Mar 21, 2011, 10:07 AM
Please try and understand that most ranger arsenal have strategical purpose. While it lack degree in power, it provide the team boost while not annoyed your team m8 at the same time.

the PA bold are highly recommended


Strategic use: Handgun came second to slicer as chain initiator because of high attack rate and moderate element trigger.

-quick animation
-highest number of hit for gun

-slow charge time
-poor ATP and ACC mod
-high pp cost
-can only hit one target
-poor degree of attack

Flame Hit
-moderate ATP and ACC mod
-moderate charge time
-can hit highest number of target for gun
-acceptable PP consumption
-moderate degree area
-moderate number of hit
-have chance for level 4 burn
-moderate animation
-very excellent burn trigger combine with burn element
-very good against high number mob

-low range but acceptable

Thriller Combo
-best ATP and ACC mod for gun
-low pp cost
-quick charge time
-huge area of effect
-moderate number of hit
-good to use against large foe

-does not hit each foe more than one time accept for large foe(plz someone confirm this)


Strategic use: As chain initiator with longer range, better accuracy and higher ATP but lower attack rate

-moderate charge time
-high number of hit
-have chance for burn element
-moderate against high number mob
-moderate pp consumprion
-good burn trigger with burn element

-poor ATP and ACC mod
-chaotic area of attack (this can be a pros with a wright positioning)
-moderate animation

Hollow Swipe
-high ACC mod
-have the highest range among all PA
-moderate degree of attack
-high number of hit with more precise hit

-poor ATP mod
-slow charge time
-high PP cost
-poor against moving target
-slow animation( compensate by long range)

Sneak Mine
-one of the best scape goat photon art
-high ATP and ACC mod
-fast charge time
-fast animation
-have moderate number of hit and target
-moderate area of effect

-non!!!( I can't think of any)


Strategic use: provide ranger class option against range resistance foe and have moderate element trigger with it bullet attack.

Bullet Dance
-low pp cost
-fast animation
-huge area of effect
-one of the highest number of hit PA

-chaotic attack animation
-poor ACC mod

Impact Zero
-temporary scape goat
-high ATP mod
-low pp cost
-quick animation
-low charge time
-high degree of attack
-moderate number of target and hit

-poor range

Earth Bullet
-moderate charge time
-excellent ATP and ACC mod
-moderate pp cost
-moderate area of attack
-moderate number of hit and target

-moderate animation


Strategic use: Provide ranger with the highest ATP and moderate PA but at the price of chain and elemnt trigger .

Crush Bomb
-excellent ATP mod (the highest damage possibly achieve by ranger class)
-high number of target
-good against high number mob in small area

-moderate animation
-small area of effect
-slow charge time

Wild Blow
-high number of hit
-moderate number of target

-slow animation
-high pp cost
-poor ACC mod
-small area of effect
-slow charge time

Crazy On
-high ACC mod
-fast animation
-scape goat PA
-moderate area of effect
-moderate charge time

-it is a bazooka PA
-ATP not not high enough to match other good PA


Strategic use: provide ranger with an area of attack in a straight line and also have a good element trigger at the cost of chain attack.

Sector Line
-high ATP mod
-moderate pp cost
-huge area of attack
-high number target
-moderate charge time

-moderate animation
-high pp cost
-poor ACC mod
-low number of hit

-fast animation
-good ACC mod
-low pp cost
-moderate area of attack
-good number of hit and target
-chance for poison
-very good poison trigger with poison element

-ATP mod only 100%
-lose it poison usefulness against machine

Divine Ray
-excellent ATP and ACC mod comparable to that of over end
-large area of effect
-high number of target

-long animation
-high pp cost
-low number of hit
-slow animation


Strategic use: similar role to gun but lower ATP, ACC and attack rate.

Cool Style
-highest number of hit
-moderate charge time

-moderate animation
-chaotic area attack(can be pros with wright positioning)
-high pp cost
-small area of attack
-poor ACC and ATP mod

Spinning Death
-good ACC mod
-moderate charge time
-moderate area of attack
-scape goat PA

-moderate animation
-low ATP mod
-lowest number hit for mech gun

-more precise mech gun PA
-moderate number of hit for mech gun PA

-small area of attack
-slow charge time
-high pp cost
-moderate animation
-low ATP mod

Chaos Rappy
Mar 21, 2011, 10:14 AM
Mine Sneak con: unless you know how to properly use it, which will take some time, it's fairly difficult to aim properly. Also, it defeats the purpose of being a "ranged" PA by making you be up-close to enemies to use it, if you ask me, which I would throw in as a personal con.

