View Full Version : Happy 10th Birthday PSO-World!

Jan 10, 2011, 12:00 PM
Happy 10th Birthday PSO-World?

i'm just looking at gideon and Tomeeboy's join date 1/11/2001 and the 1st post 1/12/2001

so i am guessing it's PSO-World's Birthday. (if i'm wrong.. sorry.. my fault )

But yes anyways.

Happy Birthday PSO-World! :)

hope you have a great 10th year of birth! :)

i still remember when it was called planetdreamcast.com/pso-world. :D

things have progressed here. thank you for your hard work pso-world and what you have done. :)

Jan 10, 2011, 03:20 PM
I'm not sure of the exact date or anything, but HAPPY BIRTHAVERSARY!



Jan 10, 2011, 05:55 PM
Well if that's the earlist date on record then it's probably a safe bet so Happy Birthday PSO World!

Jan 10, 2011, 08:16 PM
10 years is a long time.

Jan 10, 2011, 10:06 PM
You would be correct, the site is indeed turning 10 this month :) Hard to believe that it's been so long since we first opened the doors. It has been one heck of a roller coaster, too! It's great to see things continue to thrive year after year. If I have anything to do with it (which I do), PSO-World will be around for as long as you guys keep visiting :D

On a side note, we do have some things planned for the site's 10th birthday, as well as some prizes to give out, so there should be some more info this week on those activities. Stay tuned!

Jan 10, 2011, 10:25 PM
Hmm, PSOW Birthday Celebration? Sounds awesome. I wish I could have been here years and years ago when it was first opened. Anyway:

:cake:Happy 10th Birthday, PSO-World!

Jan 10, 2011, 10:59 PM
If I have anything to do with it (which I do),
Ryna has something to do with it too.. baby!

While Outrider just hears The Who while reading


i'm just looking at gideon and Tomeeboy's join date 1/11/2001 and the 1st post 1/12/2001

so i am guessing it's PSO-World's Birthday. (if i'm wrong.. sorry.. my fault )

How'd you find the first post?
Good job on that. :yes:

Yeah that's wrong, time to listen to Linkin Park.. homey or pay the insurance premiums for accident all your fault, as you didn't find the first registered user, before them two; he probably has something to do with something.

Jan 10, 2011, 11:48 PM
Haha...holy cow, I can still remember being directed to PSOW by a very good friend of mine on PSO Xbox. Oh good times.

Makes me wonder how many times I've accessed this site...I do it these days just to see any new info on PSO2 but I remember coming here SO many times for item checks, drop charts, all that fun stuff. MEEEEMORIES!!!!

Jan 11, 2011, 12:33 AM
Oh hey! Happy birthday!

Jan 11, 2011, 01:46 AM
I remember been redirected to here by some random game site that had the drop lists for PSO GC but they're site was a mess with it. At first i lurked the site 2 years before joining up and checking out the forums. So been arround since 2004 and joined the forums in 2006. Good old times.

Happy B-day PSOW.

Jan 11, 2011, 04:19 AM
Happy Birthday pso-world! :D
10 years is a long time, you should be proud.

Jan 11, 2011, 03:01 PM
Man, I remember winding up here trying to find info on... something?... for PSO.

It's been a long time. Happy birthday, PSOW! Here's to many more.

Powder Keg
Jan 11, 2011, 05:20 PM
Happy Birthday to PSOW! I remember stopping here every now and then back in the PSO DC days.....man that was a long time ago. :o

Jan 11, 2011, 07:28 PM
Definitely nice to know this made it through 10 years. Happy Anniversary.

Jan 11, 2011, 08:22 PM
This place is 10 years old?


Happy birthday, then.


Jan 11, 2011, 08:31 PM
Happy birthday, PSO-World. I'd bake a cake for it, but, considering it's a website, this one will have to do: :cake:

Jan 11, 2011, 09:45 PM
Sheesh its been a long time. I remember I used this site a lot when PSO was big but I didn't make an account til PSU came around.

Cheers to another 10 years.

Jan 12, 2011, 11:39 AM
Cheers, to everyone.

