View Full Version : AcroFighter / Fighmaster vs. Fortegunner /Gunmaster

Jun 27, 2011, 04:44 AM
So when it comes to soloing s3+ and also group usefulness, which really is the better choice?

JP psu of course.

Jun 27, 2011, 07:09 AM
Out of the four choices Fighmaster is definitely the only one in that group that'll have the most trouble soloing missions simply because they lack any ranged attacks. It's a fun class for sure but just stay away from any mission with ranged enemies and bosses (Dimma and De Rol Le are the biggest two that come to mind) if you don't want to take forever clearing them. Ohtori is also extremely difficult to complete on FM just due to that hallway in it that has the boxes and ice traps that'll kill you in two hits so don't use it if you want AMP from Ohtori solo.

As for group usefulness I can't say as that'll depend on the group. Go with what you like the most and it'll be fine.

Jun 27, 2011, 07:17 AM
They all have their strengths, but from experience and analysis...

Acrofighter fully GASed is amazing soloing and running S3s. Dil Edges are amazing for any Soloist.

FM works well too with high end weapons and PAs

Masterforce is something too....If you have the 300 AP to max one out and get equipment for it, it will surprise you at how fast it is. The only thing broken about Masterforce is that wands and rods have become so strong, but TCSMs are still the same for over a year to the point that more and more FM players are playing them as fast-casting FTs.

Gunmaster is not as effective because while its true new weapons are released a lot, the damage increase is actually minimal in psujp. Fighmaster had PAs changed and updated for more damage....MF had updates, but GM has stayed essentially the same. Its not that its "slower" its that it actually has not gotten faster while other classes have been given more and more to step over it.

If you are soloing, remember that enemies are either Striking, Ranged or Tech Damage Vulnerable. You will spend as a mastertype dealing with the one enemy type that is weak or moderate against yours.

However a map that only has one type of enemy, a master type is going to steamroll over it, in other areas...I really like what the hybrids can do.

Of course I dont know how effective the types will be once the new PAs are released.

Jun 27, 2011, 12:42 PM
They really gotta give gunners something... but I can't think of anything... The gunner formula is so simple you can't really add to it :/ Only cool thing gunners really have is kevlar suit

Jun 27, 2011, 12:49 PM
Charge Shots would be really awesome for gunners . But that won't happen sadly, which is why gunners just get so boring after a while? They actually never get anything new, except weapons. Maybe boost the firing speed for all gunners a little? Better bullet PAs for gunners, that don't do weird things like cut range, cut attack power, make you fire slower, damage you etc.

Jun 27, 2011, 01:05 PM
Charge Shots would be really awesome for gunners . But that won't happen sadly, which is why gunners just get so boring after a while? They actually never get anything new, except weapons. Maybe boost the firing speed for all gunners a little? Better bullet PAs for gunners, that don't do weird things like cut range, cut attack power, make you fire slower, damage you etc.

I was thinking that but idk what bullet PAs they could give them? A shotgun PA with lvl 3 or 4 SE but with lower atp or uses more PP? I was thinking PAs that have a chance at 2 different status effects happening at once but idk if they could do that either :/

All you really can do with a bullet PA is put a Status Effect on it and change the PP consumption, ATP and ACC. Every weapon basically have the same photon art and have no alternative moves or any special and the looks don't really change which is what makes it boring for most people.

Jun 27, 2011, 02:44 PM
Acrofighter is by far the most consistent class to solo with. It's very easy to tear any mission apart with little thought or effort.

Jun 27, 2011, 02:50 PM
Acrofighter is by far the most consistent class to solo with. It's very easy to tear any mission apart with little thought or effort.

AC->AC->AC->AC->Chikki->AC->AC->Chikki->Final Fantasy victory pose...

Yeah, that's pretty much the image you have given to AF ;<...but WORKS! lol

Jun 27, 2011, 03:09 PM
That made me smile. :) then again its psu along with its child-like Artificial Intelligence Programming. ^_^ Of course the opposite is overbearing. I suppose at least SEGA made its game fun in many ways if not boring..

PSUs greatest challenge is to either puff out a nice 50% weapon or armor, or to find a reason to not tear yourself apart after an 8/10 GCed item breaks at 9 ---> 10 making you also get pissed for blowing that extra S+10.. ^^

But yeah, AC ---> Chiki Alternation pretty much described Acrofighter to the teeth. :)

Jun 27, 2011, 03:19 PM
I agree. PSU's greatest mindfuck is all about grinding weaponry without losing your sanity, lol.

Jun 27, 2011, 05:06 PM
AC->AC->AC->AC->Chikki->AC->AC->Chikki->Final Fantasy victory pose...

Yeah, that's pretty much the image you have given to AF ;<...but WORKS! lol

His videos are what made me think I wanted to be a FM, but his other mastertype videos are pretty epic as well...I guess ill do some research on Arcofighter. I dont really get the basic concept except that they can only use one handed weapons?

Jun 27, 2011, 05:08 PM
They can use two-handed weapons, too. They just have a faster attack speed and 'faster' weapons (not axes, swords, etc.)

Ellrick C-63
Jun 27, 2011, 05:08 PM
His videos are what made me think I wanted to be a FM, but his other mastertype videos are pretty epic as well...I guess ill do some research on Arcofighter. I dont really get the basic concept except that they can only use one handed weapons?

A rank twin weapons will still be used if you decide to go AF, mainly twin sabers since assault crush is so amazazazzaazing.

Jun 27, 2011, 05:14 PM
That's the part I liked about fighmaster. But arcofighter is better with it?

Jun 27, 2011, 05:15 PM
AF is the best.

Out of FG and GM, a lot of people will say GM, but I prefer FG. Although I actally love GT the most.

Jun 27, 2011, 05:15 PM
No, they just have different weapon selections. It just depends if you would rather spam Assault Crush and used Slicers and Twin Claws occasionally or use a slightly wider variety of PAs on Fighmaster.

Jun 27, 2011, 05:21 PM
I get that there are different forums, but no one checks them.

Jun 27, 2011, 09:05 PM
Acrofighter for general crowd control, Fortegunner with Dark Meteor for most bosses.

Grenades in JP are retardedly good since they got the straight shooters and DM (which drops from the sky, hits onma/dimma, fakis, falz, flying and grounded dragons, de rol... yeah). Also, CASTs get their little tiny stat boost to FG's ridiculously high ATP; it can turn a single shotgun blast into a one hit kill, rather than a two shot kill for a GM. Sure they shoot slower but taking a guy down with each pump is faster than putting out more shots.

If Acrofighter got whips, though... *evil grin*

Acro classes have a special place in my heart; I've always liked the speedy styles. If Acromaster came out, I'd ditch Wartecher forever.