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Mar 7, 2011, 01:50 AM
They show hardly anything, they don't tell me if Sonic Team is doing it or are they having some nice outsourcing of different parts, know nothing of classes or content.
If they attempted to make me exited about PSO2 with just sayin "Oh PSO2 is coming" they failed. I need some info people. Sonic Team has done away with faith in them to do the right thing, they get the doubt not the benefit.

Anybody in my boat or all you, "Oh yeah PSO2 will be GREAT though I know nothing and can only assume"

Mar 7, 2011, 02:17 AM
I'm pretty much the same here. I have no hype for this since I know nothing but a teaser trailer that only succeeded in pumping up the PSO vets and making them wage war against each other over the concepts of having the game be "PSO but with better graphics", "PSO Episode 5", and even "PSU2".

It's amazing what a logo and few promises will do.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with getting it hyped, as that's the whole purpose of the teaser video. This is a big deal to many gamers, although they have taken it to the level that PSO2 is the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Mar 7, 2011, 02:18 AM
I'm excited that there will be a new game. Doesn't mean I'm expecting it to be good.

Mar 7, 2011, 03:25 AM
I'm just excited to have something else to play since I quit WoW. League of Legends is tiding me over until then.

Corey Blue
Mar 7, 2011, 03:30 AM
I'm pretty much the same here. I have no hype for this since I know nothing but a teaser trailer that only succeeded in pumping up the PSO vets and making them wage war against each other over the concepts of having the game be "PSO but with better graphics", "PSO Episode 5", and even "PSU2".

It's amazing what a logo and few promises will do.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with getting it hyped, as that's the whole purpose of the teaser video. This is a big deal to many gamers, although they have taken it to the level that PSO2 is the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Gonna admit I have taken some things overboard with PSO2 only because PSO was my first baby,my first ever online experience.It got me through the lonely and shitty days back at my old apartment.2002-2004 were the best gaming years of my life.Cool Blue lv 180 Humar.I played it on the gamecube and the xbox.Loved every minue of it.I was twelve years old and it started me off as a gamer.That and Sonic Adventure.

Mar 7, 2011, 03:36 AM
I heard that Sonic Team's logo is nowhere to be found on the official PSO2 JP portal website. So, don't worry about them screwing it up.

Corey Blue
Mar 7, 2011, 03:39 AM
Wait so it's just Sakai team doing PSO2 or is Sakai apart of Sonic Team?

Mar 7, 2011, 03:46 AM
I'm not sure, but I believe Sakai and his band of mercenaries (the wonderful people behind PSPo2 and Infinity) are the ones that are making PSO2.

Mar 7, 2011, 03:47 AM
I heard that Sonic Team's logo is nowhere to be found on the official PSO2 JP portal website. So, don't worry about them screwing it up.

Now THAT is a good sign. Now some info and I think think on the game

Corey Blue
Mar 7, 2011, 04:03 AM
I'm not sure, but I believe Sakai and his band of mercenaries (the wonderful people behind PSPo2 and Infinity) are the ones that are making PSO2.

He said he still has that magic,so I'm real curious..

Mar 7, 2011, 01:37 PM
Nah, I still think this game will be good. Just because I like phantasy star, and this is a new one. :0

Sorry if I'm naive. :\

The hints in the teaser video is enough to get me hyped, seeing as how all of those features would've made PSU perfect for me. But that's just me...

Still I'm tired of being hyped so wake me up in april.

Mar 7, 2011, 01:46 PM
anyone know of any screenshots yet?

Mar 7, 2011, 02:20 PM
You really have to ask?

They will be plastered all over the place once they surface.

Mar 7, 2011, 02:39 PM
You really have to ask?

They will be plastered all over the place once they surface.

a simple yes or no would have been more adequate

Shinji Kazuya
Mar 7, 2011, 02:51 PM
I don't remember where I saw it but I know I saw it. Was on some news site I believe. It was saying that as soon as the PSPo2i team finished making it, they would join together with the current team making PSO2. This was a month ago or something. I think the place where I saw this article might have been Siliconera but not sure. So yeah, even though we know almost nothing about the game, knowing that the PSPo2/i team is there makes me quite hyped. Sakai mercenaries GO!

Mar 7, 2011, 03:03 PM
You really have to ask?

They will be plastered all over the place once they surface.

Not only that, the front page will have a glaringly obvious news post within 10 seconds of the screenshots surfacing.

Mar 7, 2011, 04:56 PM
Now THAT is a good sign. Now some info and I think think on the game

Actually it's some of the worst info i've heard so far.

