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View Full Version : What version of PSO2 will you get?

Feb 10, 2011, 11:29 PM
This is IF PSO2 comes to consoles as well as PC. Figure the main online gaming consoles; PS3 and 360. If it does come to those as well as PC, what version would you get?

Personally, since PC is announced, and since I have been playing BB a crap-ton on my computer, I'm just gonna get PC version.

Feb 10, 2011, 11:30 PM

P.O.S Computer cant handle it.
XBox360 is as good as dead here.

Feb 10, 2011, 11:30 PM
I'll stick with a console version, if one comes out. I don't have a good gaming computer (don't intend to get one either)

Corey Blue
Feb 10, 2011, 11:32 PM
Pc for me,I'm done with consoles.

Feb 10, 2011, 11:32 PM
360 version.

Don't have money for a PS3 or a new computer (my current computer isn't exactly a gaming-oriented one).

Seth Astra
Feb 10, 2011, 11:46 PM
PC. I don't have a PS3 or 360.

Feb 10, 2011, 11:58 PM
360. I'd get PC, but I have a Mac.

Then again, my brother's building me a dekstop (maybe). His friend that's helping him is weird, though...


Feb 11, 2011, 12:04 AM
PC, i dont like the idea of getting it on my PS3 where hardly any of my friends would be able to play it

Feb 11, 2011, 12:08 AM
PC, the only version.

Corey Blue
Feb 11, 2011, 12:13 AM
360. I'd get PC, but I have a Mac.

Then again, my brother's building me a dekstop (maybe). His friend that's helping him is weird, though...


Better watch your back.:-P (Oh and I think they have a program's on the mac where you can use window applications,might have to google that.) In all honesty people PSO2 wont need a super duper cool computer to run it.(Just saying)

Feb 11, 2011, 03:50 AM
Personally, since PC is announced, and since I have been playing BB a crap-ton on my computer, I'm just gonna get PC version.

Same here

Feb 11, 2011, 04:16 AM
Pee See

Feb 11, 2011, 04:43 AM
PC......look at the 360 PSU.....framerate lag ftl.

Feb 11, 2011, 08:02 AM
Actually... no PC version please.. too easy to hack.

Feb 11, 2011, 09:39 AM
I'd go for PC (or, barring that, PS3).
The problem with the 360 is the same problem (and reason) Final Fantasy 14 didn't get developed for it: Microsoft was not cool with letting Xbox live Free members connect to the game servers. They allowed Final Fantasy XI for free members because at the time they were trying to promote the 360 as an online gaming console. If I also recall correctly, PSU's 360 servers were seperated from the PC/PS2 servers under Microsoft's rule as well. I just don't want that to happen. Again.

Feb 11, 2011, 02:34 PM
PC version for me since my rig is way more powerful than my PS3 and 360

Feb 11, 2011, 02:35 PM
I'd go for PC (or, barring that, PS3).
The problem with the 360 is the same problem (and reason) Final Fantasy 14 didn't get developed for it: Microsoft was not cool with letting Xbox live Free members connect to the game servers. They allowed Final Fantasy XI for free members because at the time they were trying to promote the 360 as an online gaming console. If I also recall correctly, PSU's 360 servers were seperated from the PC/PS2 servers under Microsoft's rule as well. I just don't want that to happen. Again.

Silver/free members can play any game that requires a separate subscription (FFXI/PSU). The reason XIV never came out for the 360 is because SE couldn't be bothered to develop another way to get 360 players onto their own servers (like the PlayOnline Viewer for XI), and Microsoft won't host non XBL members on their servers.

PC or 360 for me, depending on which of my friends is getting which version.

Feb 11, 2011, 02:38 PM
Not to mention. Final Fantasy XI still allowed all clients (including the 360) to play on their servers together. Though I can see the other issues of a 360 release.

On the other hand, this generally has more to do with MMOs or online games with their own monthly subscription services. Then again, if they have monthly Subscription services, of course the company is using their own servers. The only true complication being that playonline-like application to make it work and control their own server/client update schedules.

There's usually a way, in some fashion. I know one ORPG for the iOS systems that gets by some of the issues of waiting for Apple to greenlight their client update, by using in-app updates. That severely reduced the amount of actual client releases needed, given much of the hooks were provided to update parts of the client from within. Thus allowing some updates to happen right when the developer released it.

However, the best general structure, for updates, I've seen, was Steam for the computers. Steam just has that kind of system which just ensures you have the latest client with no real effort needed from the player.

Still, consoles really don't care that much for MMOs on their system. They'll perhaps allow one or two, but they fear it'll severely cut into the general game sales very much like they did for the PCs.

Nitro Vordex
Feb 11, 2011, 03:25 PM
If my plan for getting a new computer goes through, then PC. Otherwise I'll probably get the 360 version. If they make us get a hunter's license for the 360 version, I'm not playing.

Feb 11, 2011, 05:03 PM
PC and PS3.

If they have connected servers, so me and my brother can play together. I could run it on my laptop, but I'd prefer to play it either on the primary gaming rig or the PS3.

Feb 11, 2011, 06:38 PM
PC is my only choice, hoping my pc is strong enough.

