View Full Version : Unveiling of the PSP2 handheld

Jan 24, 2011, 01:28 PM
Here the link for more info about the PSP2:

Also I posted this thread here(and I don't wish for it to be moved)so we can hear the PSOW Public opinions on this new handheld.

Jan 24, 2011, 01:38 PM
yep, just another Nintendo copy, why am i not surprised, it's already hard for me to call the PSPgo a gaming system and this is seeming like it'll be not much better

Jan 24, 2011, 01:54 PM
The OLED screen sounds like it will be incredibly nice, but I wonder what the 3G plans are going to be. I imagine they won't be able to do a "pay a lump sum up front, get 3G for life" deal like the Kindle, since game downloads and online gaming take a bit more bandwidth than downloading ebooks.

Jan 24, 2011, 05:25 PM
I just hope that Sony wises up and realizes that people don't want boner-inducing technical capabilities. They want games. Sony tried the "lets wow them with tech" angle with their last two systems and they are both currently pulling up the rear in their respective markets.

Jan 24, 2011, 05:48 PM
If it's as powerful as Sony's leaks would have us believe I can't imagine the battery life is anything but pathetic, which sort of defeats the entire purpose of it being portable.

Jan 24, 2011, 06:27 PM
If it's as powerful as Sony's leaks would have us believe I can't imagine the battery life is anything but pathetic, which sort of defeats the entire purpose of it being portable.

Processing power is inversely proportional to battery life.

Fun, yes?

Jan 24, 2011, 08:41 PM
All I want is two thumb sticks. That's all. I really don't see why the 3DS only has one. Using a touch screen for a second analogue stick is one of the worst experiences, ever.

Jan 24, 2011, 08:51 PM
They better be in spots where I don't need to dislocate my thumbs to use them.

(Also think I'm being whooshed by whatever Randomness said)

Jan 24, 2011, 09:06 PM
If the leaked screen shots of the prototype are real then the sticks will be located to the right of the four face buttons and to the left of the d pad.

Jan 24, 2011, 10:41 PM
There'll be confusion the moment this gets released here on PSOW.

PSP2...Phantasy Star Portable 2 or PlayStation Portable 2?


Jan 24, 2011, 11:14 PM
There'll be confusion the moment this gets released here on PSOW.

PSP2...Phantasy Star Portable 2 or PlayStation Portable 2?


This actually happened on a site when Phantasy Portable 2 was released. The site mistook Ruby's PSP for a supposed "leak" of the Playstation Portable 2.

It was incredibly stupid.

Jan 24, 2011, 11:36 PM


Jan 24, 2011, 11:45 PM
I really don't think there will be that much confusion. Example: "I've been looking for that new rare weapon in PSP2." and "Hey have you guys seen Sony's new PSP2?" See, if used in the right context there will be no problem.

Jan 25, 2011, 01:07 AM
There'll be some. Just not much, but enough to lol at.


Seth Astra
Jan 25, 2011, 01:10 AM
Hrm... It looks like it'll be really awesome... Or really, REALLY suck...

Jan 25, 2011, 08:59 AM
I miss the days when handhelds simply aimed to be handhelds. And if one counts the GBA's ill-fated venture in TV show video cartridges, then it's been a while. =P

That said, I'm at least hoping that the PSP2 doesn't look like that concept model. It looks really dumb.

And yeah, the next model for the PSP needs to rearrange its button layout. Things like Volume and Home are pretty much fine where they are, but ideally it has to place the more-used controls in a place where they can easily reach without having to twist their thumbs at a weird angle (dear God, the analog nub for the PSP).

This actually happened on a site when Phantasy Portable 2 was released. The site mistook Ruby's PSP for a supposed "leak" of the Playstation Portable 2.

It was incredibly stupid.

That sounds so idiotic that I need to see it to believe. Was it a forum or something?

Jan 25, 2011, 09:46 AM
That's why some of us just say "PSPo2" ;o

Jan 25, 2011, 11:40 AM

It better not look like this. I wish Sony would stop being flat out retarded when it comes to designing controllers. The PSX was fine, the dual shock came out and that became the standard controller for the PS2. But why the hell are they still using the same controller for the ps3!!!?. None of the games use the D-pad dominantly, so swap them.

Same thing with the PSP, the 1000 was fine; why didn't they swap the d pad and the analog stick in the 2000, 3000, or go? The system is a pain in the ass cramping my thumb down there and then using my fingers on the triggers to counter balance the torque it puts on the system. And now that they finally get the analog control scheme right they have to go and fuck up the buttons!? No, fuck you sony! Stop it!

