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Jul 7, 2011, 05:01 AM



Jul 7, 2011, 05:03 AM
The RAmarl looks like something out of PSU and the RAcast looks short. I also can't help but feel that he might transform into something.

Jul 7, 2011, 05:08 AM
Yeah Racast does give off that "Giant midget" vibe...

NB4 character anatomy irony.

Jul 7, 2011, 06:53 AM
The hat does look a bit goofy on the RAmarl and the RAcast could use just a slightly bigger head/neck to make him a bit more proportionate. IMO.

Jul 7, 2011, 07:18 AM
The RAmarl does indeed look like some kind of direct rip from PSU.

The RAcast looks exactly how I want it to look, more or less.

Another odd thing I just noticed. The backdrop sort of looks like the background you see way in the far back of the Raffon meadows area in PSU. Aside from that, the foliage looks like it's getting a little better. (I know, I just went a off topic from the focus of the characters)

Jul 7, 2011, 07:18 AM

The RAcast looks epic.
But his Armor is too fat. xD

Jul 7, 2011, 07:35 AM
The RAmarl looks like something out of PSU and the RAcast looks short. I also can't help but feel that he might transform into something.

All the outfits so far look like something from PSU, with that touch of PSO, so its no surprise that it will continue this way.

That being said, that RAcast is awesome. Gives 'walking heavy auxiliary tank' a whole new meaning.

Jul 7, 2011, 07:46 AM
I'm already anticipating the heavy clunking sound of a RAcast running across terrain.

Jul 7, 2011, 07:58 AM
Wow, something new. Like the RAcast a lot.

Jul 7, 2011, 08:04 AM
The RAcast helmet almost looks like a Halo Spartans Helmet.

Jul 7, 2011, 08:37 AM
I liked the overall design of the RAmarl... Until I got her head. Something about it is screaming loli in my head. Big eyes, long hair, and that big beret lol. I can deal though, it was just shocking to me at first. RAcast I have no overall issue with. Its design matches the class.

Jul 7, 2011, 09:11 AM
The RAmarl's basic design is actually from PSO.


The hat's just a shitton bigger and the whole thing's been PSU-ed. And sorry if someone already said that. That's also how I imagine Tia generally looking like, without the funky hat and with white armoring.

Also, big clunky metal android + beam sabers. I smell Gundam influence...


Alex Longstride
Jul 7, 2011, 09:13 AM
Moar Alpha leaks? When did these come in?!

Jul 7, 2011, 09:18 AM
Anyone have the pics saved?

Looks like they're gone now

Jul 7, 2011, 09:18 AM
We can save them off of this topic lol.


Jul 7, 2011, 09:23 AM
We can save them off of this topic lol.


Ahh now I see them! They weren't showing up for me in the first post and I thought they had been removed.

Really loving the Racast looking more like a mecha, like in PSO. I think we'll be seeing lots of Gundam suits running around online

Jul 7, 2011, 09:25 AM
Big bulky metal android + beam guns (they're looking more like physical guns now, actually) + beam swords = Gundam.

We're just missing the ability to fly.


Jul 7, 2011, 10:09 AM
You know, the first time I saw the RAcast images I thought the Image's Aspect ratio was wrong, the RAcast proportions seem that off to me.

Jul 7, 2011, 10:13 AM
He's short. Deal with it.

Or believe that the game's character creation allows for height adjustments.

Jul 7, 2011, 10:15 AM
You know, the first time I saw the RAcast images I thought the Image's Aspect ratio was wrong, the RAcast proportions seem that off to me.
I agree. These images are just some of the possible characters that can be made though.

Jul 7, 2011, 10:34 AM
Or believe that the game's character creation allows for height adjustments.

Considering we've had it since PSO, of course.

Well, hopefully.


Jul 7, 2011, 11:52 AM
Like i mentioned before, Lovin the Ramarl stuff (although i miss her baggy pants, sadface). She is definitely got a tint of PSU in her, but the design is essentially the same. I never had an issue with PSU's clothing designs though, so it's all welcome here. I just...well, yeah i miss the baggy pants :/.

and the cast looks....

...well, he's just too bulky. The head seems like it should be a bit bigger. He's just way too bulky for his proportions.

That Rifle though...it looks way bigger than the ones in the first gameplay video.

When they show Ramarl gameplay, if she doesn't have her one-handed gun-cocked-to-the-side gangsta thug firing animation i will cry.