This is all, still assuming we actually get it on other consoles...if it's PC only it sounds like a shame that people really would let themselves miss out because of it. I would at least get like, a better PC eventually(Emphasis on eventually), or something. ]:

But I can see the grief in it being PC only...I still don't even have a PSP for pspo2. :\

As long as our global servers and Infinite content come as ""promised."" e_e *repeats this in every thread relating*

Feb 11, 2011, 09:36 PM
I don't really have much of a choice but to get the PC version, and that kinda worries me. The computer I play BB on currently is... Well let's just say it's seen better days XD So I'm hoping that either my computer can play it, or I can get a new one shortly after its release.

EDIT: I forgot to note, that the computer I play BB on currently can play it pretty well. I don't have much lagging issues.

Feb 11, 2011, 10:24 PM
PC, the only version.

Feb 11, 2011, 10:38 PM
360 if there's a version for it. Even if the servers are separated... Everyone that I really have much of anything to do with, already has a 360, so that's simple.

In the event of that not happening, I have a PC that can play modern games easily (it actually runs FFXIV decently, despite that it's an inefficient mess, graphically) - despite that I primarily use the thing for working.

Feb 11, 2011, 11:11 PM
If I get this game, then PC since no other version is announced yet.

However... if console versions are announced, then PS3 since my PS3 is could use few more games in its library. Besides, to be honest, I'm not even sure if my current PC can handle PSO2....

Asking Alexandria
Feb 11, 2011, 11:52 PM
i don't think it would come out for ps3.

i'm getting it for the 360.if it doesn't come out for the 360 then i will continue to just play psu and act like this never existed

Feb 12, 2011, 04:15 AM
Why would you think it wouldn't come for PS3, its pretty established that both 360 and PS3 are prime candidates since both are able to hold data, and are current gen. I don't have any current gen systems, but I've stayed PC for this game since PSOBB, so I'm staying on that boat. Plus my laptop could run PSU at maximum, so I think it can handle this if the specs are higher. I could run Vindictus/Crysis without that much problem than a few lag points here and there.

Feb 12, 2011, 06:38 AM
PC (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1423&pictureid=18557), not Pee Wee.

Feb 12, 2011, 07:58 AM
Better watch your back.:-P (Oh and I think they have a program's on the mac where you can use window applications,might have to google that.) In all honesty people PSO2 wont need a super duper cool computer to run it.(Just saying)

It's built into my Mac, but I don't have a Windows CD to install it with.


Feb 12, 2011, 07:58 AM
PC Graphic Lag is Evil

Feb 12, 2011, 08:00 AM
Better watch your back.:-P (Oh and I think they have a program's on the mac where you can use window applications,might have to google that.) In all honesty people PSO2 wont need a super duper cool computer to run it.(Just saying)

u'd be suprised how much frame skip can affect game play

Frame Skip 0 > Frame Skip 1

Feb 12, 2011, 09:15 AM
I'm proud of my reflexes, but it doesn't amount to anything if that split-second advantage I have over most people is eliminated by lag.


Feb 12, 2011, 01:18 PM
u'd be suprised how much frame skip can affect game play

Frame Skip 0 > Frame Skip 1

It works wonders.

I'm proud of my reflexes, but it doesn't amount to anything if that split-second advantage I have over most people is eliminated by lag.


And watch them be like "L33T HAX" over the voice chat. I'll be dieing of laughter.

Feb 12, 2011, 02:44 PM
I would get it on xbox 360. I haven't been a PC gamer for years, and honestly, I wasted money getting my PS3. I have only used it once. So, I can basically say that if it is not coming to the 360, I won't be getting it.

Feb 12, 2011, 04:16 PM
Well, if it comes out on PS3 at least you'll have a reason to use it.

Feb 13, 2011, 12:46 AM
I've only recently started playing PC games, so I'm more comfortable with PS3. There will be arguing over who will get to use the PC anyway lol.

Feb 13, 2011, 01:06 AM
PS3. My Xbox broke and although i dont have anything against microsoft personally, im not spending money on their shitty hardware twice. If i cant get another refurb model, i doubt im getting another Xbox.

PS3 is the technically superior system, and it's far more popular in Japan than the 360 is. If we get shared servers, i dont think we'll ever have to worry about a playerbase issue. (although we all know that isn't happening. They never cared enough to simultaneously translate content over as they develop it.)

PS3 just feels better for games i spend tons of time on, really. I mean, even if i did want to renew my PSU subscription, i cant because my Xbox died. Stronger processor means it would hopefully be clostest to the PC version.

Oh, and the PS3 controller is one-hundred trillion times better than the 360 one. I cant STAND that shitty D-pad on the 360 remote, and the fact that i actually have to buy batteries for the damn thing. Only reason i would prefer 360 is because of Xbox Live and PSN's shitty mail system. Although, since the servers belong to SEGA, i dont think speed would even be an issue between the two consoles.

Finally, i say Console to PC all the way because consoles have a set performance, and it's usually a much easier way to access the higher bar of the graphics for the game. PC will always be better, but thats only if your PC has alot of shit on it. As long as i get most of the visuals and 60 Frames per second, i can neglect a slightly larger draw distance / a step higher in resolution. I'd take my TV Screen to my monitor any day, just like i'd take my couch/bed to my computer chair any day.

Oh, and i dont own a computer decent enough to play a modern game. I'd buy a system for a game like this, but not a computer. They cost way too much, and i already have a laptop.

