View Full Version : PSP2 A tad late to the party, yo

Dec 27, 2010, 06:25 PM
Some of ya'll might remember me from the good ol' days of yore. Probably not, though :P

To the point, following circumstances probably better left unmentioned, I'm finally able to play my copy of the first Phantasy Star Portable a year after first obtaining it. So far, I have checked out the continue and I think the 'import' option... it was the third on the screen I think. Anyway, that was it. I haven't actually played the game yet :P

PSP2 gots its state-side release a few months ago, yeah? I'll probably stick with the original until I feel up to making the purchase. I feel tempted to ask questions, recommendations, etc, but I'm afraid these might be things that get answered all the time. In that case, are there maybe any particular threads or articles I should probably look into, yo?

I guess I could probably just say something anyway, but I'm kinda stumped. I guess what I'm really curious to is if rifle bullets get that nifty knockdown like I remember my old PC:PSUAoI CAST using. And if stuff like that would carry over by importing the character to the sequel. Like I said earlier, though, that might be a question asked a painful amount of times. So, sorry about that, if it be the case.

Dec 28, 2010, 10:46 AM
(1) Unless you REALLY want to play story mode for the first one, I suggest you just drop it and just move on to Phantasy Star Portable 2. The sequel has been improved in just about all aspects of gameplay. Additionally, tons of content (missions, items, weapons, photon arts, customizations) has been added. Not to mention, you can play POrtable 2 online through official servers whereas on Portable 1 you cannot. Also, Portable 2 is available cheap right now (15 USD for a digital copy through the Playstation Network Store).

(2) I don't know if the rifle bullet still knocks down enemies in the Portable series, as I played Portable 1 very shortly, and I have yet to play as a Ranger in Portable 2.

(3) You can import your CHARACTER from Portable 1 to Portable 2, but ONLY the appearance will transfer over. It's a pretty useless feature, as nothing else will transfer over (Experience, items, photon arts will NOT transfer over). Basically, the import option just copies your characters appearance. Nothing more.

Dec 28, 2010, 11:24 AM
(1) Basically, the import option just copies your characters appearance. Nothing more.

It also imports the clothing/parts that you are wearing...I am happy for that as I imported my force from PSP1 with the Dark Red Formal set. =)

Dec 28, 2010, 07:30 PM
Not to mention that by importing, you get an Exam saber and a visual unit depending on the class of your new character.

And yes, rifles get a knockdown bullet PA called Buster Shoot, available in one of the trade missions in-game.

Dec 28, 2010, 11:31 PM
I've already started playing, and the abundant voice-acting kinda caught me off guard. Still, I find some scene stuff to be funny, ehheh. Think I last beat chapter... 6? Yeah, I think 6.

I could tell by previews and such how much more expansive PSP2 is, but I have been surprised by a few things in the original (namely a few faces from AoI). The bit about the importing is a touch disheartening, but at least I know now not to go all out with leveling in this game unless the story missions demand it (though it appears that enemy levels in story missions seem to adjust to fit the player's, might just be me). I've been enjoying myself for the most part, though, probably due to nostalgia. Feels like it's been a while since I played AoI, not since prior to the shutting down of the PS2/PC servers.

It also imports the clothing/parts that you are wearing...I am happy for that as I imported my force from PSP1 with the Dark Red Formal set. =)

I guess the whole appearance being put over would save me the trouble of trying to get things exact, and I guess I wouldn't have to spend any meseta in 2 if I just brought over an outfit I'd be satisfied with, at least until spotting something better :P

Not to mention that by importing, you get an Exam saber and a visual unit depending on the class of your new character.

And yes, rifles get a knockdown bullet PA called Buster Shoot, available in one of the trade missions in-game.

Exam saber? Guess scorch marks are the new graphite lines in the future. Not entirely sure what a visual unit is, though things like the ones that give you wings and 'letting off something' effects comes to mind.

And yeah, knockdown, I kinda realized that when I saw that bullets can't go over 30, since I believe 31 is when the effect comes up in AoI. I guess a special bullet works, too, though. I bet it's got some stupid high PP cost, though, right? :P Guess I won't have to concern myself with elemental resistance, at least, heh.

Thanks for the relays, yo. I'll still probably try and clear story mode until getting 2, and I'm not entirely sure what is meant by a digital copy, except imagining that I'd need a blank UMD or somethin'. Also not entirely aware of what online access in PSP2 would entail, though I suppose there's always PSZ for fairly carefree online bits, though I have yet to play online in that game once. Not that it was necessary to state that. D'oh.

Dec 29, 2010, 12:11 AM
You can download a copy of the game off PSN for money, and it's on sale for the holidays. Loads a lot faster, too. It's stored in your memory stick.

Dec 29, 2010, 01:04 AM
Well, I did some lookin' and found this topic, yo.

But some of the messages don't make the download seem very promising. I gots about 3700ish megs on my stick (and it didn't start with much, around 3800, I wanna say, so it might even have less now), so I might not have room for it, and I don't think I have any means of paying, either. That's all probably stuff I'd be informed of when going to purchase the game on the network thing, though... right? (never used it before XP)

I mean, faster loading and such seems awesome, but will getting the game this way have some really negative effects to it? I spotted something in that topic about no DLC items or somethin'.

Dec 29, 2010, 01:08 AM
If you're playing international (non JP) version, there wasn't meant to be DLC. People just found out how to run JP version DLC on the US/EU versions. Other than online mode people hating you, it's no big deal. Amazon has the UMD copy on sale, too, I think, though for 5 more bucks.

Dec 29, 2010, 01:14 AM
Hm... alrighty. thanks. That 15.99 deal ends soon, though, right? I should probably get my caboose in gear before it's too late, ehheh.