In the video where they showed her character art, she looked like she'd look a bit more gangsta than she does in this pic (which is due to the librarian glasses and overall much softer face than the PSO chick in that picture up there), but thats because they didn't show her face.

Jul 7, 2011, 12:03 PM
Excellent, looks even better than I could have hoped for.

Corey Blue
Jul 7, 2011, 01:47 PM
Meh it look's ok.

Jul 7, 2011, 01:49 PM
Cast looks more mecha-genre, even though he's probably the default "cardboard box man" scheme. I like it. Ramarl doesn't really look PSU to me. Her physique is even different.

Corey Blue
Jul 7, 2011, 01:51 PM
Those spines still look kinda fucked but whatever.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 7, 2011, 01:51 PM
I wonder if the RAcast's picture is just horribly stretched or something, because that looks wrong for some reason. Otherwise, the designs are pretty damn good.

Corey Blue
Jul 7, 2011, 01:55 PM
I think it's stretched. EDIT:Looking at it again,I cant really tell now.

Jul 7, 2011, 02:10 PM
If those were stretched the Ramarl has some serious underweight problems. The Racast pleasently reminds me of Phantasy Star I. Just has that vibe.

Jul 7, 2011, 02:14 PM
Looking good.

I still hope there are costumes like PSU though.

Jul 7, 2011, 02:18 PM
The RAcast looks cool, but I agree, he looks too short, and I think it's because the torso looks too small to me. That, and his shoulders are taller than his head... Oh well, as long as there are still multiple parts and proportion sliders in the character customization, it shouldn't be a problem.

Also, that rifle is fugly. It looks like a banana/cashew with a barrel and a scope... I don't want to be wielding that. :nono:

Jul 7, 2011, 02:27 PM
Lotta Evangelion Mecha fans here apparently. I don't agree with the slider choices this person made but eh. The biggest turn off is that I lack a glasses fetish I guess.

Looks good so far, I guess this means we can expect all the same classes from Version 2 at least. I really wanna see a RAcaseal and judge her robot spine though.

Wait, in the last Cast picture ... is that a riffle or a banana?


Nitro Vordex
Jul 7, 2011, 02:53 PM
It's both.

Jul 7, 2011, 03:00 PM

Jul 7, 2011, 03:10 PM
RAmarl doesn't look too bad, bit more PSU-esque than PSO but eh.

RAcast though? Oh dear. Character models seem a bit off so far, the HUnewearl looked like she had no spine.

Jul 7, 2011, 03:11 PM
oh FUCK here comes this shit again...

Jul 7, 2011, 03:19 PM
I think it's weird that everyone seems to forget that we'll be able to scale the proportions of these characters.

Stop freaking out.

Jul 7, 2011, 03:25 PM
Yeah, chill out guys. We will most likely be given the option to have or not have a spine.
I mean, that's basic character customization stuff right here.


Jul 7, 2011, 03:42 PM
Every time I look at that RAcast I can't help but think of him transforming into a tank. It's just that he's so stubby looking.

Jul 7, 2011, 03:55 PM
I dunno, I think the gun kinda reminds me of:



Jul 7, 2011, 04:35 PM
I fucking love that movie

Nitro Vordex
Jul 7, 2011, 04:36 PM
Every time I look at that RAcast I can't help but think of him transforming into a tank. It's just that he's so stubby looking.
He doesn't need to transform, he is a tank.

Jul 7, 2011, 04:37 PM
inb4 he moves like a brick

Jul 7, 2011, 04:39 PM
What's wrong with her feet? yeah, I know most japanese girls are knock-kneed for whatever reason that deforms their body, but do they really think it's cute or something?

I also love the clipping on the RAcast arms holding the gun.

Jul 7, 2011, 04:49 PM
According to what this bonko person said...

CASTs have two movement abilities or something...

1: I'm hoping that if it IS somehow related to transforming( which I REALLY doubt) then I hope all the CASTS outfits don't end up 1 pieces...

2: Regardless of the other, Add me to the CAST supremacist list if one of those abilities are like a mech Roller Dash. I forgot what it's really called, but you know what I mean. That cool thruster slide-dash thingy where some mechs even have wheels on their feet to do it...

