View Full Version : Infinity DLC: Sakura Taisen tie-in weapon "Reiken Arataka"

Jun 10, 2011, 02:18 PM
Its a two-handed sword, which baffles me, because in the Sakura Taisen series, heroine Sakura Shinguuji wields it with one hand at times...

...also, there's something missing...something important to truly make it live up to its namesake...

Jun 10, 2011, 02:35 PM
An anime woman two feet in size, with eyes the size of grapefruit?

Jun 10, 2011, 04:54 PM
It may not actually be a Dai-katana on the games/anime, but in order for Sakura to use her special attack with it, she definitely wields it with two hands (which is probably what they're playing off of). Infinity is a really great game, but they haven't incorporated any kind of weapon that can switch between one and two handed on the fly.

Maybe on the next one... ^^

And Zarode, she's not 2 feet tall and her eyes may be large (typical old-style anime-style), but they aren't that bad. :p


Jun 10, 2011, 05:45 PM
An anime woman two feet in size, with eyes the size of grapefruit?

You just described a power puff girl.

Jun 10, 2011, 10:01 PM
Nope...Sakura's signature attack is missing as a skill...god I still have a crush on Sakura. >.<

Jun 10, 2011, 11:26 PM
Reiken Arataka
B / 6 star / Kubara /
250 ATK / 120 ACC / EVA 30
DEF,EVA Down (LV 2)
100% Light

PA Power: 100%
PP Consumption: 90% (-10%)
Luck +10

Extended: 630 ATK 170 ACC
Freeze LV2, Stun LV2, Drain LV2

According to Final Guide, the infinity wiki, and some guy on 2ch, we are also getting 大正桜に浪漫の嵐 "Storm of Romance amid Taisho Cherry Blossoms" which is a visual unit as DLC, and that should raise some alarms.

Jun 10, 2011, 11:36 PM
I guess the two-handed thing works, and I guess that means they must keep the length with Phantasy Star's two-handed swords. It also keeps Sakura-wannabes using it as the only weapon in hand. One or two-handed, Sakura generally wouldn't carry anything like a shield or something, in the other hand.

Jun 10, 2011, 11:57 PM
Luck +10? What will that do?

Jun 11, 2011, 12:00 AM
Luck likely affect criticals and status effects.

And it's so annoying to see that sword as a Dia-katana. it's not that long... Let's see Sakura sheath THAT thing. >.>