View Full Version : Game Baroque

Dec 31, 2010, 11:33 PM
anyone else play/ played or even heard of the game Baroque, made by Atlus, its basically an extremely dark dungeon crawler that i find to be absolutely amazing, where-in, when you die you return to level one with no items unless you keep them in a special manner, and when you die, the talking from the people, and the cutscenes change, and the story progresses forward, i absolutely love it, what did you guys think?

Dec 31, 2010, 11:44 PM
For a second there, I thought it was a fancy way to say Barack...

Dec 31, 2010, 11:54 PM
It's on my GameFly Queue, but it'll probably be sometime in the middle of next year before I get a chance to check it out.

I'm not a big fan of Rogue-likes, but just about once a generation I get a maddening craving to sate my Dragon Crystal/Fatal Labyrinth itch... so I usually pick one up and will play it until the cartridge starts smoking. But I'm not really in a rush to get my hands on Baroque though, since I already picked up Izuna 2 last year - and it has so far turned out to be an excellent title which is a bit easy for my tastes, but has a cute and fun atmosphere that compensates for that deficiency. Plus, once you beat it, you can unlock harder dungeons which temporary reset your level to 1 and strips your inventory until you either die or... die. Technically you CAN climb 100 levels (including boss fights) to the exit, but in all likelihood you'll simply be counting levels you've reached like a high-score and give up all hope of realistically beating them.

It's become a title I can pull out on the fly and just jump balls deep into the essence of the dungeon crawler rpg experience, without having to waste time on the gloss and dross of bloated modern JRPGs. If you have a DS, and enjoy Baroque's general structure (and don't mind turn-based gameplay), you might want to give Izuna a try.


Jan 1, 2011, 01:50 PM
I prefer my dungeon crawlers a light cream color.

Forever Zero
Jan 1, 2011, 03:06 PM
I have Baroque for the Wii. I thought this game was actually pretty neat. Every time I saw an NPC I'd be like 'OMG wonder what they will say!' I liked the idea of reverting back to lv 1 and then going back into the dungeon only to run into different things second time around. This game is definitely different than other roguelikes I've played, lol. Maybe it's just the atmosphere of it. I may need to get into this game again next time I have my Wii hooked up.

Jan 1, 2011, 11:08 PM
I actually got it for the PS2, I'm thinking I'd probably like this version better for one main reason, second analog stick. on the Wii, games that make you use the D-Pad to turn the camera grind my bones (although Okami is still awesome for Wii), and unlike Zelda, when you click the button to put the camera behind you, it's instantaneous making the right analog stick gradual turn much more suitable for me

and yah, i totally agree about talking to NPCS, every time i see one, i walk up to it over and over until im crtain it wont say anything new, then see what it says when i hit them, and I love how the purify able ones give you tid bits of story, and I'm still trying to figure out what caused the apocalyptic event to take place, so no spoilers please