Sonic Team is wonderful when they actually TRY to create a game. Giving it to someone else is just confirming to everyone it wont be better than PSU or PSO. You really think SEGA would give one of their key franchises to a random team of people? If so, they must not care very much for game if they dont want to give their own resources for it.

Besides i'd like to see the light rendering engine used in Sonic Unleashed (Hedgehog Engine) used on a game like Phantasy Star. It would realllllyy bring the environments to life.

Mar 7, 2011, 05:10 PM
Actually it's some of the worst info i've heard so far.

Yeah, because PSPo2 and Infinity were just terrible.

Mar 7, 2011, 05:48 PM
a simple yes or no would have been more adequateYes, but of all the things I've been accused of being, adequate is not counted among their ranks.

Mar 7, 2011, 06:15 PM
Actually it's some of the worst info i've heard so far.

Sonic Team is wonderful when they actually TRY to create a game. Giving it to someone else is just confirming to everyone it wont be better than PSU or PSO. You really think SEGA would give one of their key franchises to a random team of people? If so, they must not care very much for game if they dont want to give their own resources for it.

Sonic Team has shown me nothing to show that they are not still trash. PSU could have been great but fell short, the Sonic Games been a mess.
They have NO cache with me.

If it is a team partially from PSP-2i and some of Sonic team ok but if it's a sole Sonic team effort I will remain skeptical

Mar 7, 2011, 06:19 PM
Sonic Team is wonderful when they actually TRY to create a game.
How long has it been since they tried?

Mar 7, 2011, 06:27 PM
Sega have always been masters of the 'Moving pictures/text with no actual evidence of a game and it could've been made in Flash' type trailers. Unsurprisingly the PSO2 teaser is no different and completely devoid of anything other than hype generation. Remember the early PSU teaser? ... "Phantasy Star V?... Phantasy Star Online 2?" (lol).

The real wonder is how long has this has been in development and who has actually been working on it prior to the Sakai crowd 'joining' them. Let's not forget that a huge number of PSO developers worked on PSU, and we know how that turned out.

Mar 8, 2011, 02:06 PM
How long has it been since they tried?
They have been trying they just are not good.

Mar 8, 2011, 03:02 PM
I'm not sure, but I believe Sakai and his band of mercenaries (the wonderful people behind PSPo2 and Infinity) are the ones that are making PSO2.

This is good news. PSPo2 and Infinity are a little different from what I've been used to playing (PSO) but hell, it's good change.

Either way, if these guys do it and add the "PSO" flavor (I mean they are naming it PSO2, not PSU2), it'll probably be done as well as it possibly can be.

Mar 8, 2011, 03:22 PM
They have been trying they just are not good.

Sonic Unleashed was flawed, but obviously a very decent try. Just look at the daytime stages.

Sonic Colors was a good game. Not to mention really, really pretty.

....thats about it, really. PSU was another "good but flawed" kind of game, except on a far worse case than Unleashed was.

Mar 8, 2011, 06:34 PM
PSO was not decent PSO was GREAT.
If they want to move on this cache their game must be moved up or given to better people. I have no faith in Sonic Team.

Mar 9, 2011, 01:52 PM
I can't shake off the feeling that I'm horribly late for the party. Seems PSO2 has been announced for quite some time and I stumbled upon it just now. Hurr.

So..maybe we'll get a real sequel this time. While PSU had it's qualities (and I did play it on and off until the PC servers died) it was never much of a sequel to PSO imoho. Anyway, even if I'll eventually be disappointed into orbit, here I am re-registering on this board for the third time and digging for information while getting my anticipation meter up. Again. It'll be fun.

Mar 9, 2011, 03:57 PM
Cautious optimism always wins the day.

Good for the heart, too.

Mar 10, 2011, 05:55 PM
PSO spoiled me when I played it. None since have been able to capture my interest as much. While I do hope that PSO2 will go all out and deliver, recent experiences leave me with some doubt.

Mar 10, 2011, 05:57 PM
Come April, you'll hype your pants off.

Mar 11, 2011, 06:33 PM
Tom Fools day is in April I will not be fooled. :E

Mar 12, 2011, 10:21 AM
does that mean the the entire month of april is by default a lie?

I for one am totaly stoked for this game! I trust that they wont be screw it up
april just cant come fast enought!

Mar 12, 2011, 01:56 PM
Due to Japan's current situation, the information in April might (but not necessarily) be a little delayed. We'll see, though.

Mar 12, 2011, 02:35 PM
I don't really have that much faith in Sonic Team either, but as long as they don't make any stupid decisions (mainly splitting regions/server populations across current and previous-gen consoles and failing to deliver updates simultaneously to all of them as a result) and have GM's present at all times to help address issues promptly, I think I'll still get some enjoyment out of it. I just hope I'll be able to run it on my current PC, unless I somehow get hold of a couple thousand dollars to make a really good, up-to-date one, lol.