Though, that's only if we can have fleshy faces like in PSU again... e_e

Jul 7, 2011, 04:50 PM
I think the RAmarl is probably one of my favorite characters so far, but even though I like the RAcast better it's still my least fave. Hmm...

So what about these quotes that were in the emails according to the psublog?

RAmarl: The way she held guns were kinda unique, but “this time (in/at) _____ she can do different actions”.

RAcast: Now, not only can he walk but he can ____ and sometimes ____.

What do you think? I believe the first blank could be filled with "the air" and the RAcast can "jump and sometimes fly." That would certainly be interesting.

Jul 7, 2011, 04:59 PM
Come back to me when they start showing the hundreds (out of millions or billions) of possible variations within each class.

WTB customization demonstration video!

Jul 7, 2011, 07:13 PM
Finally some new images! ffs these updates on the game are too few.

These look *great** IMO. Way more in-line with PSO's aesthetic design style than PSU in my view, THANK GOODNESS.

Jul 7, 2011, 08:52 PM
Meh. I always seem to reach these topics only after 5 or more pages have gone by.

So far, I'm liking what I see of the designs, and if they keep along these lines, I can't wait to see what the new FO (provided they still exist of course) class default outfits will look like. Seems like all the outfits will have the same common design influence, which is a good thing for consistency.

I hardly think they'll doom the RAMarl to pure meganekko fetish status, so the glasses don't bother me too much.

Whatever *bleeped* out alternate actions they plan to give the RACast / RAMarl, I sure as hell hope they allow us to choose from a list, and not " you're a RACast, you can ONLY transform and roll out", "you're a RAMarl, shoot like the gangsta' you are!" or worse, "oh looky, random selection not under your control!".

Jul 7, 2011, 09:09 PM
WTB customization demonstration video!

^I second this. It's taking SEGA an awful long time to release any kind of customization demonstration....which is worrying, despite what Sakai said.

Jul 7, 2011, 09:30 PM
I dunno, I think the gun kinda reminds me of:

I thought that too when I first saw the weapon, actually.

And I like the new designs. But I agree that the RAcast could be a little taller....

Jul 7, 2011, 09:45 PM
What's wrong with her feet? yeah, I know most japanese girls are knock-kneed for whatever reason that deforms their body, but do they really think it's cute or something?


Jul 7, 2011, 10:05 PM
the RAcast looks like one of the new armored core units from armored core 5, but taller.

looks great!

Jul 7, 2011, 10:41 PM
^I second this. It's taking SEGA an awful long time to release any kind of customization demonstration....which is worrying, despite what Sakai said.

Indeed... I'm definitely still paranoid over this...

if they go back to pso gender locked classes, and we can only change face,hair, body proportion and outfit colors...

I'll be extremely disappointed...

Jul 7, 2011, 10:42 PM
but do they really think it's cute or something?
Yup. Pidgeon toeing and duck facing are the thing amongst popular "cute" girls.

Jul 7, 2011, 10:49 PM
Something I just noticed:

The RAcast is actually pretty darn tall. Note the grass height in both pictures - the grass goes up to the RAmarl's hip almost, while it only reaches to the RAcast's knees.


Jul 7, 2011, 11:07 PM
Yup. Pidgeon toeing and duck facing are the thing amongst popular "cute" girls.

...the heck is duck facing?

Jul 7, 2011, 11:08 PM
I can't really tell...

It's not even his actual height that's the problem but his shape... Meh @ the spartan/lego spaceman helmet


@ Revy, two seconds in google says a puckered face, I'm sure Other Mike(Yes I call him other mike from now on) was implying that that's what people usually do when they're doing this tippy toe thing...


This is the fastest example I can find(Girl on the left)... minus the sassy secret agent influence on her pose.

double edit: ACK... girl on the right* my bad.

Jul 7, 2011, 11:10 PM
Something I just noticed:

The RAcast is actually pretty darn tall. Note the grass height in both pictures - the grass goes up to the RAmarl's hip almost, while it only reaches to the RAcast's knees.


That's due to the angle shot of the RAmarl. So the grass actually goes up to her knee as well, although a bit over. So the RAcast is taller than the RAmarl, but only slightly.

Again, this could just be the 'default' heights and can be customizable.

Jul 7, 2011, 11:14 PM
...the heck is duck facing?
It's pursing your lips so people think you look like a duck. Look it up in any image search engine.

The RAmarl in question is not making a duck face though.