Are the Dreamcast and X360 controllers patented so they can't use the same design? Those controllers are perfect, why can't they rip those off? Instead they go and design some messed up bull shit.


Other than that it looks good. Just have to wait and see what launch titles they have.

Jan 25, 2011, 11:44 AM
That's why some of us just say "PSPo2" ;o

How does that help? It doesn't really clarify if it's Phantasy Star Portable 2, or PlayStation Portable 2 :-P

Jan 25, 2011, 11:22 PM
Speaking of controller... man, I miss the six-button style controller of SEGA Saturn.

Jan 27, 2011, 02:05 AM

The press conference is still going on, but at the moment, here's what we've got:

-New PSP is coming out
-Graphics seem to be on PS3-level
-Regular Playstation buttons, dual analog sticks, touch screen up front; touch panel on back
-3G and Wifi support
-Some cool local wireless stuff (sounds like an expansion to the 3DS tag mode initiatives)
-They showed some gameplay of an Uncharted port a new Uncharted game. Apparently you can use regular controls or new touch-only controls, which sounds like it could be fun to fool around with.


Anywho, sounds neat, even if they haven't mentioned any real surprises. I'm going to bed, so I apologize if anything else of importance comes out of the press conference and it's not reflected in this post.

Jan 27, 2011, 02:06 AM
I hate Kotaku simply because their pages take way too long to load, but this thing is beautiful.

It wouldn't be a Playstation launch without a Wipeout game. Ridge Racer is mysteriously missing though.

EDIT: And I am slow.

Jan 27, 2011, 05:20 AM
So my question is this:

How will we differentiate Phantasy Star Portable 2 from Playstation Portable 2?

I mean, It's bad enough that whenever people ask me what game I'm playing, I just say "PSP2" and it repeats, until I tell them that "PSP2" is the acronym of the game.

Jan 27, 2011, 06:47 AM
Sony seems to be referring to is as the NGP (Next Generation Portable), so you don't need to (nor should anyone have, really) worry about it anymore.

It should have been pretty obvious which you were talking about given the context anyway.

Jan 27, 2011, 09:57 AM
So, it looks like they didn't announce pricing last night, but they did show off a number of tech demos showing off how easy it is to port PS3 assets over to the NGP.

It's basically a portable PS3 (plus touch controls, 3G, a nice screen, etc), so that's pretty cool.

But, uh... if I can play devil's advocate - wasn't the PSP basically just a portable PS2? It sort of seems like Sony is doing the same thing as they did last generation... which didn't really work in their favor.

I think they've definitely solved a bunch of the problems that gamers had with the system, but the real test is going to be if it catches the attention of the general public. That's where the real money is. [/devil's advocate]

Jan 27, 2011, 10:09 AM
How does that help? It doesn't really clarify if it's Phantasy Star Portable 2, or PlayStation Portable 2 :-P



We cannot win!

Jan 27, 2011, 11:33 AM


We cannot win!
Im playing PSO2... wait.

1 extra letter on no

Jan 27, 2011, 12:10 PM
I can't wait to find out that its $500. That said, it looks cool.

Jan 27, 2011, 02:32 PM
I can't wait to find out that its $500. That said, it looks cool.

I was thinking closer to $400. Maybe $350.

Jan 27, 2011, 03:23 PM
Apparently it costs $999.99

Jan 27, 2011, 04:31 PM
anyone else see how the new PSP is going to look like? O_O

2 Analog stick, touch screen and no slide out area for all the buttons O_o
their going to put top quality games like Uncharted, Cod(i hate CoD) games on there and all these other beautiful things there too O_o....

also they system is getting a 3G network speed and i still don't fully understand what that does lol. i have a idea.

i'ma so enjoy playing PSP2i when the new PSP comes out O_o....
and also i think theres going to be Blutooth on it for head sets so i'm really happy o-o

Jan 27, 2011, 04:43 PM
I jizzed when i saw it

Jan 27, 2011, 04:58 PM
Apparently it costs $999.99

Which is the weirdest placeholder price I've seen so far on Gamestop.

Jan 27, 2011, 05:13 PM
when will the new one get out?

Jan 27, 2011, 05:16 PM
when will the new one get out?

According to the press conference, later in 2011 they're going to manufacture... my prediction? First batch by December 25, 2011, in time for the holidays.

Jan 27, 2011, 05:17 PM
Would be amazing if PSO2 came on that thing. I mean, you could use your PC license cross-platform, like PSU is for the PS2.

