View Full Version : Why I hope PSO2 will come to Consoles.

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Apr 27, 2011, 03:07 PM
So I don't have to pay money for a tower.I already have a HD TV for the HDMI cable....But still...rather pay 60 bucks

Apr 27, 2011, 04:13 PM
Sorry, what? I'm 30 years old and no one I know still uses their PS2, their PSX, their SNES or any other console prior to this generation. most people I know sold them off along with the games to put towards their new system and do so at every gen. What you're describing is hoarding and you're equating nostalgia and being unable to throw shit away with legitimate reasons to support a system after the company halts manufacturing.

They cannot grab random people off the street for localization and porting for PS3. The PS3 infrastructure while certainly not rocket science is something a lot of devs try to avoid when they can. The reason the Wii got so much attention early on was cause regarding its basic hardware, it's essentially a PS2, something that is relatively easy to write for. Porting something over isn't as simple as plugging a pc title into a PS3 SDK and clicking "compile." it takes work, time and money and as i said the console will not be around for even half the lifespan of the game. they will have to drop support for it eventually and then you guys who got it for PS3 will be SOL, pissed that they let you down when they shouldn't have given you the option in the first place.

Something you have to understand, is there will not be a PS3 by 2014 and on a game they likely are looking to support til 2020(again based on BB) and the money they shovel into this title will not pay off. for the first year, yeah they may see an increase in revenue, but then as people get a PS4 or quit cause their friends got PS4s and don't play anymore, or got bored, or again...are forced to quit cause PSN no longer supports the PS3, the numbers which were not that good before (because lets face it, 70% of the population will die out in the first year, and that's being generous) will get to be so bad that they're paying US and several EU teams to keep the dreams of 100 sorry kids alive.

You may not realize this but the promises that DCUO is making are straight up lies. The game may go for 10 years on PC, but what are they going to do when sony drops support for the PS3 and only the PS4 can access PSN for "security" reasons? Hello private servers and CFW. That's no longer got anything to do with Sony OR Sega.

in any case arguing with you is pointless. you're not looking at this objectively you're looking at this ideologically, which has no basis on fact and is completely based on plugging your ears, shutting your eyes and screaming. Your basic counterpoint to everything I said boils down to "oh yeah?" like a spoiled child who didn't get the new power ranger toy for Christmas so he tells his parents they don't love him enough. say something logical and based on fact rather than talk like the world is made out of peppermints and dreams.

you're asking Sega to commit ritual suicide so you can play on your console of choice for a year and a half at best when 95% of ps3 users have quit since they all just got the latest and greatest system that won't play the game you randomly come back to once or twice a month. because lets face it, if you're so short sighted that you think your PS3 will be doing anything more than collecting dust in 2013, you shouldn't be commenting on how business should be run in the first place.


I just started to look at join dates...is it just me or are the majority of people arguing for console support brand new to the forum? How old are you guys, seriously? Cause no offense, but you all talk like you live 2 blocks from each other and have sleep overs on weekends alternating who's basement you camp out based on who's mom will order pizza.

Age is nothing but a number. I still have my old gen systems & play them.

Apr 27, 2011, 10:51 PM
Age is nothing but a number. I still have my old gen systems & play them.

What? so you're saying that the average 13 year old is as educated, experienced and socially aware as the average adult? age is nothing but a number only applies once you've forgotten how old you are.

If you want to say you're intellectually on the same level as a 2 year-old though, be my guest, just don't lump me in with you.

EDIT: and I see you're also one of the "joined in April" kids. I'm starting to think there only 2 of you guys with 10 email addresses and too much time on your hands.

Apr 27, 2011, 10:55 PM
Age is nothing but a number,we didn't say every age is equally smart.You need to stop reading hard.He is talking about having his old gens and loves playing them.Just because you are *whatever your age* Doesn't mean you have to belittle others,I mean come on you were our age once and probably acted like a dweeb,like most of everyone.

Plus I believe this game is coming out to consoles =D

Apr 27, 2011, 11:08 PM
Age is nothing but a number,we didn't say every age is equally smart.You need to stop reading hard.He is talking about having his old gens and loves playing them.Just because you are *whatever your age* Doesn't mean you have to belittle others,I mean come on you were our age once and probably acted like a dweeb,like most of everyone.

Plus I believe this game is coming out to consoles =D

my statement about age was obviously saying you guys were immature, which you are. and his statement, which you are trying to validate, was obviously meant to negate mine.

And if you still "think" this game is coming to consoles, I can only assume you're trolling. The only way it will would be a later release on next gens. it's not happening for ps3 or 360.

Apr 27, 2011, 11:13 PM
Its not going to happen on launch day, or some time after that, according to Sakai's statement about the challenges of getting non-PC gamers to cooperate.

Apr 27, 2011, 11:13 PM
Trolling?It will go to gen,They just want money.
And I am just myself,learn to not label.

Apr 27, 2011, 11:28 PM
Trolling?It will go to gen,They just want money.
And I am just myself,learn to not label.

immature isn't a label, it's a statement of fact.

Apr 27, 2011, 11:50 PM
And so it begins, don't take it out on everybody who wants it PC only a lot of people just don't want it to end up like PSU.

Yeah, well, PSO came out on the Dreamcast - which was more of a half-step generational leap in graphics between Playstation & Playstation 2, and even after being released on the NGC, Xbox, & PC - it set a bar which PSU has failed to live up to. Yeah, it improved on just about everything PSO had... but it failed at making a cohesive whole out of those elements. I think it also would have been far more successful had Sega just left the game whole and complete at launch, rather than lock away timed-release content. It was that initial loss of momentum, that that feeling of being incomplete for most of it's life, that really killed PSU. But download/unlocked content in and of itself is not a deal-breaker, IMO.

Aside from graphics, all the next generation consoles (except for Wii, and that may change with the new Nintendo console) already have Harddrives which would allow for patching and new content downloads. Well, Xbox had that run of Core Systems initially, but most of those are either out of the market, upgraded by this point, or easily upgradable (20 gig HDDs are cheap). There's really nothing that the PC version can do that the console versions cannot... and the only real hurdle that would hold the game back is negotiating the online management. Xbox Live is a pain in the ass for developers to deal with, and PSN is (laughably) unsecured. Though these are by no means insurmountable issues.

I don't really think there will be a graphics jump between this gen and next gen that will really hold PSO2 back if it's released on today's consoles. The hardware capabilities just aren't as drastically noticeable, and most developers can't really afford to make games that would really push the envelope. I think the PC is a good starting point from which to base development, as they can there make a game which can display some latitude in scaling up and down the graphics between the transition between hardware generations - as well as offer a good standard base for porting this and future versions/expansions.

So yeah, I'm all in favor of console releases of PSO2, and honestly I can't see them passing up on the console market. The PC online RPG market is absolutely saturated, while their largest installed userbase is traditionally biased heavily in favor of consoles where online RPG competition is slim. It makes absolutely no financial sense to keep PSO2 a PC only release.

Plus, I think the pre-alpha screenshots already released make it seem as if Sega is going a bit light in the hardware requirements, which to me suggests they're either planning on (or in the process of) porting to less capable hardware (consoles).

Apr 28, 2011, 12:14 AM
I'd just rather they not take chances.

As it is, PSU on the PS2 was a gamble that completely destroyed the game. Yes, the PS3 and 360 do not have the same limitations, but quite frankly, after being burned so badly the first time I'd rather they not even approach the damn fire.

I KNOW it's irrational, but still... Too much pain. Too damn much.

Apr 28, 2011, 12:20 AM
EDIT: and I see you're also one of the "joined in April" kids. I'm starting to think there only 2 of you guys with 10 email addresses and too much time on your hands.

Remember, now that PSO2 gameplay has been revealed, and we draw inevitably closer and closer to more PSO2-related news, there will be a mass of new members joining to discuss matters pertaining to it. It happened with PSZ, it happened with PSP2, and it'll happen with PSO2.

Corey Blue
Apr 28, 2011, 12:23 AM
Yeah, well, PSO came out on the Dreamcast - which was more of a half-step generational leap in graphics between Playstation & Playstation 2, and even after being released on the NGC, Xbox, & PC - it set a bar which PSU has failed to live up to. Yeah, it improved on just about everything PSO had... but it failed at making a cohesive whole out of those elements. I think it also would have been far more successful had Sega just left the game whole and complete at launch, rather than lock away timed-release content. It was that initial loss of momentum, that that feeling of being incomplete for most of it's life, that really killed PSU. But download/unlocked content in and of itself is not a deal-breaker, IMO.

Aside from graphics, all the next generation consoles (except for Wii, and that may change with the new Nintendo console) already have Harddrives which would allow for patching and new content downloads. Well, Xbox had that run of Core Systems initially, but most of those are either out of the market, upgraded by this point, or easily upgradable (20 gig HDDs are cheap). There's really nothing that the PC version can do that the console versions cannot... and the only real hurdle that would hold the game back is negotiating the online management. Xbox Live is a pain in the ass for developers to deal with, and PSN is (laughably) unsecured. Though these are by no means insurmountable issues.

I don't really think there will be a graphics jump between this gen and next gen that will really hold PSO2 back if it's released on today's consoles. The hardware capabilities just aren't as drastically noticeable, and most developers can't really afford to make games that would really push the envelope. I think the PC is a good starting point from which to base development, as they can there make a game which can display some latitude in scaling up and down the graphics between the transition between hardware generations - as well as offer a good standard base for porting this and future versions/expansions.

So yeah, I'm all in favor of console releases of PSO2, and honestly I can't see them passing up on the console market. The PC online RPG market is absolutely saturated, while their largest installed userbase is traditionally biased heavily in favor of consoles where online RPG competition is slim. It makes absolutely no financial sense to keep PSO2 a PC only release.

Plus, I think the pre-alpha screenshots already released make it seem as if Sega is going a bit light in the hardware requirements, which to me suggests they're either planning on (or in the process of) porting to less capable hardware (consoles).

Well man it actually came from SEGA's mouth's that their encouraging console gamers to buy PSO2 for the PC,but we'll have to wait and see.I'm getting a new laptop in a couple of month's,I should be good to go soon.

Apr 28, 2011, 12:45 AM
Sorry, what? I'm 30 years old and no one I know still uses their PS2, their PSX, their SNES or any other console prior to this generation. most people I know sold them off along with the games to put towards their new system and do so at every gen.

I'm 31 years old, and actually, most people I know have kept most of their old systems and games. Most of them are collecting dust, but they do get pulled out on occasion and played. Systems and games tend to be kept, but neglected wherein you can use emulators/BC to improve graphics and save on wear & tear. Nobody really trades in their old games and systems to buy new stuff, because the money you get from your old collection barely covers the cost in gas to get to the trade-in store.

They cannot grab random people off the street for localization and porting for PS3.

I've seen enough to bad localizations to think that, yes, sometimes they do.

The PS3 infrastructure while certainly not rocket science is something a lot of devs try to avoid when they can. ~*Stuff*~ Something you have to understand, is there will not be a PS3 by 2014 and on a game they likely are looking to support til 2020(again based on BB) and the money they shovel into this title will not pay off. ~*Stuff*~ (because lets face it, 70% of the population will die out in the first year, and that's being generous) will get to be so bad that they're paying US and several EU teams to keep the dreams of 100 sorry kids alive.

So, if 70% of their userbase is going to evaporate in a year or two regardless, then all they they need is that first year or two of subscription to balance out their development and maintenance costs. If they can't do that, then it doesn't matter how long the game is supported, they won't make a profit. PSO2 on the PS3 will easily have a year or two in which to collect on the highest rate of subscriptions during the console's highest period of installed userbase. Simply maintaining a server does not cost that much, and if PSU is any example, even a small userbase can make the game viable for quite a while. At least on a subscription basis. Dunno if they can handle it on a F2P model.

Besides, I don't recall ever hearing that PSU sold at a loss when it initially launched. They recouped all of their development costs and thensome just on sales of the disk.

You may not realize this but the promises that DCUO is making are straight up lies. The game may go for 10 years on PC, but what are they going to do when sony drops support for the PS3 and only the PS4 can access PSN for "security" reasons?

Perhaps the same thing PSO did when it made the jump from Dreamcast to GameCube... add a major expansion with a graphical revamp of the game to take advantage of the higher hardware specs. Provided, of course, there's enough demand still. But just being on the PC is not necessarily a saving grace. PSU is doing awesome things now that it's gone PC only in Japan, but the PC market for PSU in the US was pathetically small (much smaller than it's PS2 userbase - especially pre-AOTI) and it's servers were shuttered long ago, while the Xbox 360 version is still up and running.

you're asking Sega to commit ritual suicide so you can play on your console of choice for a year and a half at best when 95% of ps3 users have quit since they all just got the latest and greatest system that won't play the game you randomly come back to once or twice a month.

Well, that also depends on backwards compatibility. Newer PS3's don't have it, but the older models did, and there's nothing to suggest that the PS4 won't also have BC. Especially initially as a means to ease the transition over for early adopters, propping up what has typically been very poor launch libraries for them. Even MS did it last generation via software emulation (which is more expensive and difficult), and only stopped updating their BC list once their game library was strong enough to sell consoles on it's own.

because lets face it, if you're so short sighted that you think your PS3 will be doing anything more than collecting dust in 2013, you shouldn't be commenting on how business should be run in the first place.

The PS4 probably won't even launch until LATE 2012, early 2013 at best. Wal-Mart, at least in my area, still sells PS2 games. Granted, most of those are just discount bundles, and new games for it were still coming out in 2009 ~ 3 years after the PS3 launched, and at a time when the PS2 was still outselling the PS3. With the higher market entry price, it will take several years for the PS4 to reach a market penetration on at least the same level of the PS3 (which will be dropping in price)... and PS3's don't play PS4 games bud.

I just started to look at join dates...is it just me or are the majority of people arguing for console support brand new to the forum?

I wouldn't be surprised if many of the "new" members coming in are old PSOworld members who stopped visiting after PSO started winding down and PSU gained popularity. A lot of users quit around that time, and (especially if they weren't highly active before) likely forgot their login/password and just made new accounts. Shit, it's been since 2001 for some of them. My own original account was similarly lost, and my actual join date is around 2003.

How old are you guys, seriously?

31, so mind your fucking elders. :)

Apr 28, 2011, 12:50 AM
I don't see the reason to complain about new users...

If anything pushing new people away due to close-mindedness created from nostalgia is pretty shameful.

So try to ease up. :\

Apr 28, 2011, 12:55 AM
Just because Nintendo is releasing a new console doesn't mean either MS OR Sony are going to follow suit. Nintendo has long lost its steam from the Wii and are looking for a way to get people interested again, while the PS3 is just now hitting its stride. I don't think Sony is going to want to start a new userbase from scratch again after the molasses start of the PS3. No, it would be much smarter to keep building momentum on this current console since the Cafe is in no way going to be the success that the Wii was. It'll be another Gamecube or N64 at best. Maybe slightly more powerful than the Xbox or PS3, but it'll be way more expensive and touchscreen controllers aren't exactly the same level of mainstream gimmick that motion controls were.

And you also have to remember that the PS2's online function was NEVER a priority the way it is for PS3, and the PS2 lasted for YEARS after its successor was released.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:03 AM
I don't think Sony is going to want to start a new userbase from scratch again after the molasses start of the PS3.

They may not have a choice. Hackers pissed off that they took Linux off the system pretty much vivisected the system and, as I understand it, the only way Sony can really re-secure their platform is by issuing an entirely new hardware model. That means either recalling and reissuing all of the PS3's currently on the market, or just releasing a next-gen system.