Jul 7, 2011, 11:24 PM
It's pursing your lips so people think you look like a duck. Look it up in any image search engine.

The RAmarl in question is not making a duck face though.


That is kinda hawt.

Jul 7, 2011, 11:26 PM

Seth Astra
Jul 8, 2011, 12:09 AM
Pretty cool. The RAmarl's skirt (or whateve that is) could be a bit longer, though.

Jul 8, 2011, 12:43 AM
Yup. Pidgeon toeing and duck facing are the thing amongst popular "cute" girls.

Have you EVER seen facebook before? It isn't japan exclusive, bro, apparently the whole planet does it. At least they take frontal pictures and dont try to act like their camera is a personal satellite shooting them from space. It's really only worth talking about if it's a severe case. Most of them do it completely voluntarily because...well yes, it makes them look quite adorable. And it works very well, dont you agree? : 3 (unless you're gonna be a hipster about it)

But i have no clue why we're on a tangent about this from a picture shot at a funny angle on a character who's stance barely even qualifies as pidgon toed. Her feet simply aren't sticking all the way outwards.

And aside from you guys bitching about every stance we see how about we be happy that they SEEMINGLY are different from one another....well, I cant really tell, the Hunewearl and Ramarl stance seem to be quite similar, but since we're bitching about her feet now instead of her spine i can only guess that they're slightly different standing animations. The Fomarl does look unique, however.

I could be very wrong though.

Pretty cool. The RAmarl's skirt (or whateve that is) could be a bit longer, though.
I dont really mind her skirt because about 90% of her legs are covered up anyway, so they could almost count for pants. But what im concerned about are those things on her hips.

If those are handgun holsters, then EPIC win, Sega.

Edit: Wow, i just checked the HD video and paused it on Ramarl. She really was wearing glasses the whole time. Never noticed their faces.

im eager to see Ramar now. Or how amazingly smexy Hucaseal is going to be, or how amazingly out of place Hunewearl is going to be now that everyone is once again looking to be in (or past) their 20's and proportioned.

Jul 8, 2011, 12:54 AM
I think the RAmar is the black guy in the teaser. ^^;


Jul 8, 2011, 12:58 AM
Yeah, i know. Thats why im so eager to see him : 3

Im just wondering so hard how they're gonna render dem lips

Jul 8, 2011, 01:12 AM
Watch them just slap Sazh from FFXIII into the game.

"There's your RAmar!"


Jul 8, 2011, 01:30 AM
You know what this whole Spine Curvature thing reminds me of? Something that it seems all brands of SEGA fanboys are taking on...


Jul 8, 2011, 01:58 AM
You know what this whole Spine Curvature thing reminds me of? Something that it seems all brands of SEGA fanboys are taking on...


*off topic*

To be honest theres a lot of sonics...

His eyes went from black, to brown, to black again, our current green.

I still think the sonic CD-Saturn generation(at least his 2D forms) was the best sonic. But it wasn't a bad Idea to try and style him up a little more for the Dreamcast era...

But I'd still have to say pseudo mickey-mouse sonic is still the best one in my opinion.

Jul 8, 2011, 07:19 AM
Looks like my RAmarl will rise again, yay! Not sure how she looks "PSU-ish" (unless by that people just mean "updated") considering she looks like a direct port of PSO's RAmarls with some more style. Love it.

And I don't care what anyone says, I am totally digging the character art direction PSO2 is taking. I like how we're going back to the sci-fi-utilitarian feel from PSO, but with far more creative styling. There's nothing flamboyant so far, but it remains really stylish and unique. Really, I haven't seen a game pull that off well since PSO, which I still consider the pinnacle of mixing sci-fi with fantasy in perfect mixture. Can't wait for more!

Jul 8, 2011, 07:52 AM
Am I the only one who thinks the RAmarl looks more like a Caseal in PSU than the classic RAmarl in PSO? The legs especially make me think of the Jenkel set. But I am looking more at the shape than the color scheme.

Jul 8, 2011, 08:09 AM



Jul 8, 2011, 08:22 AM
I think that would be because the clothing on the PSO2 RAmarl looks more "armored" than the original RAmarl's clothing.

Jul 8, 2011, 08:50 AM
That's true for all the other outfits as well.

