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Apr 23, 2011, 10:00 PM
Kicks off in 30 minutes with a reveal of PSO2 being promised. What sort of reveal no one knows, but new information is due any time soon.

Any one got a stream?

Apr 23, 2011, 10:03 PM
Well, the official PSP2/PSP2i blog (http://ameblo.jp/phantasy-star-portable2/entry-10868299983.html) has just confirmed that there will be a PSO2 announcement this sunday. If you're curious about what it is, you can watch via Nico Nama (http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv46731982).
Yes, I posted the link before.

Apr 23, 2011, 10:04 PM
Yes, I posted the link before.

Ahh I was hoping more for a screen capture stream as non-premium members like myself aren't guaranteed a seat. Cheers anyway!

Apr 23, 2011, 10:15 PM
In 30 minutes? o_o

Oh that's right, the land of the rising sun...

edit: I'm also finding it funny how everyone in this thread including me is named mike...

Apr 23, 2011, 10:24 PM
In 30 minutes? o_o

Oh that's right, the land of the rising sun...

edit: I'm also finding it funny how everyone in this thread including me is named mike...

I was thinking the exact same thing.. I'll just call you AngelMike for now so we have the good/evil/neutral aspects covered.

EDIT: I'm in the stream. All of those with accounts, hurry!

Apr 23, 2011, 10:39 PM
I hope someone records the stream (if possible). Regardless, can't wait to read about what they announce and/or reveal.

Apr 23, 2011, 10:53 PM
In the stream as well...

So far just lots of previews for sega games.

edit: /pretends not to be dying of bottled up laughter at this horrible concert...

Apr 23, 2011, 11:19 PM
edit: /pretends not to be dying of bottled up laughter at this horrible concert...
I lol'd when the singer commited a mistake on the first chorus D:

Apr 23, 2011, 11:33 PM
Are the players being judged or something? I'm a bit lost here.

Apr 23, 2011, 11:36 PM
Alright, get the translators in here!

Nitro Vordex
Apr 23, 2011, 11:39 PM
How the hell do we get in this stream? D:

Nevermind. Someone should record it and re stream it.

Apr 23, 2011, 11:40 PM
Find a re-stream.

Apr 23, 2011, 11:40 PM
There is a PSO2 and Infinity Grand Prix going on now! Sorry if the quality isn't the best.



Yes, I know it says Gears Beta. LOL

Edit: The stream is over, when you go to the channel, there should be a video under the player called PSO2 GAMEPLAY. Click that, and go to 1:58:00, the gameplay will start a little after there. Thanks for everyone who came to the stream! (There were 50 people)



Apr 23, 2011, 11:41 PM
Wow! Thanks for sharing!

Holy ...!!! It really looks like they mashed best together some of the best gameplay elements of PSO + PSU!! ...now you can jump!


<wakes up>

This better have controller support!!

<faints again>

Apr 23, 2011, 11:42 PM
Need a nico nico douga account or something.(mine was old)

Can't tell what's going on either...not sure if it's a race tournament or...something...@_@

Nitro Vordex
Apr 23, 2011, 11:47 PM
If you don't see anything that doesn't say PSO2 it might not be important. You could probably restream it if you're confident enough in your internet.

Apr 23, 2011, 11:56 PM
So. Im counting on this to be fairly disappointing. Anyone see anything interesting yet?

Apr 24, 2011, 12:00 AM
Nothing interesting in regards to PSO2 but my god the Grand Prix is damn amusing to watch.

My Japanese is limited so I'll do my best to translate what I can as it gets announced, presuming I don't pass out due to my drinking.

Apr 24, 2011, 12:01 AM
Have they started showing anything on it yet?

Apr 24, 2011, 12:17 AM
Nothing but force x 2 teams, I wonder how badly they nerf force into the ground for PSO2 to compensate...

Apr 24, 2011, 12:21 AM
They might just go ahead and remove them from the formula like they've always wanted...

Apr 24, 2011, 12:30 AM
They might just go ahead and remove them from the formula like they've always wanted...

Wouldn't surprise me if they did. It's always been centered around hunters anyway. I'm just hoping they change that this time around.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:07 AM
Finals are starting

Apr 24, 2011, 01:13 AM
I wish they'd end because nobody cares

Apr 24, 2011, 01:23 AM
Nothing is happening!!

Apr 24, 2011, 01:28 AM
Nothing is happening!!

15 minute break. In about 7 minutes the finals shall start.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:29 AM
Oh! Thanks for the heads up!

Apr 24, 2011, 01:45 AM
Is this the best quality it can go or is there a High quality option? I want to record the PSO2 reveal provided it's actually footage.

Oh shoot sorry for double post...

Also what just happened in the finals?

Apr 24, 2011, 02:33 AM
oh my that was insane! we need this trailer in HD soon because that was just awesome.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:35 AM

Hybrid third person shooter for rangers too, holy craaaaaap!

Still PC only, alpha test starts 20th of May.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:35 AM
I predict BAAAAAAAAAAAAAWing of epic proportions. But man that was cool.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:36 AM
hard to tell with the video quality but was that cartoon style graphics?

Apr 24, 2011, 02:36 AM
Just saw the gameplay.

The art style is bright, like PSU/P2/Infinity. The clothes are more of a fusion between the "gritty toughness" of PSO and the "anime casual" of PSU.

The combat is like Infinity's (except better, of course) off-the-wall, over-the-top hack n' slash.


Apr 24, 2011, 02:36 AM
I came

Apr 24, 2011, 02:36 AM
Wow....I'm speechless for how PSO2 looks like O_O

Apr 24, 2011, 02:36 AM
that was the best... ever.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:37 AM
good to see some splashy water and rain again. :)

Apr 24, 2011, 02:38 AM
Really wish I could've seen this, will be keeping an eye out for more news.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:38 AM
I eagerly await the trailer on youtube, please based god.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:41 AM
That was amazing, wish they showed some TECHs tho

Apr 24, 2011, 02:44 AM
Screens up here:

Apr 24, 2011, 02:44 AM
Nothing what I expected. Now to fantasize how forces will look/play. Did they show any newmans? D:

Apr 24, 2011, 02:45 AM
Players look like they belong to Arkz (or was that Arks?) Don't know if it's the same as the EP3 group though.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:46 AM
OMG, this looks absolutely beautiful...

Apr 24, 2011, 02:46 AM
Come to think of it, we didn't see much of the Force class in that trailer.. hmm

Oh well:



Apr 24, 2011, 02:48 AM
Still in awe. D:

Apr 24, 2011, 02:48 AM
i saw newman human cast no beast :(

Apr 24, 2011, 02:48 AM
I dont think i saw any force gameplay in that trailer.

But boy, with the size of the areas on this game, my Rafoie better be big as fuck.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:51 AM
that was the best... ever.

Much better than THAT, lol!

Apr 24, 2011, 02:52 AM
Would love another look at it in high def... I know someone recorded it with a direct stream. Post please.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:54 AM
I didn't get to watch the video but from what I'm seeing in the screen shots it's looking more like a successor to PSU rather than PSO.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:54 AM
The quality bad on the NiciNico video I was getting, so it wasn't me. DX

Apr 24, 2011, 02:55 AM
That's not quite what I was expecting for the style, closer to PSU's than I hoped. Opinions and all, though.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:56 AM
Recording is up btw.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:58 AM
The quality bad on the NiciNico video I was getting, so it wasn't me. DX

I saw the livestream on Nico also, and it was bad, I agree.

But thanks a bunch for recording it...wanna see the trailer again xD

Apr 24, 2011, 02:58 AM
Here are 4gamer's screens, in case people are too lazy to link through.















As for the bullet points on 4gamer, which came from the text during the video:

"Oracle, a fleet traveling infinite universe"
"A new adventure waiting on an unknown number of planets"
"An invading evil surrounding the universe"
"Arks, that is the name of those who face it"
"Can they protect the universe, or will it be devoured?"
"That is up to you."

Random fields
"Original combos" (?)
Third person shooter style
"Hybrid Custom Action" (?)
Seamless weather
"Interupt events," special random mini-situations

Apr 24, 2011, 03:03 AM
This is no Sonic Unleashed lighting engine, but im really impressed with the area detail. It really feels like PSO Detail on an enhanced scale. Im actually excited to see how the other areas look, and even more excited to explore them. It's actually pretty in an Artsy kind of way.