Feb 13, 2011, 02:00 AM
And watch them be like "L33T HAX" over the voice chat. I'll be dieing of laughter.

That happened a lot when I played Modern Warfare 2 with my brother. I just sniped (required less finesse of fingers) and my brother LOLraped them with a silenced UMP .45.


Feb 13, 2011, 03:24 AM
i don't think it would come out for ps3.

Uh, no. PS3 is more popular than Xbox in Japan. And SEGA loooooooooves to cater to their Japanese fanbase. So if console version is ever announced, you can bet that PS3 has better shot than Xbox...

...though if console version is ever announced for real, then most likely both will get at same time. SEGA just loves money.

Feb 13, 2011, 04:21 AM
I'm pretty torn between hoping for a PC only release, and a PS3 + PC release. I think that PSO2 would benefit greatly from not being tied down to any fixed hardware system, but at the same time :

1. If Sega sticks Game Guard onto this - If the PS3 version exists, I could bypass that without much effort.

2. Tie in with PSPo2i via PSN. That seems like a pretty big plus to me.

3. Potential for splitscreen offline multi. If it's PC only, this will be a pipe dream.

Just a few reasons off the top of my head that would make me support a PS3 version.

Feb 13, 2011, 11:54 AM
I don't tend to play much on the PC so it would be 360 for me.

Feb 13, 2011, 12:20 PM
My vote would be PC.

Neo Flint
Feb 13, 2011, 02:56 PM
PlayStation 3.

Feb 14, 2011, 08:45 PM
If I get a better PC by the time it comes out then I will prolly get it for that. But as of right now I will just get it for 360 if it makes it way there since I do have a pretty good one of those :D

Feb 17, 2011, 12:11 AM
Phantasy Star Online 2? Has it come out yet? What is it?

Feb 17, 2011, 12:13 AM
Hasn't come out yet, but the alpha test is in April... We're all dying in anticipation or something.

Come die with us.

Feb 17, 2011, 12:23 AM
Most likely PC.

I dont have a headset or keyboard for my PS3 so that plays a huge part in the choice.

Feb 17, 2011, 04:14 PM

If I want to play with a PS3/Xbox 360 controller I can just connect that to my PC. I don't see any advantage to playing it on console.

Plus with dual monitors I can be looking at guides/forums/movies/whatever while I play.

Feb 17, 2011, 04:31 PM
360 for me. I love Xbox Live and it's the superior online interface. Game chat, party chat, text/voice messages, custom avatars, ease of menu setup, etc.
Sony's is laughable and is still playing catch-up (IMO).
I'd play on PC if I must. But I couldn't get into PSO:BB cause it's just not comfortable playing at my desktop setup. I'd have to buy stuff to link my PC to my TV at that point. (not to mention the $ to upgrade my computer).

Feb 17, 2011, 04:36 PM
As a general rule I don't play games on the PC. It's not that I loath the idea of PC gaming I just that I don't feel right hunched over a PC, I much rather sit back and relax in my favorite chair a comfortable distance away from my big screen and play games on a console.

So I'll be waiting for the console version of PSO2, I don't care if it's for the 360 or the PS3 since I own both.

Feb 17, 2011, 05:19 PM
As a general rule I don't play games on the PC. It's not that I loath the idea of PC gaming I just that I don't feel right hunched over a PC, I much rather sit back and relax in my favorite chair a comfortable distance away from my big screen and play games on a console.

So I'll be waiting for the console version of PSO2, I don't care if it's for the 360 or the PS3 since I own both.

Just plug your pc into your big screen and get a nice controller, problem solved if you have one, and it's not a great Idea to be hunched over ANYTHING for long hours. D:

Feb 17, 2011, 07:42 PM
well it depends on file sizes for me, my laptop is great for online games, so most likely pc, but a ps3 would do good to, but I can take my laptop more places

Feb 17, 2011, 08:22 PM
PC Master Race with a 360 controller.

Feb 19, 2011, 07:11 AM
I'd go with either PC or PS3, but it would depend on a few things:

1 - Whether or not different console populations are separated. I wouldn't want to buy a PS3 version if all my other friends had the PC version and I couldn't play alongside them.

2 - Whether or not the PC I have upon release of the game can handle it. My current PC is 5 years old, and has an even older power supply and graphics card. I intend to build a new PC soon though, but I'd have to save up some serious money. If it would be easier and cheaper to get the PS3 version, and I could play with my friends, then I'd just go with that.

3 - I'm a sucker for trophies on the PS3. ^^; Depending on how easy or ridiculous they are, I'd love having a PSO2 platinum trophy on my PSN account, even if it's just for show.

Feb 28, 2011, 08:07 PM
PC. Should have done that with PSU, not making that mistake again.

Feb 28, 2011, 08:39 PM
PC onry. I don't play online games on Consoles, unless the game is exclusive to consoles and is actually good enough to warrant playing online.

Mr Champloo
Mar 1, 2011, 01:04 AM
PC. Community is stronger.

Mar 1, 2011, 11:55 AM
Pc. Time to import the game like I did with PSOBB.

Mar 1, 2011, 12:44 PM
PC is the best. Multitasking at 9001mph ftfw.