Of course, there's no telling when we'll be getting any more news about the game due to the whole earthquake/tsunami mess... :(

Mar 15, 2011, 05:23 PM
Well they are sufficiently far away from the quake so really it's the power situation that may be issue.
I'd wait till E3 anyway.

Mar 17, 2011, 10:20 AM
Ever since I stopped playing PSU on X360, all I've wanted is another Phantasy Star to play on console or PC. I'm not a huge fan of handhelds, it kills the experience for me for some reason. Me and a buddy watched the teaser trailer and were super excited. Regardless of no other information.

Mar 17, 2011, 01:19 PM
Sonic Team is wonderful when they actually TRY to create a game. Giving it to someone else is just confirming to everyone it wont be better than PSU or PSO. You really think SEGA would give one of their key franchises to a random team of people? If so, they must not care very much for game if they dont want to give their own resources for it.

Uhh, "Sonic Chronicles" ring a bell there? You know, the game that wasn't touched by anyone but Bioware, a company with no previous ties to any Sonic Team related work?

And this whole "When ST tries, they make good stuff" isn't cutting it either. Throw enough darts at a board, and your bound to get a bullseye eventually.

Alternatively, as is the case with PSU, polish a turd long enough, or through enough remakes and you actually can trick people into thinking they're playing a good game.

Mar 17, 2011, 01:22 PM
Alternatively, as is the case with PSU, polish a turd long enough, or through enough remakes and you actually can trick people into thinking they're playing a good game.

So, you're saying that PSP2 and Infinity weren't/aren't good games?


I would love to hear what you think is so wrong with them, if that's the case.

Mar 17, 2011, 01:34 PM
So, you're saying that PSP2 and Infinity weren't/aren't good games?


I would love to hear what you think is so wrong with them, if that's the case.

You're right, thats a tad harsh. Allow me to amend that.

Let me put it this way, do you know why I don't buy Madden games? (Apart from the fact that I'm just not that interested in football?)

It's because EA sports doesn't make new Madden games. The last truly "new" madden game was made at the beginning of this console generation, beyond that, their games are in a constant state of development, nothing is ever finished, and they add small amounts of new content or gameplay tweaks to each subsequent sequel. They're charging you full price for an expansion pack every year.

Sound familiar?

PSU was a botched timesink of a grindfest of a JRPG, that Sega attempted to "fix" by releasing an ACTUAL expansion pack for. That expansion pack really just added a few new areas, gameplay tweaks, and more LOL RESKIN THE SAME 4 BOSSES + 1, but at least it didn't advertise itself as something it wasn't.

Similarly, I don't actually mind the original PSP, because even if it is port of a bad game, it was still a port.

PSP2 and PSP2i though? Same engine, built on the same content, just that now, finally after playtesting the original broken game for half a decade, they actually got to a point where its playable.

See, I just don't support that kind of a business model. Make something worth my time the first time, and if you want to add more content, call it an expansion pack and have me pay accordingly. Don't treat it like a 5 year long beta. If your game sucks from the get go, I'm not going to continue to pay you to have me tell you whats wrong with it.

Mar 17, 2011, 01:46 PM
You're right, thats a tad harsh. Allow me to amend that.

Let me put it this way, do you know why I don't buy Madden games? (Apart from the fact that I'm just not that interested in football?)

It's because EA sports doesn't make new Madden games. The last truly "new" madden game was made at the beginning of this console generation, beyond that, their games are in a constant state of development, nothing is ever finished, and they add small amounts of new content or gameplay tweaks to each subsequent sequel. They're charging you full price for an expansion pack every year.

Sound familiar?

PSU was a botched timesink of a grindfest of a JRPG, that Sega attempted to "fix" by releasing an ACTUAL expansion pack for. That expansion pack really just added a few new areas, gameplay tweaks, and more LOL RESKIN THE SAME 4 BOSSES + 1, but at least it didn't advertise itself as something it wasn't.

Similarly, I don't actually mind the original PSP, because even if it is port of a bad game, it was still a port.

PSP2 and PSP2i though? Same engine, built on the same content, just that now, finally after playtesting the original broken game for half a decade, they actually got to a point where its playable.

See, I just don't support that kind of a business model. Make something worth my time the first time, and if you want to add more content, call it an expansion pack and have me pay accordingly. Don't treat it like a 5 year long beta. If your game sucks from the get go, I'm not going to continue to pay you to have me tell you whats wrong with it.