Right now I think they're just trying to throw their legal weight around and try to scare people into not exploiting the system... but that won't last long.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:04 AM
And if you still "think" this game is coming to consoles, I can only assume you're trolling. The only way it will would be a later release on next gens. it's not happening for ps3 or 360.
You don't work at Sega so you know nothing. This game could come to PS3/Xbox360, and we can only speculate on that, nothing more.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:06 AM
They may not have a choice. Hackers pissed off that they took Linux off the system pretty much vivisected the system and, as I understand it, the only way Sony can really re-secure their platform is by issuing an entirely new hardware model. That means either recalling and reissuing all of the PS3's currently on the market, or just releasing a next-gen system.

Right now I think they're just trying to throw their legal weight around and try to scare people into not exploiting the system... but that won't last long.

I think putting Linux on the system was a bad idea in the first place. If you want security in your electronics, the last thing you do is put PC functionality in it.

I don't see how it's a hardware issue at all. All the reports say it's a PSN issue that they have to restructure, unless you've seen some report that I haven't?

Apr 28, 2011, 01:09 AM
Guys, chances are that PSO2 heading to PS3 or 360 are probably slim to none.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:14 AM
more than I care to respond to

we're practically the same age, I was addressing the people who are irrationally saying "it has to come to consoles cause i don't wanna upgrade my pc" who were clearly under the age of 20. and were talking like they were 13.

Most of what you've said is partially valid, but you're not taking into account that graphics aren't what's going to force migration, and that a bad localization team is exactly what they want to avoid this time, so saying it's happened before is a moot point.

Sega has clearly stated that they don't feel consoles offer them the versatility they want for the game and are encouraging console gamers to upgrade their video cards to something that isn't 3 years old or integrated.

There is money to be made by console ports, but the question is do they feel the income is worth the investment, and they appear to think it isn't. Fwiw, at this stage, I'm inclined to agree.

Also, I'm not against keeping your old systems. Hell I still have a few of mine packed away. What I'm saying though is that Sega likely expects this game to last as long as PSOBB and no one can expect sony to support the PS3 past the next few years and the same can be said about MS and the 360. After that, if the next gen consoles aren't BC or current gen titles aren't supported the next iteration or XBL and PSN, it will be a moot point. That would mean having to remake the the game and all of the content for a new platform. That said, a console port at this point is a high risk. If we do see it released for consoles it will be for the next gens, at least a year after the game's already been out for PC. If that doesn't make sense to you, no offense, but there's no point in discussing this further.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:15 AM
I don't see how it's a hardware issue at all. All the reports say it's a PSN issue that they have to restructure, unless you've seen some report that I haven't?

I mean the hardware hacks by fail0verflow, not the recent online security breech.


Apr 28, 2011, 01:17 AM
I mean the hardware hacks by fail0verflow, not the recent online security breech.

YouTube - PS3-Infos.fr 27c3 console hacking 2010 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eT_7MoCCvk)

Oh, I don't think that's any more of a problem than mod chips were with the old consoles. The majority of people are too lazy to do it no matter how easy it is.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:17 AM
Guys, chances are that PSO2 heading to PS3 or 360 are probably slim to none.
Everybody said the same thing when PSO Episode 1&2 was only announced on Gamecube, not on Xbox. We know what happened next...

Apr 28, 2011, 01:23 AM
I think putting Linux on the system was a bad idea in the first place. If you want security in your electronics, the last thing you do is put PC functionality in it.

I don't see how it's a hardware issue at all. All the reports say it's a PSN issue that they have to restructure, unless you've seen some report that I haven't?

It's entirely a PSN issue at this point. the hardware was compromised but that's not what's going on now. the major issue is the recent hacking that as compromised Sony's customer database and personal data and cc info may have been leaked. While the network infrastructure is all that needs a overhaul, the other issue is that the general public will view this as an inherent flaw with the PS3 itself and sony will have to find a way to quell fears of a second invasion. "we're sorry" will not be enough to rebuild their image and people likely won't begin to forget til we see a new console.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:29 AM
I think we could use some more avatars...:0

/getting peoples avatars mixed up

Apr 28, 2011, 01:31 AM
I think we could use some more avatars...:0

/getting peoples avatars mixed up

Would help if we could upload our own, but they wouldn't let me. Not my fault a few of us have really good taste in Casts :D

Apr 28, 2011, 01:31 AM
Everybody said the same thing when PSO Episode 1&2 was only announced on Gamecube, not on Xbox. We know what happened next...

The logic at work here, magnificent.

Oh everyone said PSO Epsiode 1&2 would come out for PS2, Look what happened.

Oh everyone said PSO Episode 3 would come out for Xbox, look what happened.

Oh everyone said PSOBB would come out for the 360, look what happened.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:34 AM
You don't work at Sega so you know nothing. This game could come to PS3/Xbox360, and we can only speculate on that, nothing more.

Speculate all you want. I'm fine with discussing it. what I'm against is blind faith and arguments like "I don't wanna buy a/upgrade my pc so It's coming out to consoles." that's not a discussion, that's just childish pouting and whining.

I don't see the reason to complain about new users...

If anything pushing new people away due to close-mindedness created from nostalgia is pretty shameful.

So try to ease up. :\

And I'm not against newcomers, but why is it that every newcomer is saying the the exact same thing in the same two or three threads? Why are 3 of them from new york? they even talk the same, are the same age and not one of them has said "woot PC!" That's not remotely suspicious?

Apr 28, 2011, 01:37 AM
I'm pretty sure Greg here signed up just so he could bitch and moan about PSO2 coming to consoles.

Too bad it's not. :3

Apr 28, 2011, 01:39 AM
I'm pretty sure Greg here signed up just so he could bitch and moan about PSO2 coming to consoles.

Too bad it's not. :3

See, that's what it looks like to me.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:51 AM
Speculate all you want. I'm fine with discussing it. what I'm against is blind faith and arguments like "I don't wanna buy a/upgrade my pc so It's coming out to consoles." that's not a discussion, that's just childish pouting and whining.

I don't play on PC so I don't know. But talking about PC hardware requirements for this game, it's almost the same technical spec we have on Xbox360, so this can not be a brake for Sega to bring the game on 360. Sega is now a 3rd party so we can expect everything. PSO was 1st made on console, it's a console game. For me we have high chances to see this game coming on 360. Now it depends on what are Sega plans.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:52 AM
I'm pretty sure Greg here signed up just so he could bitch and moan about PSO2 coming to consoles.

Too bad it's not. :3

No you're wrong

Apr 28, 2011, 01:53 AM
Cool story, learn how to use the edit button lol.

Corey Blue
Apr 28, 2011, 01:55 AM
No you're wrong

I can see you being disappointed greatly,better have a back up plan.

Apr 28, 2011, 01:57 AM
No you're wrong

This seems to be the strongest argument console gamers can muster.

you realize this was never about tech specs, right?

Apr 28, 2011, 01:58 AM
Love it when people try to say PSO2 will be on consoles since it started out on Consoles, now tell me what difference there is between a console and a PC?

Apr 28, 2011, 02:03 AM
It's about the fact that there's a million reasons why PSO2 isn't/shouldn't come out to consoles, especially the 360.

Read back through this topic, or many other topics, if you're so curious.

Apr 28, 2011, 02:15 AM
Well if you want to talk old console games and them being supported well past their life cycle look no further then FFXI and the PS2... I believe the new updates/expansions can actually be bought from playonline and installed directly on the PS2 HDD.

All sega really needs to do (and they won't cause they suck at programming online infastructures) is create their own online server to connect to ala DCUO/Free realms/angel senki online (jp only MMORPG for PS3) and they wouldn't have to worry about the so called "end of life cycle" for PS3 cause all they would need to do is write a script which will apply any and all updates to the PS3 (or if PS4 has BC... which we won't see till at LEAST 2014) which shouldn't cause too much hassle... Hell MS in japan got rights to MHF... which is/was an online only MH game for PC and it updates fine (or so i hear anyway).

Now i'm not unlike the people wanting it on consoles cause of an archaic PC... my PC can run crysis 2 perfectly as well as most games decently well (mid-range PC) but I just don't feel at home playing PSO on PC... I did play BB and PSU and AOTI but it just felt awkward for whatever reason.

Another reason as aforementioned is saturation.... PSO2 will have a hard time working a subscription model outside japan when you have vindictus being free and being the same type of instanced based gameplay... Add in TERA online which features real-time combat but isn't instanced based and the hotly anticipated Guild Wars 2 which does the same AND is free of charge... PSO2 will struggle direly to keep numbers anywhere near the "giant elephant in the room" (wow) or even the new comers (star wars:TOR).... from a financial standpoint its better to be unopposed then to enter in a space where the competition is the same and has far less....dated features in an MMO space.

Apr 28, 2011, 02:23 AM
Well if you want to talk old console games and them being supported well past their life cycle look no further then FFXI and the PS2... I believe the new updates/expansions can actually be bought from playonline and installed directly on the PS2 HDD.

I'm gonna stop you there. all online services require PSN or XBL. you can't even access netflix without logging in. So we're clear, you are obligated to use PSN to log into a server regardless of if the server is tied to PSN or XBL. This is part of the infrastructure of the consoles this gen, sony and MS will not let you use online services without PSN or XBL and there us no legal way around it.

There was no online service for PS2, so this was and is not an issue. However, once the PS4 and "720" come out there is no telling how long Sony or MS will support PS3 and 360 on their services. This is a serious unknown that Sega does not want to deal with.

Read the thread before you post, this has all been addressed.

Also saturation isn't as much of an issue in japan which is the target group. PSOBB's official servers only went down this year in japan. The larger fanbase is in japan, most of the BB users from japan will get PSO2, BB is on PC. They could hardly care less if they're competing with WoW.

Gdlk NAP
Apr 28, 2011, 02:24 AM
I haven't gone through the entire thread, but it seems like people are completely ruling out the possibilities for a console release/version.

I'm not against an exclusive PC version of the game, as I enjoy "MMO"s on PC more so than on console due to my experience with WoW, FFXI and such.

But with the release of DC Universe Online, some of the arguments I've seen in the thread look a tad obsolete. Content patches for that game have been day and date with the PC version alongside the PS3 version, so that should not be an issue in 2011. Also, the "dumbing down" argument seems silly if SEGA can develop for the PC as the lead platform as opposed to the console. This being said, that's speculative and optimism.

As I stated before, I haven't read through the entire thread... but couldn't SEGA go to a type of "free to play" model as they did with the original PSO for the Dreamcast? This would bypass the whole issue with Microsoft. We've been seeing more and more MMOs go this route as of late anyway; it kind of just makes sense.

But that's just my opinion, and first post.


Apr 28, 2011, 02:29 AM
you can't even access netflix without logging in.

You sure about that? I'm sure about 3 days ago I was watching netflix at my friends even though he did get an error about maintenance it still allowed him to sign in after pressing circle....

Also saturation isn't as much of an issue in japan which is the target group. PSOBB's official servers only went down this year in japan. The larger fanbase is in japan, most of the BB users from japan will get PSO2, BB is on PC. They could hardly care less if they're competing with WoW.

Well if that's the case...why even bother with this whole thread? chances are WE aren't the target demographic so we should actually be hoping it even leaves their shores let alone argue if its PC only...

Apr 28, 2011, 02:33 AM
You sure about that? I'm sure about 3 days ago I was watching netflix at my friends even though he did get an error about maintenance it still allowed him to sign in after pressing circle....

yeah, it's an odd bug. I'm well aware of it, but Sony isn't happy about it. even still xbl really wont let you use netflix without logging in and netflix was merely an example. games aren't nearly as lenient. there are dedicated servers for ps3 games that boot you if PSN disconnects you. To further my point DCUO players are pretty pissed right now. Care to venture a guess why?

Apr 28, 2011, 02:42 AM
To further my point DCUO players are pretty pissed right now. Care to venture a guess why?

I'm well aware of the issue, i'm a DCUO player... but could that be more because SOE is sony owned therefore requires to fall within sony requirements? I didn't get portal so i don't know how PS3 steam works (if it does at all) but if my understanding is correct, PSN is merely just a means of authentication because DCUO is Downloaded from the store and as per request from sony, anything purchased from the store has a "lease", and i believe DCUO has one cause of its subscription.... If sega could get sony to allow them to authenticate via their end PSN wouldn't really matter.... but this is all talk until something other then SOE MMORPGs come out...we'll see when FFXIV arrives (or not)

Apr 28, 2011, 02:49 AM
The only game I've ever played that has its own server but still requires PSN would be Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed games. Although it may be the only example I can give, it's also unaccessible without the PSN account it's associated with. Think of it this way, PSN acts as the authenticator as well as general log in for most games that must connect to a server in which case Ubisofts.

Same applies for EA, but that's only from playing Mercs 2. Can't say the same for anything else that relies on EA.

Apr 28, 2011, 02:51 AM
I'm well aware of the issue, i'm a DCUO player... but could that be more because SOE is sony owned therefore requires to fall within sony requirements? I didn't get portal so i don't know how PS3 steam works (if it does at all) but if my understanding is correct, PSN is merely just a means of authentication because DCUO is Downloaded from the store and as per request from sony, anything purchased from the store has a "lease", and i believe DCUO has one cause of its subscription.... If sega could get sony to allow them to authenticate via their end PSN wouldn't really matter.... but this is all talk until something other then SOE MMORPGs come out...we'll see when FFXIV arrives (or not)

no, all of PSN's web services including online modes require a PSN account and for you to be logged in. you can use anything downloaded from PSN without being logged in, for example I have a bunch of PSX titles, MvC2, HC:U, Fat Princess, etc. they were all downloaded and can be played offline even if PSN is down. as soon as you click online mode though, it tries to log you into PSN, if it fails, it kicks you back to the main screen. Same reason all games now have trophies - Sony mandate. it's the same deal with 360 and XBL.

Again: it has nothing to do with who's hosting the servers. Sony requires PSN to even attempt a connection. It's part of their security. XBL is the exact same way.

Apr 28, 2011, 02:55 AM
The only game I've ever played that has its own server but still requires PSN would be Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed games. Although it may be the only example I can give, it's also unaccessible without the PSN account it's associated with. Think of it this way, PSN acts as the authenticator as well as general log in for most games that must connect to a server in which case Ubisofts.

Same applies for EA, but that's only from playing Mercs 2. Can't say the same for anything else that relies on EA.

I understand that, but I'm assuming here, but I think its more or less because to ease the "multiple login" process their servers authenticate through sony then to them, If it just went from your PS3 to a server which you would therein have to log in to, there most likely wouldn't be an issue.... but as we both said, PSN is usually the authenticator...

Apr 28, 2011, 02:57 AM
I understand that, but I'm assuming here, but I think its more or less because to ease the "multiple login" process their servers authenticate through sony then to them, If it just went from your PS3 to a server which you would therein have to log in to, there most likely wouldn't be an issue.... but as we both said, PSN is usually the authenticator...

not usually, always.

Apr 28, 2011, 02:58 AM
you can use anything downloaded from PSN without being logged in

Unless your name is called bionic commando re-armed 2 or final fight...

Apr 28, 2011, 03:05 AM
They are like that is because even single player supports drop-in/drop-out multiplayer and they are poorly thought out. notice those are both capcom titles. capcom is generally lazy with the way they design their net play features. but in those cases, it's not an authentication issue, it's that there is no offline mode.

Apr 28, 2011, 05:06 AM
All of the people posting reasons why it shouldn't come to consoles are really just posting based on their priorities and self interest (which is good!). It isn't a question of "Is it possible to do well?", it is a question of "Will this addition hinder the experience I MYSELF am looking for?".