It's pretty early in it's lifetime too, the graphics may get an increase. This is quite exciting.

Edit: The force has a gun. Uh oh.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:04 AM
Updated first post with HIGH RESOLUTION SCREENSHOT

Apr 24, 2011, 03:06 AM
Those character designs are fantastic. You can tell it belongs to Phantasy Star Online and you can tell this is set post EPIII.

They have made an awesome amount of effort with this, hopefully the gameplay side holds up!

Apr 24, 2011, 03:06 AM
Now I want to hear some in game music.

Nitro Vordex
Apr 24, 2011, 03:08 AM
Oh god, the stances.
The fuck is wrong with her chest?

Dude, your spine is just...nevermind.

I don't know. I'm already skeptical but there's still room for improvement.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:09 AM
Good shit, blade.

Seth Astra
Apr 24, 2011, 03:10 AM


Anyway, besides the fact that I stopped breathing while looking at those screens, I don't think I could have hoped for much more. My biggest complaint is the female newman. That outfit's a bit too... Lacking for my tastes. Otherwise, this game looks to be a feast for the eyes. Even the HUD looks badass. This looks like a perfect "forest" area. I can't wait to see some darker late-game areas.

Now if they can make the gameplay half as good as the screens, I will have to figure out some way I can actually get this game. *Goes to plot evil plans to conquer/destroy the world get this game when it hits the US.*

Apr 24, 2011, 03:11 AM
Plot looks like its going to be more towards survival than evil plots hopefully.

And my only complaint with that Newman is that her outfit is more texture than it is model.

But, these are pre-alpha screenshots, many things are subject to change. Granted the way the game looks, i can overlook the artstyle at this point. It's pretty future anime tropeish, but that's better than loli magical girl tropeish. Hell, i actually kind of enjoy future anime shit. I can dig this.

I dont see a real reason to complain about anything at this stage. Unless the game is being released this year, anyway.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:14 AM
Dark Falz be praised... that was better than I antecipated!
And SO different, oh god so different...!
Jumping, my god air combos, it's like they've been looking at all these things that people loved about other games in the same genre like Monster Hunter (large areas) and God Eater (combat style) and kinda put it all together with Phantasy Star in the middle, but still keep the Phantasy Star-ness of it... I am pleased, oh so pleased.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:18 AM
From the screenshots we can tell:

The HP and PP system works like PSO because in the pic the humar is lvl 4, he has more PP than in the pic where he is lvl 1.

There are probably photon blasts (or something similar) in the game, because in both of the screenshots the Humar doesn't have any % in the mystery status bar so it is highly unlikely to be an exp bar.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:18 AM
Jumping, air combos
I really need to see a video because, for some reason, this is starting to sound more like an actual hack n slash to me. If the pace is moving towards something like Devil May Cry then this may be much faster paced than I was hoping for.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:19 AM
Video here:

I can't wait for this!

Apr 24, 2011, 03:19 AM
Oh, thank you.

Nitro Vordex
Apr 24, 2011, 03:24 AM
That actually looks much better in motion. I want in.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:27 AM
Well, even if it ain't what we hype it to be, at least HUnewearls still look good.(even better now)

My hopes are high for this game. Even if it looks more PSU than PSO...

Apr 24, 2011, 03:32 AM
I have so many things to say but can't articulate them so I will say this:
I see a modern PSO not PSU. Instant win in my book.


Apr 24, 2011, 03:32 AM
Well, that settles it. I better start saving for a new PC cause I'm gonna have to get this o.o

Apr 24, 2011, 03:34 AM
I... I need it.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:37 AM
Looks FANTASTIC in motion! Screencaps not do the action justice!
TY TY SgtKingKong for finding the video!

Damm I hope it stays so fast! PSU felt sort of slow to me. They sped it up on psp, but here it looks real fast, real action! It doesn't seem you can 'stand around' anymore, which is great. Plus: JUMPING! Real jumping that's not some phony part of a combo! That's going to make for crazy gameplay elements!

Stuff that is cool!
The weps they have look great right out of the gate. Part of what made ps0 feel cool to me was that the weps looked better less generic than aoti.
You can see the wep on the person when it's not in use? That's new. It seems they've got the swords on their backs. That's an interesting development.
Environmental effects: water & rain that's more convincing than psu's ever was. I liked that it rained in pso, it's good to see they're trying weather again.
Fighting looks combo still, but quicker and more complicated (?) hopefully you can factor in jumping
A ship crashing? Does that mean interactive environment changes during the lvl?

I dont care if its 436am, I am psyched. This looks great.
This announcement is MUCH more than I thought it would be. I thought we'd get like a sentance and a photo or something...but this just goes beyond. Only thing that can make it better now is more CAST pictures.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:39 AM

Apr 24, 2011, 03:39 AM
Ohohohohohoho. Amazing.

Can't wait now.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:44 AM
A ship crashing? Does that mean interactive environment changes during the lvl?
Yes, to an extent. Things like a ship crashing have a chance of happening during a level. We don't know what else can happen though :p

Seth Astra
Apr 24, 2011, 03:44 AM
Wow, that looks beautiful in motion.

Provided Sega doesn't screw up, this will be truely legendary.

One problem: I need to sleep now... I hope I can...

Apr 24, 2011, 03:46 AM
My body is ready.

Combat is extremely fluid, exactly how I imagined the next step of Phantasy Star to be. Could be a game changer, this.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:47 AM
Yes, to an extent. Things like a ship crashing have a chance of happening during a level. We don't know what else can happen though :p
That'll be pretty nice, mini events within missions/running around in areas, will keep things interesting and people on their toes.

Apr 24, 2011, 03:55 AM
I wish to see more of the weighty-ness from the scene where they were just simply jumping while traversing. The whole floaty photon art thing I was never big on, and I can see they have it here to a degree. I want to see more of those kind of "Lost Planet" physics, where when you jumped, you had weight. When you rolled, you felt like something being weighed down by pounds and pounds of equipment meant for the death of everything.

Even if Lost Planet/Lost Planet 2 weren't that great, I enjoyed some of the feel of the physics of the characters in the in-game world. I saw a small bit of that in this trailer, I can only hope to see more. Looks to be a better hack n slash with unique gameplay elements for the different classes as opposed to everyone having the same basic combat setup just slightly different.

Apr 24, 2011, 04:03 AM
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Thats really the first thing i noticed. It's not the jumping that bothers me, but that whole "i can fly when i swing my sword in the air" thing has never been visually appealing to me. It really makes things look cheesy.

On the plus side though, the enemies look to have a better sense of physics to them, especially while airborne. Better than PSU's wonky blowback scripting.

Apr 24, 2011, 04:12 AM

That's what I plan to do from the very beginning >_>...I wont commit the same mistake of getting a broken version of the same game.

Apr 24, 2011, 04:25 AM
That's what I plan to do from the very beginning >_>...I wont commit the same mistake of getting a broken version of the same game.

With you there at least if the servers are not "global."

If they aren't.... Hello Japanese!

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 04:38 AM
Video here: YouTube - PHANTASY STAR ONLINE2 ??PV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7uCoa3mJ7M)

I can't wait for this!

OMGGGGGGGGGG,GOTTA GET A NEW PC RIGHT AWAY.:-o (Plus I'm loving the art style on this one,it looks more like PSO then PSU.)I really hope this is global.That's kind of a pass or buy for me.

Apr 24, 2011, 04:47 AM
I think I'm going to cry. @_@

Apr 24, 2011, 04:47 AM
I am impressed with the gameplay, I am unimpressed with the graphics, someone told me they are neu PSU maps I would believe it, and PSU already looked bad in its release. I was expecting way more for a PC exclusive game...

Apr 24, 2011, 04:53 AM
Finally, some actual gameplay footage and screenshots! I love the over-the-shoulder view for the rifle, and it looks like the face chat from PSU is back, and thankfully a lot smaller. Those swords are redonkulously huge, but that's ok with me, lol. I would've liked to see some Force gameplay though... seemed like it was all Hunter and Ranger stuff going on.

I can't wait to see more! :D

Apr 24, 2011, 04:54 AM
Oh my god. Finally. Thank you Sega of Japan, you finally freakin' get it.

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 04:58 AM
I am impressed with the gameplay, I am unimpressed with the graphics, someone told me they are neu PSU maps I would believe it, and PSU already looked bad in its release. I was expecting way more for a PC exclusive game...