Mar 6, 2011, 10:21 PM
PC, i can go on even if someone is watching TV, and when i got to college, i can use a laptop

Mar 20, 2011, 08:46 PM
I'm sticking with the 360. I'm sorry, but I have absolutely no faith at all in sega keeping a PC version of anything clean of hacks. For the first time in U.S. phantasy star online history, even though certain exploits came and gone, or harmless ones still there, the 360 version of PSU is still clean (and alive) to this day. So I'm betting on a 360 version staying legit the longest and having a bigger community, two of the most important things to me as a veteran PSO player.

Mar 20, 2011, 09:06 PM
Perfectly clean and untarnished (except for untold numbers of duped grinders).

And don't even think for a minute that you can wave that off as a "glitch" or "exploit" instead of hacking, because the "hacking" on the PC was really just glitches and exploits too.

Mar 20, 2011, 09:47 PM
Perfectly clean and untarnished (except for untold numbers of duped grinders).

And don't even think for a minute that you can wave that off as a "glitch" or "exploit" instead of hacking, because the "hacking" on the PC was really just glitches and exploits too.

Yeah, its all glitches. You know why? Because making a game hack-proof is trivial (So easy Sonic Team could do it!). Making sure there's no exploits? Hard as hell. This is probably the fiftieth time I've said this... but...

Anything on the client side is not trustworthy. Therefore, the server should make all decisions. Do this, and the only hacking possible is the kind of thing you get a felony indictment for.

Mar 20, 2011, 10:04 PM
Yes, we agree 100%.

Mar 21, 2011, 11:53 AM
PC without doubt.

Mar 21, 2011, 01:32 PM
360. My laptop would probably barely be able to handle PSO2 if at all, and my PS3 keeps wiping out the harddrive on me >.<

Angelic Fae
Mar 21, 2011, 01:34 PM
probably ps3 since I just got mine and and so far I only have 2 games, plus getting a Pc to play it would cost me a fortune id imagine.

Mar 21, 2011, 02:04 PM
PS3 ftw - best controller, best system, least susceptible to hacks
360's got the red ring problem, not much Japanese support, and not hard to hack
Gaming Pc's are too expensive (I'm not building one - screw that), also hate keyboard controls and having to map em to a crappy pad that's not gonna last or feel comfortable

note: PS3 has keyboard support and bluetooth support, so in game communication wouldn't be a problem. I know a large portion of this community has Gaming PCs, so I say a PS3 and PC release would be most ideal. PS3 ftw

Mar 21, 2011, 02:23 PM
least susceptible to hacks
I don't believe that is true. Also, you can use a PS3 gamepad on the PC if you really wanted to. Though the PS3 still wouldn't be a bad addition if they did release a console version.

Mar 21, 2011, 03:13 PM
I'm still questioning how one thinks the PS3 is the least suscepctible system? Especially since it, PSP, and EVEN the PS2 can easily be hacked. I'm very baffled. Not even the 360 is safe from it, even if it showed that its more secured. People WILL find a way.

Mar 22, 2011, 07:27 AM
And with the hilarious PS3 Master Key drama going on right now, the PS3 is the most susceptible to hacking, more than a PC.

Mar 22, 2011, 01:06 PM
And with the hilarious PS3 Master Key drama going on right now, the PS3 is the most susceptible to hacking, more than a PC.

Honestly, I'd argue that all consoles are equally vulnerable to hacks: 100%. This is mostly coming from the avenue that if you have physical access to a system you can (with sufficient effort) make it do whatever you want, and no software update can ever prevent that.

More realistically, console makers can make it very difficult to be able to use their particular online services with a modified system. Ultimately, the question is how hard it is to spoof whatever checks are made as to whether a console is unaltered, and this is a question of software checks on the server end (or should be).

I don't think the whole master key stuff with the PS3 matters one bit with regards to preventing cheating in online games... being able to load custom firmware and such is different from being able to look like you're running official firmware, and the latter isn't (to my knowledge) affected by the master key stuff.

Mar 31, 2011, 10:48 AM
Perfectly clean and untarnished (except for untold numbers of duped grinders).

And don't even think for a minute that you can wave that off as a "glitch" or "exploit" instead of hacking, because the "hacking" on the PC was really just glitches and exploits too.

Duping/exploiting is not the same as hacking. Everyone on the 360 is aware of the grinder incident, the thing is it didn't do anything to our economy since the glitch was patched, the users got banned, and everyone moved on with their lives. There maybe grinders still lying around, but like I said it didn't do much to the economy, if at all.

Now, the U.S. PS2/PC version on the other hand, with it's perma screwed economy and room bombing incidents, that was hacking. The PC version used gameguard for christ sake, it was bound to happen. There is no way you can pass all that room bombing crap off as mere glitches, if it was a glitch then technically it would have been possible to do on the 360, yet it never has.

I don't care who made which system, I grew out of that fanboy nonsense when the nintendo 64 released and the playstation ended up with all the 3rd party franchises I loved on the SNES, I'm just going with what I think will be the safest version since I'm petty damn fed up of every PSO game I buy being ruined by stupid crap, with the exception of 360 PSU which is just flat out boring because the way the game is set up (infinite white beast spam).

Just so happens with the PS3 going through what it is with it's master key crap, and sega not having a good track record with PC version of their stuff (unless its a japanese version), the 360 is the safest bet for me in my opinion.

Mar 31, 2011, 11:37 AM
PC Master Race, reporting.