Jul 8, 2011, 09:08 AM
One thing I really enjoyed about the RAmarl in PSO is that she had this kinda femme-fatale look to her, with the heels and the lipstick, and the smirk. But.. She don't got it in this new design. Almost looks a bit frumpy. Oh well, I guess.

Jul 8, 2011, 09:48 AM
Looks like the hair and face choice that makes her look that way. I would imagine other choices would change her up. Heck, my choices for my original RAmarl removed a bit of the femme-fatale look to her. Kind of made her look a bit more (class president-like). Then again, I was going for a more Fio Germi (of metal slug) look for her. Kind of inviting, but she's really as gun crazy as Marco, just not as angry as Eri.

Jul 8, 2011, 09:53 AM
One thing I really enjoyed about the RAmarl in PSO is that she had this kinda femme-fatale look to her, with the heels and the lipstick, and the smirk. But.. She don't got it in this new design. Almost looks a bit frumpy. Oh well, I guess.

Wow I was JUST googling frumpy girls... d-don't ask why.

Anyhow yeah her face definitely screams nerd chick... All she needs is the birth control glasses.

I forgot what I was gonna say sadly because I'm about to pass out... You made me think about frumpy girls...

edit:WAIT now I remember...

I DEFINITELY... DO NOT get that "femme-fatale" vibe from old pso ramarl... I just see a army chick with baggy pants and an annoying hat... red lipstick just means she was designed in the 90's. D:

Jul 8, 2011, 10:28 AM
RAmarl look is nice.

Shinji Kazuya
Jul 8, 2011, 11:51 AM
RAmarl look is nice.

Yep. Looking nice.

Jul 8, 2011, 12:26 PM
I kinda dig the nerdy-girl look, but at the same time I associate that look more with a Japanese-born game. Femme-fatalle is generally more of a Western ideal, however PSO did a good job of mixing in some Western culture in with the game (most notably with the HUnewearl, RAmarl, and RAmar). I wouldn't be surprised if we were offered that level of cultural variety this time around, but we won't know until customization is expanded upon. And that could be a while; I know customization is to be one of the final things revealed for Guild Wars 2 so it could be a long time. But if Sega has done one thing right within the past 5-6 years, it's been character customization, so I have high hopes there.

Jul 8, 2011, 02:50 PM
I also dig the nerdy-girl look myself. Why else would I be such a Fio Germi fan? :)

Jul 8, 2011, 07:10 PM
At a closer glance, it doesn't even look like the RA marl is even wearing a skirt. It just looks like the torso armor extends down past the waist-line.

In spite of that, the RAmarl design gives off a Star Ocean 4 feel. Specifically relate to the SRF uniforms worn by female operatives.

The RAcast does look rather goofy, but it could just be SEGA's way of saying "Hey, you can be as crazy as you want with customization now." Could be a result of everyone and their mother making chibified/midget characters in PSU.

Jul 8, 2011, 07:11 PM
i would try to customize the racast to look more like the sidewinder from exteel. if they have the right parts that is.

Jul 8, 2011, 07:42 PM
Looks a lot like what we've seen so far. Definitely seems to be a heavy unified look for the game so far. Pretty much everything looks to have been armored in some way or another, which I like, because, well, we're out in the fields beating down shit, might as well look the part. Though I'm still hoping they tie the shield in mostly (or completely) separate from the clothing so we can switch aesthetic pieces regardless of what equipment we're wearing. Would hate to move to the old MMO system of "Ok, you're this lv, so you wear this armor that makes you look just like everyone else at your lv." I doubt that will happen though, considering how custom centric the PSU series has been with clothes. All in all not disappointed, even if I'm not wowed either.

Jul 8, 2011, 07:58 PM
it'll probably just be the Frames, if anything, that show up. Along with weapons, of course.

And yes, the faces of the characters are much, much smoother than in PSO's original artstyle. Ramarl looks softer and more like an "A+ Firearms Class Student" than the somewhat more rough look in PSO. Whatever the look, Ramarl always gave off the "specialist" look in the way she dressed herself. As a matter of fact, i hope they change some of the faces up because the ones in the screenshots and trailers really really "anime basic". But im sure we'll have even more advanced facial sliders than PSU had (plus much better skin and facial textures) so im not too worried.

People are saying it's PSU looking because their clothing looks more technological, as opposed to PSO where each outfit had just a touch of technology somewhere. (Usually on the arms for the Frame, right arm for the Humar, ect.)

