View Full Version : If someone was gay and attacked by someone for being gay...

Jenni Porshakin
Dec 20, 2010, 10:53 PM
and the police did NOTHING about it what would you do?

Wonderful police:
Didn't want to file a report
Discouraged pursuing it
Did not ask if the person wanted to press charges
Did not take photos or evidence at the scene

so what now?

Dec 20, 2010, 11:01 PM

Dec 20, 2010, 11:02 PM

Not sure, but I'm guessing Alabama is somehow involved...

Dec 20, 2010, 11:02 PM
Speak to their superiors?

I have no idea... but I can imagine how awful that would be. Maybe I would call on some outed military officers to storm the police station for name taking.

Dec 20, 2010, 11:09 PM
and the police did NOTHING about it what would you do?

Wonderful police:
Didn't want to file a report
Discouraged pursuing it
Did not ask if the person wanted to press charges
Did not take photos or evidence at the scene

so what now?

I don't know, as there aren't enough details to go on. I'm loathe to simply bash the police for being bigoted or lazy when there could well be many other reasons for their hesitation to step in on the matter. But even if the police were as described, from their end, there is nothing you can do... except maybe write a letter to your local representatives. So that puts the ball back in the court of the individuals involved... and I have no details on that matter either.

Gay or not, it doesn't make a difference to me... if a friend is being abused by a bully or a loved one, then I'd step in and do what it takes to support and defend them. If the law wants to prosecute something that comes of that, then so be it. Busting someone's fucking skull to get them to stop abusing a friend is not a crime to be ashamed of. But, even that is contingent on the circumstances surrounding it... and I can't really say more without details.

Dec 20, 2010, 11:31 PM
I'd probably give the police the benefit of the doubt and assume they have good reason for not being able to pursue charges.

That said, a gay friend of mine got jumped at my university in September, and I beat the guy so bad I was almost charged with aggravated assault. Someone came forward with a cellphone video that got me off with a warning. Wasn't the first time I've had to step up to the plate for a friend and it probably won't be the last.

Dec 21, 2010, 12:37 AM
All I have to say is...


Dec 21, 2010, 12:40 AM
To everyone that doesn't exactly understand, I think she's trying to say:

"If your friend was gay, and was assaulted and/or brutalized by someone in some way because of their homosexuality, and the police didn't want to do anything about it, what would you do?"

Dec 21, 2010, 12:42 AM
To everyone that doesn't exactly understand, I think she's trying to say:

"If your friend was openly gay, and was assaulted and/or brutalized by someone in some way, and the police didn't want to do anything about it, what would you do?"

1. Dont call the Po-Po. That never works.
2. Go be a vigilantist?

Something like that.

Dec 21, 2010, 02:11 AM
To everyone that doesn't exactly understand, I think she's trying to say:

"If your friend was gay, and was assaulted and/or brutalized by someone in some way because of their homosexuality, and the police didn't want to do anything about it, what would you do?"

Regardless of sexual orientation, one might: call/contact the supervising sergeant for the shift during which the assault report was made. If you were a witness, offer your account and ask for an explanation of the actions of the officers in question. Send a copy of your contact to his office in writing. Depending on the size and ideological makeup of your local market, sending a copy of the letter with a cover to your local media may also be an option.

If you can cause them enough embarrassment, maybe they'll get in gear.

Dec 22, 2010, 05:05 PM
Someone being assaulted is just what it is. Sexual orientation doesn't even enter the equation. Now if it was because of that, I would say it's pretty much on the same wavelength as any hate crime. Attacking someone for being different, which has no barring on their personality, actions, etc.

Dec 22, 2010, 07:00 PM
I went Way Gay once.

Jenni Porshakin
Dec 22, 2010, 07:12 PM
If you can cause them enough embarrassment, maybe they'll get in gear.

You obviously don't understand the police. They ARE the law. Unless you get a prosecutor or the District Attorney involved, no one knows what is going on. Especially in certain parts of homophobic America.

If you didn't know, there is constant taunting & (sometimes) assaults of kids in school. Even ones who aren't gay! Just because they're suspected of being gay.
Do we need another Columbine to stop this shit or what?

Dec 22, 2010, 07:19 PM
Do we need another Columbine to stop this shit or what?

That was a bit...tactless.

Dec 22, 2010, 07:26 PM
Um...sue? I don't know this is a one-sided, out of context scenario because you've put it forward hypothetically. If you actually want advice and aren't doing this purely for attention and/or unwarranted sympathy, then tell us the actual story, and proofread your post to make sure it's worded clearly.

Dec 22, 2010, 07:29 PM
Do we need another Columbine to stop this shit or what?

Wut? Why, are you getting ready to go all PUNISHER on some random kids or something?

Columbine had nothing to do with gay students being harassed. Everyone knows it was violent vidya games what made them do it, and they trained for their massacre by playing DOOM... which is I guess why nobody was shot on the ground or from a floor above/below, since vertical aiming wasn't part of their training. (and real bullets don't auto-aim... and you can't blame lag, which probably frustrated them to the point of rage quit.)

Most gay bullying incidents that end tragically do not lead to school-wide killing sprees. Usually it ends with the gay kid either being murdered or committing suicide. Not to minimize an unacceptable scenario, but come on... let's keep this in proportion.

Dec 22, 2010, 09:53 PM
Well, this was a fun thread. Take care everyone, see you around.

Dec 23, 2010, 03:45 AM
I went Way Gay once.
Hope for your sake it wasn't spawning the worst N.W.A. topic in awhile, where someone calls you out on it in the title and everything.

Jenni Porshakin
Dec 24, 2010, 03:13 PM
thread spelling error & title fixed.

and actually, I think a second Stonewall is needed. if you know what that means, you know what **I** mean.

Dec 25, 2010, 11:51 PM
I'd probably give the police the benefit of the doubt and assume they have good reason for not being able to pursue charges.

That said, a gay friend of mine got jumped at my university in September, and I beat the guy so bad I was almost charged with aggravated assault. Someone came forward with a cellphone video that got me off with a warning. Wasn't the first time I've had to step up to the plate for a friend and it probably won't be the last.

Your a good friend more people need to atleast speak out against all discrimination whether it be color, orientation, or whatever