Mar 31, 2011, 11:49 AM
Duping/exploiting is not the same as hacking. Everyone on the 360 is aware of the grinder incident, the thing is it didn't do anything to our economy since the glitch was patched, the users got banned, and everyone moved on with their lives. There maybe grinders still lying around, but like I said it didn't do much to the economy, if at all.

Now, the U.S. PS2/PC version on the other hand, with it's perma screwed economy and room bombing incidents, that was hacking. The PC version used gameguard for christ sake, it was bound to happen. There is no way you can pass all that room bombing crap off as mere glitches, if it was a glitch then technically it would have been possible to do on the 360, yet it never has.No one ever was able to hack actual server data on the PC version, so no, there wasn't really any "real" hacking, just exploiting glitches (with the help of a packet editor).

Meseta duping, room/PM resetting, talking through other characters, floating in lobbies, all of it was just packet editing, and could easily be done on 360 as well (if you could get a packet editor running). In fact, the grinder duping exploited pretty much exactly the same sort of glitch, except using lag instead of directly editing packets.

The point here is that the server itself is extremely insecure, as it allows for these security holes, whether they be accomplished by exploits of glitches or through packet editing. The problem is the server, not the client.

Also, I've heard varying reports on how severely the 360 economy was hit by the grinder incident. Certainly not as much as the PC server, but the point remains that it happened regardless.

Mar 31, 2011, 03:30 PM
personally anything but pc for me. as far as hacking cheating goes i think sega is partly to blame here for wacked out item rarities. there were some items that there would only be like 5 in existance if it wasnt for hacking duping.

Apr 2, 2011, 05:07 PM
Any of them! As long as I can use a controller I don't really care.

Apr 2, 2011, 10:45 PM
PS3, with the hope of splitscreen multiplayer.


1)PS3 is stronger than 360. Yeah yeah everyone says "they both perform differently under different situations", but when it comes down to it, the PS3 has a superior processor, and the PC version's capabilities would be best replicated on the PS3, given they program for it correctly.

2) If anyone thinks Sony is going to allow this Jailbreak thing to rape the system like the PSP did, you're pretty funny. They got that dumb fucker that spread it all over the internet fleeing the country. Besides i really DO hope they arrest the guy and fuck his shit up. Free games are amazing and all, but keep it up and pretty soon nobody will be making games anymore.

3) Sonic Team as of late has not been very well known for the technical prowess they were known for all those years ago when they still made good games. There is no way in hell this game will not experience hacking bouts. It's going to happen whether its on PC or PS3. It's just easier on PC.

4) I've always preferred consoles to PCs when im seriously playing my games. Why? Well, because every PS3 is running on the exact same hardware as the next one. If the game is optimized correctly, you will never have to worry about slowdowns, crashes, viruses, ect ect unless your system burns out.

Consoles have always been more reliable, and i'd take my PS3 remote + bed/sofa/floor over hunching over staring at my monitor with a mouse and keyboard anyday.

5) I can't take my PC with me everywhere i go, but i CAN place my PS3 in my backpack with no issues.

Consoles are just way more convenient. There shouldn't be any graphical issues with this game (like PSU360 had anyway) if they just program it correctly. Look at games like Final Fantasy XIII. They run without so much as a 3 second minor hiccup every blue moon, and the visuals look like Jesus pissed on them.

PC is superior, yeah, but consoles are just more fun to play with. Space issues should never be a problem anymore these days, anyway. There's no way this game could take up more than, at the very MOST, 40 gigs of space, which no PS3 user should have an issue coming up with. The lowest model right now comes with upgradeable 120GBs, which you're highly unlikely to use up unless you're a huge demo whore. In the event you're using an older model, a HDD upgrade is extremely inexpensive these days.

Apr 3, 2011, 01:56 AM
5) I can't take my PC with me everywhere i go, but i CAN place my PS3 in my backpack with no issues.A laptop would be a good solution. I know they aren't the best for gaming, but some of the high end ones can perform well, and I highly doubt PSO2 would be difficult to run.

Apr 3, 2011, 07:29 AM
2) If anyone thinks Sony is going to allow this Jailbreak thing to rape the system like the PSP did, you're pretty funny. They got that dumb fucker that spread it all over the internet fleeing the country. Besides i really DO hope they arrest the guy and fuck his shit up. Free games are amazing and all, but keep it up and pretty soon nobody will be making games anymore.

You should read up more on that, because by the looks of it you have absolutely no idea what's going on.

4) I've always preferred consoles to PCs when im seriously playing my games. Why? Well, because every PS3 is running on the exact same hardware as the next one. If the game is optimized correctly, you will never have to worry about slowdowns, crashes, viruses, ect ect unless your system burns out.

Same optimization can be done for PC and you'll also not have to worry about the rest as long as it's up to the game's spec and you "take care" of the PC.

Consoles have always been more reliable, and i'd take my PS3 remote + bed/sofa/floor over hunching over staring at my monitor with a mouse and keyboard anyday.

*Insert ye old connect PC to TV talk here.*

Only thing I personally like with consoles is that they are the "lazy" plug and play and you don't worry about anything else compared to PC. I much prefer PC if the game is available to it, which PSO2 is.

Apr 3, 2011, 09:06 PM
I dont feel like connecting my TV to my computer, and i dont care about upgrading my PC for a single game. I bought a videogame console for this very reason.