This seems more like an individual way of thinking more than something a massive group would go by. But I understand the thought of wanting nothing to do with a game if it's just a constantly polished drip content abortion.

Still from the perspective of a fan, people would definitely play it for a while regardless, and then these fixes would only make it better. Not caring if they were screwed over in what may as well had been a 5 year beta but as long as they get to enjoy the game in general. Which kind of makes your way of seeing things just look sort of stubborn. (Not that you don't have a reason to be... I mean, It's SEGA.)

Mar 17, 2011, 02:14 PM
This seems more like an individual way of thinking more than something a massive group would go by. But I understand the thought of wanting nothing to do with a game if it's just a constantly polished drip content abortion.

Still from the perspective of a fan, people would definitely play it for a while regardless, and then these fixes would only make it better. Not caring if they were screwed over in what may as well had been a 5 year beta but as long as they get to enjoy the game in general. Which kind of makes your way of seeing things just look sort of stubborn. (Not that you don't have a reason to be... I mean, It's SEGA.)

Actually, the only "stubborn" party in all of this was Sega, who decided that they would be the only company to release a subscription based MMO (or ORPG if you want to be technical) with no ability to do sweeping updates.

Thats what the real problem is here. They made a game that, regardless of wether it was good OR bad, was subscription based, and could not be updated, unlike the vast majority of its peers. In fact, off the top of my head, I cannot think of one game that is subscription based and pigeonholed itself in this way.

And before someone says "But there were updates!", no. Content unlocks, and minor stat changes are not "updates". Updates actually add something to the game that was not already on the disc.

See this is the one thing that could have saved PSU, because then my dislike of "paying for what is essentially expansions/udpates" arguement would be null and void.

You think I'm stubborn? Look at all of PSU's contemporaries, then AND now, either make your game solid enough that it can stand on its own from the get go, or be damn sure you can fix it if it isn't. You don't force your customers to pay for a game, pay for subscription fees to unlock content on the disc and you most certainly don't make them pay full price what would be in any other case expansion or update material.

Mar 17, 2011, 03:23 PM
First off, sorry for barging into the thread and getting in the way here, but I feel Niered really put the finger on what was probably my worst issue with PSU, excluding content wishes and the whole not-being-PSO2 deal.

The game had no means of receiving a true update outside of expansion discs (which we had to pay extra for anyway), so essentially the monthly fee was just for the service Sega provided by hosting the game servers. Every single (recent) MMO I can remember off the top of my head had a more or less constant flood of new patches and content while the fees were no more expensive than PSU's. Bleh.

I mean, I had a ton of fun and all but at the same time I ended up playing in periods and taking breaks over several months. With some more dynamic content and patches based on feedback from the community I'm sure I would have played way more.

Sega sacrificed longevity in order for PSU to reach out to the PS2 exclusive community. Well, I've got no idea of how many PS2 players they had relative to X-Box and PC players, but I kind of doubt it paid off in the long run.

Oh right. I'm totally not smacking down on the PS2 players here. Had a ton of fun playing with 'em and they deserve no less than everyone else. It's just that..err..the format didn't really justify the fees. More frequent expansion discs or different versions of the game would have been better. I guess.

Mar 18, 2011, 12:05 AM
Despite my seething hatred and animosity toward both Sega and Sonic Team, I'll probably hand $15/month or whatever yet again, like a foolish abused spouse who just can't leave.

Because I miss Numans, darn it. ._.

Alpha test in the summer, huh? Wonder how fast I could learn Japanese. It'd be nice to be treated as, y'know, an actual paying, valued customer for a change. :x

Mar 18, 2011, 01:51 AM
Actually, the only "stubborn" party in all of this was Sega, who decided that they would be the only company to release a subscription based MMO (or ORPG if you want to be technical) with no ability to do sweeping updates.

Thats what the real problem is here. They made a game that, regardless of wether it was good OR bad, was subscription based, and could not be updated, unlike the vast majority of its peers. In fact, off the top of my head, I cannot think of one game that is subscription based and pigeonholed itself in this way.

And before someone says "But there were updates!", no. Content unlocks, and minor stat changes are not "updates". Updates actually add something to the game that was not already on the disc.

See this is the one thing that could have saved PSU, because then my dislike of "paying for what is essentially expansions/udpates" arguement would be null and void.

