View Full Version : Game Prey 2!

Mar 16, 2011, 11:26 AM

I am SO happy right now. I loved the first Prey.

Mar 16, 2011, 11:41 AM
It's a nice announcement. The first one was a bit under-rated; but then again, a victim of high-profile titles released around it.

However, I remember how gut-wrenchingly horrible your foes were in that game. Definitely made the atmosphere seem bleak even though they had a lot of cool Portal/gravity style tricks before Portal came along and made an entire game based on the concept.

I had the demo, but I never played the original. However, I figure for what it costs now, it's definitely more than worth it to check out.

Mar 16, 2011, 12:18 PM
Not sure what they were trying to do with that trailer... It feels like an ad for a cheesy SyFy movie.

Anyway, I'm pretty skeptical of this. The upcoming cover of Game Informer has what I can only assume is the main protagonist. If that's the case, this is more of a reboot than a sequel. Exit Tommy, enter stereotypical stoic-looking white guy. I feel as if it's yet another example of "a sequel for a game that doesn't need a sequel".

Mar 16, 2011, 12:25 PM
I enjoyed the first Prey. It was actually a pretty scary game, to me. Like a well-made Sci-Fi movie.

But, I agree with amtalx. Prey doesn't really need a sequel, especially if it's a completely new protagonist and such. I liked the little trailer for Prey 2, though. Kind of like a "Blair Witch" or "Cloverfield" deal. I've always liked the 1st-person perspective types of film.

EDIT: I'm also kind of curious about how the aliens are back, though. Didn't Tommy kill the queen (or whatever it was) in the first Prey?

Mar 16, 2011, 12:29 PM
Finally. The ending of Prey even said "To be continued with Prey 2" or something similar to that.

But yeah, Tommy did pwn the queen, then drove the entire planet-sized spaceship into the Sun afterwards.

Mar 16, 2011, 12:37 PM
But yeah, Tommy did pwn the queen, then drove the entire planet-sized spaceship into the Sun afterwards.

That's what I thought. Soooo....how are the assholes in the video there? Guess we'll have to find out.

Mar 16, 2011, 12:41 PM

Mar 16, 2011, 12:55 PM
So, I haven't played the first game, but apparently at one point you see an airplane crash onto the alien spaceship. According to what I've read, you play as a character who was on that airplane.

Although then it skips ahead a while and you're no longer on the spaceship. I dunno. This is from an "inside source" according to Kotaku.


Mar 16, 2011, 12:57 PM
So, I haven't played the first game, but apparently at one point you see an airplane crash onto the alien spaceship. According to what I've read, you play as a character who was on that airplane.

Although then it skips ahead a while and you're no longer on the spaceship. I dunno. This is from an "inside source" according to Kotaku.


I remember that. Then you stumble upon one of the passengers (or maybe one of the pilots?) flipping the fuck out later.

Mar 16, 2011, 01:07 PM
So, I haven't played the first game, but apparently at one point you see an airplane crash onto the alien spaceship. According to what I've read, you play as a character who was on that airplane.

I remember that. Then you stumble upon one of the passengers (or maybe one of the pilots?) flipping the fuck out later.

Huh, so Prey 2 is going to be like an "alternate route" version of Prey, I'm guessing. Weird idea.

EDIT: Well, actually, that was a poor choice of words. It's not necessarily a "weird" idea, but I wasn't expecting the sequel to be like that.

Mar 16, 2011, 02:45 PM
Prey is one of my favorite games this generation. I really enjoyed it and it was one of the freshest experiences in FPS's that I've ever played. If anyone watched the credits after the game they will know that they set the last one up for a sequel:

I think it will be a good game. I could care less about the Game Informer cover. Basically every game cover they use does not represent the final game based on other games I've played. As long as the original developers are behind it and it's using id Tech 5 (I hope) and it has portals, I think it will be fine. I wouldn't be surprised to see Tommy take a different look. He never really embraced his heritage in the first game.

Mar 16, 2011, 05:42 PM
Huh, so Prey 2 is going to be like an "alternate route" version of Prey, I'm guessing. Weird idea.

EDIT: Well, actually, that was a poor choice of words. It's not necessarily a "weird" idea, but I wasn't expecting the sequel to be like that.

Well, according to the Kotaku article, only the beginning of the game is set on the space station. After that it's set on some far-off alien world where the main character is an alien bounty hunter.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Tommy take a different look. He never really embraced his heritage in the first game.

It's looking very much like the main character is new.

Mar 19, 2011, 01:56 PM


First one was pretty decent, although there was one gravity puzzle that I got stuck on for far too long (something about moving generators or something later in the game). I'll more than likely check the new one out whenever it comes out.

Mar 21, 2011, 03:59 PM
Well, it looks like Tommy isn't the main character. It's some Sheriff named Killian Samuels. It's going to have Mirror's Edge style parkour and a Killzone style cover system...and of course some RPG elements.

lolwut. Kitchen sink much?

Mar 21, 2011, 05:20 PM
Sweet! I can't wait to play Pray 2 Quake 5 Doom 4 Generic id Tech Game #6432!

Mar 21, 2011, 05:28 PM
I don't see why they are even calling it Prey 2. So far it seems very different than the first game. I really can't believe they aren't going to have multiplayer, considering nearly every game has multiplayer now and the first game had a decent (yet extremely laggy) multiplayer mode.