For instance, let's say a notorious single player franchise is coming out with a new game. Well some people decide they want to play that game in a multi-player setting and start making requests for it. Well some people don't want to play multi-player and don't want it in the game. This retort will most certainly be rebutted with the feeble argument of "lolz if u dont liek it dont use it!1". But self control is not the worry of those looking for the optimal single player experience, it is the foresight in understanding that the labor and money going into this new "multi-player" system will take away resources from the single player game they have come to love and expect from the franchise.

Listen, I understand both sides of the debate. Personally, I want it to come to consoles too. But I understand that desire is a selfish one, but they are on both sides so there's no point in pretending to be pious about it.

Is it possible to be done correctly on consoles? Absolutely.
Will it coming to consoles effect the optimal PC gaming experience? Most likely.

It's all about people's priorities.

Apr 28, 2011, 05:08 AM
The correct answer is, it's all about Sega's priorities.

Apr 28, 2011, 05:48 AM
To a certain extent sure it's selfish on both sides, but come on now. Some people are just trying to point out stuff, in a recent interview it's already been said they are trying to attract non PC gamers. (No, not by making a console version.) Now why would they say that if they had if they had a console version in mind and with that have it labeled PC only all these months?

Sure Sega haven't ruled out a Console version, but of course they wouldn't in case they felt like doing it suddenly out of the blue, but that's almost like me thinking Namco will turn around and Localize Tales of Vesperia on PS3. Sure it could happen and sure as hell I want it, but chances are slim considering. Though in the meanwhile I don't go in their forum and try to convince myself that it might happen.

Apr 28, 2011, 05:59 AM
If the game does not come on Xbox360, I will probably have to buy a new PC (mine is 5 years old) and play PSO2 on it... I never play on PC but this time could be different. It will also depend on how much it will cost per month to play

Apr 28, 2011, 07:01 AM
But with the release of DC Universe Online, some of the arguments I've seen in the thread look a tad obsolete. Content patches for that game have been day and date with the PC version alongside the PS3 version, so that should not be an issue in 2011. Also, the "dumbing down" argument seems silly if SEGA can develop for the PC as the lead platform as opposed to the console. This being said, that's speculative and optimism.

But that's just my opinion, and first post.


Yeah DCUO is he reason PSO2 would work on the ps3

Apr 28, 2011, 07:03 AM
Love it when people try to say PSO2 will be on consoles since it started out on Consoles, now tell me what difference there is between a console and a PC?

Alot of people have ps3's in Japan,it has a HDD.It would sell well,PSU messed up because they should have released it to the ps3 oor had the ps2 require a HDD to download the updates

Apr 28, 2011, 07:08 AM
Alot of people have ps3's in Japan,it has a HDD.It would sell well,PSU messed up because they should have released it to the ps3 oor had the ps2 require a HDD to download the updates

Er, while that is a valid point, what exactly did that have to do with what I said?

Name a feature that a Console has that a PC can never have.

Apr 28, 2011, 07:18 AM
A PSN to use to play online.(same like Ps3 can't have steam).Besides that,I really can;t think of a feature except automatic Update downloads even when the ps3 is off,could help PSO2 players avoid updating when you want to play.

Name some features that the PC has that the ps3 doesn't

Apr 28, 2011, 07:24 AM
Here's the biggest difference that's endless. A PC has limitless Potential, not only in hardware, but in software, your not tied down to what only the manufacturer of the console wants you to be able to do.

I'm only saying this because people use the excuse of "it started out on consoles." A PC can be a "Console" and more, just because it's main function doesn't have to be for gaming doesn't mean it's like in some sort of other realm compared to consoles.

Apr 28, 2011, 07:31 AM
Here's the biggest difference that's endless. A PC has limitless Potential, not only in hardware, but in software, your not tied down to what only the manufacturer of the console wants you to be able to do.

I am pretty sure PSN was cool about DCUO having mad updates.They released at the same time and caused no problems.As long as PSN makes money off it they are more welcome to oblige.Plus Consoles need alot less to run games than desktops and laptops.So alot of people tend to avoid PC's because they come out with a better one every 4 months.Consoles are every 4-6 years.You are comparing them to Microsoft with the being tied down.Limitless potential,a ps3 has that in software,they update it adding new things to it that are pretty cool,whose to say once PSN is back up they will give us something cool?.But since PSN is free we rarely get software updates

Apr 28, 2011, 07:42 AM
I am pretty sure PSN was cool about DCUO having mad updates.They released at the same time and caused no problems.As long as PSN makes money off it they are more welcome to oblige.Plus Consoles need alot less to run games than desktops and laptops.So alot of people tend to avoid PC's because they come out with a better one every 4 months.Consoles are every 4-6 years.You are comparing them to Microsoft with the being tied down.Limitless potential,a ps3 has that in software,they update it adding new things to it that are pretty cool,whose to say once PSN is back up they will give us something cool?.But since PSN is free we rarely get software updates

I'm trying to not start a Console vs PC argument here, but I have to say compared to the potential of a Console, the PC can do everything a console can and more, since it's not "locked down." Consoles only can do what the manufacture allows them to. (Or if someone hacks it, but even then.)

Oh though while true PC comes out with new and improved hardware, who's exactly telling you to stay on the latest when it's not necessary at all. I have a 3 year old Graphics card and a 4 year old Processor and I don't see myself upgrading any time soon. Unless I went crazy and wanted a 5 screen setup. (Which can consoles do?)

Again might I add I'm saying this only because the "It started on consoles" is one of the crappiest excuses for hope yet.

Apr 28, 2011, 07:49 AM
It's not that,it's after seeing DCUO being successful on a ps3 console,I don't care about microsoft,they screwed up with them.

Apr 28, 2011, 07:53 AM
To be honest, I know that it would "hurt" the updates a bit, but I wouldn't mind a PS3 version.

A 360 Version, that'll have 99.99% chance of being separated and cause even more problems by being so? No Thanks.

Corey Blue
Apr 28, 2011, 07:55 AM
To be honest, I know that it would "hurt" the updates a bit, but I wouldn't mind a PS3 version.

A 360 Version, that'll have 99.99% chance of being separated and cause even more problems by being so? No Thanks.

Yup,I wouldn't care if their was a PS3 version,but I rather them not chance it though,but whatever as long as they don't separate us and give us shit updates were good.(If it cripple us in anyway fuck a console version.)

Apr 28, 2011, 07:57 AM
DCUO would have been perfect if they had conjoined servers it.a ps3 wouldn't put a dent seeing a ps3 can handle huge updates.DCUO ps3/PC both dish out 6 gb updates on the same days.I am sure Sega wouldn't be hurt,plus with the whole Global server thing =D

Apr 28, 2011, 08:01 AM
DCUO would have been perfect if they had conjoined servers it.a ps3 wouldn't put a dent seeing a ps3 can handle huge updates.DCUO ps3/PC both dish out 6 gb updates on the same days.I am sure Sega wouldn't be hurt,plus with the whole Global server thing =D

I think they could have, I forgot why they didn't, they also didn't expect Dcuo to be so popular it sold out in many places

Apr 28, 2011, 08:08 AM
That could be PSO2 on ps3 B-)

Corey Blue
Apr 28, 2011, 08:27 AM
Last thing I'm going to say about it being on console..don't get your hopes.(Next time I talk about it we'll actually know,because this could go on forever until we get some info.)

Apr 28, 2011, 08:29 AM
Last thing I can say is,Until they do NOT confirm it there is still hope

Apr 28, 2011, 08:32 AM
Speculate all you want. I'm fine with discussing it. what I'm against is blind faith and arguments like "I don't wanna buy a/upgrade my pc so It's coming out to consoles." that's not a discussion, that's just childish pouting and whining.

And I'm not against newcomers, but why is it that every newcomer is saying the the exact same thing in the same two or three threads? Why are 3 of them from new york? they even talk the same, are the same age and not one of them has said "woot PC!" That's not remotely suspicious?

Discussing it? you been bashing on everybody who just said they want it on a console, I don't think anybody said it's absolutely going to come out for the PS3 just why they want it too. Like I said I'll most likely end up getting it for PC if it becomes a PC exclusive, sorry if I'm not excited about it if it does come out to be PC exclusive. So far I'm the only one on this thread that has been sticking out for both sides of this discussion, because I understand. where everybody is coming from.

I'm one of those guys who made an account before Ethan was up there on top of PSO World. I just didn't like my old user name. So i made a new one ;) oh yeah I'm from Florida, and please don't tell me I sound like Ark D: that guy doesn't even put spaces after end marks D:. Quit stalking me bro :) unless your interested in me ;)

Apr 28, 2011, 08:51 AM
=( Harsh E. And I will space now. If it's the rage nowadays.

New Yorkers are kinda same minded when it comes to things.Mainly if they are from the city because we usually care for consoles and not games.And we type the Kings English.Don't know about you guys but,I am what I am

Apr 28, 2011, 11:02 AM
PSO2 on PS3 would be cool if we lived in the best of worlds where SEGA published updates across all platforms AND regions at the same time.

BlueBurst was fun so I'll gladly take PSO2 on PC kthx

Apr 28, 2011, 02:10 PM
OK I'll speak from my own experience here. I've played Phantasy Star since the beginning. I'd have NEVER considered PS on PC. I was console all the way. Admittedly, I did try PSO on PC and I just couldn't wrap my hands (and brain) around the controls so I gave up on it. Since that time, I've become more adept at PC games and I believe I'm now ready for a PS game on PC. I think it's time. I would be against a new PSO game being on console for the following reasons:

1. I don't have PS3, X360, or Wii (and may not for a long time, if ever).
2. If the PC version has to be 'scaled down' to mesh with the console versions, that will bother me and I don't want a watered down game.
3. With my limited knowledge on this new PSO, it seems the game is trying to get bigger and bigger. Keeping the player base on one medium helps unify the players and allows the internal structure to run smoother and overall faster.

I'm sure I could eventually come up with more reasons. That's all for now.

Apr 28, 2011, 02:18 PM
Discussing it? you been bashing on everybody who just said they want it on a console, I don't think anybody said it's absolutely going to come out for the PS3 just why they want it too. Like I said I'll most likely end up getting it for PC if it becomes a PC exclusive, sorry if I'm not excited about it if it does come out to be PC exclusive. So far I'm the only one on this thread that has been sticking out for both sides of this discussion, because I understand. where everybody is coming from.

I'm one of those guys who made an account before Ethan was up there on top of PSO World. I just didn't like my old user name. So i made a new one ;) oh yeah I'm from Florida, and please don't tell me I sound like Ark D: that guy doesn't even put spaces after end marks D:. Quit stalking me bro :) unless your interested in me ;)

I'm bashing people who make ignorant or desperate claims. and yes people have said the game is coming out for PS3, that sega would be stupid for not putting it on 360 and that the wii would totally support the game with new content and all. notice that with sinue and a few others, I've been cordial.

I'm not going to go back and find out exactly what you said, but if you've remained intelligent, haven't said something like "it's coming out for PS3 cause I'm not spending more than 60 dollars for this game," didn't use the PS2 or monster hunter as a basis for an argument, and refrained from saying "omg people are looking for jobs so they should totally be able to hire new people and money could never be an issue cause this is totally a sound investment regardless of the fact that the game will outlive the consoles." (in your own words, most likely using obnoxious onomatopoeia); then I probably have had very little to nothing bad to say about you.

there are also those who refused to read the thread and then made outrageous claims or made arguments that aren't even worth discussing because they were never a topic of conversation (IE, system requirements). keep it intelligent and I'll keep it civil.

EDIT: DCUO is not a valid basis for argument. I've explained why several times, and will not keep writing the same thing til people decide to learn to read. Here's what it boils down to: Their primary market is the PSOBB base. PSOBB players have PCs. That's their focus, that's where it's going. Sega has very politely said "this will be PC only," and while you are welcome to hold onto hope all you want, being indignant about it is childish and tiresome.

Apr 28, 2011, 04:57 PM
it'd be perfect timing to release 360 port around late 2012/early 2013 as the old PSU still got some life left in it yet, as for ps3 Sony will need to sort out their mess and uncompromise PSN again somehow before SoJ even attempts to port it over.

The current console market seems to be in pretty solid state as it is and could very well last its full life span as their makers intended even up to 8-10 years unless a new competition arises unexpectedly, and as of right now the only one that is even remotely possible is the successor to Wii but Nintendo probably wouldn't even target the same audience to compete at the level of 360 and ps3.

Hopefully PSO2 on pc becomes a huge hit by then and acquires user base of over 1 million world wide, it might just be possible if Sega pulls a miracle and manage to recruit all of PS fans all the way from DC, GC, Xbox, PS2, PSP, & NDS joined up togather along with pc users on one Global server.. hey, anything is possible, right?

Apr 28, 2011, 05:05 PM
I'm bashing people who make ignorant or desperate claims. and yes people have said the game is coming out for PS3, that sega would be stupid for not putting it on 360 and that the wii would totally support the game with new content and all. notice that with sinue and a few others, I've been cordial.

I'm not going to go back and find out exactly what you said, but if you've remained intelligent, haven't said something like "it's coming out for PS3 cause I'm not spending more than 60 dollars for this game," didn't use the PS2 or monster hunter as a basis for an argument, and refrained from saying "omg people are looking for jobs so they should totally be able to hire new people and money could never be an issue cause this is totally a sound investment regardless of the fact that the game will outlive the consoles." (in your own words, most likely using obnoxious onomatopoeia); then I probably have had very little to nothing bad to say about you.

there are also those who refused to read the thread and then made outrageous claims or made arguments that aren't even worth discussing because they were never a topic of conversation (IE, system requirements). keep it intelligent and I'll keep it civil.

EDIT: DCUO is not a valid basis for argument. I've explained why several times, and will not keep writing the same thing til people decide to learn to read. Here's what it boils down to: Their primary market is the PSOBB base. PSOBB players have PCs. That's their focus, that's where it's going. Sega has very politely said "this will be PC only," and while you are welcome to hold onto hope all you want, being indignant about it is childish and tiresome.

You take things way to seriously, we are only discussing what the threads wants us to. You don't have to read it you know.

Apr 28, 2011, 05:56 PM
You take things way to seriously, we are only discussing what the threads wants us to. You don't have to read it you know.

Lol better be careful of what you say before he makes another wall post and bashes you threw it

I only used DCUO as proof that a console can handle an MMO and seeing how the PSO series has never been an MMO I'm sure PS3 could handle it. Now if Sega blows my mind and makes it an PC exclusive because the PS3 can't handle it at all, then I'll be perfectly be happy with that. Like you I don't want to see a watered down game because it's on a console but if they can make it just as good on the PS3 with as much content on PC I want them to go for it.

Apr 28, 2011, 06:15 PM
Lol better be careful of what you say before he makes another wall post and bashes you threw it

I only used DCUO as proof that a console can handle an MMO and seeing how the PSO series has never been an MMO I'm sure PS3 could handle it. Now if Sega blows my mind and makes it an PC exclusive because the PS3 can't handle it at all, then I'll be perfectly be happy with that. Like you I don't want to see a watered down game because it's on a console but if they can make it just as good on the PS3 with as much content on PC I want them to go for it.

Smartest damn thing someone said in awhile

Apr 28, 2011, 06:21 PM
it'd be perfect timing to release 360 port around late 2012/early 2013 as the old PSU still got some life left in it yet, as for ps3 Sony will need to sort out their mess and uncompromise PSN again somehow before SoJ even attempts to port it over.

The current console market seems to be in pretty solid state as it is and could very well last its full life span as their makers intended even up to 8-10 years unless a new competition arises unexpectedly, and as of right now the only one that is even remotely possible is the successor to Wii but Nintendo probably wouldn't even target the same audience to compete at the level of 360 and ps3.