You think I'm stubborn? Look at all of PSU's contemporaries, then AND now, either make your game solid enough that it can stand on its own from the get go, or be damn sure you can fix it if it isn't. You don't force your customers to pay for a game, pay for subscription fees to unlock content on the disc and you most certainly don't make them pay full price what would be in any other case expansion or update material. i remember the week after i beat story mode i got online for the first time a few days went buy and i remember asking somebody " hey were do i get A rank sabers?". when i was told there were none i asked why the hell not and never got an answer. nobody has yet to get a clear or reasonable answer for this simple question and many like it. what kind of greedy bastards charge ppl to play a game less then 25% complete. of course i played it for 3 years and regret it but i learned from it and if PSO2 is handled this way ill never play it. they should pay ME to test there goddam beta versions. btw im happy with the way psp2 was handled.

Mar 18, 2011, 02:25 AM
I'm just going to assume if they were able to fix all their screw-ups with psu in the portable games. Then I doubt they'd just throw middle fingers at us and do it all over again. (It would be... an inhuman thing to do to their fans...)

But like Juza said, and as I've said before, in terms of being a PS fan. I'd mostly like play the game regardless.

Corey Blue
Mar 18, 2011, 02:29 AM
I'm just going to assume if they were able to fix all their screw-ups with psu in the portable games. Then I doubt they'd just throw middle fingers at us and do it all over again. (It would be... an inhuman thing to do to their fans...)

But like Juza said, and as I've said before, in terms of being a PS fan. I'd mostly like play the game regardless. Don't get treated like shit,I mean it's up to you,I cant tell you what to play but,you'll stay if you get the short end? (They'll never learn there lesson if they know people will still pay for it.) I really do love phanasty star and I would hate to bury it for good,but some thing's you just gotta let go.

Mar 18, 2011, 02:51 AM
I'm just going to assume if they were able to fix all their screw-ups with psu in the portable games. Then I doubt they'd just throw middle fingers at us and do it all over again. (It would be... an inhuman thing to do to their fans...)

But like Juza said, and as I've said before, in terms of being a PS fan. I'd mostly like play the game regardless.

You expect all together too much from Sonic Team.

You're even part of the problem! Why should they make a great game the first time and only get $50 plus subscription fees off you, when its much more profitable to charge you that initial amount, and then 3 times more for the portable versions? Thats not even accounting for the expansion.

You want better games? Speak with the only thing that matters, not your voice, your wallet. You don't have to give up action RPG's even, there are plenty of alternatives that are actually good games like Demons Souls. Give THEM your money, Sega might actually take notice if you make them.

Mar 18, 2011, 04:32 AM
I'm more into my console life at this point... Uncharted 3, yay! :D

But I will get this, and I'll get excited about itwhen I have a reason to be.

Wouldn't have popped up randomly here if I didn't want info...

Mar 18, 2011, 10:31 AM
You expect all together too much from Sonic Team.

You're even part of the problem! Why should they make a great game the first time and only get $50 plus subscription fees off you, when its much more profitable to charge you that initial amount, and then 3 times more for the portable versions? Thats not even accounting for the expansion.
This is stupid.

The market size for PC users is infinitely larger than the market size for PSP users. This is intrinsic value, and demeaning it in any way can damage your share of that obscenely huge market.

Moreover, players of the PC version are unlikely to crossover with players of the portable version - why should they buy the portable versions three times over if they already have a superior version of the game on PC? Assuming they would create an inferior initial release just to cash-in with portable "updates" is cynical to an extreme.

I mean, hey, look, there was a year and some months between releases. That's hundreds of dollars in subscription fees from each player alone (assuming they remain subscribed), far superior income than the 1-shot deal of the portable versions. Only fucking morons would not realize this.

Even more beyond that, the PSP is unlikely to have the horsepower to support a truly portable version of PSO2. There's a reason they haven't announced any console versions for it yet, y'know.

Mar 18, 2011, 12:32 PM
This is stupid.

The market size for PC users is infinitely larger than the market size for PSP users. This is intrinsic value, and demeaning it in any way can damage your share of that obscenely huge market.

Moreover, players of the PC version are unlikely to crossover with players of the portable version - why should they buy the portable versions three times over if they already have a superior version of the game on PC? Assuming they would create an inferior initial release just to cash-in with portable "updates" is cynical to an extreme.

I mean, hey, look, there was a year and some months between releases. That's hundreds of dollars in subscription fees from each player alone (assuming they remain subscribed), far superior income than the 1-shot deal of the portable versions. Only fucking morons would not realize this.

Even more beyond that, the PSP is unlikely to have the horsepower to support a truly portable version of PSO2. There's a reason they haven't announced any console versions for it yet, y'know.

Consumers buy portable versions of console or PC based games all the time, simply because it is in fact portable.

Also, your wrong on the "superior version" because this implies that the PSP versions of the game are not, in fact, the best versions. I'm not saying that this was SEGA's business plan from the start, I'm saying that it happened, and that they are obviously profiting from it at this point.

