View Full Version : Panzer Dragon needs to be ported to iPhone/Android.

Feb 9, 2011, 10:30 PM
For serious and for true. It would be easy to port too, just use the gyroscope to move the dragon and the multi touch field for shooting/aiming. Think about how awesome it would be to play this:


on your phone.

Feb 9, 2011, 10:33 PM
You my friend are,


Feb 9, 2011, 10:38 PM
You my friend are,


Damn Straight I am.

Feb 9, 2011, 10:46 PM
Ah, rail shooters. Awesomeness.

Feb 10, 2011, 11:16 AM
Don't forget Windows Phones. People actually use those, too.

I've been considering this lately, that rail shooters could work perfectly on a touchscreen interface. For example, look at Rez: It's already got an interface that's perfect for a touchscreen. There's a little bit more for Panzer Dragoon (what with changing forms and looking around), but at least looking around could be handled by gesture controls (for example, swipe with two fingers to quickly turn left/right, downward to look behind you). Considering that controlling the dragon in the games is both only doable when facing forward anyway, and that it's controlled by moving the cursor, I don't think doing so on a touchscreen would really be a problem - you don't really need the gyroscope/accelerometer stuff for that, anyway.

Feb 10, 2011, 11:31 AM
Don't forget Windows Phones. People actually use those, too.

I've been considering this lately, that rail shooters could work perfectly on a touchscreen interface. For example, look at Rez: It's already got an interface that's perfect for a touchscreen. There's a little bit more for Panzer Dragoon (what with changing forms and looking around), but at least looking around could be handled by gesture controls (for example, swipe with two fingers to quickly turn left/right, downward to look behind you). Considering that controlling the dragon in the games is both only doable when facing forward anyway, and that it's controlled by moving the cursor, I don't think doing so on a touchscreen would really be a problem - you don't really need the gyroscope/accelerometer stuff for that, anyway.

Or just put a couple of buttons on each side. Fire, obviously, and then two buttons that change the function of moving your finger from aiming to looking/changing form.

Feb 10, 2011, 01:32 PM
Ok. I'll have to classify the idea behind this topic as......


Yep. In all cases of our touch-screen, tilt and gyro phones and devices; they would actually be shoe ins for a brand new Panzer Dragon. And even better yet, due to how they act, we could now have them act a little more like Orta than the previous ones. Instead of that 4 directional facing, for rider on dragon turning controls, it can now be smoother due to the control technology we have now.

But yeah, shooting on a touch screen can be basically where the player points. Let the shot speed and gun shot style, itself, dictate the limitations. Then again, these phones already have examples of that. I wouldn't mind sort of a choice between on-screen and perhaps a tilt control to turning your vision around in a 360 fashion. I can see the want for both. For me, I'd probably most easily deal with the tilt (depending on how it is calibrated, don't make it move so much for tiny movements)

Feb 11, 2011, 12:17 AM
Don't forget Windows Phones. People actually use those, too.
No, they don't. (http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/02/android-passes-iphone-for-new-subscribers/)

This guy thinks touchscreen games are a joke. I concur.


Feb 11, 2011, 02:51 AM
No, they don't. (http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/02/android-passes-iphone-for-new-subscribers/)

This guy thinks touchscreen games are a joke.

No, he doesn't. Or at least, he doesn't say that in the speech you linked.

He mentions three action-oriented games (Mega Man, Sonic, & Street Fighter) that are designed around physical controls and says those don't work on touch screens. He does not say that touchscreen controls or games are poor. He even then goes on to say that certain iPhone games do work well, suggesting that his comment was more directed to the matter of porting a franchise to an ill-matched platform (which is the basic idea behind his speech.)

His rant is about the consumers using the app store, not poor controls.

Feb 11, 2011, 08:47 AM
Yep. There are plenty of games on the touchscreen which are optimal for the touchscreen. It's just another input device for which games can be written for. Oddly enough, variations of RTS games actually play (dare I say) better on multi-touch screens than they do with the mouse due to actual limitations of mouse having only 1 point on the screen to click at a time, where another person can use multiple fingers to quickly do things simultaneously across the display area with a whole lot less hand motion (and the needed precision in that motion).

But yeah, ill-fitted games wont play quite as well, but they still give the offer. It's not much different than the slew of games shoehorned to Wii controllers. Sure, you lose something in them, but it is at least made available. (One base case scenario? Probably something like that Wii Metal Slug collection. If you don't have a gamecube controller, it was somewhat of a mess since it didn't support the classic controller.)

Of course RPGs and Puzzle games work well, and oddly enough, in a bit of a surprising twist, there's a number of shooters that actually work well with it (not that all of them work great, mind you). Though in some ways, the better ones are designed specifically to utilize screen gestures. (Great example being Dead Space (though it was not a port, but an original touch-screen optimized original story), which plays quite swimmingly) Even the Elder Scrolls-likes play with no control issues.

Rail shooters, oh my goodness, they play very well on the devices. ID's very own Rage pretty much works as an example of one that plays well. So just because some fighter/platform games suffer on such a control setup doesn't mean the entire game industry doesn't. People should know better, we had drastically different control setups for specific game genres since the arcades of the 80s. Back when Asteroids didn't even have a joystick, just 5 buttons across the control panel.

Of course, the advantage of multi-touch screen is programmable controls, if given the screen real-estate. Something that allows for controls made specific to the game. But alas, as proven, not all game genres fit it. (until we get the technology to provide programmable tactile feedback) It's also the best *current* control method for twin stick shooters on a portable. Hopefully the NGP from Sony will improve the feel of the analogues from this generation, because if they don't, they'll lose their opportunity to improve on touch-screen twin analogue stick games. Cave's Bug Panic on iOS has nigh perfect controls. Honestly.

Feb 11, 2011, 11:31 AM
No thanks.

Just give me a fully fledged console version like the one that's planned for Kinect, well 'spiritual successor' anyway.

Feb 11, 2011, 12:10 PM
This reminds me that I never finished Orta.

Feb 11, 2011, 12:29 PM
Yes. Definitely finish Orta. You might have your ideas of how it works into the PD story line, but you might as well finish that story. They do it with a flair that is very similar to the previous games' way they tell a story.

There's a bit of light revelation not totally unlike how Saga revealed the nature of what your character was chasing in PD2. Which of course, ties very much so with PD1 (though PD1 didn't need any stuff from Saga to reveal what was going on. Though it reclarified it.)

Feb 11, 2011, 12:32 PM
I think I was on the last level, dunno why I stopped there, maybe I just got distracted by a different game.

Feb 11, 2011, 10:16 PM
No, they don't. (http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/02/android-passes-iphone-for-new-subscribers/)
...That article was published before the OS was even released. All things considered, a 0% market penetration is pretty standard for a product that doesn't even exist commercially yet.

Feb 11, 2011, 11:42 PM
Come to think of it, just port and clean up all three into a 3DS title. Because frankly, this is perfect if you want to do fancy things with a 3D display.

Feb 26, 2011, 02:09 AM
...That article was published before the OS was even released. All things considered, a 0% market penetration is pretty standard for a product that doesn't even exist commercially yet.
Wiki: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Mobile_7) Released: 11.8.2010

I'll give you three months. If Windows Mobile 7 gets a 7% market share of smartphones by the end of Q1 2011, I will paypal you $20. Link to two articles from major publications.