:30 AM
PP Escape Save is available to all classes at class level 3.


Dec 13, 2010, 04:33 AM
I know, and HP boost as well. Seemed easier to put them in one class than to repeat it over and over for the others. I may make a small note on that though...

Dec 13, 2010, 11:42 AM
We all know hunters dominate no matter what phantasy star game it is but cool info.

Dec 13, 2010, 03:08 PM
Very nice guide. I don't think there's anything I'd like to add to it, thus, I commend you on a job well done!

We all know hunters dominate no matter what phantasy star game it is but cool info.

PSOBB and its retardedly broken rangers begs to differ.

Dec 13, 2010, 03:13 PM
We all know hunters dominate no matter what phantasy star game it is but cool info.

Not in Phantasy Star Portable 1 (Everyone dominates) and 2.
Not in Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst.
Not in Phantasy Star Zero.

Edit: By the by OP, Twin Daggers normal combo hits 7 times total.

Dec 13, 2010, 07:04 PM
@ Broken_L_button: Thanks for the words! Hopefully many others will see this guide useful for when they decide to roll a Hunter.

@ Shakuri: Thanks for the clarification! I'll make the changes immediately.

Dec 13, 2010, 08:17 PM
Good post Renzo. Very informative. I might even consider playing my HUcaseal again ;)

Dec 14, 2010, 02:40 PM
Epic Guide. Great job in putting it together. :D

I have a Newman hunter on my PSP2. His name is Silver. :-D

Dec 14, 2010, 08:54 PM
Glad to see that the guide is being appreciated :-)

Dec 28, 2010, 07:00 AM
I'm giving this guy a quick bump. It wouldn't be right to let it drown in the sea of other forgotten threads :D

Dec 28, 2010, 07:45 AM
How about instead, we push this to be part of the Helpful Guides sticky? Also, when Infinity pops around, you may be inclined to give this thread a tweak since the Dewman race will be available. Having high ATK, but poor DEF and STA from what I read, making them very open to status effects. And... I think they have decent TEC. We'll have to wait until release for better clarification.

Dec 28, 2010, 08:01 AM
Hm, yeah I guess I could say that this is for PSP2, since Infinity will have not only dewmans but also new skills and such. I could re-vamp it whenever Infinity gets a Western release, but until then it will exclusive to PSP2.

And may one of the mods add this to the guide sticky? Thanks in advance.

Thanks for bringing these points up!

Jan 10, 2011, 01:55 PM
Added a section regarding Infinity including Dewmans and other things that may relate to Hunters.

The main focus of the guide is still for PSP2.

Jan 10, 2011, 08:10 PM
Nice guide! ^^
I knew most of the things listed in your guide, but I still I enjoyed reading it. :)

Keep up the good work! ^^

Jan 11, 2011, 10:53 AM
Thanks for the words. :-D

EDIT: Just noticed it was added to the sticky. Thanks alot to whoever did that =)

Jan 11, 2011, 10:56 AM

That reminds me, I need to edit wrong info in my Gemaga guide...


Jan 11, 2011, 11:12 AM
Yes, because having ran it over 900 times automatically makes you an expert. Seriously it does. And hey, you may even link that vid you made to your guide.

I have no idea why I'm going off topic here... Anyway with new changes to Infinity be kind and let me know about them!

Jan 11, 2011, 11:18 AM
Swords, axes. BD nerf didn't do much. DS nerf did.

Absolute Dance rape.

1958 ATP on Deldinadi Shield. Massive boosts for other shields likewise.


Jan 11, 2011, 11:22 AM
Ah, almost forgot about shields getting a massive power boost. I'll add that right away.

And while we're on the subject, since you have a newman, do you know what changes occured to the Light Mirage Blast?

Jan 11, 2011, 07:49 PM
Faster Blast charge. That's it. It lasts for the whole mission, though, so theoretically one could get absurdly fast charge rates for the boss and spam blasts/SUVs/Nanoblasts/Infinity Blasts like no other.


Apr 16, 2020, 04:14 AM
This is a nice guide. It helps my HUhunter. However, may I know how many weapons should Hunters have with them?