View Full Version : Anyone here like Doctor Who?

Dec 23, 2010, 10:38 AM
If you do, you can watch Doctor Who

Dec 23, 2010, 11:00 AM
I do, but I'm a bit off and on with the new Doctor Who series. I've watched mostly the old Dr. Who series. However, I generally have access to that stuff since I have Netflix.

Dec 23, 2010, 12:58 PM
I got into it with Dr. 9.

Since, I've kept up with 10 and 11, and gone back to start watching as many of the episodes I can manage from the first series onward.

Dec 23, 2010, 01:18 PM
I haven't seen that much of Doctor Who. But from what I have seen, I've fallen in love with the 4th doctor. Oh, Tom Baker. I want to make your love children

Dec 23, 2010, 01:32 PM
Yeah. A lot of people love the 4th Doctor. Tom Baker is definitely the most popular, for no small reason. There aren't that many guys with that level of charm and voice. But most of all, he plays a real good Doctor. He has the perfect attitude for him with a nice touch of mystery in his character.

Dec 23, 2010, 01:34 PM
Yeah. A lot of people love the 4th Doctor. Tom Baker is definitely the most popular, for no small reason. There aren't that many guys with that level of charm and voice. But most of all, he plays a real good Doctor. He has the perfect attitude for him with a nice touch of mystery in his character.

Was he at comic con or something? I Know one doctor was....

Dec 23, 2010, 01:45 PM
If you're talking just recently? I'm not sure. Tom Baker used to show up everywhere, but he doesn't travel as much now. Of the old Doctors, you're more likely to see the Seventh Doctor. Sylvester McCoy. Who, in my opinion, might be my 2nd favorite Doctor of the old doctors. The only bad thing is that McCoy didn't get as many quality episodes as the writing was up-n-down during his stay. As a Doctor, he was also pretty amiable, though he didn't have the awesome voice. Next to Tom Baker's Doctor, he was one of the most outwardly caring Doctors and most outwardly defiant Doctors against those of evil intent. He also didn't play around with odd reactions like Tom Baker did. The seventh Doctor was more honest in his delivery. He played around, but not as much.

As various Doctors may have had a few special keen senses specific to that Doctor, the 7th Doctor had some permanent Detect Evil spell on him. Kind of like a quirky Paladin, but a Doctor Who style of one. Sylvester McCoy kind of took over, from Tom Baker, as the most social Dr. Who actor, as he has made numerous modern appearances. You can tell Sylvester goes beyond tolerating his fans, he enjoys the company and seems to be a fun guy to be around.

Dec 23, 2010, 01:48 PM
If you're talking just recently? I'm not sure. Tom Baker used to show up everywhere, but he doesn't travel as much now. You're more likely to see the Seventh Doctor, of the old doctors. Sylvester McCoy. Who, in my opinion, might be my 2nd favorite Doctor of the old doctors. The only bad thing is that McCoy didn't get as many quality episodes as the writing was up-n-down during his stay. As a Doctor, he was also pretty amiable, though he didn't have the awesome voice. Next to Tom Baker's Doctor, he was one of the most outwardly caring Doctors and most outwardly defiant Doctors against those of evil intent.

As various Doctors may have had a few special keen senses specific to that Doctor, the 7th Doctor had some permanent Detect Evil spell on him. Kind of like a quirky Paladin, but a Doctor Who style of one. Sylvester McCoy kind of took over, from Tom Baker, as the most social Dr. Who actor, as he has made numerous modern appearances.

Oh i see. I Think it was the 9th doctor that showed up. I Cant really remember.

Dec 23, 2010, 01:55 PM
The 9th Doctor would be Christopher Eccleston, the 10th would be David Tennant. 11th is Matt Smith. David Tennant is the most popular Doctor of the *new* Doctor Who series. People only call the new Doctor Who Series, any doctor starting with the 9th one. The 11th Doctor is getting a little flak following David Tennant. I haven't seen the episodes yet, but I have a feeling it's partially because of the female audience, and that going from David to Matt loses a bit of the cuteness factor which helped propel David's popularity. For me, there were parts of the 10th Doctor's personality that really rubbed me the wrong way, particularly when Rose was involved. He was fine, otherwise.

However, most popular new doctor can easily change as time goes along and new Doctors show up. I don't think *any* Doctor has beaten Tom Baker in popularity. However, I'm a little unsure which of the new Doctors are most likely to show up at a convention.

Dec 23, 2010, 01:59 PM
Hrm. Good to know.

Seth Astra
Dec 23, 2010, 02:13 PM
@HU: It was Tennant that was at Comic Con last year.