Imagine my surprise, when I saw this post, and went thought "no, I haven't been visiting here THAT long, have I...?". I started visiting here just prior to the release of PSO Episode I & II on the Gamecube, and what started as simple stops by "just to look something up" have evolved into checking in every day. I've seen the release, rise and fall of several games, I've seen the forum community change and grow, I've seen drama, and I've seen inside jokes abound. My post count may not give the impression I've been around that often, but I've been here, reading and laughing with you all for years.

I'm glad to see that the site and the community are still the best resource for Phantasy Star gamers, and a great fan community in general. Cheers to that, and to all those whose hard work makes it all possible.

Jan 12, 2011, 02:08 PM
I've been on this site for just the past two years, but I've been playing various PS games since the days of the Genesis system. When I manage to obtain a Dreamcast and PSO v1; I knew I will ever be traveling the road where Phantasy Star will shine.

My only regret was that I haven't discovered this site earlier.

Here's hoping for another 10 years PSOW.

Jan 12, 2011, 05:39 PM
I can still recall coming into this site when I needed to look for how to obtain Doublesaber in PSOV1, as it was the one weapon I wanted lol. I've kept up with this site from time to time up until EP4 of PSO was unveiled as shed to light the concept images of the one single new weapon I wanted out of that game. Great times. Happy 10 years to PSO World. Lets hope this site only gets better with age lol.

Jan 12, 2011, 06:16 PM
Man, I remember winding up here trying to find info on... something?... for PSO.

It's been a long time. Happy birthday, PSOW! Here's to many more.

Yeah, I think I ended up finding this looking for drop information or something for the Gamecube version.

Of course, I didn't sign up for the site until around the time I started playing BB.

Jan 12, 2011, 07:39 PM
I can still recall coming into this site when I needed to look for how to obtain Doublesaber in PSOV1, as it was the one weapon I wanted lol.
I think I showed up for mag breeding guides. It was so long ago I barely remember.

Seth Astra
Jan 12, 2011, 09:47 PM
I found out about this site... Well, about a year ago. I was reading the gamespot forums (my usual source for game knowlege), looking up more info on PSZ, and I noticed people referenced this place a lot. Then, well, I decided to check it out. I really loved the guides, and later I started reading fanfics on here. That kept me lurking for the next several months. Finally, in April, I signed up. This site sure has made quite a difference in my life, as odd as it sounds. Sadly I never have gotten to play any of the older games, though I hope to still be hanging out with you guys through PSO2 and beyond.

Jan 13, 2011, 11:05 AM
I've been visiting and enjoying this website for several years now, even if I haven't been a member for that long.

Happy Birthday PSO-World! :cake:

Jan 13, 2011, 03:06 PM
Even when I quit PSU for 2 or something years I always came here to get updates on the game, and now I've finally returned.

Thanks PSO-World Happy Anniversary!

Jan 15, 2011, 05:56 PM
I think I first looked at PSOW back in 2003/4. I had a previous forum user name but I forgot it and just made a new one when I decided to start playing PSO GC again. Been coming back ever since.

Hippy Barfday PSOW.

Jan 17, 2011, 03:04 PM
First came here back in Nov 2002 when Ragol.com(Posted there for ages, not under this name though) closed(Well assumed it did), mostly used this place as a resource, great source of info on weapons, quests and random stuff like news lol

Happy Aniversary PSO-World.

I feel old now, though I'm only early 20s lol

Jan 18, 2011, 05:08 PM
lol...I was 18 when I joined this board..

Now I'm 28 ~_~.

Time flies and those were some good times, PSO wise.

Jan 20, 2011, 09:59 AM
I've been playin for years but i just joined the site. HAPPY B-DAY!!!!

Jan 26, 2011, 01:34 AM
Been there for...a long time. Don't post a lot, but I'm watching...

Jan 27, 2011, 01:11 PM
Have been coming on and off on this site for some time but just recently joined. I love the community On here!

Feb 16, 2011, 11:37 PM
YAY! happy b-day pso-world! I'm not as much as I used to be, but I still come by this site every once and a while, and this site has helped me in the games many times. Again, happy b-day!