Hopefully PSO2 on pc becomes a huge hit by then and acquires user base of over 1 million world wide, it might just be possible if Sega pulls a miracle and manage to recruit all of PS fans all the way from DC, GC, Xbox, PS2, PSP, & NDS joined up togather along with pc users on one Global server.. hey, anything is possible, right?

This basically spells out two things:

1) You don't understand the nature of PSN and XBL

2) You didn't read the posts a few pages back explaining all of this.

You're basing your entire argument on what I can only guess is ignorance or at the very least a misunderstanding of the service that Sony and MS provide; and a false assumption that said service will still be around in 2014, let alone 2020. Sega is looking at all of this and (AGAIN) has already said "get a PC".

@Ark22: I value my time and I'm entitled to take things as seriously or be as flippant as I want. When you grow up, maybe you'll understand. In the meantime, you also don't have to read the thread, nor do you have to post in it, nor do you have to post on PSOW. My level of entitlement here is the same as yours and I'll exercise my right to free expression like the rest of us, thanks.

Apr 28, 2011, 06:33 PM
I have a duo core cpu (max of 3.72 GHz), 2 Gigs of RAM, a GeForce 8600GT graphics card. As long as the game allows you to configure controls to a gamepad and doesn't require me to upgrade my PC I should be good to go... ^_^

I could not care less if it's released on a console.. I highly doubt it would be.

Apr 28, 2011, 06:36 PM
I only used DCUO as proof that a console can handle an MMO and seeing how the PSO series has never been an MMO I'm sure PS3 could handle it. Now if Sega blows my mind and makes it an PC exclusive because the PS3 can't handle it at all, then I'll be perfectly be happy with that. Like you I don't want to see a watered down game because it's on a console but if they can make it just as good on the PS3 with as much content on PC I want them to go for it.

I'll address this one more time: No one here (to my knowledge or recollection) is questioning the ability of the ps3. If you read my posts carefully you'd know that not once have I said it was an issue of hardware. I said the decision is strategic and political and that I agree with it. This is not a matter of "can the PS3 handle it." It's a two part of question of what does Sega stand to gain from going muliplat vs what they stand to lose, and what we as the consumer stand to gain from them going multiplat and what WE stand to lose. Read everything I (and others) have said carefully if you really want to understand what I've been trying to explain. No I do not work for sega but I have experience in business and know a good deal about what goes into development and the policies with current console online services. My word is not the law, I'm simply offering insight. If you do not want to understand, then do not quote me or address what I say and chances are unless something ridiculous is stated that I feel compelled to refute, I won't have another word to say about this.

Apr 28, 2011, 06:38 PM
Don't have to is a option,chill out. If you can't handle the truth of opinions then something is gravely wrong and shouldn't post if you are gonna just keep bashing people. I never did anything to you. What is the big deal?

Plus anything is possible, until I read on the Sega site or a trusted site that it will NOT come out on Consoles let alone ps3, then there is hope if not I will apologize myself for even thinking it was believable. Till then just read and comment respond and please try not to belittle people. We are humans here right?

Apr 28, 2011, 07:09 PM

maybe this will convince you otherwise

PSO2 is still PC only!

Apr 28, 2011, 07:16 PM
Don't have to is a option,chill out. If you can't handle the truth of opinions then something is gravely wrong and shouldn't post if you are gonna just keep bashing people. I never did anything to you. What is the big deal?

Plus anything is possible, until I read on the Sega site or a trusted site that it will NOT come out on Consoles let alone ps3, then there is hope if not I will apologize myself for even thinking it was believable. Till then just read and comment respond and please try not to belittle people. We are humans here right?

No, don't have to is a fact, and it is also a back handed suggestion. The word opinion is overused and is commonly a defense mechanism for people with weak arguments.

Here is what can be construed as an opinion:

"I think Sega should release PSO2 for PS3"

Here is what can objectively be called an opinion:

"Sega would be stupid not to put PSO2 on PS3"

Here is what you guys are trying to do under the guise of an opinion:

"DCUO is a game which shows that MMOs can succeed on PS3 and proves that PSO2 would do well on consoles"

Note that in the last statement, you are presenting something as evidence to support what you might call a fact. This is not in fact an opinion because you are no longer expressing a personal view point, but are creating a point of contention. What this actually becomes is a proposal for a fact, or a theory, which can be refuted, supported or augmented.

This entire thread is full of sentiments and malformed theories meant to validate those sentiments. If you want to express your sentiments, by all means, express them. For your sake, I'm sorry the game won't come out to consoles. But if you want to assert half truths to rally a hopeless outcry over a sound business decision, I am here as the voice of reason to inform you there is more to this story than you understand and educate you on some of the factors as to why decisions like this are made.

And they've already said "get a pc." I don't know how much more clear you want them to be. I mean do you need a personal letter?

"Dear Ark22,

Yo man,dis shitanit coming out to a console stop whining playa, cuz we sickodis for real k?Geta PC an' stop harassing folks.weall tired.and no wut were doin. yo, itsan opinion



Apr 28, 2011, 07:25 PM
^ That made me lol.

I don't really know how will it be, but I can state a fact right now: I'm pretty much more willing to pay for new PC components and play a PC-only PSO2 than paying monthly for a shit-updated and MS/Sony limited all-platforms game.

Apr 28, 2011, 07:32 PM
"DCUO is a game which shows that MMOs can succeed on PS3 and proves that PSO2 would do well on consoles"

But thats not a opinion as it clearly shows it. Unless your ignoring it, which seems the case.

Apr 28, 2011, 07:35 PM
DCUO, DC Universe Online. Hey, guess what? DC Comics are huge and are wildly popular in the Western world. Guess what is not huge and popular in the Western world? Oh yeah, Phantasy Star. You guys are under the impression that Phantasy Star is on the same terms as DC Comics and it will do just as well as DCUO, which is so wrong.

Apr 28, 2011, 07:36 PM
No, don't have to is a fact, and it is also a back handed suggestion. The word opinion is overused and is commonly a defense mechanism for people with weak arguments.

Here is what can be construed as an opinion:

"I think Sega should release PSO2 for PS3"

Here is what can objectively be called an opinion:

"Sega would be stupid not to put PSO2 on PS3"

Here is what you guys are trying to do under the guise of an opinion:

"DCUO is a game which shows that MMOs can succeed on PS3 and proves that PSO2 would do well on consoles"

Note that in the last statement, you are presenting something as evidence to support what you might call a fact. This is not in fact an opinion because you are no longer expressing a personal view point, but are creating a point of contention. What this actually becomes is a proposal for a fact, or a theory, which can be refuted, supported or augmented.

Wow +20 points for saying something that people should be hit in the face with, in ANY forum about fanboy speculation.

Apr 28, 2011, 07:39 PM

maybe this will convince you otherwise

PSO2 is still PC only!

That just said basically what everybody has been saying, which is, most likely it will be PC only, no word if it will remain like that.

To NIloklives: Some people did and are saying a console can't handle an MMO, I wouldn't of brought that up if nobody didn't. I think PSO 2 could do well on consoles but only like I said which is if Sony let's them run it like they want too, which Sony let's alot of game developers do whatever unlike Microsoft. Look at PSP2I in japan, they get constant updates. Only real problem is the pretty much all the bad that comes with PSN, tired of typing, been a long day, lets just make a big list of all the good and bad from this thread work it out and all come to a conclusion if they should make it an PC exclusive or not. That way we can all work together too stop this dumb argument =J

Apr 28, 2011, 07:42 PM
Peaceful resolutions on the Internet? Get real.

Apr 28, 2011, 07:52 PM
Peaceful resolutions on the Internet? Get real.

True I forgot the internet is like the real world, they rather listen to guns blast then reason. Where does a man of peace fit in! oh yeah I'll be fighting for the only thing that matters. PSO 2 please be the sequel we all been waiting for

Apr 28, 2011, 08:01 PM
I really don't feel like having a arguement with a person that is 30 because he should obviously know better.I am saying what the topic says, why I hope it is on consoles because it is a great game and needs to be put on consoles because PSU was a let down due to everyone wanting a PSO2.PSU had to much of a change that alot of people didn't like. And no sterotypical talking, it is rude and I don't type like that. Come on guy, grow up.

Apr 28, 2011, 08:25 PM
This has probably been brought up at some point (I only read the first six pages, and the last two) but most of the people I personally know who are looking forward to PSO2 wouldn't have a problem with it being on consoles as well if there wouldn't be problems with updates...

However, PSU left a bad taste in our mouths because of the multi-platform issues, and that is even beyond the obvious apathy of Sega of Japan when it came to US updates. Too many issues came up with updating because of this, mainly the latter - but any minimalization of these potential problems is welcome to us, and for us having it PC exclusive would at least eliminate the multi-platform issue.

Apr 28, 2011, 08:31 PM
Funny how you don't show up til I said something that undoubtedly got Ark22 a little butthurt.

Hey don't put me in this.You started the the bashing,I was just saying my opinions on the game lol. For being butt hurt, how could a guy like you hurt me? I really don't care. He is calling you out not me so uh, don't bring me in this.

BUT, I will buy a PC seeing if it doesn't come to ps3 (Really trying to save up but oh well. But I will continue to wait for a ps3 confirmation

Apr 28, 2011, 08:32 PM
This basically spells out two things:

1) You don't understand the nature of PSN and XBL
you shouldn't talk like you're the creator of both online services

2) You didn't read the posts a few pages back explaining all of this.
Maybe I haven't. Have you read all the others' posts with valid reasons on this thread?

You're basing your entire argument on what I can only guess is ignorance or at the very least a misunderstanding of the service that Sony and MS provide; and a false assumption that said service will still be around in 2014, let alone 2020. Sega is looking at all of this and (AGAIN) has already said "get a PC".

'ignorance' as you put it, could be a bliss and no one can predict with 100% accuracy the life span of any console in the market and that includes you as well. What's there to even misunderstand on this? In 2014, XBL would've been in service for over 8 years since 360 launched in late 2005 and it's user base will continue to expand until the time comes for MS to announce their successor eventually. It doesn't matter whether Sega will support PSO2 for 8 years til 2020 or even 2040, the initial user base during the first year of launch on any platform will decide either 'hit' or 'miss'. It's easier said than done to actually convince casual gamers on console and handhelds into committing themselves to play on pc just for 1 game without giving them much other option. If PSO2 ever turns out as a platinum hit on any current gen console, what's there to say that Sega won't port over any future expansion of PSO2 to their successor or any other next gen console?

Apr 28, 2011, 08:55 PM
you shouldn't talk like you're the creator of both online services

I've already explained this one to you, not going to do it again. I know more about this than you think. read the posts, it's all in there

Maybe I haven't. Have you read all the others' posts with valid reasons on this thread?

I've read every post in this thread at least once, some twice.

'ignorance' as you put it, could be a bliss and no one can predict with 100% accuracy the life span of any console in the market and that includes you as well. What's there to even misunderstand on this? In 2014, XBL would've been in service for over 8 years since 360 launched in late 2005 and it's user base will continue to expand until the time comes for MS to announce their successor eventually. It doesn't matter whether Sega will support PSO2 for 8 years til 2020 or even 2040, the initial user base during the first year of launch on any platform will decide either 'hit' or 'miss'. It's easier said than done to actually convince casual gamers on console and handhelds into committing themselves to play on pc just for 1 game without giving them much other option. If PSO2 ever turns out as a platinum hit on any current gen console, what's there to say that Sega won't port over any future expansion of PSO2 to their successor or any other next gen console?

If you've been reading what I said, you'd know I've stated it's not unreasonable to think the game might come out on next gen consoles. In any case, the PC provides an open platform for Sega to work on while the next gen consoles with all of their red tape are still being developed.

PS3 and 360(including their online services), like any console are built on planned obsolescence and it's unwise to sink extensive resources into something that hinges on so many conditions with no known answers at this stage when they want to have an opportunity for continued support well into this decade. I've outlined the risks, if you want to know them, feel free to look through these pages for your answers. No offense, but unless you need me to elaborate on something, I'm not writing it out again.

Apr 28, 2011, 09:02 PM
Guys! Stop fighting! ;o;

We're all Phatansy Star fans! ;o;

Theres so few of us! ;o;

You're tearing me apart! ;o;

Apr 28, 2011, 09:05 PM
1.) It's a point of discussion I have interest in and I have finals I'm studying for and papers to write. I come here when I need a break.

5.) See? I knew you guys knew eachother.

I thought you said we were the same person lol,

I tried to get them to stop fighting honest! but they didn't listen =(, sniff sniff all I want is PSO 2 to be a good gaaaaame

Apr 28, 2011, 09:06 PM
Guys! Stop fighting! ;o;

We're all Phatansy Star fans! ;o;

Theres so few of us! ;o;

You're tearing me apart! ;o;

the "fight" as you put it ended a while ago ;_;

Apr 28, 2011, 09:06 PM
Now we can all be friends and put this behind us =D!!!

Apr 28, 2011, 09:09 PM
I thought you said we were the same person lol,

I tried to get them to stop fighting honest! but they didn't listen =(, sniff sniff all I want is PSO 2 to be a good gaaaaame

Actually what I said was it seemed there were two or three of you guys that knew each other irl and had more than one account each.

I also may have said something about you guys having sleepovers in your mom's basements. :-?

I was close, dammit.

Apr 28, 2011, 09:15 PM
Actually what I said was it seemed there were two or three of you guys that knew each other irl and had more than one account each.

I also may have said something about you guys having sleepovers in your mom's basements. :-?

I was close, dammit.

You were!, perhaps too close.... now anyways back on topic, if PSO 2 becomes a hit as an PC exclusive, do you think it should be ported to a console, including next gens

Apr 28, 2011, 09:16 PM
They could move data,but after the external intrusion Sony may change things. I doubt it but...who knows

Apr 28, 2011, 09:36 PM
You were!, perhaps too close.... now anyways back on topic, if PSO 2 becomes a hit as an PC exclusive, do you think it should be ported to a console, including next gens

I think if it will be ported to ANY consoles it will undoubtedly be the next gens, and judging by MS's reluctance to put pay to play games on their system, and the fact that a MS port would have almost no base in japan itself, it's likely to be a PS4 title if any.

That is conjecture though. Sega would have to feel there are enough prospective players on that platform to merit going through the trouble of recoding and restructuring the game as well as having US and EU teams to support the move financially. it would also require that sony have a network infrastructure and policy that lent itself to sega's design.

For example if sony was against it because of login procedures and security risks, required that you be logged into PSN, which by then may be a paid service, or wanted a kick back of the revenue, sega might not want to go along with it.

You also have to understand that coding for PS3 takes longer/more work due to the way they have the thing designed. PS3s are insane in terms of their CPUs. some organizations (the US government to be named amongst them) have used them in processor sharing to make "cheap"(we're talking about hundreds of PS3s for one of these) but powerful supercomputers. their GPUs are nothing special, but the actual raw processing power of the machine is kinda absurd considering they're just HT/Gaming console. If the PS4 is as elaborate, dev costs could be really high, which would be another reason for Sega to avoid it all together.

So yeah in the future it's possible, but its a gamble. and why wait?

Apr 28, 2011, 09:41 PM
I think if it will be ported to ANY consoles it will undoubtedly be the next gens, and judging by MS's reluctance to put pay to play games on their system, and the fact that a MS port would have almost no base in japan itself, it's likely to be a PS4 title if any.

That is conjecture though. Sega would have to feel there are enough prospective players on that platform to merit going through the trouble of recoding and restructuring the game as well as having US and EU teams to support the move financially. it would also require that sony have a network infrastructure and policy that lent itself to sega's design.