Mar 18, 2011, 01:24 PM
Consumers buy portable versions of console or PC based games all the time, simply because it is in fact portable.The underlined is entirely moot (if you could name a single PC-exclusive with a portable version, I would be delighted), and considering PSO2 is so far a PC-exclusive...

Also, your wrong on the "superior version" because this implies that the PSP versions of the game are not, in fact, the best versions. I'm not saying that this was SEGA's business plan from the start, I'm saying that it happened, and that they are obviously profiting from it at this point.Considering the fact that the portable games were made years after the release of the game they were based on, it makes a lot of sense from a business standpoint.

At this point PSU is nearing the end of its life cycle with declining subs, so releasing portable versions before releasing the great big sequel only makes sense.

I hesitate to call the portable versions obviously superior; they suffer from the obvious limitations imposed by the platform. Besides that, again, they were made years after the release of the original. I expect we will not see a portable version of PSO2 for a huge length of time, and considering it is a PC-exclusive now, I also doubt that said portable version will be an inherently "superior" edition of the game.

Using the current status quo to justify in a vacuum why you should never, ever support SEGA ever again is a bit of a leap, I think.

Mar 18, 2011, 02:10 PM
Your missing the point here, the console/pc ----> portable versions of the game are not the problem, they are simply an example. Sega is charging its customers for what is essentially expansion pack material, but they're doing so at full price. Thats the problem here, and people paying them to do this is what allows them to continue. You can argue there is little overlap between the two demographics, but that doesnt change that sega took old product, and re released it multiple times with tweaks. Thats true of both the console/pc and portable versions.

I never said you shouldn't ever support sega either, just that supporting them when they are clearly taking the same game, and re-releasing it with additional content and charging you the same as a full priced release is some kind of thievery. This happened back with PSO to be certain, but then they had no other methods at their disposal. Had the game been a PC/360 exclusive, or a PC/360/PS3 game, which they most certainly could have, and should have done, I don't think I would be having this conversation, because then they could have implemented much of this as updates, and then had real content in their expansions.

Also, Dungeon Siege got a portable remake. Not really the point, your right that very FEW if any pc games get portable ports. You really are missing the point, I'm not saying that PSO2 will most certainly fall to the same problems that PSU has, I'm saying that by supporting segas remakes of the PSU to PSP2i phase, you've vindicated a business model of re-releasing old content with a new coat of paint for full price. They will not make the same mistake again, rather, they will make similar mistakes because it has been proven in the past that they can.

Mar 18, 2011, 03:42 PM
Don't all big gaming franchises re-release the same game with slight updates? I think those are called sequels.

Mar 18, 2011, 04:05 PM
Don't all big gaming franchises re-release the same game with slight updates? I think those are called sequels.

Really. Really? Come on. Thats dumb. Unless your being tongue in cheek about it.

The PSU series is a bunch of incremental tweaks to the core gameplay coupled with comparatively small amounts of new content, layered over old content.

Lets take an example of another series with a sequel, or really, the vast majority of series. Regardless of your feelings for the series, would you say that Grand Theft Auto 4 borrows half as much content from 3 as PSP2 does from PSP? Or FF10 borrows from FF9? How about from a game like Sacred 1 to Sacred 2? Or Dead Space to Dead Space 2? We aren't talking about taking pre-existing content and just adding to it, these games have complete new worlds to explore, new mechanics to play with.

The difference here is that the PSU games are simply expanding upon a previous game. Most good sequels are new games with ties to previous concepts. Not expansions to previous games.

Mar 18, 2011, 04:28 PM
This is the dumbest fucking argument.

Yes, their policy has been to release fifty thousand versions of each game with mostly minor tweaks. They did it with PSO, they did it with PSU, and they will probably do it again with PSO2.

However, of all the aspects of handling the series about which one could complain, this is really a relatively minor grievance, especially with PSU, where you could skip all of the PSP games and not really miss anything (other than some story that I doubt is worth caring about).

Mar 18, 2011, 04:45 PM
you could skip all of the PSP games and not really miss anything (other than some story that I doubt is worth caring about).

You would also miss all the great changes in the combat mechanics, online lobby system, drop system, grinding system, new items, bosses, enemies, etc., too. Basically you'd skim right over a total revamp of the PSU system. Also, PSP2's story is actually not that bad. I don't know about Infinity's story, as I can't read Japanese chicken-scratch language.

Yes, I realize a lot of that stuff was in PSO, but it would be a shame to write off PSP2/i without seeing and experiencing what they changed from PSU/PSP1.

Mar 18, 2011, 05:04 PM
The majority of the things you mentioned have been or almost certainly will be added to PSU (at least in Japan). That was my point.

