View Full Version : My question Thread

oG Epik
Jan 4, 2011, 05:27 PM
Whats a good quest for me to farm after the event? i tried sleeping warriors s2 but its to hard for me to solo...

Level 92:Beast:Acrofighter(5)

So ya just let me know or post a link...

Jan 4, 2011, 07:15 PM
You should ask this after the event. By then, you could potentially be 150 or even 180 if you play enough. At that point, I would suggest SEED Express S2.

oG Epik
Jan 4, 2011, 08:49 PM
Ya see i cant get into anygood s missions with higher levels.... Plus i dont play enough but i plan on being 100-110 before the end of the event... Plus im also in school so playing 6-8 hrs a day on weekdays and 10-12 on weekends it would be very difficult to get 150

Jan 4, 2011, 11:20 PM
You're implying that that is how much I play lol.

Jan 5, 2011, 11:58 AM
Plus im also in school so playing 6-8 hrs a day on weekdays and 10-12 on weekends it would be very difficult to get 150

You have more time to play when you are in school than when you are working full time. Then again I guess it depends on if you are a graduate student in college.

A good mission for Acrofighter would be Lightning Beast. Make sure you have a shock resist. Sleeping warriors shouldn't be a problem either once you hit level 100~120 which you should be able to do with this event in two weeks. Even if you only play about two hours a day and you should still be able to hit 120. If S is too difficult for you, run A rank. You get more EXP in A rank missions as a level 90 since the creatures in S are more than 30 levels higher than you are.

Jan 5, 2011, 12:11 PM
You have more time to play when you are in school than when you are working full time. Then again I guess it depends on if you are a graduate student in college.
lol that is an absurd generalization. During the semester, I spend roughly 70 hours a week on school and I'm only a junior physics undergrad. Working 40 hours a week over break has BEEN a vacation to me >_>.

oG Epik
Jan 5, 2011, 02:21 PM
So i should do A's? at lvl 93? is it better than A's?

Jan 5, 2011, 05:00 PM
lol that is an absurd generalization. During the semester, I spend roughly 70 hours a week on school and I'm only a junior physics undergrad. Working 40 hours a week over break has BEEN a vacation to me >_>.

Comp Sci and Electrical Engineering and I had tons more time in school.

So i should do A's? at lvl 93? is it better than A's?

You should do runs where you level matches up pretty closely to the enemy level. It's a waste of time and EXP to do S rank runs to level when you get more EXP with less hassle on A runs. Once you hit level ~110 then you can jump up to S runs. Of course that depends on if your priority is leveling or if you priority is "getting stuff".

Jan 5, 2011, 06:51 PM
Comp Sci and Electrical Engineering and I had tons more time in school.
What's your point lol? There are majors besides those that just might require a teensy more time in commitment.

oG Epik
Jan 5, 2011, 07:28 PM
Well i feel like i run through s's quick when theres like 2 100's in the party..(But the bonus missions are so hard for me)

oG Epik
Jan 5, 2011, 11:09 PM
Random question is there any mission that gives a bigger chance of rare missions or anything that helps it cause ive only gotten 2 and ive played for like a long time

Jan 6, 2011, 01:12 PM
Random question is there any mission that gives a bigger chance of rare missions or anything that helps it cause ive only gotten 2 and ive played for like a long time

Nope. All luck of the draw. No proof exists that one mission is better than another for hitting a rare flag.

You need to be in the mission at least five minutes though to qualify. Or 80% of the time spent by the party to complete the mission (If you join mid mission).

Hope this helps.

Jan 6, 2011, 07:45 PM
What's your point lol? There are majors besides those that just might require a teensy more time in commitment.

Physics undergrad is not one of them. Electrical Engineering requires physics and circuit theory. If you had said you were taking your doctorate or Mechanical Engineering, I might agree however I know people who are taking PhD courses who have more free time to play games than me, a person who is working full time. I'm not talking about working a 9 to 5 at Payless Shoes or even being a summer intern at Booz Allen.

But don't worry, once you get a full time job at a science institute (if that's where you plan to work), you'll see that the time you spend in school and studying for exams still leaves you a good amount of free time to do what you want to do.

Well i feel like i run through s's quick when theres like 2 100's in the party..(But the bonus missions are so hard for me)

The bonus missions are where you having problems because the level gap gets even larger in them.