Well the game is in Alpha,but hell it look's 10x better then PSU.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:13 AM
So things I noticed in the trailer....

-Air Combos
-Launch Attacks
-A decent amount of monsters on the screen at once
-That huge ass planet in the sky
-No beasts
-No forces
-Non-MMO environment (linear looking map)

Apr 24, 2011, 05:14 AM
I translated some of the trailer text:

The video says
"Random Field"
"Original Combo"
"Third Person Shooter Style"
"Jump Action"
"Hybrid Custom Action"
"Seamless Weather"

Sounds like maybe we'll get to customize our movesets, maybe dual weapons that combine attacks for realz?

Or they could just be talking about selecting your own Photon Arts again or something if they really want to be sleazy.

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 05:14 AM
The graphic's are in Alpha so they could improve.The gameplay and the environment looked fun,so if they announce global servers,instant buy.It looked like PSO more then PSU,but it's hard to tell because I know damn well they not finished the game.Also her spine JEEZUS

Apr 24, 2011, 05:15 AM
Also, adding to the above:

- Reloading
- Holstering weapons
- No FPS mode, but aiming in third person mode like in Metal Gear Solid doesn't seem that bad
- Actual machine guns

-Wayu <-- not an observation

Apr 24, 2011, 05:18 AM
I translated some of the trailer text:

The video says
"Random Field"
"Original Combo"
"Third Person Shooter Style"
"Jump Action"
"Hybrid Custom Action"
"Seamless Weather"
Yup. That was already posted.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:21 AM
I'm curious how they will handle loot distribution at this point, will they adopt the current method of what you see is what you get or continue with what you see is what everyone can get.

I can't stop watching that trailer ^_^;

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 05:21 AM
There's still room for improvement,make it happen SEGA.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:22 AM
I'm curious to see how much people will complain despite all the improvements...


Apr 24, 2011, 05:25 AM
Don't forget blocking, appears to be manual blocking ala Infinity since the stance starts before the attack comes, implying the player did it manually; you see it at the 3:08 mark in the video.

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 05:26 AM
It looks fine to me so far,but people will mostly complain because it kinda look's over the top like PSU,but I'm glad were getting gameplay footage and not some lying ass trailer.I'm pleased so far,and I'm PSO fan.Announcing global servers would be a instant buy from me.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:27 AM
I'm curious to see how much people will complain despite all the improvements...


Considering what happened with PSU...

I think a wager would be a little one sided ^_^

Apr 24, 2011, 05:31 AM
Don't forget blocking, appears to be manual blocking ala Infinity since the stance starts before the attack comes, implying the player did it manually; you see it at the 3:08 mark in the video.

I love what this implies. If blocking is now an action you have to do manually (And I hope it is) then it will add not only more control over our char leaving lees to chance, but it will keep the difficulty level higher as well.

Can't wait for some Force footage ^.^

Apr 24, 2011, 05:31 AM
I think it looks nice so far. I'm impressed visually and what is done so far.


Apr 24, 2011, 05:35 AM
I'm wondering if they'll keep EVP...it seems like the gameplay isn't EVP friendly. Maybe they'll up movement speed for some classes or whatnot?

Edit: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/group.php?groupid=318
PSO2 group.


Apr 24, 2011, 05:38 AM
I'm wondering if they'll keep EVP...it seems like the gameplay isn't EVP friendly. Maybe they'll up movement speed for some classes or whatnot?


That's what I was thinking, they could keep the EVP stat and have it affect how far you can dodge/jump/run, (although that's more along the lines of agility but w/e).

Ah and the speculation begins anew ^.-

Apr 24, 2011, 05:39 AM
We could literally have ninjas if they upped movement speed.


Apr 24, 2011, 05:42 AM
OMG I would never leave the game again lol

Apr 24, 2011, 05:43 AM
I'm wondering if they'll keep EVP...it seems like the gameplay isn't EVP friendly. Maybe they'll up movement speed for some classes or whatnot?

Edit: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/group.php?groupid=318
PSO2 group.


I think they'll keep it but given the dodging, blocking, etc they will probably tinker with it a bit. Really depends on if they are completely reworking the statistics in the game in light of the action oriented nature they seem to be aiming towards.

Although EVP is useful regardless of if they change the statistics in the game, hunters in the thick of it wouldn't otherwise be able to block all the time (specially if block is one-directional and not omni-directional and you are getting hit from all sides) so it would help them miss enemy attacks if they ain't otherwise lucky enough to block.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:44 AM
I have a feeling it's gonna be sort of like an MGS multiplayer game with Devil May Cry melee action.

What will traps be like and heavy weapons? And techs? I'm so damned hyped.


Apr 24, 2011, 05:45 AM
Did anyone else notice the Section IDs on the outfits again?

Apr 24, 2011, 05:46 AM
Looks like there are section IDs again


[amazing hive mind]

Also with Jump added and the controls of PSU pretty much filled what is getting the boot I wonder?

Also at 2:26 there appears to be some sort of Dash combo continue move or maybe it's just a dash.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:48 AM
Did anyone else notice the Section IDs on the outfits again?

Yeah, I noticed them as well. That's one thing I wanted that's been confirmed.

Now for floaty things behind every character...

Apr 24, 2011, 05:48 AM
Noticed them but can't make them out.

New IDs? How will they affect gameplay? Are we free to chose them or something?

That and the male Hunter looks like a Spartan from Halo unmasked.


Apr 24, 2011, 05:48 AM
So far from the videos, melee gameplay seems to be a lot like God Eater.

Here's an example of what I mean.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:48 AM
looking at the buttons along the bottom I see 3 main buttons for pad, one to attack one to block and I guess the other is photon art? the only other icon I could recognize was monomate :P

Apr 24, 2011, 05:51 AM
Youtube. Bleh.

But for some reason they load sometimes. Odd.


Apr 24, 2011, 05:53 AM
To me it looks like a improved PSP2i on a better engine, really reminds me of Devil may cry.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:54 AM
Now, if they would add vehicles...


Apr 24, 2011, 05:55 AM
looking at the buttons along the bottom I see 3 main buttons for pad, one to attack one to block and I guess the other is photon art? the only other icon I could recognize was monomate :P
The other button may be a "hard attack" button, which may be a sort of Photon Art like thing.
Notice in the aerial combo parts sometimes you see a regular three slash combo, sometimes you see one or two slashes and then a spinning PA/hard attack ending in a ground slam.
The "custom" part of the descriptions given in Japanese may indicate that the "PA"/hard attack button may change depending on where it's included in the combo chain, leading to different "PAs"/hard attacks.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:55 AM
To me it looks like a improved PSP2i on a better engine, really reminds me of Devil may cry.

I love DMC so this is a fantastic addition! Also it's breaking into Kingdom Hearts realm too.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:55 AM
So far from the videos, melee gameplay seems to be a lot like God Eater.

Here's an example of what I mean.

I have to agree, very monster hunter/god eater but that isn't a bad thing as they can add some very interesting fights into the game because of it.

Apr 24, 2011, 05:57 AM
Kingdom Hearts is different. It's more DMC/MH/GE.


Apr 24, 2011, 06:00 AM
It's not like MH at all. AT ALL

Apr 24, 2011, 06:02 AM
But like God Eater, you bet it is (not a bad thing in the melee department).

Apr 24, 2011, 06:02 AM
Sprinting, jumping, the attack sequencing? The sword slung across the back?

I'm not saying it IS MH. I'm saying it's similar. We can say that a lot of things are similar via lots of different views. Don't get so defensive. Sheesh.


Apr 24, 2011, 06:04 AM
I'm glad it appears to still only be four people per party. I was half afraid they were gonna try to turn it into an MMO

Apr 24, 2011, 06:04 AM

That would be pretty hard on the CPUs.


Apr 24, 2011, 06:05 AM
Seeing this just made my morning....and I'm gonna need another pair of pants, lol

Apr 24, 2011, 06:06 AM
It's clear they've openned their eyes and started looking at what makes other similar games popular and what people like about them, and there's really only MH and GE appart from PSU/PSP2/Infinity in this genre.
A mix of all of the above (which PSO2 apparently is aiming to be), if pulled off well, could really turn out to be a gem.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:06 AM

I really hope they use the jumping for actual strategic platforming. However what I don't want to see is players jumping everywhere so I hope there is a large delay after you land.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:08 AM
Then mind your diction, please, and confirm exactly what department you're comparing so that misunderstandings don't happen.