For example if sony was against it because of login procedures and security risks, required that you be logged into PSN, which by then may be a paid service, or wanted a kick back of the revenue, sega might not want to go along with it.

You also have to understand that coding for PS3 takes longer/more work due to the way they have the thing designed. PS3s are insane in terms of their CPUs. some organizations (the US government to be named amongst them) have used them in processor sharing to make "cheap"(we're talking about hundreds of PS3s for one of these) but powerful supercomputers. their GPUs are nothing special, but the actual raw processing power of the machine is kinda absurd considering they're just HT/Gaming console. If the PS4 is as elaborate, dev costs could be really high, which would be another reason for Sega to avoid it all together.

So yeah in the future it's possible, but its a gamble. and why wait?

I actually read this entire thing and yeah this is pretty much true. but if they just stick to one console and PC with conjoined servers I can see it happening, that's all I am saying. But with the ps4 in maybe 3-4 years who knows.

Apr 28, 2011, 09:50 PM
I think if it will be ported to ANY consoles it will undoubtedly be the next gens, and judging by MS's reluctance to put pay to play games on their system, and the fact that a MS port would have almost no base in japan itself, it's likely to be a PS4 title if any.
The most recent and prevalent information regarding next gen consoles state that both Microsoft and Sony want to hold out until 2014 to release any devices. It's been stated by trusted sources that Microsoft has just started working on prototypes; PSO 2 is a 2011 - or possibly -- 2012 release. If it's going to be released for any console it'll be for the hardware that's available today. The earliest you'll see a true next gen console -- unlike what Nintendo is going to unveil at this year's E3 -- will be in 2013 at the earliest.

That is conjecture though. Sega would have to feel there are enough prospective players on that platform to merit going through the trouble of recoding and restructuring the game as well as having US and EU teams to support the move financially. it would also require that sony have a network infrastructure and policy that lent itself to sega's design.

Porting a game over to another platform isn't as hard as you're making it out to be. Neither is setting up a billing/subscription system for other platforms where those type of systems already exist. The PS3 currently supports an MMO, DCUO and was going to support the now-canceled The Agency title. And the PS2 even supported an MMO, FFXI. Therefore, there is no doubt that it could support another MMO or action RPG with a subscription model. PSU is comparable to White Knight Chronicles which is a PS3 exclusive action RPG with online play much like PSU.

For example if sony was against it because of login procedures and security risks, required that you be logged into PSN, which by then may be a paid service, or wanted a kick back of the revenue, sega might not want to go along with it.

You also have to understand that coding for PS3 takes longer/more work due to the way they have the thing designed. PS3s are insane in terms of their CPUs. some organizations (the US government to be named amongst them) have used them in processor sharing to make "cheap"(we're talking about hundreds of PS3s for one of these) but powerful supercomputers. their GPUs are nothing special, but the actual raw processing power of the machine is kinda absurd considering they're just HT/Gaming console. If the PS4 is as elaborate, dev costs could be really high, which would be another reason for Sega to avoid it all together.

So yeah in the future it's possible, but its a gamble. and why wait?

And rest of this is unnecessary conjecture. It's all very misleading.

Apr 28, 2011, 09:52 PM
DCUO, DC Universe Online. Hey, guess what? DC Comics are huge and are wildly popular in the Western world. Guess what is not huge and popular in the Western world? Oh yeah, Phantasy Star. You guys are under the impression that Phantasy Star is on the same terms as DC Comics and it will do just as well as DCUO, which is so wrong.

So then they make it also on ps3, then you got two groups of players who can play it instead of one. Thus making more profit, and if the game is generally good. Getting a bigger fanbase in the process.


Also this maybe somewhat contradicting, but if the game doesn't come out on PS3, I will still get it.

Now whether or not its Pay to Play or Buy to play is a whole other story.

Apr 28, 2011, 09:53 PM
They tried to do that with PSU on the 360. I wonder how that turned out.

Apr 28, 2011, 09:56 PM
I actually read this entire thing and yeah this is pretty much true. but if they just stick to one console and PC with conjoined servers I can see it happening, that's all I am saying. But with the ps4 in maybe 3-4 years who knows.

Again, ps3 is unlikely only because they'll inevitably have to drop support for it unless sony offers full backwards compatibility for PS3 games including access to PSN. On the one hand, most people would agree sony would be retarded not to have their next console do exactly this. On the other hand, only the first two revisions of the PS3 support PS2 at all, and 360's backwards compatibility is abysmal, so this is a toss up.

Combine that with no way of knowing about how sony will have PSN for PS4 setup and it's not worth the investment on such a large gamble.

That said, this is likely a large part as to why sega set the bar so low for the system reqs. they figured they wanted to do as little as possible to alienate the console gaming community. While this couldn't possibly mean a console port, if the tech specs fairly low, it was more likely that people who were not normally PC gamers would be able to get a cheap video card or perhaps didn't have to do anything at all.

I actually built my PC cause my last computer was horribly outdated. And while I primarily needed it for school. I'm a gamer and built this thing for gaming. I knew when I built this that PSO2 was PC only and anticipated high specs due to it being a 2011 games so I spent a good chunk of cash making sure I'd be able to keep up. imagine how stupid I felt when I saw "7800gt".

...Ok it's still satisfying as hell to be able to run almost all my games at well over 120fps

So yeah, you don't need anything state of the art.

Apr 28, 2011, 10:02 PM
Porting a game over to another platform isn't as hard as you're making it out to be. Neither is setting up a billing/subscription system for other platforms where those type of systems already exist. The PS3 currently supports an MMO, DCUO and was going to support the now-canceled The Agency title. And the PS2 even supported an MMO, FFXI. Therefore, there is no doubt that it could support another MMO or action RPG with a subscription model. PSU is comparable to White Knight Chronicles which is a PS3 exclusive action RPG with online play much like PSU.

I know all of this. But it's also not dragging a notepad document into a window and hitting "compile".

they also would have to remove all semblance of the PC interface(read: anything that uses a kb)

Even DCUO requires PSN to use. With PSN down this week DCUO is inaccessible to that entire community. Why would sega want to deal with that? In addition, who's to say sony will allow PS3s onto PSN a year after a PS4 is released? Put that together, man. If PSN is down permanently, all PSO2 players on PS3 would be cut off. Even if that were 3 years from now, Thats an investment lost.

Apr 28, 2011, 10:12 PM
I know all of this. But even DCUO requires PSN to use. With PSN down this week DCUO is inaccessible to that entire community. Why would sega want to deal with that? In addition, who's to say sony will allow PS3s onto PSN a year after a PS4 is released? Put that together, man. If PSN is down permanently, all PSO2 players on PS3 would be cut off. Even if that were 3 years from now, Thats an investment lost.

First of all, the current state of PSN is the result of an unfortunate hack. PSN is not routinely down so Sega has nothing to worry about. Secondly, there's no reason to believe that PSN will be inaccessible when using a PS3 when the inevitable PS4 comes out. A new Sony console will not be released until 2013 at the earliest. By then PSO 2 will either already be out for the PS3 or will still be a PC only title with a small dedicated community. Furthermore, Sony has consistently stated that they will support their consoles for 10 years. When the PS2 came out, PS1 games were still being released. And yes, PS2 games are still being released even though the PS3 has been on the market for years. It even has online play! (http://www.amazon.com/Madden-NFL-12-Playstation-2/dp/B002I0H0SA/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1304046607&sr=8-5) So this belief you have that releasing PSO 2 on the PS3 would be a terrible idea is unfounded.

Apr 28, 2011, 10:17 PM
Again, ps3 is unlikely only because they'll inevitably have to drop support for it unless sony offers full backwards compatibility for PS3 games including access to PSN. On the one hand, most people would agree sony would be retarded not to have their next console do exactly this. On the other hand, only the first two revisions of the PS3 support PS2 at all, and 360's backwards compatibility is abysmal, so this is a toss up.

Combine that with no way of knowing about how sony will have PSN for PS4 setup and it's not worth the investment on such a large gamble.

That said, this is likely a large part as to why sega set the bar so low for the system reqs. they figured they wanted to do as little as possible to alienate the console gaming community. While this couldn't possibly mean a console port, if the tech specs fairly low, it was more likely that people who were not normally PC gamers would be able to get a cheap video card or perhaps didn't have to do anything at all.

I actually built my PC cause my last computer was horribly outdated. And while I primarily needed it for school. I'm a gamer and built this thing for gaming. I knew when I built this that PSO2 was PC only and anticipated high specs due to it being a 2011 games so I spent a good chunk of cash making sure I'd be able to keep up. imagine how stupid I felt when I saw "7800gt".

...Ok it's still satisfying as hell to be able to run almost all my games at well over 120fps

So yeah, you don't need anything state of the art.

I am going to college next year and I would love to have a gaming Desktop for the heck of it, could you tell me what you have so I could custom build one.Would help give me an idea at what to aim for

Apr 28, 2011, 10:21 PM
First of all, the current state of PSN is the result of an unfortunate hack. PSN is not routinely down so Sega has nothing to worry about. Secondly, there's no reason to believe that PSN will be inaccessible when using a PS3 when the inevitable PS4 comes out. A new Sony console will not be released until 2013 at the earliest. By then PSO 2 will either already be out for the PS3 or will still be a PC only title with a small dedicated community. Furthermore, Sony has consistently stated that they will support their consoles for 10 years. When the PS2 came out, PS1 games were still being released. And yes, PS2 games are still being released even though the PS3 has been on the market for years. It even has online play! (http://www.amazon.com/Madden-NFL-12-Playstation-2/dp/B002I0H0SA/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1304046607&sr=8-5) So this belief you have that releasing PSO 2 on the PS3 would be a terrible idea is unfounded.

support is a loose term. support can mean anything from still offering repair services to manufacturing and distributing games.

Read what I said again. This has nothing to do with the recent attack. This has to do with to what extent sony will support the PS3 in the future and what happens when PSN is inaccessible. PSN is REQUIRED to use sony's online services. There is no online service for PS2, so this was not an issue. I'm not claiming to know anything beyond this. what I'm saying is sega doesn't know either and it seems you feel that they should take a leap of faith which may have dire consequences. They clearly don't want to risk it.

Apr 28, 2011, 10:22 PM
I am going to college next year and I would love to have a gaming laptop for the heck of it, could you tell me what you have so I could custom build one.

this aint no laptop, son.

Apr 28, 2011, 10:23 PM
this aint no laptop, son.

Meant to put desktop.I even edited it because I noticed it

Apr 28, 2011, 10:35 PM
Meant to put desktop.I even edited it because I noticed it

PMed you

Apr 28, 2011, 10:35 PM
support is a loose term. support can mean anything from still offering repair services to manufacturing and distributing games.

Read what I said again. This has nothing to do with the recent attack. This has to do with to what extent sony will support the PS3 in the future and what happens when PSN is inaccessible. PSN is REQUIRED to use sony's online services. There is no online service for PS2, so this was not an issue. I'm not claiming to know anything beyond this. what I'm saying is sega doesn't know either and it seems you feel that they should take a leap of faith which may have dire consequences. They clearly don't want to risk it.

There is absolutely nothing that should cause you to believe that. The only occurrence of an older online service being discontinued thus far is the end of the original Xbox Live service; it was just taken offline last year which was a whole 5 years after the Xbox 360 launched. By then, I very much doubt it'll be a huge hassle to get any PSO2 players to move from that platform to another like the PC. This already happened with the PS2 and PC version of PSU and no one lost their characters in the process.

If anything, you should be worried about Sega maintaining the online service for PSO 2 for US and European customers for more than a handful of years.

Apr 28, 2011, 10:38 PM
There is absolutely nothing to should cause you to believe that. The only precedent is that with the original Xbox Live service; it was just taken offline last year which was a whole 5 years after the Xbox 360 launched.

it was also a paid service. PSN is not

Apr 28, 2011, 10:39 PM
True. Sega closed the doors on their own service long before any console ever shut the services it ran on down. But who knows. True PSN is needed for connections. Something kind of odd because PSN is almost a dummy service that practically hands everything off once you're connected to said service. So there's some odd dependency on needing PSN to connect to something for that split second before they just hand everything off. Verification stuff? Some odd security check? Not sure. They certainly don't provide a comprehensive service layer with which developers don't have to code all their own protocols for. It's like they did everything to keep everything disconnected with the exception of requiring their service to up just so you can handshake to the developer service.

Apr 28, 2011, 10:40 PM
I might as well be arguing with a wall. I'm done with this.

Apr 28, 2011, 10:52 PM
I might as well be arguing with a wall. I'm done with this.

Ok bye, thanks for coming.

Anyway all I'm saying is there are a lot of assumptions to be made, and sega obviously is being cautious with theirs. I'm not saying it's going to go the way I'm projecting or not the way you are or whatever it is you think I'm saying. I'm saying we don't know, they don't know and it's better to be safe than sorry.

I've always seen myself as more of a rock than a wall...

Apr 28, 2011, 11:05 PM
^If that was just the wall,you probably don't want to speak to his face.
E3 can either make or break consoles...Maybe

Apr 28, 2011, 11:06 PM
Ok bye, thanks for coming.

Anyway all I'm saying is there are a lot of assumptions to be made, and sega obviously is being cautious with theirs. I'm not saying it's going to go the way I'm projecting or not the way you are or whatever it is you think I'm saying. I'm saying we don't know, they don't know and it's better to be safe than sorry.

I've always seen myself as more of a rock than a wall...
I had written a really nice post explaining how I just took issue with the scenarios you were envisioning and was putting an end to the back and forth. But then my computer inexplicably restarted and I lost it. :(

Anyway, I'm sure whatever platform the game is released for will be bale to properly support it. That was only a problem with the PS2 in the past and it was with the PS2 hardware, not the online service (or lack thereof). I know I wrote this earlier but it bears repeating: If there's anything we should be worried about it should be Sega and it's support of the game post-launch.

Apr 28, 2011, 11:10 PM
when IS this years E3 again?

/waiting to X off US/EU version confirmation to the "what would make this game perfect for me" checklist.

Next to global support, PSU's customization and lobby system, and a lot more weapons.

Apr 28, 2011, 11:11 PM
Summer, June

Apr 28, 2011, 11:14 PM
I had written a really nice post explaining how I just took issue with the scenarios you were envisioning and was putting an end to the back and forth. But then my computer inexplicably restarted and I lost it. :(

Anyway, I'm sure whatever platform the game is released for will be bale to properly support it. That was only a problem with the PS2 in the past and it was with the PS2 hardware, not the online service (or lack thereof). I know I wrote this earlier but it bears repeating: If there's anything we should be worried about it should be Sega and it's support of the game post-launch.

this has nothing to do with the hardware. the ps3 is more than able to handle the game. all I'm saying is there are a lot of unknowns and sega probably expects the game to last as long as blue burst. when you have a bunch of unknowns, the best way to avoid them is to plan around them - hence PC.

Think of it this way: it will start as a PC exclusive and Sega may then reevaluate the market and decide a port would turn a healthy profit. By the time they see these numbers, we may have more answers as far as sony's plans for the ps3 and the coming PS4. if we don't, they'll wait til they do. I believe they'll want to wait for a PS4 before the commit to a port.

Again, I'm not saying you're wrong or that the stuff I'm talking about is some dark apocalypse budding to fruition as we speak. I'm saying there are a lot of questions that need answers for sega to believe a port to PS3 would be a safe choice. For now, they're encouraging everyone who wants to play to look at PCs as an option.

