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View Full Version : Infinity Dewman Infinity Blasts

Apr 4, 2011, 11:27 PM
Any idea on what influences a Dhuman's blast? Like how beasts can choose different blast badges for different properties like defensive, offensive, etc...

Reikoku na kuma
Apr 5, 2011, 01:25 PM
Dumans Infinity blasts are based on what Type you are (Hunter,Ranger, etc..)

Apr 5, 2011, 01:52 PM
Dumans Infinity blasts are based on what Type you are (Hunter,Ranger, etc..)
Does any type of blast work especially well? I'm currently using the vanguard blast and the great big lobster boss kills me fairly quickly with it the duga dunga(at least when I'm within 5 levels of it and don't have 2 scape dolls.) too haven't tried it with a Zoal Goug yet. Just tried on Zoal Goug LV2 took forever ran out of blast power before it died.

Reikoku na kuma
Apr 5, 2011, 02:54 PM
Really Depends on what you like. Vanguard one is ok but i like the Force one better. Haven't trried ranger blast. My wife has a fem Duman hunter and she perfers the hunter one. My suggestion is try all of them and see what helps you survive more.

Apr 5, 2011, 03:07 PM
Really Depends on what you like. Vanguard one is ok but i like the Force one better. Haven't trried ranger blast. My wife has a fem Duman hunter and she perfers the hunter one. My suggestion is try all of them and see what helps you survive more.
I decided in order to solve my problem I would make 3 more Dhumans and so I would have on of each type and play with them in a party to test out the Dhuman blasts side by side.

One thing has become obvius to me an AI Force is a coward.

Apr 5, 2011, 07:02 PM
Force = magic balls, explosion for chain-breaking
Hunter = blue sword-thing, relatively normal chain break
Ranger = not sure
Vanguard = blue twin saber-like with high movement, chain break is lunge (?)

The best for one for bosses would be one where you don't move around too much; i.e. Force and Ranger (maybe).


Apr 5, 2011, 07:48 PM
For ranger the normal attacks are domed explosions and the triangle attack is a piercing laser beam.

Apr 5, 2011, 09:51 PM
The domed explosions can zone in on enemies and have a great range, but the cooldown between each shot can be a pain in close-range. Also the range of the laser beam's range is also high.