A mix of all three...is SEGA trying to make a catch-all game?


Apr 24, 2011, 06:10 AM

I really hope they use the jumping for actual strategic platforming. However what I don't want to see is players jumping everywhere so I hope there is a large delay after you land.

Either that or making sure it doesn't move you faster than running.

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 06:10 AM
It's clear they've openned their eyes and started looking at what makes other similar games popular and what people like about them, and there's really only MH and GE appart from PSU/PSP2/Infinity in this genre.
A mix of all of the above (which PSO2 apparently is aiming to be), if pulled off well, could really turn out to be a gem.

SEGA finally stepping their game up.I was afraid they might use my childhood like toilet paper and wipe their asses with it.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:12 AM

I really hope they use the jumping for actual strategic platforming. However what I don't want to see is players jumping everywhere so I hope there is a large delay after you land.

Then mind your diction, please, and confirm exactly what department you're comparing so that misunderstandings don't happen.

A mix of all three...is SEGA trying to make a catch-all game?


Probably trying to grab a dedicated chunk of the MH/GE crowd, both are extremely popular in japan. I moved to playing MHF for quite a long time after PSU and if they can even get a dedicated base of quarter of that crowd then they'll be sitting very pretty.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:15 AM
Probably trying to grab a dedicated chunk of the MH/GE crowd, both are extremely popular in japan. I moved to playing MHF for quite a long time after PSU and if they can even get a dedicated base of quarter of that crowd then they'll be sitting very pretty.

Not to mention that Sega has one advantage that neither of those had: Nostalgia.

Reel 'em in with fond memories of their childhood, keep 'em with awesome gameplay and tons of red boxes.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:16 AM
Probably trying to grab a dedicated chunk of the MH/GE crowd, both are extremely popular in japan. I moved to playing MHF for quite a long time after PSU and if they can even get a dedicated base of quarter of that crowd then they'll be sitting very pretty.
No joke there, and I hope they succeed.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:16 AM
SEGA has the stronger hand in the game market with PSO2.


Apr 24, 2011, 06:17 AM
My hope is that they're heading in the direction of more teamwork based game play. From what I've seen so far, it's a step in the right direction, which is all any of us asked for really :)

Apr 24, 2011, 06:17 AM
I was afraid they might use my childhood like toilet paper and wipe their asses with it.
They'd be perfectly within their rights to do so though.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:18 AM
Just as long as people don't complain that it's one step too few it should be good.


Apr 24, 2011, 06:22 AM
My hope is that they're heading in the direction of more teamwork based game play. From what I've seen so far, it's a step in the right direction, which is all any of us asked for really :)

MAGs ^_^

I think everyone agrees we need these little buggers back.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:22 AM
Just as long as people don't complain that it's one step too few it should be good.


Not everyone is going to be happy with this, since it's impossible to please every single fan out there. But judging from the general reaction so far, I think most ppl should be very happy with it so far. I for one was floored by the change since Sega hasn't exactly been known for changing their ways lately.

And yes, Gib Mags back plz!

Apr 24, 2011, 06:25 AM
Not everyone is going to be happy with this, since it's impossible to please every single fan out there. But judging from the general reaction so far, I think most ppl should be very happy with it so far. I for one was floored by the change since Sega hasn't exactly been known for changing their ways lately.

And yes, Gib Mags back plz!
I admit the moment I saw jumping (which is one of the very first things they showed in that video) I sort of realised the changes were about to start dropping into view very fast, it was a very pleasent surprise. It's a huge risk to change so much, but one that I hope works out in their favor.

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 06:29 AM
They'd be perfectly within their rights to do so though.

My BAW would destroy SEGA!:-x

Apr 24, 2011, 06:31 AM
I admit the moment I saw jumping (which is one of the very first things they showed in that video) I sort of realised the changes were about to start dropping into view very fast, it was a very pleasent surprise. It's a huge risk to change so much, but one that I hope works out in their favor.

True, changing is risky. But I don't see it as nearly a big of risk as it would've been a few years ago. All the die hard fans who still play their games, (dispite how much we complain about them) still play, and would at the very least give this game a chance. And lets face it, we all wanted something at least a little different lol.

So If they can change up the play style and try to draw more ppl from games that have similar style, then by all means I'm for it. More players means more fun in this case.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:37 AM
Ranger looked really awesome. Combined with the jumping, it looks like a really versatile class. Not sure I'm sold on Hunter yet (would have been nice to see more than one weapon type :lol: ), but I'm really impressed with what I've seen so far.

Also, huge bonus points to Sega for the screenshot of the Newman chick. Possibly a HUnewearl (or whatever they're called in this one). It would have been nice to see some Force gameplay mind, hopefully they don't get the short straw as they have in so many other PS games.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:44 AM
Also, huge bonus points to Sega for the screenshot of the Newman chick. Possibly a HUnewearl (or whatever they're called in this one).
I'm still trying to figure out some kind of "photon bra" joke for the new HUnewearl.

Apr 24, 2011, 06:55 AM
Someone screenshot the screenshot?


Apr 24, 2011, 06:58 AM
Wow, just watched the gameplay video. I don't care what anyone says, to me it looks freaking PHANTASTIC! xD Visuals are very good as well, and from what I've seen, the characters look great!

Apr 24, 2011, 07:02 AM
Then mind your diction, please, and confirm exactly what department you're comparing so that misunderstandings don't happen.

A mix of all three...is SEGA trying to make a catch-all game?


The best way for them to go about this is with the boss fights for the MH crowd. Bosses are gonna have to become more complex if they wanna grab the MHers. Probably won't take much to get the GEers, I'm pretty sure that GEers switch between GE and PSP2 respectively.

Apr 24, 2011, 07:06 AM
wow, ranger-gameplay looks fun in this one o.o

Apr 24, 2011, 07:10 AM
I bet that bosses will be MUCH grander in scale.

Like, BIG.


Apr 24, 2011, 07:14 AM
Not to mention that there's the possibility that we'll have to jump on top of some monsters and/or body parts of monsters to get to some obscure weak spot. Just speculating of course.

Apr 24, 2011, 07:16 AM
Isn't it amazing how one simple added action can open up a world of possibility? lol. Just think, no more getting stopped by little rocks on the ground...

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 07:17 AM
I bet that bosses will be MUCH grander in scale.

Like, BIG.


Hopfully they wont just be reskin's and they can actually make some BAD ASS looking bosses.I don't care if they copy a boss from another game just please don't give us reskins.

Apr 24, 2011, 07:20 AM
We already have a giant spider boss. You saw how fast those small spiders moved in the video? Imagine how fast this bugger will move. It'll probably jump around the area a lot too, so Rangers can unload their magazines at will.


Apr 24, 2011, 07:21 AM
Some reskins are unavoidable. MH has them, GE has them, even WOW has them (in MASSIVE quantities, even worse than PSU does), it's more about how they handle reskins to ensure they're very different (Dark Falz Dios and Yaoroz from PSP2 Infinity being a good example) and not just the same boss with another look (DeRagan and Zoal Goug being the worst offenders in PSU).

Apr 24, 2011, 07:24 AM
The best way for them to go about this is with the boss fights for the MH crowd. Bosses are gonna have to become more complex if they wanna grab the MHers. Probably won't take much to get the GEers, I'm pretty sure that GEers switch between GE and PSP2 respectively.

Timing, Positioning and Understanding are the key concepts of MH fights.

It's how they'll create the encounters that will be the hard aspect because they tie into those key concepts. Most MH fights are actually very basic battles and most problems with players ability to play the game effectively stem from a fundamental problem with the games control scheme which was slightly fixed in MH tri with the classic controller as it become the easiest game in the series because of the control scheme being easier then the other games in the series.

So it isn't necessarily that the fights have to be complex but that they need to be of sufficient challenge that it rewards the players for the effort involved and justly gives them something of equal value which is what MH does in spades.

Apr 24, 2011, 07:24 AM
You mean in behavior and attacks?


Apr 24, 2011, 07:29 AM
You mean in behavior and attacks?


Yeah behavior and attacks are very basic even in most the end-game bosses in the game. The biggest aspect that changes things in MH battles is when bosses become enraged as they get a super attack, become more powerful in all their other attacks, became much faster and you literally have to adapt quickly or die.

