View Full Version : When creating a new character....?

Dec 28, 2010, 05:41 PM
Just out of curiosity, did you guys know what they would look like or have an idea of what they would look like? Or did you just play with the customization options until you found a combo you liked? Did you have a name planned, or did you wait to see them first?

Me personally, I usually have no idea how I want them to look, so I do their hair first and then mold their face and eyes around that. I create a list of names that I like, and see if any fits when I've made my character

What about you?

Dec 28, 2010, 05:45 PM
When I first played PSP:1, I made my character similar in build and style to an old CoH character by the same name (Simika). For her, I tried to get as much orange in her hair as possible and the hair style was long.

For a cast type character, I tried to go with a Gundam type look for it.

Dec 28, 2010, 05:50 PM
Well, when it comes to ever creating my character, Karyna Faurna (who I use at least, in name, in about every game that allows me to main a female), I always have her slightly asian face and parted purple hair in my mind to begin with (though, it'd be nice if it didn't have to be so long... Karyna's hair is suppose to stop at her shoulders).

As for others, there are constants I try to maintain between games (Lyra having green hair, Myra being my very human machine, etc), but for the most part, I sit and tweak the customization options for a hour or more. The great thing about PSPo2 (as well as it's less set in stone beta known as PSU), it's really hard to completely make something hideous unless you try (unlike Oblivion or Fallout 3 which makes it hard to create something half-decent to look at). Heck, PSPo2 even went the next step and let you adjust your proportions if you have enough meseta on ya. That's just divine, IMHO.

BTW, I'm one of those nuts who is all about customization. ^^

Dec 28, 2010, 07:46 PM
BTW, I'm one of those nuts who is all about customization. ^^

Same here ^^

For the most part, I play around with the customization until pieces start falling into place. When I made my main Cast, I had a knight design in mind, which I managed to make using the default parts with the exception of the torso, and his name was already pre-determined.

It's all about the customization, and that's why I love games like these.

Dec 28, 2010, 08:21 PM
Most of the time I have a clear (or general) idea of what I'm aiming for. That was the case with my first 4 characters. The last two were just the end result (and are undergoing changes all the time) of some fiddling in the salon.

Dec 28, 2010, 08:46 PM
I go in with a general idea depending on options available (hair color, height, voice etc.) based on how I picture my characters (basic appearance, personality) and play around with things from there. Some things are constant; my main is pretty much always a purple haired female. Specifically:

Merydia - the only thing I knew up front was that deep purple hair is a must, and she'd be somewhat on the shortish~medium end of the height spectrum. I haven't been able to pin her personality down, so I played with options until I felt her staring back at me.

Lithium - I pretty much knew what I was going to do with her up front; loli cast with pastel colored pigtails. I wanted her to have a childlike appearance and demeanor that's dramatically offset by her preference for using heavy and brutal weaponry. I worry about her. I had a partner character in mind when I made her; a loli beast with an all-business look and attitude to balance out Lithium's childish appearance and borderline psychotic tendencies, but I haven't been able to satisfactorily create her yet.

Rydelle - Newest character; I wanted her to have a cool-headed, laissez faire look to her. She's on the tall side, black ponytail, shades, and wears a black Quinty Lieses.

Dec 28, 2010, 08:47 PM
BTW, I'm one of those nuts who is all about customization. ^^

I also agree. One the the main selling points in a game, for me, (at least an RPG) is customization, and lots of it. Everything else comes after (even gameplay, haha). That's one of the main reasons I hate PSO so much: there's no customization outside of picking an outfit color and hat type. If Sega does that for PSO2, I'm not getting it. I refuse to look like a cookie-cutter image of everyone else.

Anyway, on topic: I pick out my character's name and basic looks/outfit ideas long before I actually sit down and make them. Then, I implement my idea, and 9 times out of 10, the idea fits perfectly, and looks spectacular. I love designing characters and outfits, and I'm really good at it.

The only thing that is usually a "staple" for my characters is that they all have a "color theme". In PSU, Nassandra's theme is blue, and Andromeda's theme is purple/black. In PSP2, Lilandra's theme is red, and Genevieve's theme is green/black. So I only outfit characters in outfits centered around their specific color theme.

Dec 28, 2010, 10:02 PM
I usually don't have a EXACT idea on what my character is going to look like. But a "basic" idea. Like maybe short, darker hair etc... But that's it. Sometimes said "basic idea" changes depending on what kind of hair or clothes I end up liking while I actually make the character though.

For most of the characters I make in almost every video game, I name the first one I make "Ayame". Any character I make after that are just named random names that I like.

And me too, I love A LOT of character customization. I love creating characters period. But the more customization the better. ^^

Dec 28, 2010, 10:21 PM
I design my characters off of existing ones around the place.

My current main is a mix between Mia from FE and Lightning from FFXIII.


Sha Sha
Dec 28, 2010, 10:50 PM
Marron always has Purple/Violet long hair and green eyes.
Shagami has Blue eyes and long black hair.
Reysa has white eyes and white hair. She is suppose to be a goddess of light like character based of one of my characters zanpacktous from a BLEACH rp
The rest of my characters are random combos I ended up liking in the end

Dec 28, 2010, 11:01 PM
I usually start with my character's face and then everything just kind of falls into place from there. Course I generally have an idea what I'm aiming for in the first place. Names I pull from random places.
Elysis was a name of my own devices.
And Ciel I named because my character ended up looking like Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji...

Dec 28, 2010, 11:09 PM
i once sat a a create a char screen on pso gc for almost 3 hours trying to get a name i liked. good thing in psp/psp2 you dont have to worry about section Ids lmao. i made my main "Ejoty" who is a human male or "humar" the same in every rpg iv ever played it took less then 2 mins to make my psp2 char.