View Full Version : Game Disgaea 4

Feb 8, 2011, 04:16 PM
So I'm sure anyone here who is interested already knows about this, but Disgaea 4 was finally announced sometime in October last year, I think.


Some features about the game that has me excited.
- HD Sprites
- Animated Ultimate attacks, (Think Omega spells from Disgaea 2)
- Disgaea 2-ish plotline {who stole mah waifu oppai pantsu?)
- Axel being a more prominent cast member
- Create a dungeon feature
- Deeper Reverse pirating system
- Deeper online functionality


For sometime now, a lot of Japanese developers have lost my interest. Disgaea however is the one game that can draw me back. It's just weeaboo enough for my tastes.

So let's get hyped.

Feb 8, 2011, 04:21 PM
You know what's funny. I consider these games the epitome of Strategy RPGs, nowadays. Especially since SEGA kind of gave up on them, for so long, and NIS stepped up to the plate. Big time.

And yet, I often feel like they release these games way too fast. Part of me wants to jump right into it, just to get through the story, for which it will probably be a laugh riot. The other part of me feels I'd neglect so much of all the previous games for which I still have tons to do left in them.

They make games that (anybody with a sizable game library) would take years to finish, but then release the next game within the next year. Too much, too fast. I haven't even *bought* Disgaea 3. Between the first two, La Pucelle, Phantom Brave (with the new one I still plan on picking up), and Makai Kingdom, I've been booked solid. Really. I'm even playing ZHP and Cladun.

Feb 8, 2011, 04:25 PM
I've always felt I would enjoy Disgaea, but continue to pass it by for some reason. Maybe I'll pick this one up.

Feb 8, 2011, 09:05 PM
Only thing I dislike about Disgaea is how the only way to gain exp is having the killing blow. It sucks for defensive/healing people in my team since they'll be a lower level than everyone else.

I loved 1, 2 (PSP remake is fantastic) and 3.

Feb 8, 2011, 10:24 PM
Only thing I dislike about Disgaea is how the only way to gain exp is having the killing blow. It sucks for defensive/healing people in my team since they'll be a lower level than everyone else.

I loved 1, 2 (PSP remake is fantastic) and 3.

I could swear than in the PSP remake of 2 healers got some xp from healing. Mine was leveling, so... yeah.

That said, the ability to put a wuss in a combo attack with a monster helps in leveling.

Feb 9, 2011, 12:33 AM
Yeah Dark Hero Days made it so healing gains exp, but still, it's far easier for offensive jobs to level than healers. I like how in FF tactic games how exp is based on an action.

Feb 9, 2011, 01:15 AM
Yeah Dark Hero Days made it so healing gains exp, but still, it's far easier for offensive jobs to level than healers. I like how in FF tactic games how exp is based on an action.

I don't care for scenarios where the optimal leveling strategy is to have my guys take turns whacking each other.

Feb 9, 2011, 06:59 AM
Only thing I dislike about Disgaea is how the only way to gain exp is having the killing blow. It sucks for defensive/healing people in my team since they'll be a lower level than everyone else.

I loved 1, 2 (PSP remake is fantastic) and 3.

2 things:
1. Disgaea 2 let healers get EXP for using their skills on others.
2. Theres 2 levels where healing does damage in geo panels. (I thnink its called Reverse Damage) heal and actually kill guys i think its Shinwa Tower with all the sages along the permitter.

Feb 9, 2011, 07:27 AM
I know all the cheap ways to level up, just saying in general. I guess nowadays I just don't have time to go back and do intense grinding with all this school work .-.

Feb 9, 2011, 11:14 AM
I often feel like they release these games way too fast.

They make games that (anybody with a sizable game library) would take years to finish, but then release the next game within the next year. Too much, too fast.

I totally agree on this.
I have barely started on Disgaea 3 and now there is 4 in september/october...

But I do not know how the majority play, but I like to be able to choose what to play. Day 1: Sonic. Day 2: Disgaea... I cannot settle for just one game when I have som many good ones to choose from.
I do not wish for my games to be 100% over just because I beat the last boss... I would like to be able to go back to the game when after I am done with it - if I miss it. So I could not just sit and spam one game till it is 100% done to shelf it forever.

Just because they release a new game does not mean you cannot/have to stop playing the other, previous games.

Sure, you do feel left out when everyone else is talking and enjoying the newer game... But rather that than NO sequel at all! Lunar 3... Breath of Fire 6... Do not get me started!

Feb 9, 2011, 02:06 PM
They make games that (anybody with a sizable game library) would take years to finish, but then release the next game within the next year. Too much, too fast. I haven't even *bought* Disgaea 3. Between the first two, La Pucelle, Phantom Brave (with the new one I still plan on picking up), and Makai Kingdom, I've been booked solid. Really. I'm even playing ZHP and Cladun.

I think the trick is to not buy all of their games. I use to feel the same way as you, I would buy a lot of their games and would be overwhelmed by the content and the frequency at which it was being pumped out. Now a days there's only a select few titles which I give my attention to, the Disgaea series being one of them.