You should read up more on that, because by the looks of it you have absolutely no idea what's going on.

Well then why dont you explain it better for us? Some guy decides he wants to jailbreak the PS3 like he did the Iphone beforehand. Sony gets pissed the fuck off, and proceeds to try and scare everyone into submission with legal action. Now the guy is on "vacation" in South America. And i hope someone sticks a burrito up his ass.

Apr 3, 2011, 09:26 PM
Yeah man, how dare he try to modify a piece of hardware that he owns! I hope he burns in hell!

Apr 3, 2011, 09:45 PM
Yeah man, how dare he try to modify a piece of hardware that he owns! I hope he burns in hell!

Courts already shot down Apple's attempts to sue people for jailbreaks. I'm not even sure what angle Sony is going for here. That jailbreaking consoles facilitates piracy or something is what I think it was... but that doesn't really hold water, imo.

Apr 3, 2011, 11:03 PM
It would be a tie up between PC and 360 for me... probably PC though since that would be garunteed to have the largest online player base, and after having been stuck offline for the entirety of PSO's life, it'd be nice to get into the online community for a change.

my PC isn't the greatest ever made, but it's capable of certain higher-end games like Fallout 3 and New Vegas, so it outta be able to handle PSO2 assuming it's no more graphically intense than those two (which I can't imagine it being more so than games that are designed to look as absolutely realistic as possible.)

Apr 4, 2011, 12:13 AM
Fallout 3 doesn't really look that great, and I would hesitate to call it high-end.

However, we already have an idea of what the PC specs will be, and they are not very demanding.

Apr 4, 2011, 03:56 PM
Yeah man, how dare he try to modify a piece of hardware that he owns! I hope he burns in hell!

Yeah, this is the same pitch he uses to make it sound legit, but ANYBODY with common sense (including Sony) knows that "modifying my hardware" or "backing up my owned software" really equates to "im going to find lots of ways to play pirated software on my system."

Do you seriously believe Jailbreaks and CFW would be so popular if game pirating wasn't involved? It's like the whole ordeal with Sony removing Linux/ Other OS support off the PS3s. Yeah, it pissed everyone off....but who actually used it? If you say that you did, im almost 95% positive that you're lying your ass off. NOBODY used it, and if you were a gamer, your chance of buying the system for other OS was even lower. Yeah, we "paid for the ability to use it", but nobody did, and most of the people who DID buy PS3s for Linux were using it for reasons Sony didn't care to keep it for. Them removing PS2 BC was far worse.

Homebrew is great, but we all know the majority of those anticipating jailbreak wasn't getting hyped up so they can do funny shit with their PS3's GUI. And honestly, after seeing what happened to the PSP, if you were in Sony's position and just got news that your system had just been cracked open, you'd shit your pants.

Hell, if the Wii wasn't such a fucking economic powerhouse, im sure Nintendo would be shitting their pants too. You see how cool the Wii Homebrew scene is, don't you? Yeah, now look its piracy level -- it's through the fucking roof.

Bottom line, he can spew whatever legal semantics he wants to, but he knows why sony is pissed off with him. And I personally hope he gets punished for it. Not because i like Sony, but because it's just as unfair to game devs.

Apr 4, 2011, 04:16 PM
This is completely off-topic, but you are completely missing the point.

The point here is not about piracy, it is about whether or not you have the right to modify a piece of hardware that is entirely, 100% your property. Sony seems to say you don't, and that is a dangerous line of thought.

Piracy is an entirely different issue, since it actually is illegal.

Apr 4, 2011, 09:23 PM
People know the reason they even exerted the energy to jailbreak the PS3 was due to the removal of the OtherOS feature, right? Linux nerds want to run it on anything and everything.

Also, I'll be grabbing it for PC. Anyone complaining about the price of building a competent gaming computer is only kidding themselves. For ~$500 you can build a PC capable of running Crysis and thanks to the rise of console gaming and the decline of PC gaming, graphics on PC for the most part have plateaued so you won't need to upgrade for a loooong time. Which is why I'm saving to build a new desktop since we still have a bit of time before it's released.

Apr 4, 2011, 11:53 PM
This is completely off-topic, but you are completely missing the point.

The point here is not about piracy, it is about whether or not you have the right to modify a piece of hardware that is entirely, 100% your property. Sony seems to say you don't, and that is a dangerous line of thought.

Piracy is an entirely different issue, since it actually is illegal.

eegarragreee [spoiler-box]

That's just the thing. TECHNICALLY, yes, it's your hardware and you should be able to do whatever the hell you want with it. But when what you PERSONALLY do to your own shit fucks up EVERYBODY ELSES shit, then we start having issues. Sony is not wrong in the absolute slightest in wanting to stop Geohot from doing this to their hardware, because they know exactly what it's opening the floodgates to. EXACTLY what it's doing. It's the reason so many security measures are placed on gaming systems in the first damn place.

I'd be a gargantuan hypocrite to sit here and bash piracy like i dont do it on a regular basis, but im not going to sit here and act like that kid is justified in his actions. And im DEFINITELY not going to defend him out of respect for game developers who can't afford to lose their sales because people are UTorrentting their hard work away.

