View Full Version : GC Just getting back into things. (Gamecube Version)

Apr 21, 2011, 01:14 AM
Im getting back into Phantasy Star Online for gamecube. When i played though i never got to play online. It was offline or offline with friends. I still played QUITE a bit. but i it eventually died off. mainly because i couldn't play online.
I just found a broad band adaptor for the gamecube for pretty cheap so i figured why not? Especially with PSO2 coming out in the somewhat near future. (i don't even have a gaming pc, im saving up to build one just to play PSO2 when it comes out.)

I understand that the sega servers for this game are down. I was just wondering if there is still any way to play online? I've read something about private servers?
I have strong characters. i could play with anybody i imagine. Is there any way i can still get online and play? And if so is there anybody who would like to play with me?
I built up some pretty powerful characters in all three of the major classes. So i could play as whatever. I would just love to clock in some hours again and really get into it. It's one of my favorite games and the nostalgia has been hitting me pretty hard ever since i watched the PSO2 video last week.

any help would be greatly appreciated and im always up for some friends to play pso with.

Apr 21, 2011, 04:40 AM
Private servers exist, Thats as much as i can say here without breaking the rules, Also Private Server software exists as well so one could (As i do) Host ones own private server and invite ones friends to play on ones own private server. One needs a broadband adaptor for his girlfriends gamecube and a PSO for her so she can online challenge mode with one.

Apr 21, 2011, 12:46 PM
We cannot name private servers, but you can easily find them by searching "PSO private server" in google. As far as the Gamecube population goes, most of the servers have dead or very small Gamecube communities, so you may have some difficulty finding other players. The only communities that still thrive online are on Blue Burst.

Apr 22, 2011, 12:57 AM
thanks for the help. that's sad to find out. i hope i can find some people to play with. I've been looking forward to this. we'll see though.
thanks again.