Personally I feel like it's been quite some time since Disgaea 3 came out, and I'm more then ready for 4. 3 was always a comfort game for me and it would be a game I would constantly frequent when I had no other game taking up my interests or when I felt like playing a game but wanted something that was more laid back. I'd get on Disgaea 3 and grind. The DLC they added for 3 really extended the play time for me and to this day I still pop it in and and do some stuff. Weather it's raising my characters stats, creating perfect item sets, or doing someone of the online challenges, I always found the game comforting and enjoyable. For the most part the real meat of the game doesn't really start until you beat the games story. Then the real deal starts.

Also, ever since Disgaea 2 they made it a whole lot easier to level up healers by making it easy for them to learn offensive spells. I think in 2 you could have mentors and apprentices and when you stood them close to each other they could use abilities that the apprentice had if they had the right weapons. If they used the skill enough they would eventually retain that skill and would no longer need to stand next to their apprentice. I would usually teach them something like Mega fire or whatever other spell I felt like. In 3 it was made much easier thanks to the class world, just make sure they where in the club of the person with the skill you wanted to learn and then talk to the secret move instructor. Assuming of course you had enough mana to turn in so you can learn the move/spell. In 3 I'm pretty sure I thought every one in my roster Big Bang or Omega or Giga Heal, and some form of Omega elemental spell.

Feb 13, 2011, 04:23 AM
I don't care for scenarios where the optimal leveling strategy is to have my guys take turns whacking each other.

^this is how I was able to beat Hoshigami (PSX). once I figured this out, Normal Mode -> EZ Mode (and it was pretty damn hard to begin with)

but healers do get XP for healing in D2 and later. hell, characters gets XP for walking. yes, I have moved and ended my turn which resulted in a level up. not to mention the bonus guage yields XP at times and team attacks mean XP for everyone that participated

clerics should know offensive magic anyhoo since staff is there best weapon and the majority of them give INT unless its D3 where it's a bit trickier to have access to spells because of the lack of... what was it again... Personal Gain or something?

About disgaea, if you don't have the time, disgaea is not the game for you. its mainly for the hardcore since the post-game heavily emphasizes on grinding, item world farming, and reincarnation, all of which are vastly time consuming, even with the tricks and shortcuts. you may be able to make it thro the main story with a few characters pass 100 but most of the optional battles pin you against level 1000-2000+ enemies so grinding is pretty much guaranteed. this is what sets Disgaea apart from the rest of the SRPG genre: its insane level cap and post-cap leveling means the potential to make some of the most broken characters you have even seen in a videogame.

Feb 17, 2011, 12:44 AM
They are already making Disgaea 4, i am not surprised. I just ordered a PS3 and Disgaea 3 from Amazon using my own money.

Apr 8, 2011, 09:47 AM
Woot, they finally announced the release date for US and EU. September for us Americans.


Also they are running a contest in which people can submit name suggestions for an NPC, a Weapon, and a skill.


I suggested Honey Badger for the NPC
Description: Honey Badger don't care, Honey Badger don't give a damn.

Epeen for the sword
Description: Significantly boosts a status, but what status?

and Tiger Blood for the weapon skill
Description: Duh, Winning

Apr 8, 2011, 10:11 AM
If they have Adonis DNA, this might be a Must buy! I would have to get that AND Tiger's Blood.

Apr 8, 2011, 10:32 AM
I'm like amtalx in the fact that I've always been interested in this series, but haven't gotten any of the games. A friend of mine was into the first two Disgaea games and Makai Kingdom, and let me play a bit of the Prinny game on his PSP (which was hilarious and challenging, lol).

The fact that this has a create-a-dungeon feature has piqued my curiosity, but it looked like in one of those videos, you could have your own ship as well...? I'd LOVE to be able to build my own ship if that was in the game... at least, I loved doing it in the Kingdom Hearts games. ^^

Apr 8, 2011, 11:26 AM
Honestly, I don't like strategy RPGs ( except VC ). Just not my thing to watch long battles. I'm shocked NISA already announced this when it just got released in JP. I was really hoping for NISA to confirm Atelier Totori for NA already, I want it so bad. JP is already getting the third effin' game in June!

Apr 8, 2011, 02:02 PM
I remember watching the uStream of the Tokyo Game Show and being surprised to see this. The president Sohei Nikawa came out as a prinny to announce Disgaea 4 and said they were "totally serious about it dood"".

Disgaea is probably one of the best tactics rpg games out there. I'm playing through 2 right now and it's definitely as painful as it is enjoyable. As far as content goes, they can just add a new layer each time with slightly more content. Each game only has a bit more than the next so it's pretty easy for them to pump them out. The problem is while the games are fun and enjoyable to play it feels like they use skinner box techniques to keep people addicted. I'd like to see more actual content rather than making people dive down 100 levels in the item world for the n'th time.

Apr 8, 2011, 05:47 PM
T.T I Haven't even played 3 yet!

Apr 11, 2011, 11:06 AM
T.T I Haven't even played 3 yet!

Get on it dood!

I'm pretty excited for this. The giant people-towers of rape made me lol though.

Apr 11, 2011, 09:01 PM
I'm still on 3. I need to finish, but Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is so awesome. I enjoy the leveling by class rather by character. I wish there was an early convenient level in D3 to grind since all these missions are like LV40+ and the only person at 37 is Mr. Champloo, while everyone else is about 28~32 and die fairly quickly.