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View Full Version : Most Emotional Moment in Gaming History

Jun 26, 2011, 12:36 AM
In Phantasy Star IV when Alis dies. To this date that is the only time I ever cried during a videogame. Granted I was 13 yrs old, but I wasnt really a crybaby. Until that point I thought of Alis as the main character.

Jun 26, 2011, 06:46 PM
Hmmmm. Difficult question. It's rare that I get emotional with any medium (shows/music), let alone games. This is of course sparing anger. Games have an unfair advantage in invoking this in people.

I suppose my emotional moment of gaming would be one of shock:lightning:. Conker's Bad Fur Day (64 non crappy version).
After beating the awesome bank level with neo conker, the mobster turns around and (for no reason at all) tommy guns Berry to death. You hear her trying to get her last words out to Conker while struggling to breathe as blood fills her lungs. I was wide eyed through most of that scene.

I suppose another would be Mario is Missing (gigantic floppy game of the past). The music made it pretty sad. I really wanted to rescue him.

Btw, you may want to move this to the Off Topic section if you want more replies. Your title says 'of gaming history'; implying any game, but it's in the phantasy star classic section, which implies that my moment need be from that group of games. Just a thought.

Jun 26, 2011, 08:57 PM
For heaven's sake, that's an enormous spoiler! Could you cover that up? Please?

I'm a bit upset, as I'm just playing through the classics for the first time now and am almost finished with II.