View Full Version : idea - put you pso-world id on you partner card

Mar 25, 2011, 01:38 AM
this is just a quick thought but i think it will make it easy for every one
what if in the card name of your partner card you put your pso-world details. mine is
but that is way to long so i saw that every one has the number at the end so why not put that
it fits perfectly if it is put like this


so now if we come across each other by random it will be easy to find each other
plus the card name is the same on all your characters so you only have to do it once
C U <3

Mar 25, 2011, 01:48 AM
Or why not simply put PSOW in the card info with user name instead of some rumbo-jumbo number?


Mar 25, 2011, 01:55 AM
What Wayu said makes sense, but if others are like me, you won't give your card to anyone or vice versa. Most people I meet won't bother with it, because we partied once and that's the only time I'll ever see them.

Mar 25, 2011, 02:02 AM
Besides, you can easily search pso-world for Usernames. Just go to your own page and then click at the top where it says Members List. And then search it. ^^

Mar 25, 2011, 02:08 AM
that could work as well
some people have made a big sentence in that space and i thought it takes less room on your partner card if it was just on the name

part of the idea by putting pso-world.com it would be free advertising so if a random looked at your card thay might come here to check it out

but its all up to the psow community what would be easy for you ?

Mar 25, 2011, 02:11 AM
I usually get a handful of cards sent to me from hackers, people that got hacked, and from lonely people looking for a good time.

It's probably for the best we don't do that.

Mar 25, 2011, 09:45 AM
I usually get a handful of cards sent to me from hackers, people that got hacked, and from lonely people looking for a good time.

It's probably for the best we don't do that.

I second this. I always go through my PC list and sort out the hackers at the end of the day, and they all end up in my blacklist. I stopped playing awhile ago because there were almost no rooms to choose from, most of which were locked. The last thing we need are hackers coming to this web site.

Mar 25, 2011, 10:36 AM
ok ok so that is 4 to1
i just don't give my card to players i think are hackers or horney guys
but i see your point
for all of you i will take it of my partner card:(

Mar 25, 2011, 11:05 AM
It kind of boils down to whether or not we can determine who's a hacker or not.

I don't think many people pay that much attention to Partner Card details, though, unless they're looking for something.

I for one only give out my PC if I know the person's a PSOW inhabitant. Asking's fairly easy.


Mar 25, 2011, 11:53 AM
Well it did seem like a good idea, but the amount of hackers on the US/EU servers just really bogs it down and the fact that they make new characters now and then. If you do get a PC from a possible hacker, check for basics like kills, rare item registry, boss kills, percentage of weapons collected.

Kills on hackers at level 200 are normally at around 5000-10000. Rare item registry on others I've noticed only have the Dyran Slayer and B ranked weaponry. All bosses have been killed 1000 times. 10-25% of weapons collected.

I know it's possible they might not be as lucky in drops, but having your weapon registry at level 200, and not have it about 3/4 full is off. Plenty of 100+ people have more than half the list full by that point.

Mar 26, 2011, 11:19 PM
This sounds similar to what many people have done since PSO with their cards, but I think it's easier just putting down something like "PSOW - usernamehere"

It seems easier than having to manually make note of who someone is in your guild list. It's easier to just have their name, hop on the site, and type it in on the member search area.

(Forum Links -> Members List -> click on Search Members to the right)


Mar 26, 2011, 11:32 PM
Makes things easier for those who have dozens of alts as well.


Mar 27, 2011, 11:58 AM
true, i´ve already done that since psp2i demo just in case i met someone from here.