On A rank the level of the creature is 85 during most of the run and 95 in the final two rooms Around your level and you get 100% exp even at level 93.
In the bonus run the creatures are level 100 to 105, Again within 30 levels of you and you get full EXP.

On S rank runs the level of the creature is level 135 for most of the run so you only get around 90% EXP.
Then you get to the final rooms and the creatures are level 145, still difficult, but doable (unless you are soloing and get the Gaozoran map), but you are getting even less EXP.
Then the bonus mission has level 155 creatures so you are really getting hurt by the EXP penalty.

Let me give you an example.

There is a penalty or 2% below 30 that you are in relation to the monster. So lets say your level is 95 (I know you said 93, but I'm guessing you've leveled some since then). When the creature is level 155 and you are 95 you are 60 levels below the creature, so (60-30) * 2% means you are getting 60% less experience than a 125 person fighting a 155 creature.

Or to put it in numerical terms, if the level 155 creature gives 3792 exp, at level 95 you will get 1517 exp for the kill shot and 1062 exp for the non-killshot

Not really worth it when you are being one hit killed by Bil de Vears.

oG Epik
Jan 6, 2011, 08:02 PM
For a body slot for a acrofighter... Red/Knight...Lumirus/Kaos Knight...Lumirus power charge....

oG Epik
Jan 6, 2011, 08:05 PM
Ya see its weird i just got to 96 an now i swear i get a little bit more exp

Jan 7, 2011, 02:32 PM
Ya see its weird i just got to 96 an now i swear i get a little bit more exp

As I mentioned, the EXP totals are 2% for each level below 30 that you are below the creature. In other words, every time you level up you will get 2% more EXP from the creature until you hit the 30 levels below mark. Again to use number (which are easier to understand)

Fighting a level 155 creature worth 3792 exp:

@level 95
155 - 95 = 60 sixty level difference
60 - 30 = 30 levels below maximum EXP gain
30 * 2% = 60 sixty percent EXP hit
100% - 60% = 40%
3792 * 40% = 1517 exp
you get 30% less exp for not landing the killing blow so:
100 - 30 = 70%
1517 * 70% = 1062 exp

@level 96
155 - 96 = 59 levels below
59 - 30 = 29 levels until max exp
29 * 2% = 58% exp
100% - 58% = 42%
3792 * 42% = 1593 exp (kill shot exp)
1593 * 70% = 1115 exp (non kill shot exp)

So yes you are gaining more exp as you level up, however you are fighting tougher creatures and getting less EXP as you would be getting on an A rank run where you would be getting full EXP for the creatures.

It's not so bad on the main mission where you are only out leveled by 40 (you are only taking a 20% exp hit), but in the bonus mission where you are 60 levels below the enemy you would get a lot more exp from the A rank creatures.

oG Epik
Jan 7, 2011, 04:07 PM
Ya well i dont know if this helps any but i am now lvl 100(and when does the 15% grind boost come in to effect i have a 4/10 35% dark falclaw i want to get to 10/10)


Jan 8, 2011, 01:40 AM
Probably the resist for whichever mission you're doing.

Midori Oku
Jan 8, 2011, 03:18 AM
For a body slot for a acrofighter... Red/Knight...Lumirus/Kaos Knight...Lumirus power charge....

I think you mean Arm slot. Anyways out of those I would go with the Kaos Knight for Acrofighter. As for the Body slot I would go with any resists you may need.

oG Epik
Jan 8, 2011, 03:30 AM
i did mean arm...Fail... and thats what i thought but its 30m :( is the drop rate good for them?

Jan 8, 2011, 11:25 AM
i did mean arm...Fail... and thats what i thought but its 30m :( is the drop rate good for them?

I would wait till 4th festa they drop like candy in that event
ATM u can use Cati/power +100ATP

oG Epik
Jan 8, 2011, 01:39 PM
got that already lol.... A do you even play anymore?

Jan 8, 2011, 03:18 PM
got that already lol.... A do you even play anymore?

"A" ......
And as for your question yes i do but i just have not been on Xbox cause of me moving atm

Jan 8, 2011, 03:54 PM
Beasts shouldn't use LKK in general, even for the high ATA classes. Red/Knight for Beast whenever possible, LPC for anyone else. Even Gunmasters with an LPC don't run out of photon charges.

oG Epik
Jan 8, 2011, 06:57 PM
So i need Red/Knight?

oG Epik
Jan 8, 2011, 07:03 PM
Is a Pro transfer beast good?