Apr 24, 2011, 07:37 AM
Timing, Positioning and Understanding are the key concepts of MH fights.

It's how they'll create the encounters that will be the hard aspect because they tie into those key concepts. Most MH fights are actually very basic battles and most problems with players ability to play the game effectively stem from a fundamental problem with the games control scheme which was slightly fixed in MH tri with the classic controller as it become the easiest game in the series because of the control scheme being easier then the other games in the series.

So it isn't necessarily that the fights have to be complex but that they need to be of sufficient challenge that it rewards the players for the effort involved and justly gives them something of equal value which is what MH does in spades.

:shh: It's a fighting game dressed up as a action game. :shh:

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 07:42 AM
We already have a giant spider boss. You saw how fast those small spiders moved in the video? Imagine how fast this bugger will move. It'll probably jump around the area a lot too, so Rangers can unload their magazines at will.


That's creativity and if we can see a little bit of that in each boss,that would make me happy.I also know reskin's are impossible to avoid,I just hope they can add some flavor to them so they wont be so similar.

Apr 24, 2011, 07:45 AM
I have to say, the stuff that was showed so far is so impressive! I can't wait to see more! (Hopefully some Cast Screens too. xD)

Apr 24, 2011, 07:45 AM
Well damn, Sega actually delivered. Granted they waited til the end of April, but meh.

Watched the video, saw the screens, and all I can say is wow. From the looks of it, PSO2's art style seems to be a hybrid of PSO and PSU, with the latter being a bit more dominant.

The characters appear to be PSO's old cast, but with that PSU redux touch. Whether this means that characters are now fixed into the classes of yore (HUmar) or if it is still freely selectable is up for debate.

And while more teamwork enforcing is good, I wonder how the solo play would be, for those of us who wish to explore this new exotic land alone.

Apr 24, 2011, 07:53 AM
^ Well the both characters with FOmarl and HUnewearl clothes were using a rifle, don't think it's back to the old fixed stuff.

Apr 24, 2011, 07:55 AM
Damn I can't believe I fell asleep on that infinity grand prix, What'd they just put pso2 for last, like the news does with their best story? :0

Anyhow this game...

I can't even think straight enough sense theres like 40 thoughts running through my head at once.

But it feels like they've grabbed alot of the best from all their games and slammed it into one game through rough intercourse and made what I would consider the perfect and ultimate online game that has everything I've ever wanted.

The only problem I have is with the weapons, The "hunter" is flying around kind of fast with that huge sword, so the smaller weapons are either gonna be a lot more faster and crazier...or not exist. Or they just REALLY wanted to improve 2h swords. @_@

I don't even wanna go into the jumping, my brain will explode from too much awesome

Stage design, looks like they went back to pso visually. But I wouldn't be surprised if they took a small idea from PSU's random field building, from what that text said. Just like PSO the actual maps looking like it's part of the game world and not some stupid reskinned box. Also seems like that ship the crashing is a sign that fields will bring a LOT more interactive things and events.

Maybe this could even expand into different routes, make rare encounters a lot more interesting, though I somehow doubt we'll be jumping into the vehicles.

Obviously they were trying to smother us with part that looked like super pimped out humars, hunewearls, and pso forestry, But I definitely can't wait to see where their creativity went with cities, towns, and other planets.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:12 AM
I hope they chose to keep the HUD that clean looking. In the past the party members could go half way down the screen.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:21 AM
It looks pretty good. Jumping and stuff opens up all kinds of fun possibilities.

The hotkey bar along the bottom makes me believe that this really will stay PC only. Which is good.

Easily the worst part of the trailer is the graphics. Sure, they look better than PSU, but that's nothing to brag about. The animations look nice, and the environment appears to be sufficiently detailed, but those textures are atrocious.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:23 AM
That could be because they spent more time tuning the combat than polishing the graphics, which look amazing as is.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:26 AM
^ As if they have the same people doing that and the graphics.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:29 AM
graphics, which look amazing as is.No, they don't.

The game seems to run at a decent resolution, but there's really no excuse to have textures that bad on a modern PC game.

Certainly doesn't kill the game for me, but I'd like to see them utilize their resources a little better and make things look tighter.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:30 AM
Odds are the graphics won't stay the same, the alpha hasn't even started yet and there's plenty of time for them to polish this. Keep in mind the game isn't scheduled for release till near the end of this year.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:34 AM
I say screw graphics as long as I can tell what everything looks like, I'm more interesting in the other 95% of the game. :0

Apr 24, 2011, 08:38 AM
^ As if they have the same people doing that and the graphics.

Seeing as its the alpha, it wouldn't matter if was a different group from the team. More effort would be placed on gameplay, to help see how much they need to improve and such for and after the alpha launch. And judging from the trailer, this seems to be the case.

Then there's the case of when that trailer was made and the overall improvements the game has had since then. Either way, if this dame isn't pretty enough for you now, wait a few months and she will be.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:42 AM
That trailer looked great. The only question unanswered is how much character customization they'll have...

Apr 24, 2011, 08:42 AM
I'm one of those people that was disappointed by what they revealed. The game appears to be very similar to PSU which has me worried and it's visually unimpressive in the world of PC games like Crysis and TERA. That forest environment lacks charm and uses the terrible video game trope of inexplicable walls of forest greens to wall players into the environment. Furthermore, like a few others, I feel that the character armor is overdesigned; if it weren't for the fleshy parts I would have thought they were all Casts.

But I don't hate it. I welcome the jumping mechanic, love that they have a solid third person shooting mechanic and I'm happy to see other enhancements like dynamic events and weather. The game looks really really rough but it is in the alpha stage after all. I'm hoping that by E3 they'll have a solid build available to show to games press and a better trailer (something that will show more of the game, not just one environment).

Apr 24, 2011, 08:44 AM
That trailer looked great. The only question unanswered is how much character customization they'll have...

They probably wanted to save that for the Alpha. Give the players some more surprises to look forward to.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:47 AM
They probably wanted to save that for the Alpha. Give the players some more surprises to look forward to.

I hope those surprises don't include: "You may be able to jump, but now we only had space to let you change your characters hairstyle and 4 different shades of skin! DID I MENTION THE JUMPING!?"

Apr 24, 2011, 08:51 AM
I hope those surprises don't include: "You may be able to jump, but now we only had space to let you change your characters hairstyle and 4 different shades of skin! DID I MENTION THE JUMPING!?"

Haha... that would actually be LESS customization than in PSO.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:53 AM
But at least you would be able to jump at will. Seems like a fair trade-off :wacko:


Apr 24, 2011, 08:55 AM
I hope those surprises don't include: "You may be able to jump, but now we only had space to let you change your characters hairstyle and 4 different shades of skin! DID I MENTION THE JUMPING!?"

Lmao agreed. While I'm worried about the lack of showcasing customization as well I'm just trying to stay positive. Sega really surprised me with that trailer, and it seems they're trying really hard to put out a great game here so I don't see them taking a few steps forward just to sprint back to the beginning.

Apr 24, 2011, 08:55 AM
But at least you would be able to jump at will. Seems like a fair trade-off :wacko:


Then we may as well play blade an soul...D:

Apr 24, 2011, 08:57 AM
The customization element is more important to me than jumping.


Apr 24, 2011, 08:59 AM
I hope those surprises don't include: "You may be able to jump, but now we only had space to let you change your characters hairstyle and 4 different shades of skin! DID I MENTION THE JUMPING!?"Let's be realistic, here. That isn't going to happen.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:03 AM

Hopefully. Shart happens.


Apr 24, 2011, 09:03 AM
Let's be realistic, here. That isn't going to happen.

Hey, I wouldn't be surprised...

Though I could just be paranoid...because it's the ONLY thing missing from what I wanted out of this game so far...(so far) e_e

Apr 24, 2011, 09:04 AM
No, they don't.

The game seems to run at a decent resolution, but there's really no excuse to have textures that bad on a modern PC game.

Certainly doesn't kill the game for me, but I'd like to see them utilize their resources a little better and make things look tighter.

- they're going for accessibility. The game can't look like Crysis or even Sonic Unleashed, which was a game that was developed for Next-gen CONSOLES and had difficulty keeping its 30 FPS limit. That said, there aren't too many people who can play a pretty Crysis right now who haven't upgraded PCs. It's really taxing.

