View Full Version : 3Ds remakes, what changes do you want?

Jan 22, 2011, 02:55 PM
so its been knowledge for quite some time that games like metal gear solid 3, ocarina of time are getting redone for a release on the 3DS hand held, what changes do you want to see, if any, to the games when they hit the new nintendo hand held?

I for one would like to see more enemies in hyrule field when you're an adult, and possibly more side quests in OOT3D along with the updates that have already been mentioned by nintendo. but seeing as i haven't played most of the originals, I'm mostly just looking forward to playing games like StarFox 64 in the first place.

Jan 22, 2011, 03:37 PM
I hear there were 2 dungeons in Ocarina of Time that were omitted in the final version and they may consider bringing them back in. I will so cash in if this is true.

Nitro Vordex
Jan 22, 2011, 03:38 PM
I don't want to see any changes, honestly. Having a graphically smoothed over portable OOC and StarFox64, both in 3D, is good enough for me.

Jan 22, 2011, 03:45 PM
For Ocarina, even though it's never, ever going to happen...Wind Waker graphics and art style. Yeah, that's right.

For MGS3, a more fun/engaging CQC system. Three games later and we still have yet to experience the thrilling, Bourne-like hand to hand combat that the game's cutscenes have always teased us with.

Star Fox could be the one I'm most excited for. I say, instead of worrying about vastly improving the game's graphics or controls (which are incredibly tight as it is), just cram it full of fun new levels (maybe even some other Landmaster and/or Blue Marine levels here and there - not that they should go crazy with those - and maybe even some levels that allow you to switch between those two vehicles or some combination of them and the Arwing, depending on branching paths and stuff). Also, maybe a few new weapons would be nice, too (like maybe different kinds of bombs, or styles of laser cannons that you can switch between instead of one linear upgrade path). Finally, there should multiple files so you can have more than one campaign going on at one time, and a level select option, because it made it really annoying trying to get medals in the original when in order to try for a medal on one planet you had to get through all of the ones before it, and then if you failed you'd need to quit and get there allllll over again.

Jan 22, 2011, 03:50 PM
I didn't even know they were doing remakes. I don't think that's really necessary, and Nintendo should focus on new titles. But, it hardly matters to me, as I'm not a big "Nintendo person" anymore.

Jan 22, 2011, 04:27 PM
No changes, just extra content would nice.

Jan 22, 2011, 04:58 PM
No changes, just extra content would nice.

extra content is a pretty big change

Jan 22, 2011, 05:05 PM
But extra content doesn't effect the original game. Just adds more stuff, like extra hidden bosses/weapons. You can easily play the game like it was originally made without doing any extra content in remade games.

When I hear "change," I think "instead of this boss doing this, we're going to make it do this instead." That's a change, like a mob's attack pattern or how strong it is. Randomly adding in secret stuff that's in random areas won't really change anything.

Jan 22, 2011, 05:14 PM
In all fairness, they've already said what the changes will be for the two Nintendo games:

Ocarina of Time will have upgraded graphics and a new inventory system handled through the touch screen.

Star Fox will have upgraded graphics, a "score attack mode", as well as "New features also allow first-time players to enjoy the excitement of Star Fox."


As for MGS3, it looks like they're incorporating some HUD elements from MGS4, as you can see the detection circle thingy from MGS4 surrounding Snake in some of the released screenshots.


Jan 22, 2011, 10:28 PM
I don't want to see any changes, honestly. Having a graphically smoothed over portable OOC and StarFox64, both in 3D, is good enough for me.

Pretty much this. If I can play Zelda:OOC without getting a massive headache from eye-strain (like the original) then I'm sold.

Jan 23, 2011, 10:25 PM
I wouldn't mind some kind of Multiplayer, even if its just one extra person in Ocarina of Time.
It'd work.

Jan 23, 2011, 10:56 PM
I don't know what sort of changes would be good, since these games weren't designed for a 3D platform, so any real updates that make use of the 3D capabilities will likely be gimmicky and tacked on.