This IS off topic, but i just want to ask you. Which is a more dangerous thought? Allowing Sony to remove your "legal right" right to hack away the intentional blocks placed on your "personal" hardware to stop you from doing things you could very easily do on your very own "personal" computer for the sake of keeping everything on fair standings? Or allowing some random hacker to destroy the security placed on Sony's hardware (put there just as much for Sony/Apple's profit as for the people who develop for their platforms), distribute the technique to the entire internet (inevitably inviting a clusterfuck of piracy to ravage the platform), TAUNT you after doing it, and then allow him to walk away clean after he hires a lawyer to spew some legal strawman to the jury?

I really dont see how Sony is being made the COMPLETE bad guy here. The only people i can see defending their position are, ironically, LEGIT Homebrewers and Piraters.[/spoiler-box]

Also, I'll be grabbing it for PC. Anyone complaining about the price of building a competent gaming computer is only kidding themselves. For ~$500 you can build a PC capable of running Crysis and thanks to the rise of console gaming and the decline of PC gaming, graphics on PC for the most part have plateaued so you won't need to upgrade for a loooong time. Which is why I'm saving to build a new desktop since we still have a bit of time before it's released.Yeeaahhh but i already spent $400 on a more-than-capable PS3, and a little bit less than that for a 360. Im not going to argue that console is better, because we all know it isnt. Im just more accustomed to playing on my console. I have a laptop for the internet and PSOBB, and a console for anything more than that. PSU ran about 100 trillion times better on my PC than the shitty PS2 port, but i still perfered playing on my TV for the simple fact that it's always what i've played games on.

I dunno, personal opinion i guess. Something tells me that it's doubtful this game is going to be a Final Fantasy XIV graphically though...and with the exception of legal mumbo jumbo, i really can't see a difference in them developing this for the PS3 and/or 360 vs. the PC. Storage issues are pretty much non-existent now, and the graphical power should be more than enough.

Apr 5, 2011, 12:02 AM
Sony is not wrong in the absolute slightest in wanting to stop Geohot from doing this to their hardware, because they know exactly what it's opening the floodgates to.

their hardwareAgain, you seem to have missed the point. He did nothing to Sony's hardware; he altered his own hardware, his own property.

Should the piracy this makes possible be prosecuted? Definitely (but it won't be, because it is too difficult to prosecute).
Should the hacking itself be prosecuted? No, because there isn't anything illegal about it.

It's a consumer rights issue, because if a court rules in Sony's favor, that establishes precedent that will limit what you are legally allowed to do with your own property.

i really can't see a difference in them developing this for the PS3 and/or 360 vs. the PC. Storage issues are pretty much non-existent now, and the graphical power should be more than enough.There's one major benefit to developing for PC as compared to consoles (especially for an online game): you aren't beholden to any bullshit standards imposed by Sony and Microsoft. If you want to implement a certain feature through a patch, you just do it, you don't have to wait for someone else to approve it.

Apr 5, 2011, 02:37 AM
Point is if Sony wins the case against Geohot they won against the consumer. They still own Hardware after you've bought it.

Biggest thing they have going in their case is "piracy" so they use that, because in truth they don't want any Homebrew at all touching their console, hence they go after the guy who made custom firmware first available to scare off everyone else in making any, (Recently targeted THIS guy (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/28/jailbreaker_defies_sony/).) instead of just going to the people who even make those "backup managers."

Apr 5, 2011, 11:39 AM
Again, you seem to have missed the point. He did nothing to Sony's hardware; he altered his own hardware, his own property.

Should the piracy this makes possible be prosecuted? Definitely (but it won't be, because it is too difficult to prosecute).
Should the hacking itself be prosecuted? No, because there isn't anything illegal about it.

It's a consumer rights issue, because if a court rules in Sony's favor, that establishes precedent that will limit what you are legally allowed to do with your own property.

Yeah yeah blah blah whatever. We all know why this hasn't been resolved already. I'm simply separating common sense from the legal boundaries this case is confined to.

YEAH, SURE, he's allowed to alter his own PRIVATE property that HE paid for with his OWN money. We all know the case is likely going to fall through like it did with Apple. I don't know exactly what they're getting him for though. It isn't illegal to hack his own PS3. He can hack it until it makes phone calls if he wants. But in the event he succeeds in his actions, it just opens a huge floodgate that damages everyone developing for the platform, including Sony. In the argument whether your PS3 is really "owned" or "leased" gets a bit deeper when getting into the Other OS feature. In this sense, Sony shouldn't be allowed to go after anyone with CFW on their system just because they "COULD" be pirates -- afterall, after the consumer purchased the system, it belongs to the consumer, and the consumer should be able to do whatever they want with it.

This case runs into deeper legal territory than what i have knowledge on, but i can assure you it goes deeper than simply "i bought it so I can do whatever i want with it", because, as anyone who's owned a PC should know, that isn't always the case.

If Sony wins, they're saying (essentially) that even though you paid for our system, we reserve the right to alter and/or dictate what you can and can not do with it. If Geohotz wins, they're saying (essentally) that people should be allowed to do whatever they want with the things they own, even if it involves allowing illegal activities and development/distribution of piracy. Which is almost like saying "we cant stop you from hacking the system until you start doing illegal things with it, after which we'll come after you." But everyone knows that preemptive action is far more effective in stopping such acts (hence the security measures placed on the hardware in the first place). If he's protected by the law in distributing this kind of stuff, the damage will already be done by the time SONY has the legal right to do anything about it. Of course that isn't saying that this kind of thing isn't going to happen without Geohotz doing it -- it IS going to happen anyway.