- Pre-alpha. This is before the test.

- At this point, the game is having a sort of PSOGC feel, where the graphics aren't anything special but how they're arranged

There's no telling how they'll up the graphics from this point here. Looks like they have space for improved lighting and textures. My hope is that they at least upgrade the models past using textures for things like her clothing. Then again, there's just as big a chance they wont change anything. About customization, if this game is going back to Classes (like it looks like it is), the customization may be a tad lower than on PSU in terms of whatever you want to wear.

But yeah, at this point the game is looking more like PSU SHOULD have looked when it launched on 360 imo. It's really nothing too amazing in the grand scheme of things. Especially in the PC MMO market.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:07 AM
But it wouldn't be a true PSO sequel if everyone wasn't a palette swap of everyone else.

Jokes aside, PSO2 just has way too much progress to go back to such lacking customization options. More so since its for PC, meaning unlimited potential. We'll just have to wait a tad bit more for a clear answer, but I can faithfully put my money on yes for mass customization.

Otherwise I will be very disappoint.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:08 AM
There's no reason they can't have graphics at the very least at the level of Sonic Unleashed, and then downscale it for people with weaker computers.

No reason other than them being lazy.

And no, I doubt we'll see much change in graphics from this point to release, unless the game gets delayed.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:08 AM
If we do have as many outfits as psu, I can image textures being a non-annoying shortcut.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:17 AM
It looks like the game will have more of a military tone than PSU did, all the characters look decked out in combat hardware instead of civilian clothes, and crashed ship suggests a real armed conflict is in progress.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:20 AM
Or the developers just remembered how easy it was to pit a whole army against alien monsters, by copying starship troopers.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:21 AM
and i quoth:

"Action" and "RPG" re-connected
Increased variety of client orders
Map functions changing in real time
User-created story
New interface for environmental interactions
Global support
Thorough racial balances
Full user participation events
Seasonal changes
New chat system
New mail functions
Drastic item synthesis overhaul
Even wider variety of ways to raise your character
New direction of event scenes
Approach from NPCs (possibly a new approach to NPCs?)
Silhouette changes by add-ons (obscured)
New photon arts (obscured)
Community supported content (obscured)
Additional character customization
Category-based weapon training system (obscured)
Implementation of asynchronous communication
New party system
Improved enemy AI / cooperation
Limitless content
New approach to the game client
Implementation of a new "life work" (obscured)
Daily surprises
"Trump card" system
Mutual interaction functionality for new and veteran users

"Additional Character Customization" and "Silhouette changes by add-ons" seem to be huge hints here.

Im guessing that the outfits are going to be pretty iconic to the classes, but you'll be able to add-remove things from them to make them look different.

Another thing that kind of urks me is "category-based weapon training". That COULD suggest that instead of tons of weapon types, the game will kind of streamline gameplay into like 3 or 4 main weapon types. This is pretty early gameplay, but notice everyone was basically using the same shit.

Just not enough info at this point, though. We might as well wait.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:31 AM
Another thing that kind of urks me is "category-based weapon training". That COULD suggest that instead of tons of weapon types, the game will kind of streamline gameplay into like 3 or 4 main weapon types. This is pretty early gameplay, but notice everyone was basically using the same shit.

Sounds to me like the PSP2 system of allotting skill points to certain weapon classes to use their higher grades.

And remember that the first trailers for PSO had only 3 different weapon types in it as well. Why would they start removing the types after they've been adding more and more this whole time? They clearly know that's what we want.

And the silhouette changes comment could mean that items like Frames or even slot items will show up on our characters.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:35 AM
Yeah, thats why i kind of shrugged it off. First PSO stuff only had handguns and sabers iirc.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:39 AM
And the silhouette changes comment could mean that items like Frames or even slot items will show up on our characters.

Or even visual units, and just to put it in more blunt terms, clothing options.

Not to mention a good chunk of that list may get scrapped in the end, or may already have been. Still too soon to say.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:46 AM
Blegh, the more I think about to more I'm starting to see past the flashiness, and become skeptical. e_e

Downgrading just to change and cover it up as an upgrade...Maybe this game won't be so perfect...

Can only wait for more info...

Apr 24, 2011, 10:20 AM
This is pretty early gameplay, but notice everyone was basically using the same shit.

I noticed this too but I just figured that those weapons are the only ones they have programmed into the game so far since its still early.

Apr 24, 2011, 10:36 AM
I noticed this too but I just figured that those weapons are the only ones they have programmed into the game so far since its still early.

Yeah. Adding new weapons within an existing, already coded type is trivial. Adding new types is slightly less trivial, but it's still mainly creating the animations and all.

Whereas adding jumping is much more complicated for sure.

Apr 24, 2011, 11:00 AM
With the alpha test only a few months away, I think it's reasonable to presume that more weapons are programmed in. I wouldn't really jump to any conclusions just because the footage only showed off a couple weapon types.

Apr 24, 2011, 11:05 AM
Am I crazy or did I read somewhere that the Alpha test starts on May 20th?

Apr 24, 2011, 11:05 AM
I wouldn't really jump to any conclusions just because the footage only showed off a couple weapon types.

Yes, people who are going to complain that they only showed, like, three different weapons need to remember that it's the very first gameplay reveal trailer. Obviously we're not going see a whole shitload of different stuff in the world-premiere gameplay footage. They were presumably using the basic, level 1 gear.

Apr 24, 2011, 11:06 AM
This is only the beginning, the first trailer. In about a month or so we'll be seeing a lot more. I'm dying to see what daggers are going to be like.

Mute City
Apr 24, 2011, 11:06 AM
Blegh, the more I think about to more I'm starting to see past the flashiness, and become skeptical. e_e

Downgrading just to change and cover it up as an upgrade...Maybe this game won't be so perfect...

Can only wait for more info...

IF you're expecting to game to be perfect prepare to be disappointed. Severely.

Apr 24, 2011, 11:07 AM
And if that was level 1 gear, just imagine the rest! Bigger and bigger as they come!

Am I crazy or did I read somewhere that the Alpha test starts on May 20th?

I believe that's the day they do the lottery, not the test itself. I think.

Apr 24, 2011, 11:10 AM
I believe that's the day they do the lottery, not the test itself. I think.
Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification.

Apr 24, 2011, 11:33 AM
IF you're expecting to game to be perfect prepare to be disappointed. Severely.

Hey, you don't know my definition of perfect!

Apr 24, 2011, 11:33 AM
PSO2 has so good Graphics.

Apr 24, 2011, 11:39 AM
Good joke, bro.

Apr 24, 2011, 11:48 AM
The gameplay looks good and interesting. Especially the ranger gameplay looked nice. And I am really happy to see jumping and dodging, that is nice and gives me hope for an even more interesting gameplay.
Can't wait to see more, as it is hard to judge about a lot of things at the moment (customisation, classes, techs, special abilities like SUVs etc. and many other things).

Of course, I hope there will be a lot of clothing, hair, body, face and class options.

The only thing I don't like is their stance/anatomy and the female faces. The faces are a little too anime for me. But the faces might also just look weird because of the unfinished graphics at the moment.

Apr 24, 2011, 12:10 PM
Well now isn't that interesting. There was talk of a Trump Card system...and we have Arkz being named in the new trailer. Arkz used C.A.R.D technology to battle against the Hunters of Pioneer 2. I know they said this doesn't have a relationship to Ragol, but considering how they reneged on that during AoTI, who's to say it wouldn't be content in an expansion again...

...or it could have no relationship except the name like Hunters were between Algol and Ragol.

Apr 24, 2011, 12:16 PM
I'll reserve my solid opinions for when more footage and information are released.
Though to be honest, I'm sort of disappointed, but that should have been expected.
It's damn near impossible to remake a classic and have old fans love it from the very beginning.
So, I won't give up on this just yet.

Apr 24, 2011, 12:17 PM
So after about a half hour of screaming at my roommate to wake up and watching the video on loop I can hoarsely say...

Oh my god batman, let's fuxin' DO this. I'm so ready to play this.

Just keeping my fingers crossed for awesome CAST designs and plenty of maps to kill stuff on and I'll be content.

For once I have every bit of faith that the game is in good hands this time around and will be worth the wait.

Apr 24, 2011, 12:18 PM
It's not supposed to be a remake. It's a new game with new and different features.