Mar 18, 2011, 05:07 PM
The majority of the things you mentioned have been or almost certainly will be added to PSU (at least in Japan). That was my point.

I very highly doubt they'll be incorporating the PSP2/i grinding system, drop system, combat mechanics (block and dodge), or anything like that, into PSU (not even the JP version).

The most Sega will put into PSU will be weapons and maps (and the enemies that go with said maps). Nothing else.

Mar 18, 2011, 05:11 PM
None of those really seem like major changes to me, but I guess I can see why some might see them as important.

Again, this argument is dumb. The point still stands that their tendency to release multiple minor updated versions isn't really that big of a deal compared to some of the other much more flagrant problems with their handling of the Phantasy Star series.

Mar 18, 2011, 05:37 PM
You expect all together too much from Sonic Team.

You're even part of the problem! Why should they make a great game the first time and only get $50 plus subscription fees off you, when its much more profitable to charge you that initial amount, and then 3 times more for the portable versions? Thats not even accounting for the expansion.

You want better games? Speak with the only thing that matters, not your voice, your wallet. You don't have to give up action RPG's even, there are plenty of alternatives that are actually good games like Demons Souls. Give THEM your money, Sega might actually take notice if you make them.

I'm pretty sure that at this point we're lucky to even have PS games come out in english. I don't think righteous boycotting will get much far in the part of the community they never payed attention to, to begin with.

I enjoyed the PS series regardless of how sega screwed us over, not because I'm some tool that throws my money at my precious sega. But because I actually like and enjoyed the game; For 3-4 years even until I got naturally bored.

I haven't played the PSP games yet, but They look 5x as fun as PSU to me weather you just see them as a polished turd, or minor gameplay tweaks or not...I'm not you. I'm sure they'll put way more effort in a big deal like PSO2 at least for the sake of the JP players which from you argument suffer the same issues.

Good luck trying to tell decade long pokemon fans the same exact argument they'll still have fun with their passtime.

TL;DR: Sorry if I just wanna play a video game that I already enjoy.

Mar 18, 2011, 06:25 PM
This is stupid.

The market size for PC users is infinitely larger than the market size for PSP users. This is intrinsic value, and demeaning it in any way can damage your share of that obscenely huge market.

Have you seen how much PSPs have sold?
How much they sell in Japan? Now compare that the the hardcore PC userbase and say that again I dare you. :P

Mar 18, 2011, 06:52 PM
It doesn't matter how much they've sold. The user base will never match the ubiquitousness of the PC (and trying to narrow down by adding qualifiers like "hardcore" isn't going to get you anywhere... unless you want to compare vs. "hardcore" PSP users?).

PCs are everywhere, and the user base is doing nothing if not growing. It's even quite a bit larger in Japan and Korea than it is over in the entirety of the West. We have a far slower rate of technological acquisition.

Mar 18, 2011, 07:01 PM
Yeah. Everyone and their brother has a computer, so trying to make a userbase argument is rather misguided.

Mar 18, 2011, 07:28 PM
But are pc hardcore gamers everywhere?
Seeing the pc developers flocking to consoles says no.

Mar 18, 2011, 07:49 PM
ive been gone from these forums for a few years and shin still has the same location set... lol!

Mar 18, 2011, 08:04 PM
I will never move from Sil'fer's boobies!

Mar 18, 2011, 08:10 PM
But are pc hardcore gamers everywhere?
Seeing the pc developers flocking to consoles says no.Oh look, it's another one of those people who thinks you have to have a SUPER MEGA CUTTING EDGE $1500 PC in order to play games. How quaint.

Mar 18, 2011, 08:14 PM
I think we should remember that Sonic Team's past success/failure has very little to do with this game.

They are in fact a "team" which means there are multiple people all working on this game. Those people are not the exact same people that worked on PSO or PSU.

Look at your favorite sports team. They can be good one year and be terrible the next year. It all depends on who is on the team at the time.

Mar 18, 2011, 08:14 PM
If you think that's why developers and publishers are moving away that's hilarious.
They have higher profit margins on consoles that user base is more docile and easier to con. Nothing about hardware.

Mar 18, 2011, 08:21 PM
And yet PSO2 remains a PC-exclusive until told otherwise.


Mar 18, 2011, 08:21 PM
I think we should remember that Sonic Team's past success/failure has very little to do with this game.Yes, but to be fair, a lot of the same mistakes from PSO have been repeated throughout PSU, so some concerns are not without grounds.

If you think that's why developers and publishers are moving away that's hilarious.
They have higher profit margins on consoles that user base is more docile and easier to con. Nothing about hardware.I guess I misinterpreted what you meant. Sorry, there a lot of people who do seem to think that way.