So what i think it really comes down to is Sony setting an example. They ain't catching all the hackers with this one case, nor are they stopping piracy with this one case. They CAN avoid a bigger surge of it, however, and can deter others from going down the same path. Im all for homebrew, but it's always the malicious hackers that fuck it up for everybody.

Honestly, nobody wins, no matter who wins. If Sony wins, no more homebrew. If Geohotz wins, tons of homebrew and free games for everybody!...and then more and more developers become reluctant to make videogames, or lose profits which would allow them to better themselves. In the long run it screws everyone over. I just believe that Geohotz does WAY more damage than Sony ever could by removing Other OS. Which is why i still hope he gets a burrito stuck up his ass.

It's just amazing the amount of support Geohotz is getting over this. Neither of them are completely just in their actions, but it's seriously all coming down to working the system over. I'm no legal consultant, but im pretty sure laws are going to be altered over this ordeal.

Apr 5, 2011, 11:49 AM
If piracy on everything became as bad as it did with handhelds...the gaming world would probably just slow down, and it'd become the great depression of videogames because everyone 1 of three people can get their entire family free videogames.

Soon the only thing that will pop up on the market are typical j-rpgs and FPS games. Because money makes the world go round. :0

Or maybe it's already happening. >_> <_<

Apr 8, 2011, 08:41 PM
I built an awesome gaming PC this year so that sums up what version I'm getting. Honestly, I'd love for their to be console versions of the game but if it's going hold back a PC version that could easily integrate new content seamlessly then I rather there only be a PC version. Sorry, duders. :P

Edit: I had no idea this thread into discussion over geohotz and Sony. :P

Apr 17, 2011, 10:52 AM
PC for me since i lost faith in these next gen consoles they break alot(blu ray drives,ylod on ps3s and RROD on 360 and their are alot of posts about these issues even if some of you have had good luck :)) and cost alot to fix; pcs break too but parts are cheap and easy to replace. And on this hacking speal only certain firmwares allow for cfw. You bought the system and own the system the os,firmware on the hardware you own are intellectual properties owned by sony(yay for copyrights and patents xD) so they are actually modifying someone else's property.

Apr 21, 2011, 01:57 AM
I was under the impression that it will only be on PC.
If i could get it on 360 i would.
but i've been preparing to build a gaming computer just because of this game coming out. and it only being on pc. who knows though. that's why im saving up for the computer and waiting until pretty shortly before it comes out to build it.
if i find out its on 360 though. i'd probably go that route.

Apr 23, 2011, 11:14 AM
PS3 all the way. I'd rather not pay for online. =p

Apr 23, 2011, 02:33 PM
Chances are that Sega will make this game subscription based again so, regardless of platform, you will be paying for online.

Apr 23, 2011, 11:31 PM
PS3 all the way. I'd rather not pay for online. =p
As opposed to getting online at all, right? :wacko:

Apr 24, 2011, 12:02 AM
PS3 all the way. I'd rather not pay for online. =p

Technically you dont have to pay Microsoft for PSU either.

You do still have to pay, though.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:22 AM
PC, hopefully it'll run on osx =/

Apr 24, 2011, 05:09 AM
PC, hopefully it'll run on osx =/

Multiboot your rig so you have osx and windows ^_^


Definitely PC since I'll probably play ranger like all the other versions and with that aiming system it'll be much easier with a mouse.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:26 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if there is very little to no mouse function in the game.

I completely agree that mouse and keyboard is the only way to play an FPS, but these games don't really need that much precision and/or have lock-on functions, so it isn't really needed.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:30 AM
I'm hoping they incooperate mouse + keyboard, where the mouse would move the camera / aim on ranged weapons.

Else I'll probably end up using Gamepad + Keyboard combo.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:58 AM
I'll need to get my own Windows computer for PSO2...my current Mac has school software that prevents me from using BootCamp...


Apr 24, 2011, 09:00 AM
That's what you get for using a Mac.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:02 AM
Not my choice. School policy for me to buy a Mac from them.


Apr 24, 2011, 09:05 AM
That's what you get for going to a dumb school.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:06 AM
Even if this does somehow end up on consoles, looks like it was made on PC first.

Which is good...because PS2 being the base was a horrible self dooming mistake...

Apr 24, 2011, 09:23 AM
Not my choice. School policy for me to buy a Mac from them.


the fuck?

Apr 24, 2011, 06:20 PM
If it comes to console I'll be on 360. I hope they won't charge an extra fee to use the servers like PSU. Do you think they will? I already pay for live, and it's kinda too much.

I haven't played phantasy star too much, do you think that they will charge like $10 a month still?

Apr 24, 2011, 08:07 PM
Project Cafe, PS3, then PC in that order. I would get it for PS3 but that will only be Sony's focus for another couple of years and then PS4 will be out. At least with Project Cafe being a new system there is a chance it will be supported longer. Also depends on how the online is implemented on Project Cafe. If it sucks then I will get the PS3 version, assuming there is one.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:10 PM
ps3,they will release on the ps3.They control scheme would be....amazing