View Full Version : London TUC Protests

Mar 28, 2011, 05:10 AM
Quelle surprise..."The government will not change its economic strategy as a result of the TUC protest" A days protest will not shake up the system. Anti spending cuts? So we protest costing the country more money? Funny. The majority want to be peaceful, yet a few rowdy people tarnish everyones reputation. What government would listen to a violent part time protestor? None. You want change live for it, don't be a weekend protestor.

So some people got hit by the police....heard that one before. It's not surprising, you don't go to a protest expecting it not to get rowdy, because a few kids who think they're anarchists or punks will kick something off. Everyone knows what the police are like at these protests, and if a few people kick off they're not going to stop to ask questions with thousands of protestors standing infront of then chanting, shouting and swearing at them.

You ever had your patience tested by loads of people hurling abuse at you? I doubt it, I doubt any of us would be in that situation. So some people snap, they migth get fired, they might not. We cannot say how we would act in that situation when you're adorning full riot gear and have to waste (emphasis on that word) your hours looking over a bunch of protestors. Must be a riveting day.

A policeman on the street would not stand for some "free minded" kids swearing at them normally, so i'm not surprised a few get hit. Assaulting people isn't right at all. I am not agreeing or condoning their actions. But put yourself in their shoes instead of resorting to the stereotypical pig insult as so many of these protestors have done since Saturdays protest. It's tedious that people always act so shocked when a few people get hit, thankfully you're not getting shot at by a sniper in Syria ¬¬