My point is that most people do, in fact, own a computer, so most people who want to play the game will be able to, possibly after some minor upgrading (that should be done, regardless).

I'm well aware of the fact that PC gaming is less popular than console gaming on the whole (though, for the life of me, I cannot fathom why).

Mar 18, 2011, 08:28 PM
Well PC gaming requires extra work, the layman hates extra work (That's why he's the layman) console is plug and play, console is established. People like simplicity I guess. I like the console's interface to the computer myself but I play on both.
As for this game being a monster on pc requirements, if they are going off the average Japanese pc, hell no they won't.

Mar 18, 2011, 08:32 PM
We already know the alpha system requirements (which will likely not change for release, and if they do, it will probably be lower requirements), and they are anything but high-end. So the "but my computer won't play it waaaaaah" argument really is ridiculous (unless your computer is like 5 years old or you only have a laptop). I think we agree there.

Mar 18, 2011, 08:47 PM
my laptop can run crysis people need to get better laptops. XD (Get's hotter than a mofo though)

Mar 20, 2011, 07:53 PM
I'm well aware of the fact that PC gaming is less popular than console gaming on the whole (though, for the life of me, I cannot fathom why). Well, sitting/laying on couch viewing the game on a large TV is a lot more appealing than sitting at a desk, especially when you want to play for several hours. Yes, I'm aware one can connect a PC to a TV and be used as a game console, but that makes things more complicated (which a casual gamer would not want). Then, you'll need to install a graphics card if you want to play any modern game (assuming your store-bought PC doesn't have one), which adds another barrier. People want simplicity. Console gaming provides that simplicity (no system requirements, no upgrade installations, no desk, no keyboard. Just 1 controller).

Anyway, if you enjoyed games in the Phantasy Star Online/Universe series, how could you NOT be excited over the mere mention of another Phantasy Star Online release? I don't know about you, but I thoroughly enjoyed both series. Besides the often complained (locked/slow content release, poor support) issues, I honestly found both games very enjoyable. So, I highly anticipate the release of Online 2, despite the lack of information about the game.

Mar 21, 2011, 12:50 AM
Anyway, if you enjoyed games in the Phantasy Star Online/Universe series, how could you NOT be excited over the mere mention of another Phantasy Star Online release? I don't know about you, but I thoroughly enjoyed both series. Besides the often complained (locked/slow content release, poor support) issues, I honestly found both games very enjoyable. So, I highly anticipate the release of Online 2, despite the lack of information about the game.


Maybe it's because a lot of the more PSO hardcore fans were strongly disappointed, But I found PSUu to be fun and greatly improved in it's obvious ways (Even if it was an abortion.) Yet because of PSU it seems like a lot of people think PSO2 is automatically going to be a horrible game.

Of course most people saying "I'm not gonna buy this game if it has/doesnt have, or ends up like X" will probably end up playing it either way.(Even if they only play it for a few weeks.)

Mar 21, 2011, 07:27 PM
The lack of information is why I can't get too hyped. I enjoyed PSO and PSU bu still not knowing anything aside from just the name does nothing for me.

Mar 21, 2011, 07:52 PM
The lack of information is why I can't get too hyped. I enjoyed PSO and PSU bu still not knowing anything aside from just the name does nothing for me.

I'm gonna have to agree with Shin here. Although I'm excited that there's a new non-handheld Phantasy Star game in the works, all we really know at this point is:

1 - It's on PC
2 - Japanese BB/PSU players are about to start Alpha testing

We have no gameplay footage, screenshots, or cut scenes to go by yet. The only visual info about the game was that crappy announcement trailer that featured all the OLDER games and a title screen... :rolleyes:

I thought I read somewhere around here that Sega was going to release more information about PSO2 in April...

Mar 21, 2011, 08:45 PM
2 - Japanese BB/PSU players are about to start Alpha testing
There are still three months left until the alpha testers get picked.

I thought I read somewhere around here that Sega was going to release more information about PSO2 in April...
True. I was under the impression that there might be an announcement about the game at one of the PSP2i events held in April but the aftermath of the disaster in Japan may put that on hold. If the release is through another source, then we may hear about it with no problems.

Mar 21, 2011, 09:03 PM
PSO2 Will be great...Where have heard these words before...Oh yea Duke Nukem Forever, What 7 years ago?

I am hoping on PSO2 will be good though.

Mar 21, 2011, 10:46 PM
We can only wait and see if what they show is any good.

Mar 22, 2011, 02:46 AM
I don't think a PS game will end up like that constantly cut-off project like duke nukem. @_@