Found a post about it on a website, which gave some nitty gritty's about it: http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming/handhelds/psp2-rumours-what-you-need-to-know-921111

Would you say that, they have a couple of months for the finish product and then its manufactoring time for the release? I would love to see how they create one and put it all together.

Jan 27, 2011, 06:31 PM
I've always referred to Phantasy Star Portable 2 as PSPo2. You could always refer to the PSP2 as the NGP, seeing how that is its codename and all.

Jan 27, 2011, 06:44 PM
Its release is earlier than expected, this kind of kills my interest in PSP2/i. :L I hope an online GTA game comes out with at least 8-player multi-mode. ^^ I also hope this some how interests PSP2.

Jan 27, 2011, 06:49 PM
I'm happy that it's backwards compatible with all PSN downloads. That means I'll still be playing Phantasy Star Portable 2 on it. Well at least until we have a new new Phantasy Star.

Jan 27, 2011, 06:56 PM
omg i said ages ago on another forum that the psp NEEDS a second analog stick, FPS will be perfect to play now! hooah

Jan 27, 2011, 07:03 PM
And to think, with PSP's past reputation I didn't think it would completely crush and dominate 3DS in its next gen if it were even getting a next gen system.

Jan 27, 2011, 07:22 PM
Honestly I usually have a rough opinion on things, sometimes harsh. My thoughts of the PSP2(NGP) so far, I must say I'm impressed. I'm really liking the new look and the features. The whole touch screen feature is hardly ripping off the DS, since cell phones been having that. Nintendo doesn't deserve any credit for that. The graphics are really nice, I never had any doubts with what Sony could do. Plus effin' Uncharted, OMG I'm sold! Here's the Uncharted showing.

The only things that I'm worried about, is that it hopefully won't be another PS3 in terms of game library, as in being shooter dominated. There better be some genre variety. Hopefully those lousy NA developers make original titles instead of making the same thing. If its first party like Killzone, Wipeout, Uncharted then it's okay, I don't mind seeing a few sequels/prequels to current IPs. Thing other thing is price, that may be my "day 1" deciding factor. I got a bad feeling Sony is going to put a high price on this, at least $400.

Other than that, I'm really interested so far. I know Sony is going to keep their mouth shut about the price until 3DS releases in NA for at least a month. I guess they want to observe how Nintendo does. That's got to be why NGP took so long to be shown, Sony doesn't to go up against the 3DS so closely.


Jan 27, 2011, 07:27 PM
Wrong place to talk about it, but sure.


Jan 27, 2011, 07:30 PM
it's a very impressive upgrade for PSP. i mean touch screen, Quad-core proc, touch pad on the back, 2 analog sticks(can't get over that) and this system is like a postable PS3 now. the video for the PS meeting showed that they were running Uncharted Drakes Fortune on it and some of MGS4. it's going to have shooters. i honestly can't wait for it. i want it now

Jan 27, 2011, 07:33 PM
I can't wait to find out that its $500. That said, it looks cool.
And then the analog nubs are still bad and hands still be clawin like PSP on your PSP of old from not much side room space from the controls or helpful hold em ergonomics.

Jan 27, 2011, 07:42 PM
Can it handle 16-players?

Jan 27, 2011, 09:43 PM
Wrong place to talk about it, but sure.


I was thinking this belonged in Off-Topic too, but I wasn't sure.

I am excited at the prospect of dual analogs, a new PSP game on it...

But as silly as it is I really want a good option to connect the thing to TVs in fullscreen with OFW. That would rock. I don't even need the PS3 controller support, just that would rock. I'm not always on the go much anymore where I can play games like I was in college, and so being able to come home and play PSP2 and 2i on a TV while being able to use online mode with no CFW hassle would be nice. Would remind me of the Blue Burst days if I could even get it to fullscreen properly on my laptop with my capture card.

That and pricepoint. Poor recent-college grad: paying loans, etc etc... the 3DS price sounded steep, this has to cost so much more for the tech. I know I want one though, especially if they fix the TV OFW problems. I mean you can put Playstation games fullscreen from the PSN through the PSP Composite/Component out at full screen, why not beef up the PSP as even an option to do so?

Jan 27, 2011, 09:53 PM
Would you say that, they have a couple of months for the finish product and then its manufactoring time for the release? I would love to see how they create one and put it all together.

I'm in China and stay at electronics manufacturing plants all the time. It's nothing spectacular. However, if you like the company of many young and fairly pretty Chinese girls, then you'd be going to the right place.

Jan 27, 2011, 11:20 PM
But as silly as it is I really want a good option to connect the thing to TVs in fullscreen with OFW.