Apr 28, 2011, 11:15 PM
If there's a time to work on a port, it is now. Not after a PC release. They have to capitalize on the buzz they can generate on the lead up to the PC version's launch. A console version a year or even 6 months after the PC release is unattractive. Especially in today's world where people jump from new popular game 'A' to new popular game 'B' every month. As is the case with Xbox 360 and PS3 games.

Also, releasing a console version after the PC version would require more PR resources and marketing to get people to pay attention to the ports.

Apr 28, 2011, 11:30 PM
it's that mindset that is part of the reason they're only going with a single platform. they know they have a market on PC with everyone migrating from PSOBB. and everyone on PSU in japan is on PC now since they dropped PS2.

you might not like hearing it, but that's as real as it gets.

Apr 28, 2011, 11:35 PM
We are starting to go in a cycle. New rule read the previous threads xD! And wait till E3 I am pretty sure NIlok is tired of retyping the same thing. If not...Go right on ahead with the conversation.

Perfect Troll
Apr 29, 2011, 12:19 AM
May have been said, but I can't be bothered to read 38 pages of rage.

Wasn't Sega hiring on PC, PS3, and 360 developers to work specifically on the PSO2 project, a while back?

Corey Blue
Apr 29, 2011, 12:24 AM
That doesn't mean it'll come out for PS3,or the Xbox,it's just people who have experience making games.It's like a resume almost.I have experience at this,so I can you help with that.

Apr 29, 2011, 12:30 AM
more like forming a team capable of tackling future projects

Apr 29, 2011, 01:00 AM
I have to say, this with Shining Force Cross Raid ported to the NGP(PSP2). Sega would be making moneeeeeeee!

Apr 29, 2011, 01:40 AM
If there's a time to work on a port, it is now. Not after a PC release. They have to capitalize on the buzz they can generate on the lead up to the PC version's launch. A console version a year or even 6 months after the PC release is unattractive. Especially in today's world where people jump from new popular game 'A' to new popular game 'B' every month. As is the case with Xbox 360 and PS3 games.

Also, releasing a console version after the PC version would require more PR resources and marketing to get people to pay attention to the ports.
Agree. We saw it with FF XI on 360, who came 5 years after PS2 version and the game was a totale failure. If Sega plans on making this game for PC & consoles, the consoles version should come before the end of 2012 worldwide

Apr 29, 2011, 02:15 AM
guess we won't be seeing a console version then =(

Apr 29, 2011, 02:20 AM
guess we won't be seeing a console version then =(

Likely not, BUT...

I' m guessing they're going to make a separate series for the portable market on either the NGP or the 3DS.

It would just make sense to have both bases covered seeing as the PSP games were a pretty big success.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:25 AM
I wouldn't mind a different series on the portables...

Maybe even a PSZ sequel on 3DS that could use the extra pace that the original PSZ needed for the game to be a lot more extensive and adventurous and less clunky feeling controls. Possibly filling in gaps with the big split up between PSZ and PSO with the story.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:31 AM
Likely not, BUT...

I' m guessing they're going to make a separate series for the portable market on either the NGP or the 3DS.

It would just make sense to have both bases covered seeing as the PSP games were a pretty big success.

Oh, I know there won't be a console version. I've been saying that this whole time xD

I agree though, a new portable series is highly probable.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:38 AM
What are the worldwide sales actually for PSU on consoles ? Just to know if there is a huge fan base compare to PC

Apr 29, 2011, 02:48 AM
A new portable series would be just as good as a console port to me, since they have their own online functions now and are just as powerful as last gen's consoles if not more

Apr 29, 2011, 02:48 AM
What are the worldwide sales actually for PSU on consoles ? Just to know if there is a huge fan base compare to PC

those numbers won't be accurate because the US release of the PC version didn't require a CD key

Apr 29, 2011, 02:52 AM
more like forming a team capable of tackling future projects
if you mean those 'future projects' as in porting over to next gen consoles only, then there's no practical reason to hire them this early during pc version development phase when there is not even any sign of next gen console development kit to become available any soon until 2014 as expected, because those PS3 and 360 developers hired are not likely participating in actual coding for pc version, they only need to be capable of porting it to next gen consoles in future.

So, it is quite reasonable to surmise that they are indeed already looking into possible console ports on current gen which still got at least 4+ years of life left and its user base(50mil and counting on 360 only worldwide) that will be at climax thru next gen launching year.

It's gotta be by the end of 2012 if ever as agreed but not earlier than mid 2012 or it will never happen on current gen console.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:56 AM
no, it's really not but go ahead and shut your eyes and scream at the top of your lungs real loud. maybe they'll hear you all the way in japan.

future projects had nothing to do with console ports. you're still not reading anything that's been said, so I'll leave it at that.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:58 AM
if you mean those 'future projects' as in porting over to next gen consoles only, then there's no practical reason to hire them this early during pc version development phase when there is not even any sign of next gen console development kit to become available any soon until 2014 as expected, because those PS3 and 360 developers hired are not likely participating in actual coding for pc version, they only need to be capable of porting it to next gen consoles in future.

So, it is quite reasonable to surmise that they are indeed already looking into possible console ports on current gen which still got at least 4+ years of life left and its user base(50mil and counting on 360 only worldwide) that will be at climax thru next gen launching year.

It's gotta be by the end of 2012 if ever as agreed but not earlier than mid 2012 or it will never happen on current gen console.

I don't think you understood what he said. "Future projects", meaning that once development on PSO2 is done they want their new employees to be able to work on their other games too. Since Sega doesn't make many PC games, they want someone who can work on their primary platforms: consoles and portables.

Apr 29, 2011, 03:01 AM
I don't think you understood what he said. "Future projects", meaning that once development on PSO2 is done they want their new employees to be able to work on their other games too. Since Sega doesn't make many PC games, they want someone who can work on their primary platforms: consoles and portables.

Thank you. I thought that was obvious, but evidently not.

Apr 29, 2011, 03:08 AM
I don't know what you've been smoking really but they said they were hiring for this PSO2 project specifically, it had nothing to do with doing any other console projects other than PSO2. What the heck have you been reading?
Sega of Japan is Hiring Three Developers for Phantasy Star Online 2

Apr 29, 2011, 03:11 AM
I don't know what you've been smoking really but they said they were hiring for this PSO2 project specifically, it had nothing to do with doing any other console projects other than PSO2. What the heck have you been reading?
Sega of Japan is Hiring Three Developers for Phantasy Star Online 2

....yes, and after PSO2 is finished, do you think they're just going to lay those developers off?

Apr 29, 2011, 03:13 AM
Seph, he's clearly brain damaged. Let him dream.

Apr 29, 2011, 03:26 AM
maybe it's about time to lay off smoking weird stuffs and go to bed for real

Apr 29, 2011, 03:27 AM
Yes sir, yes sir!

Perfect Troll
Apr 29, 2011, 04:17 AM
I feel that you guys aren't being very nice, what with the condescension towards people who views different from yours.

If you think that PSO2 will not be available for consoles, because it'd just be too much trouble, what with updating and all, then I have some bad news. If the servers are region locked, then we probably won't be seeing any English release for the game, as the PC/PS2 servers didn't fair too well over here in the past. Why would they bother with us? We're second market. We've seen how much attention we currently get from Devs on PSU, as it is.

It really seems like there is wishful thinking on both sides of this coin.

Apr 29, 2011, 04:50 AM
I feel that you guys aren't being very nice, what with the condescension towards people who views different from yours.

If you think that PSO2 will not be available for consoles, because it'd just be too much trouble, what with updating and all, then I have some bad news. If the servers are region locked, then we probably won't be seeing any English release for the game, as the PC/PS2 servers didn't fair too well over here in the past. Why would they bother with us? We're second market. We've seen how much attention we currently get from Devs on PSU, as it is.

It really seems like there is wishful thinking on both sides of this coin.

Read the thread. the condescending only comes out when people ignore what's being said, or twist it to fit their argument. I have yet to assume the game is coming out to the US, but those of us who want to play will always have our ways.

Apr 29, 2011, 08:22 AM
I'll play it on whatever system I have to, even if that means PC.

But I would greatly prefer to play this on a console, that's for sure.

That is all from me.

Apr 29, 2011, 08:59 AM
PSU FanBlog says so:

PC ONLY, deal with it.

Apr 29, 2011, 10:10 AM
I think it's funny how many of these threads there are and the conclusion is always the same. Keep 'em coming. ;-)

Apr 29, 2011, 11:02 AM
I'll play it on whatever system I have to, even if that means PC.

But I would greatly prefer to play this on a console, that's for sure.

That is all from me.

Same for me, even if I would prefer to play it on my 360

Apr 29, 2011, 11:04 AM
PSU FanBlog says so:

PC ONLY, deal with it.

You know, PSU blog says it because actually it has only been announced for PC, but one thing nobody knows actually is if PSO2 will be PC only. Only Sega know their plans for the game. You're perhaps right, PSO2 will perhaps stay PC only, but nobody can actualy say that.

Apr 29, 2011, 11:05 AM
I think it's funny how many of these threads there are and the conclusion is always the same.

What conclusion lol?


Apr 29, 2011, 11:23 AM
What conclusion lol?



Apr 29, 2011, 02:15 PM
PC only babeh! ^_^

Console kids will just have to buy a gaming PC muahahahaha!

Better start saving yo monies!! n_n

Apr 29, 2011, 02:22 PM
PC only babeh! ^_^

Console kids will just have to buy a gaming PC muahahahaha!

Better start saving yo monies!! n_n

Saving up for a Tower just in case >=(

Corey Blue
Apr 29, 2011, 02:23 PM
Working on it!! gonna get a gaming laptop.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:24 PM
Already on it!! (gaming laptop)


Corey Blue
Apr 29, 2011, 02:25 PM

Just edited my post,and yeah I was thinking alienware but it's to damn high.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:30 PM
Working on it!! gonna get a gaming laptop.

Nooo! Get a desktop.

Much easier to upgrade incase you ever need to.

Plus it would be cheaper aswell especially if you build your own which isnt hard at all. It may seem intimidating, but it's actually quite easy. Unless you are compeltely PC illiterate lol.

Right now you can get a GTX 460 for about 200bucks. That Card can play any modern game at full settings with 1080p resolution. Pair that bad boy up with one of the new Intel Core i7's and you'll be set not just for PSo2 but for many other games with much better graphics than Pso2.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:30 PM
There is a really good gaming laptop for $600 or $700 dollars. And it is Alienware. I'm gonna get that

Apr 29, 2011, 02:31 PM
Nooo! Get a desktop.

Much easier to upgrade incase you ever need to.

Plus it would be cheaper aswell especially if you build your own which isnt hard at all. It may seem intimidating, but it's actually quite easy. Unless you are compeltely PC illiterate lol.

Right now you can get a GTX 460 for about 200bucks. That Card can play any modern game at full settings with 1080p resolution. Pair that bad boy up with one of the new Intel Core i7's and you'll be set not just for PSo2 but for many other games with much better graphics than Pso2.

Lol I have consoles for that. I only need it for PSO2

Apr 29, 2011, 02:38 PM
Lol I have consoles for that. I only need it for PSO2

No you dont lmao.

Consoles can barely do 720p some games arent even 720p, they are just upscaled to 720p haha. I think there's only a handful of games that are 1080 but they are either old games from Xbox Live Arcade that have been updated to HD or crappy sports games that no oen wants to play. As for the GOOD games like the popular ones. COD, Gears, Halo, KillZone, RE5, Uncharted 2 etc etc all run on 720 ONLY. COD and halo run at a subpar 720p res though (fake HD).

Plus there's a bunch more options that make the graphics look better on PC that consoles just dont have. Technically they have them, they just dont turn em on to keep a smooth framerate.

Mostly Anti Alliasing which makes a HUGE difference in image quality. All PC games run on 1920/1080 natively (if you have the hardware of course).

So no you DONT have consoles for that lol.

That said if you are ignorant to what a PC can really do or just dont care this wont matter much to you =P

Corey Blue
Apr 29, 2011, 02:39 PM
Nooo! Get a desktop.

Much easier to upgrade incase you ever need to.

Plus it would be cheaper aswell especially if you build your own which isnt hard at all. It may seem intimidating, but it's actually quite easy. Unless you are compeltely PC illiterate lol.

Right now you can get a GTX 460 for about 200bucks. That Card can play any modern game at full settings with 1080p resolution. Pair that bad boy up with one of the new Intel Core i7's and you'll be set not just for PSo2 but for many other games with much better graphics than Pso2.

I'm gonna be on the move alot so I gotta get a laptop,plus everyone's gonna wanna use it when they come over,I like my privacy.;-) (I just need one that doesn't have a dedicated graphics card right?)

Apr 29, 2011, 02:40 PM
No you dont lmao.

Consoles can barely do 720p some games arent even 720p, they are just upscaled to 720p haha. I think there's only a handful of games that are 1080 but they are either old games from Xbox Live Arcade that have been updated to HD or crappy sports games that no oen wants to play. As for the GOOD games like the popular ones. COD, Gears, Halo, KillZone, RE5, Uncharted 2 etc etc all run on 720 ONLY. COD and halo run at a subpar 720p res though (fake HD).

Plus there's a bunch more options that make the graphics look better on PC that consoles just dont have. Technically they have them, they just dont turn em on to keep a smooth framerate.

Mostly Anti Alliasing which makes a HUGE difference in image quality. All PC games run on 1920/1080 natively (if you have the hardware of course).

So no you DONT have consoles for that lol.

That said if you are ignorant to what a PC can really do or just dont care this wont matter much to you =P

Sorry I care for gameplay xD. Graphics ,mainly Resolutions, don't phase me. But thanks for the advice

Corey Blue
Apr 29, 2011, 02:42 PM
Ibuypower got some deals on desktops,real cheap too,I might actually buy one.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:49 PM
I'm gonna be on the move alot so I gotta get a laptop,plus everyone's gonna wanna use it when they come over,I like my privacy.;-) (I just need one that doesn't have a dedicated graphics card right?)

To be honest I wont be much help with laptops. Since i've only used crappy non gaming ones for school stuff.

The only thing I use for my house is my PC. When someone asks me for a gaming PC I only recomend desktops for the obvious reasons. That said I can only help you out with desktop stuff not laptop stuff since I dont know much about gaming laptops at all.

But ya since you're gonna be on the go alot I guess a gaming laptop would be nice :) I just dont know what to recomend to you.

Apr 29, 2011, 02:51 PM
I would personally get a tower just cause I have a HD tv with HDMI support plus PC support.I would save 300 or more dollars for it. All thanks to Mr.Niklive..I butchered his name

Corey Blue
Apr 29, 2011, 02:53 PM
To be honest I wont be much help with laptops. Since i've only used crappy non gaming ones for school stuff.

The only thing I use for my house is my PC. When someone asks me for a gaming PC I only recomend desktops for the obvious reasons. That said I can only help you out with desktop stuff not laptop stuff since I dont know much about gaming laptops at all.

But ya since you're gonna be on the go alot I guess a gaming laptop would be nice :) I just dont know what to recomend to you.

I just made a desktop,I'm going to PM you all the details,just let me know if it's good.=] I wanna more games then PSO 2 so this should be it.I'm going to be getting it in a few weeks.

Apr 29, 2011, 03:07 PM

Or you could build it yourself and not get ripped off. I hear a lot of bad things about them.

Corey Blue
Apr 29, 2011, 03:15 PM
Yeah I'm actually looking at this new alienware 14 that just came out,I'm not going more then 2000.

Apr 29, 2011, 03:18 PM
Yeah I'm actually looking at this new alienware 14 that just came out,I'm not going more then 2000.

