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View Full Version : Material question?

Jun 27, 2011, 12:15 AM
I got 2 questions about materials, btw Hi I'm new, my name is Adrian :D
Anyways... I don't know how many mats I've given my FOnewm so.. my 2 questions are
1- Is there a way to know how many materials I've feeded my FOnewm?
2- Is there a way to reset the material stats?
Im talking about PSOBB

Jun 27, 2011, 12:26 AM
Damn, I already checked and I've feeded him 2 def materials and I want to know that if that wont be a problem or if I can reset them somehow?

Jun 27, 2011, 06:43 AM
The server that I play on offers mat resets for a small fee. I'd imagine the other servers could do it too, but I'd check with the server's forum to make sure.

And 2 mats aren't going to have that big of an impact on your stats, assuming that those 2 def mats were wasted. I don't know the plan that you're following.

Jun 27, 2011, 08:12 PM
1: Yes. Every level divisible by 5 you can compare your stats to the base stats for that level. With a bit of subraction and division, you can find out how many mats you've had.

Ex: At a level, you are supposed to have 150 in a stat, and you have 162. (162-150) / 2 = 6 mats used for that stat.

2: That depends on the server you play on.