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Apr 27, 2011, 02:32 PM
Hi guys. I don't know if any of you remember me but I'm an old regular of PSO World. Been away for quite a few years and I'm just now back. Thought I'd say hi again to anyone who does remember me and to introduce myself to those who don't. I've played Phantasy Star since 1988 (the beginning, for the US) and have played almost every PS game in existence up to and including PSU. I only have the initial game, not the "new" (tho I'm sure it's old by now) game. I'm also curious to hear about PSO 2 as I've started hearing about that lately. I understand this is PSU General so if any of my old friends are still around, I wouldn't mind catching up on PSU news.

That's all for now. :)

Apr 27, 2011, 05:58 PM
I'm afraid I don't remember you, not that it really matters! ^^ I'll try my best summing up the latest Phantasy Star happenings. More detailed info can be found at the homepage or at PSUPedia.info!

Welcome back to the community. I'm astonished you remembered your password after all those years years! haha! You said you played the old PSU, so I take it you've not played online with Phantasy Star Universe or at least not currently? Now would be a good time to get online, in any of the Phantasy Star Universe/Portable games!

At the moment LOTS of things are happening and have happened in the past few months.

1) Phantasy Star Portable 2 was released at the end of last year, which features many changes over the Ambition of Illuminus expansion for the original Universe.

2) Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity was released in Japan not too long ago in Japan which adds even more content to Portable 2 and even a new race! There is a joint event going on with the Japanese PC servers called Max ATtack Infinity!

3) Phantasy Star Universe (Xbox 360) currently has a Spring event going on including Protectors simulations!

4) Phantasy Star Universe (PC Japanese) just got a massive update in which content from Portable 2/Infinity is being implemented to PC. Also, they just started the event Max Attack Infinity jointly with Phantasy Star Portable 2.

5) New information regarding Phantasy Star Online 2 was released a couple days ago, including game play footage!

Now is a great time to be a Phantasy Star fan!!

Apr 27, 2011, 07:41 PM

Apr 27, 2011, 10:38 PM
Well, thanks for the welcome and the info! There was an issue with my account as it's been years since I've been on. Thankfully, I was able to get it resolved. Those that helped know who they are. :) As you can see from my join date, I was here for a LONG time! LOL Well, let me catch you up on where I am, PS wise. I do have the original PSU for PS2. Yes, I played it offline. No, I never got to play it online. I did have my PSO guild that I was going to have carry over to PSU and despite my best efforts, I couldn't get online, so that all fell apart. :(

Haven't played PSU in awhile but I still have it (I'd NEVER get rid of a PS game!) I'd be hesitant to get the 2nd part and with all the talk I hear about PSN, that's some scary stuff! I am curious about PSO 2. Seems like a hybrid between PSO & PSU. A visual mix of both, as it were.

So you say Portable is a mini version of PSU? Odd. How would that even work on such a system? I'd imagine it would be so limited. I can see the old offline games being on a portable like the DS or something, but PSO/PSU? Hmmm.

Apparently it IS a good time to be a Phantasy Star fan...er...phan! ;) I've hung in there all these years, when I could. I still wish Sega would give us a true PS MMO but now the more I hear about PSO 2, the more I WANT to hear.

EDIT: Wow, it shows me at 3:38 AM? That's wrong, it's 11:38...now, 11:39 PM. Must try to fix my clock on here. Odd...