View Full Version : USB memory card problem?

Mar 13, 2003, 06:05 PM
I just received my USB memory card and I'm having a problem. If anyone has a USB memory card and can help me I would really appreciate the help. When I try to list game saver I get "Application Error Eln Out Error in module GCLKR.DLL at 00042427" what ever that is?. Please help!! My AIM tortimer8

Mar 25, 2003, 04:13 AM
I have a USB memory card but do not use it for PSO. SonicTeam was smart to place something in the save file to prevent backing up. If you try to backup/restore your character file...even on USB it can see and will reset your inventory. Other then that I believe I have gotten that message before. Be sure the USB is connected correctly and it shows up on the computer. I have a system try icon that shows it connected. I also can see it in my device manager under "usb devices."

I would not use it for PSO data. I would spend the $15 on a official Memory Card 59 from Nintendo. That is the only thing I trust for my PSO data. Do not get the 251 as earlier revisions of this card had some data compression problems as I have heard.

Get a Memory Card 59 and use it EXCLUSIVILY for your PSO data and nothing else. You will be happier this way knowing your data is safe.

Mar 25, 2003, 09:08 PM
Thanks for the reply. I finally did get the usb memory card to work with help from the mfg. I only used nintendo official 59 memory cards before using the usb. They are not safe (maybe safer them 251) I have had 2 corrupted memory cards from FSOD-x. I have used the usb memory card many many times online and offline and even restore with no problems of lost inventory or anything else. The usb memory card is just like any other memory card. I created 3 new characters on the usb card. They are level 34, 14 and 4. I have never had a problem going online or losing anything. Actually they seem to work better for me because they save a lot faster then the nintendo memory cards. A usb memory card could still get a FSOD or FSOD-x but I tested and feel safer knowing I canrestore the character. I don't know who told you about lost inventory but that is not true - believe me I haven't had any problems at all with the memory card.

May 14, 2003, 05:49 AM
how did u get it to work and wut usb card is it??