View Full Version : mag i want

Mar 27, 2011, 12:56 PM
Hi im new to PSO
playing it on ---

but after browsing the mags on here i gt a little confused in the order of the stats

i want an Asparas and it says i must have Mind > Dex > Pow

im gaussing that it means Mind lower than Dex / Dex Lower than Pow?

but do i also hav to get my mag to evolve in to a spesific mag before i will make a Asparas or just have the stats right ready for level 50?

EDIT: also im Veridia ID

Mar 27, 2011, 01:31 PM
You actually have the order of those backwards. You need mind to be higher than dex and dex higher than pow. The requirements for the mag are to have those stats at level 50, and you will not need a specific mag evolution to get the mag you want.

Mar 27, 2011, 01:55 PM
">" means "greater than".

Mind has to be greater than Dex.
Dex has to be greater than Pow.

All these conditions must be satisfied when the mag is LV50 and when fed on a Ranger character with Section ID Type A.

Mar 27, 2011, 06:22 PM
how would i find out if im ID is A or B? i know know its Veridia

also could I level my mag to get the one i want them feed it so it looses the stats i donwt want and re- configure if or do the devolve to?

Mar 27, 2011, 07:09 PM
Type A IDs are Viridia, Skyly, Purplenum, Redria, and Yellowboze, and type B IDs are Greenill, Blueful, Pinkal, Oran, and Whitill. You cannot devolve or lower a level on mags.