View Full Version : PSP2 Saber users

Wavemaster Elk
Mar 11, 2011, 04:14 PM
For saber users what do you prefer to have in your other hand. Tech mag, R mag, or shield which do you think is best and why?

Mar 11, 2011, 04:17 PM
Shield, I like the counter effect and I block more than I dodge.

Mar 11, 2011, 04:18 PM
^ What he said, I find blocking more useful since I'm always in danger of getting 0HKO in the high end S missions.

Mar 11, 2011, 04:19 PM
I'd prefer a tech mag or shield on the side. Tech mag so I have resta as back up should I run out of mates, or a shield to block, though I usually end up dodging more than I block.

Mar 11, 2011, 04:21 PM
kasami bracer adds 80 evade. helps alot to be able to block too.

Angelic Fae
Mar 11, 2011, 04:30 PM
A shield, it has to be a shield. I've never really used R-mags since mine always do negligible damage and as for tech mags I reckon having resta at the ready comes in handy but half the time I get killed before I can use it and besides if I'm gonna be using a saber I'm not likely to a be a force so any attack techs do pretty low damage. now a shield gives you the ability to block and instant blocks often do more damage than my saber anyway.
though...I reckon if you could block while using a mag I would change my mind. For me blocking is a big plus!

also what about handguns, cards and machine guns from time to time a Handgun can come in handy since you can move and attack at the same time.

Mar 11, 2011, 04:34 PM
Shield. Being able to exploit blocking is always good.

Bomber The Cosmonaut
Mar 11, 2011, 04:39 PM
kasami bracer adds 80 evade. helps alot to be able to block too.

This. Plus it can freeze. o:

Wavemaster Elk
Mar 11, 2011, 05:07 PM
So do you normally fight and use saber PA since if you use pp it wont absorb much dmg when you block?

Chaos Rappy
Mar 11, 2011, 06:43 PM
I use a shield with my sabers, for all the aforementioned reasons. Blocking is good. Kazami Bracer is epic, and as for attacking with it, I usually just attack normally and use a PA sparingly every now and then, usually by keeping track of my PP, when my PP reheals back to full after a few attacks after using a PA prior. Sometimes, I just PA spam when I wield my Excalbire, for lulz, since its PA's cost so little even though its PA's don't do much more damage, but either way, I still usually have plenty of time even while majorly attacking with PA's to pop a perfect block or even a regular block if mistimed to prevent damage, usually I'm good enough with timing to get the former.

Mar 11, 2011, 06:58 PM
Usually shield but i've been using the Landeel Shag in Infinity becauses it has knockdown.

Chaos Rappy
Mar 11, 2011, 07:04 PM
I dunno about Landeel in Infinity or how it works, but just as a small note, I used Sonichi in the past for its penetrating laser which would toss enemies into to the air in this game. Was pretty useful for a bit, but I'm not really a fan of R-Mags to really use it beyond that time... was fun, though, seeing enemies fly around even when I wasn't swinging my weapon around.

Wavemaster Elk
Mar 11, 2011, 09:11 PM
I was wondering since its a single saber and not twin or double I no my dmg output wont be that great is it worth it using a saber at all?

Mar 11, 2011, 09:34 PM
I use Sabers because they're quick and they can deal enough damage(signifigant if you know what you're doing).
I personally use two sabers(Shippu/gekka), and then on one I'll give a handgun, then the other a mag.

Mar 11, 2011, 10:59 PM
Shield, mostly because blocking 150+ is very important. And I also have a Victory which looks badass and adds 40 attack =)

Sabers can do some decent damage with their PAs and offer good control (knock backs/up), like Gravity Strike. A nice little trick to chain faster with them is to hold block and keep pressing square. The block animation cancels the end of the swing animation so it reduces time between swings a lot.

Mar 12, 2011, 12:29 AM
I really only use my extended Gren, which on long missions is such a BEAST by the end (Military Subway, 160 enemies X 10 = 1600 extra attack) :-D
Still looking for that Impasse though...

Mar 12, 2011, 11:29 PM
I like using Shields when I use my Sabers.
I don't really like the Tech-Mags, and the R.Mags I haven't tried yet.
Handguns aren't really that great in my opinion, but I do want to try Crossbows with it! Ha ha ha.

I like Perfect Blocking most of the time. :33

Mar 16, 2011, 10:10 PM
Mi I use my.shippujinlai and my eye of rykros rmag I dont use shields but on bosses but when I do I use victory shield