There's something about the feeling of PSO's Ramarl that i still like better, but it's really only in her face. Of course, PSO characters always had a more "personalized" feeling in the faces of their characters -- it never translated AS much into the in-game facial choices. But if you look on the case of Pso 1&2, you'll notice that no two characters have the same face. Hopefully they can recreate that in-game. PSO2 seems to have a slightly different flavor of anime, though. The original artist for PSO was able to incorporate more detail into the face in his artstyle. It'll be up to the PSO2 modeling team to come up with diverse facial structures for the players.

The only issue that can pop up with PSU's likeness to replace clothing with armor is that it doesn't always translate well. I haven't really seen it happen yet (because they've succeeded at making everyone look much more "battle ready"), but it really could. Fomarl got a pass, im eager to see how Fomar turns out.

Jul 8, 2011, 08:24 PM
Hmmm... I may have to consider being a ranger in PSO2...

Jul 8, 2011, 08:32 PM
Sonic Team. Please listen to me: spines do not work this way.

Jul 8, 2011, 08:35 PM
They do in video games.

Jul 8, 2011, 08:42 PM
Sonic Team. Please listen to me: spines do not work this way.

Her spine looks nothing like the hunewearl's. Stop trying to troll. HAVE SOME DIGNITY AND TROLL WITH CHARISMA AND ELOQUENCE LIKE ALL THE COOL PEOPLE DO.

Jul 8, 2011, 09:19 PM
Everyone, stop complaining about the spines. It's just in your heads anyway.

Just go back and watch the gameplay video... You get tons of side views of the characters and their spines look perfectly fine. -_-

Jul 8, 2011, 09:31 PM
Just ignore them. They'll be bitching about this years after the game releases.

Jul 8, 2011, 09:48 PM
Years after the game releases? I'm not even bitching about it now. I find it a point of humor. I'm pretty hyped for the look of our future characters overall; this spine thing is just a little foible that makes me chuckle.

Relax you guys, this isn't that serious.

Jul 8, 2011, 10:10 PM
Next someone will stretch irl and be called fake. The outfit is illusory, it's not like that HUney pic.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 8, 2011, 10:31 PM
Next someone will stretch irl and be called fake. The outfit is illusory, it's not like that HUney pic.

I find the spine point hilarious, since it was kinda my fault that happened.

Those goddamn spines.

Jul 8, 2011, 11:51 PM
It would be funny if i wasn't 80% sure most of the people who bring it up are seriously bothered by it

Jul 9, 2011, 12:28 AM
I didn't realize that talking about how a part of a character in a picture that doesn't look quite right could bring so much rage... I'm afraid to make spine comments because i fear people will commit suicide if I do >.>

On topic though, I really like the RAcast look. That's basically what my CAST looked like in PSU for the first year or so :) He's normal height and he could be very thin. My cast in PSU was the thinnest i could make him and a lot of people assumed i had made my cast the maximum thickness >.>

Jul 9, 2011, 12:31 AM
Was re-watching the game play trailer cuz I remembered that it started out with concept character design art. I gotta say lookin' at the concept art and what they're showing us so far looks pretty spot on.

http://i.imgur.com/12siZ.png - RAcast


Jul 9, 2011, 12:48 AM
That Racast looks quite interesting.
Defintively makes me wanna go more and more Ranger Cast. :D

Jul 9, 2011, 02:12 AM
The more I look at the outfits, the more they all more or less look the same. They all have just about the same coloration (like, dark blue and light blue), and they're all made out of some sort of metallic material. It's all kind of boring, really. I'd like to see some different types of clothes.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:20 AM
The more I look at the outfits, the more they all more or less look the same. They all have just about the same coloration (like, dark blue and light blue), and they're all made out of some sort of metallic material. It's all kind of boring, really. I'd like to see some different types of clothes.

Hey hey - it's just alpha. They haven't even shown us all the classes yet. I think it's a bit too soon to be jaded with outfits already.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:21 AM
My Current PSU character KINDA looks like that Cast right now lol, hes big blocky scary and kicks massive as$, as will PSO 2 undoubtedly, NOW HOP TO IT SEGA! you got a rabid fanbase that wants the whole kit n kaboodle right Farking now lol.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:24 AM
Hey hey - it's just alpha. They haven't even shown us all the classes yet. I think it's a bit too soon to be jaded with outfits already.