Mar 21, 2011, 11:22 AM
well to be honest almost all ranger's PA are situational and require training to use properly..So I didn't list that as a con.

Chaos Rappy
Mar 21, 2011, 07:16 PM
But doesn't NOT being ranged consist of defeating the point of being a RANGEr? That's all I'm saying here... :/

Mar 21, 2011, 07:19 PM
well it is a scape goat photon art..Think of it strategical potential..you can start a chain then use the PA..then go to back of enemies a shot again repeat until they die..

Chaos Rappy
Mar 21, 2011, 07:31 PM
Eh... I still prefer hollow Snipe, since I can shoot enemies from enormous distance THROUGH OBSTACLES, and never miss with it, even if I have to make a slight ATP penalty or slightly longer charge time (almost negligible with Compress PA on), which I also have to say isn't very hard to aim on enemies either if you're smart enough NOT to lock onto foes before using it so you can manually position yourself to shoot whatever foes you want and not miss moving ones... just my little spiel.

Mar 21, 2011, 08:15 PM
I like the breakdown of this; very nice job.

Also, I don't feel that a close range PA is a bad thing for a RA...Sometimes you're in a situation where you need an out, and mine sneak can help you work back around to a better position on the field, especially for multi-mode. RA doesn't have to be just ranged; it's sometimes a great deal better to have a close range capability to assist in situations where distance isn't working out, you know?

Also, a pro for Wild Blow: It makes the RAcast look awesome.

Chaos Rappy
Mar 21, 2011, 09:52 PM
If I wanted to get in for melee damage, I'd just break out my Earth Bullet Gunblade... that's all I'm sayin'. :|

Mar 22, 2011, 08:46 AM
If I wanted to get in for melee damage, I'd just break out my Earth Bullet Gunblade... that's all I'm sayin'. :|

In some cases, such as when you forgot to bring you gunblade along, you may have an issue there, right?

Personally, I use wipeout for up-close-and-personal damage as a ranger if I didn't / forgot to bring my Emporer Axeon; The bullets that don't hit the enemy I'm targeting have the chance to hit another target, and the burn effect from the grenade is a plus when you're already targeting a larger enemy (Boosted Rohcrysta as a RAmar, anyone?).

Mine Sneak can be used effectively, but I agree, it takes some getting used to; If you bump a wall, you end up relocating the target spot, which means you miss your enemies with it. Of course, the wall could be used to your advantage; If an enemy isn't moving much, target towards the wall with the enemy in range, and you're almost guaranteed a hit.

Mar 22, 2011, 09:03 AM
after writing this thread made me think... why in the world those people made ranger class so complicated...I guess that what made me to love about them the most.

Mar 22, 2011, 08:14 PM
If I wanted to get in for melee damage, I'd just break out my Earth Bullet Gunblade... that's all I'm sayin'. :|

This i agree with though; but it still "defeats" the purpose of being a ranged class...but tbh I always love earth bullet over any other RA pa for close quarters :)

Mar 23, 2011, 10:01 PM
:( Why does it sound like gunblades are the only decent RA weapon....

It feels like RA's are totally not worth playing. I'm not typically one to play a class based purely on how strong it is but their weapon choices just seem really lame and uninteresting, and they aren't even strong to make up for it. They already do less than hunters and can tank less than hunters, so, was it really necessary to make so many enemies range resist SEGA?

Mar 23, 2011, 11:49 PM
I think the issue is that the RA weapons and PA's ARE actually interesting, but it's not a RA exclusive. The HUcast/HUcaseal use them more competently most of the time, and even the FO's and other HU types can use just as many, but on top of the HU and FO type weapons that the RA classes don't really get to grab on to.

HUney with Millas AND some of the better RA type weapons in the game, as well as using the FO types with a competent level sort of out classes the RA specific classes.

Mar 24, 2011, 05:05 AM
agreed..Darn Sega why in the world ranger can't equip shuriken......

Apr 1, 2011, 02:33 AM
If I wanted to get in for melee damage, I'd just break out my Earth Bullet Gunblade... that's all I'm sayin'. :|

EB doesn't do Ranged damage. kinda defeats the purpose of using a RANGED weapon if you're gonna do melee damage.

Also, Flame Hit, Wipeout, Thiller Combo, Bio-Panic, Wild Blow, Crush Bomb, Cool Style, all require a certain degree of closeness to pull off maximum damage.