Though I would like to see a 3DS version of Panzer Dragoon, and I'm sure a new NiGHTS game would fit well with the 3DS's capabilities.

Jan 24, 2011, 04:58 PM
@Sinue v2: I don't even intend to use the 3D very often, i meant changes to game play and content, although it seems that nintendo already released these, based on a previous post made, so this thread may have been nullified by this point

Jan 26, 2011, 02:02 AM
FFinally, there should multiple files so you can have more than one campaign going on at one time, and a level select option, because it made it really annoying trying to get medals in the original when in order to try for a medal on one planet you had to get through all of the ones before it, and then if you failed you'd need to quit and get there allllll over again.If you beat a level, you can press start on the overworld map and try the level again. You havn't played StarFox 64, have you?

Star Fox will have upgraded graphics, a "score attack mode", as well as "New features also allow first-time players to enjoy the excitement of Star Fox."
Whiiiich just translates to easy mode. Back in my day, one scratch and your wing was gone, laser upgrades and all. Dumbing games down is not a feature, its a handicap. We used to have standards of difficulty for games.


Jan 26, 2011, 08:07 AM
If you beat a level, you can press start on the overworld map and try the level again. You havn't played StarFox 64, have you?Really? You're really going to be a dick about this for no reason?

Yes, you can retry from the Lylat map, at which point you lose a life and automatically miss out on the chance to earn a medal on that level, which is what I was talking about. Unnecessarily condescending italicized comment to you, too.

Seth Astra
Jan 26, 2011, 09:57 AM
I've said this before, but on OOT3D, I want 2 things:

1. Make changing into and out of the iron boots simpler. It'd help the water temple suck less.

2. Allow the player to cycle through the elemental arrows with R like in Wind Waker. I almost never used the elemental arrows in OOT due to having to go into the menu, equip them, fire, then switch back to the plain bow.

Jan 26, 2011, 10:53 AM
2. Allow the player to cycle through the elemental arrows with R like in Wind Waker. I almost never used the elemental arrows in OOT due to having to go into the menu, equip them, fire, then switch back to the plain bow.

Ditto. Except I literally never used them unless the puzzle required me to. In Wind Waker I'd spam elemental arrows. :-D

Jan 26, 2011, 02:50 PM
Whiiiich just translates to easy mode. Back in my day, one scratch and your wing was gone, laser upgrades and all. Dumbing games down is not a feature, its a handicap. We used to have standards of difficulty for games.

You do realize that difficulty levels have been around pretty much forever, right?

Nitro Vordex
Jan 26, 2011, 03:46 PM
I wouldn't mind some kind of Multiplayer, even if its just one extra person in Ocarina of Time.
It'd work.
I don't understand why multiplayer would work in a game like Legend of Zelda. I don't know if it worked in Four Swords, I never played it myself, but having it in OoT might just annoy the shit out of me. What are you going to have, two Links? Zelda and Link would be a reasonable team up, however I don't really fancy having to rely on someone else in a game like LoZ.

Jan 26, 2011, 05:48 PM
Zelda and Link would be a reasonable team up, however I don't really fancy having to rely on someone else in a game like LoZ.Zelda in Sheik-form and Link could be extremely cool, especially if Sheik had some stylish hand to hand close range attacks and access to her whip as a mid-range attack and platforming tool and needles as a long range option. On the other hand, it would also require some heavy retconning, and even then it would only work if they increased the amount of enemies appearing in each dungeon and edited the puzzles in the dungeons to require teamwork in some capacity. Another daydream, but it'd still be cool.

Jan 27, 2011, 05:30 AM
I would say smooth out the graphics and leave the rest as it. If they have to, add a couple bonus material here and there that's related to the plot.

Just don't do what SQEX did to Chrono Trigger DS and tack on a redundant area and a cheesy 13th ending.

Jan 27, 2011, 05:18 PM
Eh, I had a snow day, Poly's closed. I decided to make a casual run through SF64.