Oh man, if you have 2000 to spend you should totaly try builing your own. With 2000 you can buld an awesome gaming PC.

Ima look at your message in a sec. However you should put it here as well so other PC guys can give their advice aswell.

Apr 29, 2011, 03:19 PM
building one is cheaper and more fulfilling. plus you get to design it from the inside out.

I built a new rig two months ago for 1100 dollars. thats on the expensive side but I also bought state of the art stuff. if I tried to get the something similar out of a retail mid tower I'd have spent another 400 all said and done and I still wouldn't be happy with it

QUOTE=dias_flac_0g;2626842]Oh man, if you have 2000 to spend you should totaly try builing your own. With 2000 you can buld an awesome gaming PC.

Ima look at your message in a sec. However you should put it here as well so other PC guys can give their advice aswell.[/QUOTE]

absolutely do not buy alienware. biggest ripoff ever and now they're owned by dell which is just laughable

Apr 29, 2011, 03:29 PM
building one is cheaper and more fulfilling. plus you get to design it from the inside out.

I built a new rig two months ago for 1100 dollars. thats on the expensive side but I also bought state of the art stuff. if I tried to get the something similar out of a retail mid tower I'd have spent another 400 all said and done and I still wouldn't be happy with it

QUOTE=dias_flac_0g;2626842]Oh man, if you have 2000 to spend you should totaly try builing your own. With 2000 you can buld an awesome gaming PC.

Ima look at your message in a sec. However you should put it here as well so other PC guys can give their advice aswell.

absolutely do not buy alienware. biggest ripoff ever and now they're owned by dell which is just laughable[/QUOTE]

Ya exactly. You dont need over 1200 to build yourself a nice gaming PC.

I looked at the specs for the PC he wants to get, and they are ok but he's still better off builing his own. Again he should just post it here so we all can see and help him out.

Corey Blue
Apr 29, 2011, 03:29 PM
Where do you get the part's from?? Like best buy or something,I got a big check coming soon and if I could get things ready before then,that would be nice.Ok I know what part's I need now,I can easily go to geek squad and they should fix this up for me hopefully.Gonna give them a call.

Apr 29, 2011, 03:37 PM
Look before you buy anything check out this site. It's my personal fav PC site. They have a ton of helpful stuff. They review GPU's, CPU's, PSU's, RAM etc etc just about anything PC related.

They also have a really helpful forum and they have their own guides on what you should buy to build your own PC.

I got the link straight for the article so you wont have to do anything other than click on it :)


The one I recomend from that list is the "Sweeter Spot" one. You have 2000 to spend so you are set. On another note, I would get the Nvidia card over the ATI one. I'm not a fanboy of either brand I just like Nvidia more because i've had very lil problems with them. But that's your call.

Some like ATI over Nvidia others like Nvidia more. Whatever you choose they are both good. I just happen to like Nvidia better.

Also, you get all these parts online from a very popular store called Newegg.com

It's an awesome and trustworthy store. They ship really fast as well. handsdown the best place to shop for PC parts.

Apr 29, 2011, 03:41 PM
Where do you get the part's from?? Like best buy or something,I got a big check coming soon and if I could get things ready before then,that would be nice.

depends on where you live. you can get small stuff like cables or fans on amazon.

I ended up getting a lot of my stuff from newegg.

I got my CPU(the processor) from a place called microcenter. They go way below retail on CPUs. Like you can get an i5 2500k for $180 and a i7 2600k for $270 last I checked. The snag is you have to buy it from an actual store - no ordering it online, so you have to live close to one. They also will match the prices of places like tigerdirect and newegg,

Corey Blue
Apr 29, 2011, 04:15 PM
Yeah I'm checking out newegg now,gotta get out of my lazy mode and do this.

Apr 29, 2011, 04:20 PM
I looked at that techspot article that dias linked you to. the sweeter spot system there has some stuff listed I don't really agree with. It's very similar to my current rig, except I was a bit more economical.

you don't need a SSD, you don't need a 3rd party sound card unless you're an audiophile, you don't need a bluray burner, and you don't need to spend 160 dollars on a case. otherwise that's almost the exact same computer I've got. motherboard, cpu, ram, etc.

Apr 29, 2011, 04:30 PM
I looked at that techspot article that dias linked you to. the sweeter spot system there has some stuff listed I don't really agree with. It's very similar to my current rig, except I was a bit more economical.

you don't need a SSD, you don't need a 3rd party sound card unless you're an audiophile, you don't need a bluray burner, and you don't need to spend 160 dollars on a case. otherwise that's almost the exact same computer I've got. motherboard, cpu, ram, etc.

Ya he doesnt really need all that, but he can get it if he wants it. I just posted the link to give him a more vivid picture of what he needs to get.

Even techreports has alternatives listed there. I just wanted him to have a basic guide for what he should be getting.

That said i'm with you. I would save the extra money since i dont really need a BR burner or a soundcard. The onboard audio is good enough for me. back in the day onboard audio sucked but now days it's really good.

Apr 29, 2011, 04:38 PM
right. plus the main reason for a soundcard is to offload those processes to free up the system. now adays machines are so powerful they don't get bogged down like that.

But yeah, you can build a really good gaming rig for under 1200 that gives you the freedom of expansion and upgrades.

Apr 29, 2011, 09:23 PM
Or you could wait until the game actually comes out. As far as the recommended specs go from the alpha go, it looks like PSO2 won't be that computer intensive. Of course getting an i7 with a great graphics card and then stuffing that baby full of RAM will let you crank the settings up to eleven, but I'm pretty sure you could get by with an i3 paired with a halfway decent graphics card and still be able to play just fine.

Apr 29, 2011, 09:49 PM
i really dont care what it comes out for all i know is it looks good if its PC ill jsut hook a controller up to my computer to me system is not a big deal

Apr 29, 2011, 09:55 PM
Or you could wait until the game actually comes out. As far as the recommended specs go from the alpha go, it looks like PSO2 won't be that computer intensive. Of course getting an i7 with a great graphics card and then stuffing that baby full of RAM will let you crank the settings up to eleven, but I'm pretty sure you could get by with an i3 paired with a halfway decent graphics card and still be able to play just fine.

He said he wants to play other games besides PSO2. So if he wants to play games like RE5, Crysis, Black Ops etc etc with all the settings maxed out he's gonna need a lil more than just a cheap graphics card and CPU.

Apr 30, 2011, 02:48 PM
so I guess no one's interested anymore?

Corey Blue
Apr 30, 2011, 02:51 PM
so I guess no one's interested anymore?

Is the ASUS laptop a good deal? I checked them out today,I'm looking at PC cases right now.

Apr 30, 2011, 02:52 PM
Buying a laptop is never a good idea if you ever plan on playing games. It may work reasonably now, but when it comes time to upgrade, you're boned.

Apr 30, 2011, 02:54 PM
I don't see the hype in laptops...I never seen people take advantage of it's portability... especially not since the smart phone generation moved in.

Apr 30, 2011, 02:58 PM
you'd have to show me the laptop, asus is a good company, but I really wouldn't ever recommend a laptop for gaming and no matter what kind of tower you get, building one will be cheaper. but show me and I'll see whats up.

as far as cases, you can get some really nice cases for $100 and less. You really only need a mid tower, so try to ignore full tower cases.

I'm currently using an Antec 902 case. cooler master's HAF series is also good. there's also the Lancool K62. I'm going off of memory here, there are more out there.

EDIT: Here's the reason everyone is so anti-laptop: it's pretty much an as-is situation. The GPU is a fixed part of the computer as is the processor. the only thing syou can really upgrade are ram to a certain point and replacing the HDD. after that it's as it is. Also if it breaks for some reason you have to send it in for repair unless you know your way around them - they're typically not built for end-user repairs and mods.

a desktop on the other hand you can add all kinda of things and you get way more power for less money. They're extremely DIY friendly. If the video card goes out or you just need to upgrade, you buy a new card, open the case and you're back up and running in less than 10 minutes. you also have more versatility since they have real expansion options. and again, this is all for less money than a laptop. that's why people are pointing you in that direction. in the long run you'll be much happier.

Corey Blue
Apr 30, 2011, 03:23 PM
You guys changed my mind,because really I doubt I'll be taking my laptop everywhere,and I do love upgrades,so yeah I'll be getting a desktop by the end of the summer.=) (I do have a big check coming,so money is not a problem.) I'm not even sure if I'm gonna build one,because I like to be straight forward in purchasing things.I got a alienware desktop on my mind,I know it's alien ware and they high as hell but I got till end of the summer to pick and choose.Oh and Nilok I'm gonna send you this desktop spec.

Apr 30, 2011, 04:12 PM
Agreed with NIloklikes for laptops versus desktops. Unless you really need the portability; desktops are the way to go for games. I have a Asus 10" netbook which works for school since pretty much all I do is check email, use office and check facebook. Fits in my bag and works well enough. If you really want portability and the ability to play games on your laptop spend a little extra to get an ion or something to be able to play on low settings.

"Gaming laptops" are pretty much an oxymoron. Any laptop with decent enough specs is going to be too big to carry around making the portable part completely null. For games, make your own desktop. Then you can swap out as you need. It's expensive upfront but a good investment in the long run.

Apr 30, 2011, 06:11 PM
Look at PSU when it was first released on PC/PS2. Look at it now that it's PC only. 100x better. But JP only because the console was holding it back while Segac raped it in America, and they know this but won't admit it.

Apr 30, 2011, 06:15 PM
You guys changed my mind,because really I doubt I'll be taking my laptop everywhere,and I do love upgrades,so yeah I'll be getting a desktop by the end of the summer.=) (I do have a big check coming,so money is not a problem.) I'm not even sure if I'm gonna build one,because I like to be straight forward in purchasing things.I got a alienware desktop on my mind,I know it's alien ware and they high as hell but I got till end of the summer to pick and choose.Oh and Nilok I'm gonna send you this desktop spec.

Dude, just build your own barebone PC. They keep getting cheaper and cheaper, and more powerful, if not the same amount of power as an Alienware. My friend just put together his own for 800 dollars, and it goes waaaaAy over the system requirements of all the most demanding PC games out there. Plus it's fun building your own PC might I add.

Apr 30, 2011, 06:17 PM
He said he wants to play other games besides PSO2. So if he wants to play games like RE5, Crysis, Black Ops etc etc with all the settings maxed out he's gonna need a lil more than just a cheap graphics card and CPU.

100 bucks tops for a card to max those games out.

Apr 30, 2011, 07:52 PM
where are you buying your parts? O_o

No but seriously it's called looking ahead, and your statement isn't true for many games to come out this year.

May 1, 2011, 03:22 AM
Look at PSU when it was first released on PC/PS2. Look at it now that it's PC only. 100x better. But JP only because the console was holding it back while Segac raped it in America, and they know this but won't admit it.
PS2 version was the lead for PSU that's why PC and 360 version are technically completely out of this gen. This time with PSO2, PC version is the lead and that will be good if a PS3/360 version comes out, it will be the same as PC, as the technical spec are almost the same

May 1, 2011, 03:25 AM
PS2 version was the lead for PSU that's why PC and 360 version are technically completely out of this gen. This time with PSO2, PC version is the lead and that will be good if a PS3/360 version comes out, it will be the same as PC, as the technical spec are almost the same

I hope what you mean to say is that a 360 has many of the same features of a PC. You can buy a video card that will run circles around a 360 for 70 bucks.

Heck, CPUs have graphics processors built into their cores that can run on par with a 360.

May 1, 2011, 04:15 AM
I said that the technical spec announced by Sega for PSO2, are almost the same as the 360 spec.

May 1, 2011, 04:21 AM
that's not what you said, and they might have to tone it down a little, but ok.

May 1, 2011, 04:56 AM
100 bucks tops for a card to max those games out.

Insted of pulling stuff out of your ass you should be more helpful.

Dont speak if you dont know anything xD

Name a card that cost 100 bucks that can max out Crysis 2 with AFx16 AAx16 with SS and all of the in game bells and whistles at 1920/1080 resolution at a smooth 60 FPS. Sure a 100 dollar card can indeed "max out" these games but it will play em like **** will probably run Crysis at like 25 FPS eww who the hell wants to play like that?

If you can and provide some proof i will eat my words.

Sorry I dont mean to be a dick, but we are just trying to help the guy not confuse him.

If he wants a good gaming desktop he's gonna have to get a GTX 460 and up (I would recomend a GTX 560i imo) and these cards are not 100 bucks. You can pick up a beefed up OC GTX 460 for about 200 bucks right now (which isnt expensive at all for what you are getting) or a highly OC gtx 560i zotac amp edition for about 270 which will give him awesome gaming performance without having to chop off an arm for it lol.

May 1, 2011, 05:00 AM
Who cares about Crysis? It's optimized horribly, and that's the only reason it's so popularly used as a benchmark.

Also, anything above 4xAA is completely and utterly useless.

May 1, 2011, 05:39 AM
That more or less depends on the size of your screen and resolution though. what looks great on a 21" at 1600x1050 won't look the same on a 27" at 1920x1080.

for some people it's tolerable, for others its not.

the point is I've yet to see a $100 card that was up to snuff. yeah you could run this game no prob and I haven't tried running RE5 nor have I looked at the specs, but newer more demanding games most certainly will not get much out of a cheap card.

May 1, 2011, 05:51 AM
That more or less depends on the size of your screen and resolution though. what looks great on a 21" at 1600x1050 won't look the same on a 27" at 1920x1080.

for some people it's tolerable, for others its not.

the point is I've yet to see a $100 card that was up to snuff. yeah you could run this game no prob and I haven't tried running RE5 nor have I looked at the specs, but newer more demanding games most certainly will not get much out of a cheap card.

There are semi newer HD Radeons in the 6000 series that are $100 and work pretty well on newer games. And I think they might be DX11 compatible? Either way they have been doing decent with game benchmarks and whatnot.

Get maybe 1 or 2 of those in your computer and get some good and cheap RAM and you should be good to go.

Personally I'm running a Geforce 9600 GT I believe with only 4GB of RAM (still on 32bit XP) and an Intel Core Duo 2 (dual core at 3.0GHz) and I can run Crysis pretty darn well on either my smaller screen or on the 60 inch bigscreen tv at whatever the highest setting I can have on that it. (at highest setting I can't go max but its not that laggy, and just lower the options a little bit gets it smooth enough to look nice in motion.)

So I figure if my graphics card that was about $120-$150 back when I bought it 3 or so years ago can run Crysis well enough or any other game that's come out since then that I played recently. Then most newer graphics cards of a similar price should be way more than enough to run most games beautifully.

May 1, 2011, 05:56 AM
Lowest you'd go with any common sense is a 6850. those go for 170 atm. anything lower than that isn't worth it. the 6700 series and below are just rebranded 5000 series

May 1, 2011, 06:09 AM
Didn't know that about the Radeons, personally I prefer nvidia cards just because they are a little more stable with shaders and whatnot when working on 3d applications and whatnot.

On another note though newegg seems to have a decent deal on the geforce 550 for $150

either way I still think practically anything in the $100 price range should be able to help you play practically any game out there and have the game look pretty darn nice.

May 1, 2011, 06:20 AM
I'm a fan of nvidia as well, but I don't mind saying that the two companies have a real tug-o-war going when it comes to which card is better at what price point. in any case it really boild down to resolution. a $100 card is fine with a smaller screen and lower res, but some people like having a larger screen and that usually means higher resolution. plus with LCDs if you don't use their native res, the picture doesn't look quite as good so in turn to get a better picture you need a better card.