Cast designs can barely be seen in the intro.

Apr 24, 2011, 12:21 PM
One thing is certain.
If this game's servers are divided, I'll be importing from day 1 for sure.

It's not supposed to be a remake. It's a new game with new and different features.

Cast designs can barely be seen in the intro.
The title suggests otherwise.
And if those are Section IDs I see, then what else would it be?

Apr 24, 2011, 12:22 PM
Wow its like almost everything i wished for has come true, launch into air combo like DMC, realistic environments and over the top weapons. (Plus them giant swords are like low level gear just imagine the craziness of the higher level gear.)

No sign of MAGS yet or actual in-game music. Graphics look okay not amazing but still have plenty of time for improvement FF14's Graphics got a pretty decent upgrade from its alpha, too bad the game sucked lol. Character design reminds me of a cross between star ocean and PSO them swords remind me of some weps from Magna carta 2. Did like the female (Newman?) just needed longer hair.

Also loving the Ranger gameplay aswell Mass effect/Lost planet over the shoulder style looks much better than the tacky FPS Mode. That being said i hope Sega continue to make the Portable series I'm really starting to like it now.

So far so good keep it up! ^^

Apr 24, 2011, 12:30 PM
The title suggests otherwise.

The title is just that. A title. It doesn't mean that this game is going to be the same slow-paced game with all the same features (as is the definition of 'remake') as PSO. Some stuff carries over. Other stuff gets trashed and replaced with new, modern designs. Hence a new game.

As for the Section IDs, they could just be part of the outfit, kept on for nostalgia sake. Whether they actually serve a purpose is unknown at the moment.

Apr 24, 2011, 12:37 PM
One thing is certain.
If this game's servers are divided, I'll be importing from day 1 for sure.

The title suggests otherwise.
And if those are Section IDs I see, then what else would it be?

This whole forum's been over the PSO vs PSU vs PSNEW argument at least 47 times until this trailer, I'd avoid wasting energy on your dreams of this being PSO2.0 and wait till more info comes out. If that's what you're implying

Apr 24, 2011, 12:47 PM
We should wait until Alpha test results to establish a clear judgment about it. We will see then how good or bad the game is.

Now...where did I leave my Alpha test code? D:

Apr 24, 2011, 12:59 PM
Wake up this morning, go to my relatives, get on the internet, check this and BAM! this just made my day. It's great that there's finally news on PSO2.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:01 PM
The title is just that. A title. It doesn't mean that this game is going to be the same slow-paced game with all the same features (as is the definition of 'remake') as PSO. Some stuff carries over. Other stuff gets trashed and replaced with new, modern designs. Hence a new game.

As for the Section IDs, they could just be part of the outfit, kept on for nostalgia sake. Whether they actually serve a purpose is unknown at the moment.
It's obvious to me that my use of the word remake meant the revival of a 'dead' franchise.

This whole forum's been over the PSO vs PSU vs PSNEW argument at least 47 times until this trailer, I'd avoid wasting energy on your dreams of this being PSO2.0 and wait till more info comes out. If that's what you're implying
I don't see what PSU has to do with this.
I am talking about the "PHANTASY STAR ONLINE" series of games.
It obviously will have more in common with PSO EP 1 and 2 than Phantasy Star Universe, and that's just my presumption based on the title alone.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:04 PM
Yeah, I'm not quite seeing the whole Section ID thing. The HUmar dude's outfit has what could be a Section ID emblem, but I'm betting that's just part of the outfit, since I'm not seeing anything like that on either of the other outfits that were shown up close.

I don't see what PSU has to do with this.
I am talking about the "PHANTASY STAR ONLINE" series of games.
It obviously will have more in common with PSO EP 1 and 2 than Phantasy Star Universe, and that's just my presumption based on the title alone.You're silly. PSU might as well have been PSO2 and this PSO3. The name is irrelevant; it's pretty obvious that this is called PSO2 instead of Phantasy Star Galaxy or something only to appeal to nostalgia.

It's obvious to me that my use of the word remake meant the revival of a 'dead' franchise.It's obvious to everyone else that that isn't what the word "remake" means.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:10 PM
It's obvious to me that my use of the word remake meant the revival of a 'dead' franchise.

I don't see what PSU has to do with this.
I am talking about the "PHANTASY STAR ONLINE" series of games.
It obviously will have more in common with PSO EP 1 and 2 than Phantasy Star Universe, and that's just my presumption based on the title alone.

I was adding in general in terms of people constantly arguing that this game should be Super PSO just because of it's name.

But whatever I don't care anymore, since so far the game took out what I didn't want from pso.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:18 PM
Awesome finally we got some news about it. Still i was hoping to see some force gameplay.
The graphics look fine to me. Could be better but all i care about is gameplay and customization.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:23 PM
You're silly. PSU might as well have been PSO2 and this PSO3. The name is irrelevant; it's pretty obvious that this is called PSO2 instead of Phantasy Star Galaxy or something only to appeal to nostalgia.
PSU was completely unrelated to phantasy star online, until Ambitions of Illuminus rolled around.
Because gamers were upset, they wanted the game to be more like it's predecessor than it was originally released. So while PSU Aoti might as well have been called PSO2, PSU vanilla wouldn't even have been close.

It's obvious to everyone else that that isn't what the word "remake" means.

They use it for movie remakes all the time, and they're not always done in exactly the same manner as the originals.

Re made in the sense that, a lot of the same or general concepts are redone, but with a different twist on it.

You guys can quit being so text book, the terminology I was using was blatant.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:24 PM
I spy a groovy, battle ready looking FOmar outfit in the intro there.

Without getting too blindly optimistic, this is looking like the business. A lot more like the business than PSU in any case.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:36 PM
They use it for movie remakes all the time, and they're not always done in exactly the same manner as the originals.

Re made in the sense that, a lot of the same or general concepts are redone, but with a different twist on it.

You guys can quit being so text book, the terminology I was using was blatant.Looks like someone doesn't know the difference between a remake and a sequel!

Words have meanings. You used the wrong word, and now you are trying to cover your ass, and it's rather unbecoming.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:40 PM
Looks like someone doesn't know the difference between a remake and a sequel!

Words have meanings. You used the wrong word, and now you are trying to cover your ass, and it's rather unbecoming.

Go check out Planet of the Apes (2001) REMAKE, then get back to me.
I want you to watch really closely around 1:40-1:45.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:47 PM
Go check out Planet of the Apes (2001) REMAKE, then get back to me.
I want you to watch really closely around 1:40-1:45.

Whatever your purpose is with this, it doesn't change the fact that this is not a PSO remake. This is PSO2, or whatever the name may end up being in the end. This is something that you, and all other like-minded folks, have to suck up and deal with.

Some people just can't quit when defeat has been plastered all over their face.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:48 PM
Whatever your purpose is with this, it doesn't change the fact that this is not a PSO remake. This is PSO2, or whatever the name may end up being in the end.

Some people just can't quit when defeat has been plastered all over their face.


He IS the pistol star.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:50 PM
Well damn, I'm pleased with what I saw so far. I'm not going to get too excited though, I got crazy excited when videos of phantasy star universe first showed up, and I know how that turned out. I wonder though, will sega make the party limit 4 players, or if they will bump it back up to 6 later on.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:51 PM
Whatever your purpose is with this, it doesn't change the fact that this is not a PSO remake. This is PSO2, or whatever the name may end up being in the end. This is something that you, and all other like-minded folks, have to suck up and deal with.

Some people just can't quit when defeat has been plastered all over their face.

I'm not sure exactly what I was defeated on, since neither you nor I know the actual content or substance of this game.

I never said what I wanted was for this to be a PSO remake, but it sure sounds like they expect it to be with the title they chose to give this game.

The title is irrelevant, this argument is irrelevant.
Until actual information is released.

Apr 24, 2011, 01:54 PM
The music in that trailer was amazing! The concepts for the outfits look amazing, I love the idea of jumping. I like the art style so far.

There is only one more thing I need to see before selling my soul, and that is tech use/Force gameplay.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:15 PM
Irrelevant indeed, especially since most of it is one-sided confusion mixed with a hint of herp and a side of derp. I'll just conclude that the PSO2 hype was just too much to handle.