Jan 8, 2011, 10:04 PM
yeah. LPC is much easier to attain though.

oG Epik
Jan 9, 2011, 01:33 AM
i seen someone buying a red/knight for 115m? that is so dumb

Jan 9, 2011, 03:35 AM
Isnīt that one quite rare upon being on a rare mission?

Explain to me how that is "dumb"

Jan 9, 2011, 08:27 AM
i seen someone buying a red/knight for 115m? that is so dumb

That is actually kinda cheap.
They seem to go for 130+ again

Jan 9, 2011, 08:28 AM
Better than a Newman PT.
Worse than a CAST PT.

Unless you are a pro at transferring stuff...?

oG Epik
Jan 9, 2011, 08:03 PM
never paid that much attention lol! just guess it was transfer lawl

oG Epik
Jan 9, 2011, 09:36 PM
I said its dumb cause im poor.... Ima try to hunt down a couple psycho wand boards make cash for better weps then try for a LPC

Jan 9, 2011, 09:37 PM
CAST Protranser is best, EX traps + accurate shotguns + SUV = win
Beast PT is okay if you have an accuracy boosting unit, otherwise it hits zeroes a lot. Nanoblast sucks too.

oG Epik
Jan 9, 2011, 09:38 PM
i think im sticking to FF or FM for awhile

Jan 10, 2011, 02:01 AM
^^ok let talk real PSU Pro about acrofighter .lets say ur one these category

1. The beast is known for power & defenses.A acrofighter as a beast will be no good a Lumirus/Kaos Knight .My best recommend a Vijerina / Power for arm slot by doing this you wont worry about losing accuracy and less 0hits .

2. The Cast are known for power & accuracy . If you are still power hungry and yet u want a Lumirus/Kaos Knight.then you must become a acrofighter as a cast. The Lumirus/Kaos Knight be good for a Cast of the fact that they are accuracy.

^^ For the Human fall in the same category as the Beast & Cast so u can use ether a Lumirus/Kaos Knight & Vijerina / Power. becuase they are know for Balance in every way.

I hope this will open your eyes bit more about being true acofighter.

Ok so u have no meseta and ur short of cash. well there many way to make meseta. You have knowledge on that subject of money making. But in reality u dont need to spend all day hunting for psycho wand to make money. Instead of hunting the psycho wand. You should focus on spending some time on Lightning Beasts S2 mission. The Lumirus/Kaos Knight is drop at the end of the mission.

now I am going open the truth on this subject. Known fact drop rate are bad not always goes to plan.this is what make the players stopping or hunting for the thing they want. there for they lose alot of there time.Well there a remedy for that. And that is dont be lazy and dont cry about it. Just keep on pushing your self to the max until its drop. u get in a week time. Its your choose on how u perform your character and ur game play platform.

oG Epik
Jan 10, 2011, 07:15 AM
Too weak for Lightning beast s2... only 106 i think ima run some desert terrors s3 once i get 120-ish

oG Epik
Jan 10, 2011, 07:19 AM
Also Why would i run seed awakened s2?

oG Epik
Jan 10, 2011, 11:05 PM
It seems like i have alot of questions about this game mostly cause if im going to do something i would like to do it right... This will be a thread were i just ask questions i need answered instead of making a thread for it every time..... Now for my first question in this thread we got the 15% grind bonus cause we killed 45m creatures in the event mission correct? But i remember when the banner came across the top of the screen it said something about 50m creatures killed? Do we get something else when we hit 50m or was i day dreaming... Also in one of my last post on farming i got recommend to farm the mission SEED Awakened s2? i dont see why not that many good drops and i not seeing something or just dont know the prices that well..... Sry this post was rather long but it will solve alot of the un-needed post from me :) happy reading

Jan 10, 2011, 11:28 PM
It seems like i have alot of questions about this game mostly cause if im going to do something i would like to do it right... This will be a thread were i just ask questions i need answered instead of making a thread for it every time..... Now for my first question in this thread we got the 15% grind bonus cause we killed 45m creatures in the event mission correct? But i remember when the banner came across the top of the screen it said something about 50m creatures killed? Do we get something else when we hit 50m or was i day dreaming... Also in one of my last post on farming i got recommend to farm the mission SEED Awakened s2? i dont see why not that many good drops and i not seeing something or just dont know the prices that well..... Sry this post was rather long but it will solve alot of the un-needed post from me :) happy reading

All boosts and weps will be given out at a later date......
And as for farming....y? lol 360 eco. is in event mode good luck!

oG Epik
Jan 11, 2011, 07:17 AM
Well that helped tremendously lol... Also when is event over 16th or 20th?