I'm not jaded. I'm just saying that all the "starting" outfits look more or less the same, and it's boring. I'm almost to the point that I really don't care about the other character models being revealed.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:27 AM
There's probably going to be more PSU-ish stuff that isn't standard attire, though.

That's my guess. Sorry Olaf.


Jul 9, 2011, 02:29 AM
There's probably going to be more PSU-ish stuff that isn't standard attire, though.

That's my guess. Sorry Olaf.


Why would you apologize to me for saying that...? I'm confused.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:31 AM
Sorry that you most likely won't like the rest of the revealed starter outfits.


Jul 9, 2011, 02:34 AM
Oh. Yeah, they're all pretty humdrum. Kind of hurts my eyes to look at them.

Sure does suck to link to PSOW's main page right now, I tell you what. :wacko:

Jul 9, 2011, 02:36 AM
I don't mind the repetitiveness, just as long as they don't overdo it. After all, armor suits the whole battle thing better than PSU's cloth cloth and more - oh, wait, LESS - cloth.

I was fine with PSU's fashion but you don't exactly go fight big bad monsters in a miniskirt. Unless you're Tifa.


Jul 9, 2011, 02:40 AM
It's a video game, though. You can fight big bad monsters in whatever you want, really. It's fictitious; a suspension of belief. So, it doesn't have to be an armored military outfit. Besides, I've seen "armored" outfits that aren't nearly as monotone and drab as PSO2's are looking to be so far.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:46 AM
Of course it doesn't HAVE to be armor but it makes more sense, you know. ^^

Most of the armor I've seen in video games is far more...bulky than what we're seeing. Name a few examples?


Jul 9, 2011, 02:51 AM
Dear, it's almost 4:00 AM. I'm not in any state to be racking my brain for examples of good-looking armor in all the past games I've played or seen. I just know I have. SEGA could have, at the very least, made the color pallets for the outfits brighter or more interesting. Not just dark blue/light blue (with small dabs of other colors) over and over again.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:54 AM
We've only seen a few pictures. In all likelyhood, they will allow for a wider, and possibly more vibrant, pallet of colors. For the time being, yes, we have some darker colors. We'll just have to see what happens post-Alpha.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:55 AM
From the teaser we can see what looks like a FOmar in a bright yellow get-up; does that count as 'vibrant'?


Jul 9, 2011, 02:57 AM
It's not just the coloration, it's the whole style. It's just...boring. All the outfits are so boring. That's really the only word I can use to accurately describe it right now. For the time being, I'll just be doing what Alex said: waiting.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:58 AM
From the teaser we can see what looks like a FOmar in a bright yellow get-up; does that count as 'vibrant'?

That would be FOmarl, FOmar is on the left.

Jul 9, 2011, 03:01 AM
It's not just the coloration, it's the whole style. It's just...boring. All the outfits are so boring. That's really the only word I can use to accurately describe it right now. For the time being, I'll just be doing what Alex said: waiting.

Go to sleep >.>

Jul 9, 2011, 03:13 AM
That would be FOmarl, FOmar is on the left.

I stand corrected.

Or sit corrected. Whatever.


Jul 9, 2011, 03:21 AM
It's a video game, though. You can fight big bad monsters in whatever you want, really. It's fictitious; a suspension of belief. So, it doesn't have to be an armored military outfit. Besides, I've seen "armored" outfits that aren't nearly as monotone and drab as PSO2's are looking to be so far.

...you thought PSU's starter outfits looked better? These outfits have far much more substance to them, and i'd wager you'd be able to get some awesome color schemes out of their designs. And i've been through this with you. When you build a fictional world, you also build the rules and regulations of that fictional world.

For instance, you will not see a character pull out an M107 sniper rifle in Lord of the Rings. But it's FICTION, you say! Yeah, but it's a fictional world with fictional rules. If fictional Frodo Baggins suggested he just fly over the fictional volcano in mordor and drop the fictional ring into the inferno, the fictional fellowship would have looked at him and laughed. That in itself would have been fiction to those fictional characters, who, although live in a fictional, fabricated world, are not able to simply defy gravity.

What you really want to say is "but it's PHANTASY STAR!", in which case you'd be closer to the truth. But i myself (as im sure plenty others) are hoping this game does not go down the same path as Phantasy Star Universe's spinoffs did. As well nobody should expect it to, because this is PSO2.