So back on topic, took another good look at the intro, and noticed that while most of the outfits were armored-up designs from PSO's classes, the male Cast one was the only unique design. If anything, it looked like Ogi from PSZ. This probably means nothing, but it was something that stuck out odd to me.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:16 PM
Awwww, first my SBaHJ post with Ishia, and now my snarky jokes in this thread!

You guys are no fun.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:20 PM
There's no reason they can't have graphics at the very least at the level of Sonic Unleashed, and then downscale it for people with weaker computers.

No reason other than them being lazy.
I feel the need to point out that Sonic Unleashed's lighting engine works entirely on pre-baking the lighting into the levels. When your levels are constantly changing and re-arranging themselves, that solution is no longer a solution at all. I would LOVE to see them have a similar level of lighting fidelity, but it is literally incompatible with their level design.

That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing some higher-res textures...

Apr 24, 2011, 02:20 PM
Cautiously optimistic here. I like what I'm seeing thus far, but given their history of doing unfavorable and unfortunate things to techniques in PSU/Z/P, I can't help but be a little bit skeptical as to what, exactly, they plan on doing with them.

Ideally, every offensive technique will be functionally-different (none of this same-function-but-different-element nonsense like we saw everywhere in PSU), doesn't mandate being set to the action palette to cast, and doesn't require a wand or rod-like weapon in order to cast in the first place.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:23 PM
I feel the need to point out that Sonic Unleashed's lighting engine works entirely on pre-baking the lighting into the levels. When your levels are constantly changing and re-arranging themselves, that solution is no longer a solution at all. I would LOVE to see them have a similar level of lighting fidelity, but it is literally incompatible with their level design.Was just using it as an example, since someone else had brought it up. Point being that computers can handle things like that easily.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:28 PM
PSU was not PSO2. This was put to rest long ago, when during the very first trailers for PSU, the words "Phantasy Star Online 2?" popped up, and then in the extension to the trailer (which still showed that message), the game was clearly called Phantasy Star Universe.

The physics in PSU seemed to be somewhat different as well to complement the storyline. I'd venture to say the universes were parallel until Sega realized they could bank off PSO Nostalgia. (And even so, the PSO events and items stages all happen to appear during dimensional rips in space, distancing them from the PSU universe entirely.) I dont know the PSP2i storyline, but yeah im pretty sure most of the PSO content was simply fanservice like half of the infinity content anyway.

And guys, i pointed out there were only 2 weapon types, but I wasn't suggesting they were the only weapons in the game. This is the first gameplay footage, and very early footage at that. There's no telling how long this game has been in development, or what they're intending to keep or change. At this point, it is still too early to even spectulate until we get more solid information on the gameplay systems.

Remember, the PSO trailers, and even the early PSU trailers included tons of things (animations, special effects, entire photon arts, areas) that were completely removed or renovated from the final game.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:34 PM

Anyway I guess we're a little more enlightened but now theres even more questions that come from it...

Just wanna see that character customization in the alpha. e_e

Apr 24, 2011, 02:36 PM
I'm sure a character customization trailer will show up eventually. No need to worry about it.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:38 PM
I'd say the visuals should get better one way or another with time. As they optimize the engine there will be more room for extra. And they probably want to see how well it runs for people before adding post processing shaders and they are still probably improving on the other shaders for the game.

Character wise if all characters are based on the same customization system that probably would make it easier to improve on those in game models, since it's basically improve the system and all characters basically get revamped. Of course thats all based on how they set the engine up.

Either way there are games in beta that can get graphical overhauls so since this is pre-alpha I wouldn't be surprised if they graphics were to improve over time as well.

Either way I love that music.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:38 PM
With the alpha coming up, we'll be getting more info at a much quicker rate, so all those questions about Forces, Techs, Customization, and for the one person who asked for Beasts, will soon be answered.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:39 PM
Well, one thing you won't need to worry about is whether or not you can make your female characters' breasts bigger or smaller. :p

I also feel compelled to point out the nifty shades Knuckles' character was sporting. Nifty cyperpunk-ish stuff thar.

Corey Blue
Apr 24, 2011, 02:40 PM
PSU was not PSO2. This was put to rest long ago, when during the very first trailers for PSU, the words "Phantasy Star Online 2?" popped up, and then in the extension to the trailer (which still showed that message), the game was clearly called Phantasy Star Universe.

The physics in PSU seemed to be somewhat different as well to complement the storyline. I'd venture to say the universes were parallel until Sega realized they could bank off PSO Nostalgia. (And even so, the PSO events and items stages all happen to appear during dimensional rips in space, distancing them from the PSU universe entirely.) I dont know the PSP2i storyline, but yeah im pretty sure most of the PSO content was simply fanservice like half of the infinity content anyway.

And guys, i pointed out there were only 2 weapon types, but I wasn't suggesting they were the only weapons in the game. This is the first gameplay footage, and very early footage at that.

There's no telling how long this game has been in development, or what they're intending to keep or change. At this point, it is still too early to even spectulate until we get more solid information on the gameplay systems.

Remember, the PSO trailers, and even the early PSU trailers included tons of things (animations, special effects, entire photon arts, areas) that were completely removed or renovated from the final game.

Didn't they remove half of that stuff because of the PS2 limitations? I could be wrong but they are making this game from the ground up for the PC version and I can only see things being added not removed. (unless SEGA just cant get it right)

Apr 24, 2011, 02:41 PM
Didn't they remove half of that stuff because of the PS2 limitations? I could be wrong but they are making this game from the ground up for the PC version and I can only see things being added not removed. (unless SEGA just cant get it right)
Stuff getting cut before release is a fact of life regardless of platform limitations.

However, platform limitations can certainly contribute to the volume of stuff left behind... so, yes, being a PC-exclusive it's likely they'll add a lot more stuff than they'll take out.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:43 PM
Didn't they remove half of that stuff because of the PS2 limitations? I could be wrong but they are making this game from the ground up for the PC version and I can only see things being added not removed. (unless SEGA just cant get it right)It could have been anything. Hardware limitations OR time limitations, which would cut content just as quickly as anything, if not faster or more severe.

I feel the need to point out that Sonic Unleashed's lighting engine works entirely on pre-baking the lighting into the levels. When your levels are constantly changing and re-arranging themselves, that solution is no longer a solution at all. I would LOVE to see them have a similar level of lighting fidelity, but it is literally incompatible with their level design.

That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing some higher-res textures...The lighting engine for unleashed did work by baking the light diffusion into the environments, but even if the maps are random, depending on how they're arranged they could still load pre-baked areas into the stage. But honestly it probably is more work than it's worth, because the environments already are doing too much changing in this game. (night/day, raining, multiple segments). For them to keep it consistent they'd have to really put work in for every new area they add.

Besides, it wouldn't help this game nearly as much (at this point) because the amount of lighting effects put into the game already seem pretty minimal. Aren't too many shaders present on the characters or environments, and the polygon count is pretty damn low in comparison to Sonic Unleashed. The light diffusion effect probably wouldn't even have the same impact.

And besides, even without the hedgehog engine, the environments for the most part look fine. The foliage is nice and the amount of varied detail is pretty nice. Biggest issue are these textures.

And since the gameplay is out of the way, i think we'll be getting updates pretty swiftly from here. I'm going as far as to expect something good next month as well. For Sega to show off gameplay this early, it looks like they're trying something new.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:44 PM
Well, one thing you won't need to worry about is whether or not you can make your female characters' breasts bigger or smaller. :p

I also feel compelled to point out the nifty shades Knuckles' character was sporting. Nifty cyperpunk-ish stuff thar.

I noticed that too, those were actually really cool shades.

Apr 24, 2011, 02:47 PM
I want in.
Agreed. :yes:

The early preview music evoked a strong PSO-like vibe to me [hints of Mother Earth of Dishonesty Part 2 IIRC, unless it's from Ep 4, which I never played]. I was feeling hooked from that point forward.
The design elements seem to me to be closely tied to the PSP2i team's work, rather than the PSO homage I was anticipating. I'm okay with this point, though I would have like to see more of a 'tribute'.
Agreeing with the points about pacing, though this is still quite early. Action aspect seems like it will be miles beyond PSU. I might even describe it as 'thrilling'.
This definitely has the potential to pull me away from EVE. Still waiting until I hear something official with regard to global support. Unless that's been announced and I wasn't paying attention. <- Totally possible.

Very excited to hear more about this in the coming months.