Corneria, I had 194, got the medal.
Sector Y, restarted halfway, got 170ish, and still got a medal.
Macbeth was a good testing ground. I played once, got to 148 (no medal finish)
Then I restarted from overworld map, and got to 161. Medal awarded.
A6 happened to be one of my better runs, I got 386 just now. Felt it was worth a mention.

And in the past hour, I had a lot of fun, and proved my point. Restarting has nothing to do with if you get the medal, midway, overworld map, or otherwise. Is there a particular level/planet you're struggling on? I can help you with that.

@Outrider: No, I don't. I really don't. For years, games have one difficulty mode, and there's not much else. There's a term for games that kick your ass, (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard) and it was a fairly accurate description up 'til the point Nintendo gave up their official seal of quality.

Okay, let me put it this way. There was a time when the goal of all games revolved around "get from point A to point B. Don't die." In these games, just about everything will kill you. Then sometime in the 90s, most games became less of a survival means, and moreso of a scavenger hunt. SMW had their 5 Yoshi coins, DKC2 had their hidden DK coin, etc. Scoring is now measured by how many of the secrets you've found. Putting emphasis on finding things, means the designers also made it a lot harder to die and force you to restart a level.

If the goal has shifted from survival to seeking, then the designers don't necessarily want to kill you anymore; this introduced the concept of a life bar, take x amount of hits and you die. This goes up and down throughout the level. Or in the case of SM64, the surface of water gives you health, hah! It really depends on how you measure difficulty. One can say a game is difficult if many enemies are present, and it's a challenge to survive a level, in which case, you shouldn't be playing Super Meat Boy. One can say its difficult because you're set at a handicap, oh, say.. outnumbered units in Advance Wars.

Yeah, I'm well aware that most recent games have 'hard mode' which unlocks upon completion of the regular game. My rant is that for games that have one difficulty, the standard for survival/completion has gotten much lower.

Jan 27, 2011, 06:43 PM
@Outrider: No, I don't. I really don't. For years, games have one difficulty mode, and there's not much else. There's a term for games that kick your ass, (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard) and it was a fairly accurate description up 'til the point Nintendo gave up their official seal of quality.

Have you played Tempest? It's an arcade game from 1981. It came out well before the Nintendo. It had difficulty levels.

Do you remember how in in Tetris, you could adjust the difficulty before starting the game? Yeah.

Doom and Wolfenstein 3D had difficulty levels with joking names ("I'm too young to die" was the equivalent of Very Easy in Doom.) These came out in the early nineties.

As I said, this is nothing new.

If the goal has shifted from survival to seeking, then the designers don't necessarily want to kill you anymore; this introduced the concept of a life bar, take x amount of hits and you die. This goes up and down throughout the level. Or in the case of SM64, the surface of water gives you health, hah! It really depends on how you measure difficulty. One can say a game is difficult if many enemies are present, and it's a challenge to survive a level, in which case, you shouldn't be playing Super Meat Boy. One can say its difficult because you're set at a handicap, oh, say.. outnumbered units in Advance Wars.

If you think that games should be difficult, only play difficult games. That's a very narrow-minded point of view, on par with somebody who thinks all games should be violent, or RPGs, or only available on Facebook - but you're welcome to have your point of view if it makes you happy.

Not everybody feels like they have to prove themselves when playing a game. Some people want to enjoy the gameplay. Others want to see the story. Some people just want to experience a challenge. That's cool, too.

Yeah, I'm well aware that most recent games have 'hard mode' which unlocks upon completion of the regular game. My rant is that for games that have one difficulty, the standard for survival/completion has gotten much lower.

Well, again - difficulty modes are not new in any way, shape, or form - and it sounds like Star Fox 3DS will be the regular Star Fox 64, but with an additional easy mode. So I don't think you have too much to worry about.

Jan 27, 2011, 07:16 PM
anyone else think it would have been cool if they had put Majora's Mask in the OOT3D game also except that after OOT3D the game just continued, and there was also a way to just start your file in MM?