View Full Version : S>GunMaster Palette and Some Other Things ><

Jun 23, 2011, 12:29 PM
Killer Elite 10/10
Rattlesnake 10/10

Spread Needle/g 9/9
Shigga Pakuda 10/10

Twin Handguns:
Battlestoppers 10/10
Guld & Milla 2/10
Guld & Milla 7/7

Agito Repca 42% Light 8/8

Halva Blasted 43% Fire 0/10
Halva Blasted 41% Ice 0/10
Halva Blasted 42% Lightning 0/10
Halva Blasted 44% Ground 0/10
Halva Blasted 40% Light 0/10
Halva Blasted 45% Dark 0/10

Twin Daggers:
Katsuno-zashi 42% Fire 10/10
Katsuno-zashi 42% Ice 9/9
Katsuno-zashi 42% Lightning 9/9
Katsuno-zashi 42% Ground 10/10
Katsuno-zashi 42% Light 9/9
Katsuno-zashi 46% Dark 10/10

I also have 99 S+10's that I bought the other day that I might be selling not to sure yet, when I have decided I will update the thread :-P

Well I think that is everything, if you look anything you see then post an offer and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible thanks ^^;

Afro The Great
Jun 23, 2011, 09:19 PM
How much for killer elite?

Jun 23, 2011, 09:29 PM
Right now I'm looking for anything over 18gb's because I have been offered that for it ;-)