Jan 12, 2011, 01:47 AM
Jan 21st

oG Epik
Jan 12, 2011, 06:16 PM
Is cross hurricane lvl 40 better than Ass ult Crush lvl 40?( IM beast FF level 14)

Jan 13, 2011, 05:10 AM
cross hurricane lvl 40 is good pa only down fall its slow you down on attack 2 but take a powerful blow on the final attack at 340% power. the Assault Crush is good for speed pa giving it 96% acc speed but lack of power only giving you 195% attack power at lvl 40.

so another words
cross hurricane = for power
Assault Crush = for speed

Jan 13, 2011, 05:26 AM
The best way for u to farm is Forest Infiltration is one best choose for Newbies lowbies to start making decent meseta when doing an s2 of the fact that they drop har/mind, Degahna Cannon Board and sleep/resist drop at that same location. the mission rep. is S2 lv.60 and mods at lv.85+. I help my friend when she was only lvl 65 she walk out with 15mill meseta after doing 10 runs. Remember its best if have more than one Board. This way you have a better rate to make the Degahna Cannon and sell the board at a decent price. The mission is only 2 block short so just rush threw to get Degahna Cannon Board. The drop rate is 20% to 35% its a good high chance for you to get it and depend on your action and game play performance

oG Epik
Jan 13, 2011, 07:21 AM
i was thinking about that plus the adahna cannon also drops for area drops

oG Epik
Jan 13, 2011, 05:59 PM
Ya im starting to do forest infiltration just for fun a couple s2's every day and assault crush is so good for bosses

Jan 14, 2011, 03:53 AM
Red / Knight for beasts

oG Epik
Jan 14, 2011, 06:52 PM
Also would a level 115 Beast/ FF(20) be better than a level 115 beast/FM(20)..... Also is there any unit that can help strikers attack faster

Jan 15, 2011, 09:45 AM
i find this funny cause on JP and US servers i use kaos knight on my beast and all my cher. lol thats just me my beast always hits ^^

Midori Oku
Jan 15, 2011, 10:19 AM
i find this funny cause on JP and US servers i use kaos knight on my beast and all my cher. lol thats just me my beast always hits ^^


This Kaos Knight sucks thing really makes me lol.

Jan 15, 2011, 11:15 AM

This Kaos Knight sucks thing really makes me lol.

I know right lol *Air high five*

oG Epik
Jan 15, 2011, 10:46 PM
Need a good SUV for a lvl 32 cast FG lvl 3...

Jan 16, 2011, 12:31 AM
Any of the GAM SUV's are the best so good luck there lol

oG Epik
Jan 16, 2011, 01:28 AM
The DFP for cast suck lol i need a s rank armor for paradi contact

Jan 16, 2011, 02:07 AM
The DFP for cast is moderate lol i need a s rank armor for Good SUV's(not the paradi of patheticness)


oG Epik
Jan 16, 2011, 03:59 AM
Lol whats better than Paradi Contact ( Not Hegel Burst its 4m :( unless your gonna buy for me for x-mas)... Also you know how techs change at 11-21-31-41 are bullets the same ? Also whats a good s rank armor thats kinda cheap and has DFP cause i need a better SUV.. Also is GM better than FG down the line for a cast... Also is mayalee and killer shot worth leveling for a rifle?

oG Epik
Jan 20, 2011, 09:43 AM
Fast+Cheap way? any items i can feed him other than like b+a rank weps?

Jan 20, 2011, 01:01 PM
S rank weapons :P lol Striking PAs.