Just as an example, my video card was letting me play L4D2 on a 22" 1600x1050 monitor fully maxed out at 190fps. it's an older game, and you never need more than a sustained 60fps, but the point is I moved to a 24" 1920x1080 display and the frame rate dropped to 140fps. on newer games I may encounter a game that I have to turn the setting down a ways to get a good frame rate when had I kept my 22", i would have been fine.

So there are a lot of things to consider when you're buying a GPU.

May 1, 2011, 10:21 AM
I really don't like nVidia.

I picked up a Radeon 4850 on the cheap earlier this year. It doesn't do DX 11, but it does everything else pretty well. It will surely be able to knock PSO2 out of the park.

May 1, 2011, 10:28 AM
Thankfully DX9 is still a standard, huh? I'm amazed XP is still so heavily supported.

May 1, 2011, 10:30 AM
I love how they more or less completely skipped over DX10.

Hooray for Civilization V having a DX10/11 mode I can run.

May 1, 2011, 10:38 AM
That's just a testimony to how bad vista sucked

May 1, 2011, 11:48 AM
I really hope PSO2 comes to console and here is why:

Years ago, when I first got PSO (GC version), I never expected I would fall in love with the same so much. Soon all of my friends got the game and all our journey through PSO began. Since we didn’t pay for online, our main method of play was of course split-screen. And how glorious the split-screen was. Going around, calling our rare items and rushing all to get it and helping each other get better equipment and MAGs was a blast. No other game could replicate this.

Going over each other houses with memory cards with our character, popping it in and continuing the game was great. Even when I eventually got online, I didn’t play it as much as Split-screen, as the experience wasn’t nearly as fun. Playing with players I didn’t know, not being able to have those fun times with friends all sitting on a couch. Once when we were low levels we fought the dragon on Forest, and one of my friends didn’t get away fast enough and the Dragon’s corpse came crashing down on him. He was pissed but eventually we were all laughing, if that had happened online, it wouldn’t have been so funny, or wouldn’t have thought about it as much.

Pass two years or so, I now have put over 500 hours in the game, my most played game ever (one of my older friends put in about 1000, mostly playing alone.) So no doubt I was itching for a new game, and was extremely excited to see Phantasy Star Universe announced. Sadly as you all know, there is no split-screen in PSU, and this was just really a letdown. No doubt I enjoyed the game (got the game, expansion, PSP, and PSP2) but it was not nearly as fun as PSO. PSO: EP3 was slightly more enjoyable just due to the split-screen.

Skip ahead to last year and you have no idea how excited I was to hear PSO2 announced, a tear nearly came to my eyes. Finally a true sequel to PSO. Then that suddenly crashed when I saw: PC only. I was nearly about to cry out of sadness, not out of joy. What’s worse is that it seems like the game will have no offline to speak of, only going to online. I know Online is in the title, but the original supported a great offline (granted less content, but rather have split-screen with friends then lots of content.) This isn’t a true sequel; it’s just a game carrying the same name.

I know some PC fans will cry foul, saying the game would have much more on PC, and for that I could really care less. See I have a great PC, and many PC games, but for me, Phantasy Star has always been and should be a console RPG. It isn’t trying to push boundaries, it’s just supposed to be just good fun. Playing online is fun, but not nearly as fun as having buddies sitting next to you on a couch, each with a controller in hand.

What do you think?

Being honest, I won't buy it unless it does come to console. Many people here forget that Phantasy Star Online made its name for being a CONSOLE mmorpg. Not coming to a console would take a chunk out of its population from the start.

May 1, 2011, 11:57 AM
read the thread. please. no one's talking about this anymore. Sega's said it's PC only and their entire market, being PSU players and PSOBB players in japan, right now is PC users. if you dont like it, dont get the game.

May 1, 2011, 11:59 AM
read the thread. please. no one's talking about this anymore. Sega's said it's PC only and their entire market, being PSU players and PSOBB players in japan, right now is PC users. if you dont like it, dont get the game.

What? LOL

You guys are simply off-topic. If people want to post about the topic of the thread, they should. Seriously.

May 1, 2011, 12:00 PM
except it's been addressed. he's made the same argument everyone else had 50 times over. why keep rehashing it?

May 1, 2011, 12:11 PM
except it's been addressed. he's made the same argument everyone else had 50 times over. why keep rehashing it?
Because the point of a forum is to express your opinion. It doesn't matter if it's similar to someone else's. Furthermore, it's possible - not extremely possible but it could happen - that people like RubyEclipse and others that work for Sega's community team would happen upon this thread. And if they do and see that a meaningful amount of people would like a console release, they could relay that information to Sega of Japan and increase the likely hood of that happening. With games like PSP2 and Sonic Generations, Sega's finally showing that they are taking fan feedback seriously and it's important for any community to be able to express their opinions.

May 1, 2011, 12:21 PM
if you think rubyeclipse has any influence over this project at all, you're delusional.

There are reasons this isn't coming out to a console. it has been driven into the ground and the reason no one is talking about it anymore is because they realize this is a chips fall where they may scenario and it's pointless to rant about things entirely out of your control.

The very argument that it started on console is ridiculous. the game started on dialup, too. the series started on sega master system. the whole notion is just plain batty and making a post like that after people were practically at eachother's throats over this a few days ago, to fonally have things calm down and then someone who clearly hasn't read past page 1 is just disturbing the shit.

May 1, 2011, 12:23 PM
It's the internet.

Arguments invalidated, this one included.


May 1, 2011, 12:32 PM
Not sure what you're getting at, wayu

May 1, 2011, 12:34 PM
Kinda what you said in your other post. There will be arguments. No one's gonna budge.

Tl;dr - Let's just move on.


May 1, 2011, 12:39 PM
gotcha. yeah I think the whole argument has gotten really tiresome

May 1, 2011, 01:05 PM
if you think rubyeclipse has any influence over this project at all, you're delusional.

There are reasons this isn't coming out to a console. it has been driven into the ground and the reason no one is talking about it anymore is because they realize this is a chips fall where they may scenario and it's pointless to rant about things entirely out of your control.

The very argument that it started on console is ridiculous. the game started on dialup, too. the series started on sega master system. the whole notion is just plain batty and making a post like that after people were practically at eachother's throats over this a few days ago, to fonally have things calm down and then someone who clearly hasn't read past page 1 is just disturbing the shit.
Why do you feel the need to argue over everything? Let it be.

May 1, 2011, 01:09 PM
Why do you feel the need to argue over everything?Because the point of a forum is to express your opinion. It doesn't matter if it's similar to someone else's.

May 1, 2011, 01:30 PM
Because the point of a forum is to express your opinion. It doesn't matter if it's similar to someone else's.
No, it's because he feels the need to express his opinion several times over. He's expressed why he feels the way he does and should move on. He's clearly not interested in reading about differing opinions so why should he continue to post in this thread and be belligerent?

Hell, the only reason I'm posting here is because his behavior puzzles me and because you just addressed me. Otherwise, I wouldn't be posting here either as I've already contributed my opinion.

May 1, 2011, 01:55 PM
I'm kind of with NIlok on this one. This topic is about why PSO2 should be released on console. Only that's it's not going to be as:

1)it's only been announced for PC so we have no reason to think they've even developed the game for any consoles at all
2)Experience from BB and PSU tells us that PC is the longest lasting easiest platform to keep updated
3)Being on console would subject the game to fragmentation meaning one population would get screwed

End of Thread. Now it's pretty much going off topic with people showing off what kind of graphics cards they have. As far as that conversation goes, the game does like look like it's going to require a lot of computer power. A core 2 duo and a decent graphics card will probably run the game on normal settings. That's more than enough to enjoy the game. Seriously I find it amusing that anyone bitching about how this game should be on console. Sega has obviously toned the game down for their benefit; a $75 graphics card or less should be enough if their computer doesn't run it already. Now that's not a bad premium for being able to play the game now is it?

The only thing we can do is wait until the game comes out. I managed to play PSU on my netbook, but I'm pretty sure something like the AMD e-350 or NVidia ion should be enough to play PSO2 on at least low settings. All we can do is wait and see. But to me anyone griping over PSO2 not coming to console, is accepting and actually asking for segregated servers. Seriously the game being PC only is best option we could have possibly asked for.

May 1, 2011, 02:05 PM
It could be like MHFrontier, where the PC and XBox360 servers play seperately...

May 1, 2011, 02:24 PM
No, it's because he feels the need to express his opinion several times over. He's expressed why he feels the way he does and should move on. He's clearly not interested in reading about differing opinions so why should he continue to post in this thread and be belligerent?

Hell, the only reason I'm posting here is because his behavior puzzles me and because you just addressed me. Otherwise, I wouldn't be posting here either as I've already contributed my opinion.You should stop arguing with yourself.

May 1, 2011, 03:12 PM
You should stop arguing with yourself.


May 1, 2011, 03:15 PM
Because the point of a forum is to express your opinion. It doesn't matter if it's similar to someone else's. Furthermore, it's possible - not extremely possible but it could happen - that people like RubyEclipse and others that work for Sega's community team would happen upon this thread. And if they do and see that a meaningful amount of people would like a console release, they could relay that information to Sega of Japan and increase the likely hood of that happening. With games like PSP2 and Sonic Generations, Sega's finally showing that they are taking fan feedback seriously and it's important for any community to be able to express their opinions.

Because the point of a forum is to express your opinion. It doesn't matter if it's similar to someone else's.Yup .

May 1, 2011, 03:32 PM
Yup .
Quote the part where I make it my point to state that being belligerent isn't helpful. You're selectively copying parts of my post and then quoting it as well.

May 1, 2011, 03:49 PM
just thought i'd point out...monster hunter frontier was going to be the 'only' online version, to the point where Capcom resisted infrastructure for the PSP versions (2 and up) now look, 6 years later frontier makes the Xbox. Conclusion?
Never say never...
All it would take is a change in management, a project leader to leave..etc etc. who knows where it would end up?

May 1, 2011, 05:52 PM
I do like it how those who don't wish it to be on consoles, are trying to stop those (like me) who wish it to be consoles from talking. But if it the topic was talking aobut how glorious the game will be on PC, then they would have no problem.

Their hasn't been any conformation of no Console version. Yes the game has only been announced on PC, but that doesn't exclude a possible console version. Until I hear from SEGAs mouth (or if the game releases as is) I will continue to hope for a console version.

Games like FF13, no one ever thought it would come out for 360, but it did. - In this situation they even first said it wasn't going to 360 and confirmed it, but then turned around and said, 360 version!

Portal 2 was announced for PC, 360, and Mac, but then suddenly announced a bit into development, that a ps3 version would also be coming out. - In this, Valve said they hated the ps3 to a passion, see how this turned out?

Within the Portal 2 fiasco, with its release, Valve brought Steam to the ps3 (not the store) and so instead of having to go through Sony, they release patches on their own hand. Meaning if PSO2 used Steam for security and patches (which they should since in general it is a very good security system) they could use that system for the PS3 version.

So after that, Patching wouldn't be a problem anymore, and plus Servers could be multiplatform and no-region base (if you played Steam games, you can play with others from around the world.)

May 1, 2011, 05:59 PM
If you honestly think there is any chance of that happening with PSO2, you're delusional.

I would love to see steamworks integration into PSO2, but it's a pipedream.

May 1, 2011, 06:08 PM
I do like it how those who don't wish it to be on consoles, are trying to stop those (like me) who wish it to be consoles from talking. But if it the topic was talking aobut how glorious the game will be on PC, then they would have no problem.

You're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist.

The bottom line is no one wants to have to deal with the update fiasco we endured with PSU, and I'm sure this goes for you as well. Japan's apathy for western gamers is already bad enough without adding multiple platforms. Dealing with consoles adds additional business contracts to the mix which only further complicate things.

If it were possible to have a global server, where PC and console players from multiple systems could play together, that would be grand. However, the likelihood of that occurring seems to be infinitesimally small.

A lot of us aren't against consoles; we're against what multi-platforming has resulted in with past attempts.

May 1, 2011, 06:13 PM
The difference between console and pc is that if it's pc only I doubt I will ever get to play. I just cant dump two thousand dollars on a pc good enough to play pso2

May 1, 2011, 06:17 PM

May 1, 2011, 06:19 PM
You guys need to chill and wait till E3 or any other big gaming event. Other than that, have fun going in an argument cycle =D!!!

May 1, 2011, 06:19 PM
The difference between console and pc is that if it's pc only I doubt I will ever get to play. I just cant dump two thousand dollars on a pc good enough to play pso2Man, I've heard this joke dozens of times. You guys need to get some new material.

May 1, 2011, 06:19 PM
How old is your PC, exactly? Right now you could build a tower that can play this game for less than $900 I'm sure, let alone double that. I'm building an upgrade myself. My tower is going on six years old, and between CG work and gaming it's time for me to up the ante.

May 1, 2011, 06:22 PM
Man, I've heard this joke dozens of times. You guys need to get some new material.

Ok, your being rude to me is kind of unncessary. Are they more or less than two thousand dollars for a good gaming pc? I have no idea. But there are about a hundred things that're more necessary for me to put hundreds of dollars on, which include my own house.

May 1, 2011, 06:23 PM
You'd really need to spend more than 400 just to be able to run this game? I don't think that's what sega had in mind...

May 1, 2011, 06:25 PM
You could build a computer that could meet those specs for around $500. Probably less, if you already had a case and some spare parts.

It's understandable if you can't afford it, but consoles aren't exactly cheap either, and a computer is much more versatile an item.

May 1, 2011, 06:26 PM
Most PC's bought within the last couple years can probably run this game just fine, which is my point.

If, however, you need to build a new one it certainly won't cost you two grand.

May 1, 2011, 06:32 PM
Yeah. If you have a computer made in the past two or three years, you probably only need to get a better graphics card and PSU. To meet the minimum requirements, it would cost you less than $100.

May 1, 2011, 06:37 PM
My tower is from 2006 (I think) and can't run Sims 3. So I assume PSO2 will be better graphics than Sims3. I can't even run Vindictus. Or the games off of Steam. I don't know anything about computers, but when I ran Gourmet Ranch (Facebook game), it took all of my computer resouces (400k of memory). I keep my CPU (ctrl+alt+dlt) open so I can what is making my computer take so long. I only ask that my computer can run a basic art program, and play some videos. But gaming on my pc? Out of the question.

I only hope it would be on console, but I'm not holding my breath. I have an xbox so it'll handle my games. I have a pc for internet and misc. crap. I never liked online gaming (feels awkward). I don't even know where to start are far as specs needed, and what item in the computer would need to be changed, replaced, etc.

May 1, 2011, 06:42 PM
If your computer is from 2006, you're pretty much boned, since your CPU is likely below the requirements, and changing the CPU likely means changing the mobo and at that point, you're basically building an entirely new system.

You also probably do not have a dedicated graphics card, which is a must for playing games.

Only you can say whether or not it would be a worthwhile investment, but keeping my computer reasonably updated is always at the top of my disposable income list.

That is, I spend around $500 every three to four years or so. It doesn't take much.

May 1, 2011, 06:45 PM
The difference between console and pc is that if it's pc only I doubt I will ever get to play. I just cant dump two thousand dollars on a pc good enough to play pso2

You dont need 2000 for a gaming PC let alone one for PSo2 (judging by the trailer which can change).

So ok lets say that the trailer is most likely what we're gonna get. You should be able to get a PC that can run it perfectly well for about 800 bucks.

I think any decent core 2 duo and a decent graphics card can run PSo2 at max settings no prob.

So no you dont need 2000 for a gaming pc. Not even for a REAL gaming pc.

I'm not trying to be mean but it seems that EVERYONE who knows little about PC's automatically thinks that gaming PCs cost a ton.

800bucks is still alot though so I can understand why some would want it on a console.