I saw some episodes of the 3rd series some time over summer break. I fell in love immediately with the show. I am pretty confidant I've seen all of the episodes from the 9th Doctor onwards. I am a bit torn between Tennant and Smith for the best Doctor (only seen the new episodes). Smith tends to have better writing on a regular basis, though Tennant is just cool, and "The End of Time" is mind-blowing.

Right now, I am thrilled that, in 2 days, BBC America will be showing the newest Doctor Who Christmas special.

Dec 23, 2010, 02:19 PM
@Seth Right! Wonder why there was a thick crowd around him... Hm...

Seth Astra
Dec 23, 2010, 02:28 PM
@HU: See if you can watch a few of his episodes of Doctor Who. You will undestand the crowd.

Dec 23, 2010, 02:31 PM
@HU: See if you can watch a few of his episodes of Doctor Who. You will undestand the crowd.

When i got some spare time i'll do so.

Dec 23, 2010, 03:37 PM
However, most popular new doctor can easily change as time goes along and new Doctors show up. I don't think *any* Doctor has beaten Tom Baker in popularity. However, I'm a little unsure which of the new Doctors are most likely to show up at a convention.

I can answer this one from my experience. I attend Dragon-Con every year in Atlanta, Georgia--and the most popular Dr. cosplay is David Tennent's Dr.
This past year, however, there have been a number of Dr. 11s. I met up with one cosplayer who makes anatomically correct Dalek cosplays that lives locally to me, which was neat, too.

Tom Baker is still a popular cosplay as well, but not more than Tennant.
I did see a pretty good 6th Doctor cosplay too.

OMG--My boyfriend and I man an Artist Alley table at our local anime convention every year and he was commissioned to draw the animated version of the 3rd Doctor. XD

Dec 23, 2010, 03:47 PM
I watched for a bit when Tom Baker played as the Doctor, but I couldn't really get into the series as a whole... so when his arc stopped I gradually drifted away. Always had more of a thing for Red Dwarf, but since we didn't have cable and our local PBS stations were being bitches about it, I mostly just watched a lot of Are you being Served.

Dec 23, 2010, 06:13 PM
Yeah. A lot of people love the 4th Doctor. Tom Baker is definitely the most popular, for no small reason. There aren't that many guys with that level of charm and voice. But most of all, he plays a real good Doctor. He has the perfect attitude for him with a nice touch of mystery in his character.

I just LOVE Tom Baker. I listened to Who on Earth is Tom Baker (his autobiography) and it was such a sad story. But you could tell that being the doctor in Doctor Who was his life and passion. And on youtube, there's this video where a guy impersonates the 4th doctor and calls Tom Baker. It's hilarious!!


Oh. And I love him for that curly brown hair and ugh. THAT VOICE. oh my lord. voices are my thing... and his is just amazing. i must stop here or this post will end up removed XDD Omg Tom Baker.

Dec 23, 2010, 08:11 PM
Haven't watched any Tom Baker episodes yet, but I have seen An Unearthly Child and probably all of the revived series (Doctors 9 to 11).

I like Tennant most of the new ones, though Rose came back a bit too often. I wish they had done more with Martha, I think her becoming a medical doctor would have allowed for some great potential.

While not having watched any of the 4th Doctor, I did attend a Halloween party a few years ago as him.

Dec 27, 2010, 10:57 AM
David Tennant's Doctor is more popular in Comic Cons now because of time itself. I still think Tom Baker would get the overall popularity contest, but David Tennant is.....young. Not to mention a large time break between the old Doctor shows and these. There's a lot of younger folks who haven't really watched the old doctors, but came in with the new. Their first exposure would be to the new Doctors.

It's just the same as videogames. There will be those who like the new stuff better because, well, they werent really around to see the old Doctor before the new ones showed on current TV. That is the way of history.

Unless the new show absolutely sucks or something, this always happens in terms of cosplay. People will gravitate to the new ones, partially because it's the new one's time to shine. Cosplayers will also want to jump in on the new person because the old ones have been cosplayed so often.

During the final (halloween) day of Renn Fest, this year, a great majority of the doctors showed up. Old seasons and the first two doctors from the new seasons.

Dec 27, 2010, 02:23 PM
The only reason why Tennant is so liked so much is because he was in your face for 3 years...

Though I'm surprised that Peter Davison's name hasn't come up yet, he was a far better Doctor than Tennant

Edit: Btw I like Smith's work so far

Dec 27, 2010, 07:46 PM
Did anyone watch the new Christmas Carol episode with Dr. 11?

Dec 27, 2010, 08:19 PM
I did, quite the special