Also it used to be done in the old days by feeding it trimates and star atomizers, then feeding it something that lowered tech before the tech was able to get a level :) (idk what lowers the tech anymore possibly a weapon) That was back in the day when nobody needed trimates or star atomizers and people wanted to get rid of them though. :P

oG Epik
Jan 20, 2011, 02:11 PM
Ya i started feeding it that and cheap a ranks i can find to lower it

oG Epik
Jan 20, 2011, 02:15 PM
So im bored of Paradi lol i want grom burst cause of its strength whats the best first stage for AMP... Also im lvl 82 cast and is plain over lords still best place for me to lvl bullets?

oG Epik
Jan 24, 2011, 12:27 PM
Ok so i would like the Edel fucil but i know im to low level im level 89 cast lvl 8 GM with decent weps i will have 90% of my bullets at 41+ after the rewards so what else will i need... What level Weapons and what would be good bullets

Chunky McMunky
Jan 24, 2011, 01:18 PM
mainly you will need light bullets and lots of healing items ESPECIALLY STAR ATOMISERS!!!!
as you may know to get an s rank on this mission requires you to keep karen alive so you wil need those.

i also recomend using a stamina unit if you dont have a vijeri resist handy
also make sure you get to gm 20 first it will make your life so much easier

a lil tactic i used to keep karen alive was to trap her in the scenery at the start of each block so at least shes safe from random megids

oG Epik
Jan 24, 2011, 01:52 PM
Ok what about the road to rykros or what ever with all the switches

Jan 24, 2011, 09:15 PM
You need to do some serious leveling first. Even with 41+ bullets at that level it probably isn't possible until 150++

oG Epik
Jan 24, 2011, 09:27 PM
Ouch( Kinda figured) just thought it might be possible at like 130

oG Epik
Jan 25, 2011, 12:06 AM
Ok so i haev been playing plain overlords s2 but my shotgun bullets are getting to strong to train effectively with safe spots?

Jan 25, 2011, 12:29 PM
I would honestly just level them as you level up your character level...if you still want to level them with safe spots consider trying Sakura Blast. Also, use Gunmaster with a 0/x Shigga Pakudac and a Bullet Save unit to level them and you'll hardly do any damage.

oG Epik
Jan 25, 2011, 04:37 PM
Is there safe spots on sakura blast

Jan 25, 2011, 05:01 PM
Ok what about the road to rykros or what ever with all the switches

I don't beleive it is possible with GM. I did it with protranser using the ex-trap method.

I know that FM can tornado dance through it fast enough and MF can get through it as well.

I never even got close to the time needed as a GM. I was level 170 at the time.

I did however beat the other one where you need to keep Karen alive as a GM.

Jan 25, 2011, 05:07 PM
Is there safe spots on sakura blast


This video shows what the Sakura Blast safe spots look like. There are a lot of them. It's a pretty good place to level Shotguns and Laser Cannons imo. You can also do Endrum Remnants S3, get the map where the Teleportation Crystal is inside a hallway previous to the first spawn. The third spawn has a group of about 5 healing/buffing CASTs and you can shoot them basically indefinitely and they won't attack back if you keep the wall between you.

oG Epik
Jan 25, 2011, 10:37 PM
i heard some guy did ity at 180 just shotguning and paradiing

Jan 26, 2011, 02:50 PM
I've heard a lot of things. I think the Protranser method is the easiest my friend.

oG Epik
Jan 26, 2011, 05:25 PM
We will see when im high enough level to even attempt

oG Epik
Jan 27, 2011, 12:06 PM
Also for master classes when you level them up do you stats go up cause on psupedia it shows they only go up 1,2,20

Jan 27, 2011, 09:46 PM
Yes they go up, PSUPedia just doesn't have all the values for the in-between levels.

oG Epik
Jan 27, 2011, 10:35 PM
Oh.. well i got on my beast today and i go my FF to lvl 20 and i wanna start running GAMS but is there a point in saving your AMP and going to second stage?

Jan 28, 2011, 05:47 AM
Yes because SS/r is better than DT/r and easily the easiest easy soloable /r

oG Epik
Jan 28, 2011, 09:47 AM
Well i need a team for DT/r so i can get 500 AMP Message me on XBL : Kid Epik if you wanna run em

oG Epik
Jan 31, 2011, 11:00 AM
Ok yesterday i got some 10/10 battlestoppers and i was using them and only hit like 50 or 60 higher than my 2/10s so for gunners is the bullet the big damage difference or?

Jan 31, 2011, 01:08 PM
2/10 vs. 10/10

Difference of 64 ATP. Which would equate to your 60 (approx) damage increase. Makes sense dude.