I don't see this happening without a substantial Sony cable tax. Electronics companies always make huge margins on proprietary junk, and Sony isn't an exception.

Jan 27, 2011, 11:35 PM
I don't see this happening without a substantial Sony cable tax. Electronics companies always make huge margins on proprietary junk, and Sony isn't an exception.

For just outputting PSP games?(much like a Gameboy player). They already can output games in letterbox format.:) They could make it so the PSP couldn't output say, Hulu or Netflix. That's fine.:P But I imagine Netflix and Hulu will be on the new PSP since Sony already had deals with Hulu and Netflix for the PS3 derp.

Jan 27, 2011, 11:40 PM
I meant the Sony already charges a premium just to give you that letterbox style cable, and you need to get something 3rd party to actually get proper value. If they were to offer something better officially, it's going to cost even more.

I'm facing the same problem with Samsung and their Galaxy S phones. Damned $40 ($80 in local currency) micro USB to HDMI proprietary cables...

Jan 27, 2011, 11:43 PM
I meant the Sony already charges a premium just to give you that letterbox style cable, and you need to get something 3rd party to actually get proper value. If they were to offer something better officially, it's going to cost even more.

I'm facing the same problem with Samsung and their Galaxy S phones. Damned $40 ($80 in local currency) micro USB to HDMI proprietary cables...

Ah. I thought you meant cable as in "channels".:P I don't see why they don't still since their cables allow PS1 and movies to be fullscreen. I'd buy a $50-60 new cable from Sony if it allowed fullscreen out PSP games. FOR A CABLE! MY LAND FOR A CABLE! XD

I'm just about ready to wait for the slims to drop in price, and just get a cheap PSP 2000 and CFW it only to play my PSP games on my HDTV where I can see the whole picture. :D I imagine they'll drop even more when the new PSP drops.

Jan 28, 2011, 12:49 AM
I'll chime in as well. System looks pretty sweet with all it's bells and whistles, but like some of you have already talked about Sony I believe has to have an aggressive price point for the system.

$300 looks to be like the best price point for it b/c if they decide to go higher than that they risk people bypassing the purchase of their handheld for their PS3. In Japan im sure they won't have this problem but worldwide that could lead down the same path as the original PSP. Obviously you don't want to compete against yourself, but against your competition.

Should be very interesting how Cnsumer Reports, Stock Market Shareholders, etc. try to come up with a way to make it advantageous for them and the consumer

Jan 28, 2011, 01:55 AM
The back of the unit looks really spiffy and I'm curious as to how the rear touch screen will work. I did read something that disappointed me a little today though. The unit itself will be sealed so you can't replace the battery. This thing is likely going to have a fairly shoddy battery life and not being able to swap batteries on the go means that once the battery is dead, the unit is dead until you can charge it. And that sucks.

Jan 28, 2011, 02:14 AM
My God, having a codename like "Next Generation Portable" is almost as boastful as the "Revolution."

That said, I want to slap them for still placing their analog below the d-pad. I get that they're trying to emulate the Playstation console controllers, but that just does not work when the nubs are that size. Not to mention that the d-pand is just barely above the level of obsolete...

What worries me is the sealed battery. What about the chances of battery failure over prolonged usage? Do they expect us to get a new NGP if that happens?

Jan 28, 2011, 08:59 AM
My God, having a codename like "Next Generation Portable" is almost as boastful as the "Revolution."

Except what Nintendo did with the Wii was actually pretty revolutionary. They tapped previously overlooked demographics, and now MS and Sony are desperately trying to replicate Nintendo's success with Move and Kinect.

It seems Sony's approach to the PSP2 is similar to the PS3: jam in as much tech as possible and see what sticks. However, there is one key difference. There's software this time around.

Jan 28, 2011, 12:20 PM
The second analogue stick seems to be the main only feature that gamers really asked about. The rest of it looks like a laundry-list of (What did Nintendo and Apple do?), this time, grabbing most of their inspiration from the iPhone. They made it doubly obvious with their suspicious Android support.

Sony? Extending thier hand to someone else's system and being selective on a possible lucrative platform and not the other lucrative one? Nah. It means nothing.

Jan 28, 2011, 12:22 PM
My God, having a codename like "Next Generation Portable" is almost as boastful as the "Revolution."

"Next Generation Portable" as a name isn't boastful in the least. If anything, it's a boring but completely utilitarian codename. In fact, it's the simplest and most descriptive codename for a system we've had in years.

Waves of technology releases are generally referred to as "generations."

The NGP will be take the place of the PSP. The PSP is the current generation of technology, and therefore its replacement would be the next generation.

