View Full Version : offline and online question

Mar 11, 2003, 08:33 PM
Ok heres the situation..My boyfriend and I bought this game to play online co-op on seperate tvs because split screen stinks. My question is...How in the world does the game save your stage progress online? I know it saves your single player game. Heres what we WERE attempting to do. Play the entire game singleplayer by ourselves, hoping it would save all the stages so we could just mess around and lvl.

The problem is that by the time someone beats normal..they want to go into hard..but I cant go into hard online unless myself or someone Im groupin with has already done some stages. I dont want to start on the same map over and over again. Basically Im asking is there anyway OTHER than going through singleplayer..to play this game on a lvl other than the start? Ok its kinda difficult to explain but Im tryin)

Mar 11, 2003, 08:39 PM
I think I know what your talking about, here it goes:

For Online you have to be lvl 20 to get into hard, 40 to get into very hard, and lvl 80 to get into Ulitmate

For Offline you just need to beat the stages (ex. forest, caves, mines, ruins and beat Falz) to get to the next difficulty. But you can't do this in Multiplayer Offline.

Multiplayer offline has same requirments as Online.

In order to open other stages so you don't have to start at Forest eveytime, the creator of the game must have like Mines or Caves completed in single player for the difficulty you are playing on. So if you want to play Mines in Hard mode the creator would have to have normal mode beat and Forest and caves beat in hard mode.

I hope I answered your questiong it was a tad confusing.

Mar 11, 2003, 08:47 PM
Thank you for answering my question. I think that is kind of crappy that they force you to play single player in an online game. Plus go through the game again and again in single player to get to the higher modes. Oh well what can ya do?

Mar 11, 2003, 11:26 PM
Yeah, I think thats why alot of people just do Forest and HS runs over and over. They dont feel like opening the higher stages themselves.

Mar 12, 2003, 06:20 PM
Yea well once u get to ulti it takes a while for u to do some damage, I mean im lv 128 and i think it is still hard for me to do caves and mines by myself, with hs u can lv up easy and fast so u can later get to those nice lvs!

Mar 12, 2003, 06:56 PM
beating stages online dosnt save worth a shyt. Beat all the way through falz online, youll still have to start over on forest again next online game. You have to beat the stages offline.
i.e. beat the dragon offline, you can enter into caves at the beginning online too.


Mar 12, 2003, 09:37 PM
For leveling stick to offline.