10/10 weps are not game changers... They're status symbols.

oG Epik
Jan 31, 2011, 07:31 PM
Oh see i expected atleast 100+ on each att or around there

Feb 1, 2011, 01:02 AM
With FCP level 2 you'll see a bigger increase, but 10/10 does not add nearly as much as level 41+ bullets do.

oG Epik
Feb 1, 2011, 06:55 AM
Lol what is FCP?

People said they didnt know if a GM could ever do the road to rykros in under 14min?


level 114 doing it

Feb 1, 2011, 08:44 AM
Full custom power
add a 10% boost to 10/10 weps

oG Epik
Feb 1, 2011, 02:56 PM
Ahh im poor lol only had 2 10/10 weps and sold em cause i got em for a mil

Feb 1, 2011, 09:06 PM
Yes, we saw that :(

I got through Road to Rykros as a Fighmaster, theoretically any gunner could do it in the same time as in that video. Protranser for instance could have laid a couple of EX traps and let those do the work, or Fortegunner could have done higher damage against the Gainozeros creatures and put them down quicker.

It's still a stupid requirement though.

oG Epik
Feb 1, 2011, 09:16 PM
i plan on trying it after the PA boost

Feb 2, 2011, 03:31 PM
Lol what is FCP?

People said they didnt know if a GM could ever do the road to rykros in under 14min?

YouTube - Phantasy Star Universe Chapter 3-7 part 2 S ranked (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoJlfwy-EiM)

level 114 doing it

Ahhh... But this is from the JP PC server you see!

The player makes it without any time at all left to spare. Because of the graphical slow down suffered on the xbox platform I'm still going to say that I don't feel it is possible.

I tried it myself last night with my 180 cast GM 20. (Really not much different than doing it with a 114 seeing as the 114 can one shot just as a 180 can.) Two tries. I finished the first one with 13:48 on the clock and the second with 13:44 on the clock.

I won't say it's impossible but I have a hard time believing without seeing. Lemme know how you fair.

oG Epik
Feb 2, 2011, 09:58 PM
I will after i get all my bullets 50

x Incubus Leo x
Feb 2, 2011, 10:30 PM
Good Luck with ur rifle bullets. . . .

oG Epik
Feb 2, 2011, 10:34 PM
3 week PA bonus i think i can do it.. Doing all them first cause shotgun bullets are so easy

oG Epik
Feb 6, 2011, 11:33 AM
Is there a better place that Plain overlords to level my bullets?

Feb 6, 2011, 12:55 PM
Of course there is. It depends on what you are leveling, Shotgun, Laser Cannon, Rifle or Twin Handgun.

oG Epik
Feb 6, 2011, 12:58 PM
well i will be leveling all of them so if you would be so kind in posting all of them

Also if it has safe spots and all that is there videos you would be able to post?

Anyone wanna help me out?

Feb 7, 2011, 12:27 PM
Laser Cannons - Seed Express
Shotguns - Basically Wherever
Twin Handguns - Unsafe Passage /R
Rifles - Unsafe Passage /R

Rifles I sorta guessed on...I'm not too sure. Somewhere with robots might be good if you can find safe spots.

oG Epik
Feb 7, 2011, 02:24 PM
Random question but why unsafe passage r?

Feb 7, 2011, 03:33 PM
I like to level my rifles at valley of carnage. You need a short character so that the vanda mehra's diga just flies over your head. Just sit there firing into em while they stand there tossing diga over top of you!

Otherwise just go to Sakura Blast and use a safe spot.

Feb 7, 2011, 04:54 PM
Random question but why unsafe passage r?

If you have a Newman you can make a GM (low class level is best, just enough to be able to equip weapons) you will hardly do any damage at all, and there is a safe spot. The enemies also have tons of health so you can spend about 20 minutes in the mission just on the first three spawns, at which point you abandon and restart.

Another good place for Twin Pistols and Rifles would be Endrum Remnants, the map with the safe spot. The robots will heal pretty often, and if you are doing low enough damage they will basically stay alive indefinitely. A Female Newman GM would be awesome here.

oG Epik
Feb 7, 2011, 06:06 PM
K well i can always go to fortegunner or something cause my GM is 20 but i will try the endrum cause i dont feel like wasting precious time on AMP