Jan 28, 2011, 12:26 PM
Then given the naming structure of Playstation Portables, I think the next one should be called PDS9. For Playstation Deep Space 9, followed by the PSV. Playstation Voyager. And what makes this even better is that the last one could be as confusing an acronym against Phantasy Star as this current gen does. PSP (Playstation Portable or Phantasy Star Portable?) PSV. (A possible Phantasy Star V announcement or is it the Playstation Voyager?)

Jan 28, 2011, 12:53 PM
The second analogue stick seems to be the main only feature that gamers really asked about. The rest of it looks like a laundry-list of (What did Nintendo and Apple do?), this time, grabbing most of their inspiration from the iPhone. They made it doubly obvious with their suspicious Android support.

Sony? Extending thier hand to someone else's system and being selective on a possible lucrative platform and not the other lucrative one? Nah. It means nothing.
The left analogue should definitely be bigger and above the dpad. I often wonder why Sony refuses to switch the two. It's much more comfortable and ergonomically correct to have the main control input where your hand will mostly be.

Jan 28, 2011, 01:56 PM
Wow,reading all these post about the NGP PSP2 and also watching a video of gameplay is really interesting. As what someone said before,the system does appear to be like the iPhone/Nintendo DS.Most of us were expecting something new and we got it,even the graphics have been greatly improved but having good graphics isn't called "gaming".16 players game like Socom Fireteam Bravo 3 could be remaked into it's 4 installment,carrying the graphics that was shown in the video.Games like Call of Duty are also gonna be remaked into the portable system.The only things that I am afraid of is the Battery Life and Touch Screen.I understand it has 2 panels but I remember using my iPod Touch and the screen always got so hot.When someone said something about "you can't take out the battery because it sealed" I was also worried Sony might do something like that.I don't wanna say what the item called(Pandora Battery)but they did this to prevent any sort of modding.Also maybe the system has a new battery that is not compatible with it previous models(1000,2000,3000.)

Jan 28, 2011, 02:12 PM
The left analogue should definitely be bigger and above the dpad. I often wonder why Sony refuses to switch the two. It's much more comfortable and ergonomically correct to have the main control input where your hand will mostly be.

I'm disappointed by this as well, but there are tons of fanboys that will scream bloody murder if they have to use anything besides their beloved DualShock design.

Jan 28, 2011, 02:34 PM
It's Sony, so don't expect anything on pricing. I hope at least they make an effort to make the NGP compatible with some kind of tv out. If games are getting to be ps3 level graphics, then you shouldn't need to squint to enjoy them.

As for design
I'm pretty pissed. The Analog stick is still shoved to the bottom. And they gave up menus in favor of a blatant iOS rip off.

I can always hope:

Jan 28, 2011, 03:35 PM
It's not a Blatant iOS ripoff at all.
You see. They managed to turn the display and page markers 90 whole degrees. The display also probably doesn't do both landscape and portrait. And.....um.....I don't see folders....and it probably doesn't have the ability to pause any and all apps on the system (at the same time), just one app at a time. And that Symbol on the top left. It just says 3G. I don't see any AT&T or Verizon name up there. :)

That front and back facing camera, Not for Facetime. Not a Nintendo DSi thing. It'll be called FrontofHeaDS Time. Because more HeaDS are better than One face. Sure, the next portable to follow this will probably have a flip-out 2nd screen that does 3D on it, but no. Sony is doing their *own* thing by not addressing such a blatant rip-off here. :)

And the Android thing is totally not Sony trying to take on Apple. (Though they forget the main reason the other does well is not because it's a games machine, it's because it's a smart phone-type thing. A mini-computer, that just happens to also play games. It's the console taking on a PC thing, all over again, in portable form.)

Jan 28, 2011, 04:41 PM
That UI looks awful. I much prefer the XMB.

Jan 28, 2011, 11:28 PM
That UI looks awful. I much prefer the XMB.

XMB isn't bad but it's getting really dated. I also can't imagine trying to use it with a touchscreen.

Jan 28, 2011, 11:36 PM
I'm probably in the minority but I hate mucking up my screens with fingerprints. I'd rather not use a touch interface for UI navigation on a device that small. I understand there's a touch screen on the back as well so that may alleviate some of my concern but I still prefer the aesthetic of the XMB to whatever they currently have for the NGP.

Jan 28, 2011, 11:43 PM
@McLaughlin Dont forget pocket wear.

@joefro Same here.

Huh. Sony does not do a good job of hiding there systems. And look how many prototypes they go though.