And as much as people hate it when one says that....one of THE most distinguishing factors that set PSO and PSU/PSP2 apart that pretty much all fans agree on (aside from the obvious date of release or polygon count) is its Atmosphere. And being more "colorful" or "diverse" with it's outfits (and by "diverse" i assume you would have them run around in kimonos or Evangeleon plug suits) would pretty much instantly ruin that.

Jul 9, 2011, 03:36 AM
Perverted outfits will be grossly abundant. Deal with it.

Jul 9, 2011, 05:09 AM
Sadly. Just hoping they at least try to keep those in 'atmosphere' ...Ha.

PSU Yoko
Jul 9, 2011, 05:09 AM
grass and tree are like from psu details but I hope they make even better design

Jul 9, 2011, 05:13 AM
The more I look at the outfits, the more they all more or less look the same.

The same like all those panties or trenchcoats did in PSU? You might have a point here. Wait, so instead of panties we are protected by actual armor this time around? Who the fuck came up with this IDIOTIC idea?

Jul 9, 2011, 05:25 AM
Those outfit designs fit the story just like the PSO ones fitted in that game (astronauts exploring alien planets), and the same applies to PSU and Zero (different kind of cultures on their home planets).

I personally like those designs, but I don't expect the game to be less than the previous games in any way, so I also expect it to have plenty of character customization.

Jul 9, 2011, 07:42 AM
LOL @ People ganging up on OLAF...

I think the outfit designs... they're not HORRIBLE so to say. But I will agree that they're boring. As for the lord of the rings and fictional rules thing Remius pointed out, if Link can have a machine gun cross bow made out of magic. Then I think I can squeeze a leather jacket and space jeans.

I'll say as I've said before that pretty much 90% of PSU's clothes were ugly as hell. But it'll be no better if the only thing we can wear is differently shaped spaceman armor. I DEFINITELY don't want to go the LEVEL = ARMOR = APPEARANCE route either. Since not having that crap is what made me feel PSU had the best customization of it's time.

This is why I liked the frame line shield concept, which started in PSO to begin with anyway. PSU just didn't get shields till PSP2. The thing about most online games regardless of it's fictional world rules to begin with is that it's DEFINITELY a good idea to have people look however they way, and NOT just how the game creators force you to... I think that was pretty much what the Aion guys had in mind.

So it'll always be a dick thing to just up in say some OTHER people that you don't even know and probably won't play with... RUIN YOUR PRECIOUS LITTLE ATMOSPHERE, Because they look "out of place" for the 5 seconds you'll have to see them when they're not even going to be in your party.

But of course, there should be no compromise right?

Jul 9, 2011, 07:56 AM
The gigantic anime eyes are stupid.

Jul 9, 2011, 08:07 AM
Only PSZ had gigantic anime eyes.

Jul 9, 2011, 09:12 AM
According to bumped.org, one of the producers mentioned that the RAcast can not only walk but can __ and __ too. Thoughts?

Jul 9, 2011, 09:12 AM
Wow, look at everyone pooping their pants. Remius' obligatory wall-o-text over one little statement, Vashyron's obligatory stab at me, and other people having mini conniptions just because I said "the starting outfits are boring."

The outfits are still bland and boring, despite all the rage. Were PSU's starting outfits any better? Nope, but that's not what I was talking about.

Jul 9, 2011, 10:23 AM
According to bumped.org, one of the producers mentioned that the RAcast can not only walk but can __ and __ too. Thoughts?

Popular speculations have been dash, fly, and even transform. But to me those theories tend to lean towards racial abilities rather than unique abilities solely for this class, as that is what it appears to be from that statement.

Perhaps the ability to zoom in further than other RAs, or maybe a Charge Shot-esque ability, or maybe even able to transform into an armored tank and blow crap up sky high.

Jul 9, 2011, 10:28 AM


Jul 9, 2011, 10:36 AM
RAcast looks great, and the RAmarl is not too shabby. Need more news about this game!

Jul 9, 2011, 10:39 AM
Popular speculations have been dash, fly, and even transform. But to me those theories tend to lean towards racial abilities rather than unique abilities solely for this class, as that is what it appears to be from that statement.

With jumping confirmed, it would be pretty fun to have an android that could fly around.

Jul 9, 2011, 10:40 AM
With jumping pretty confirmed, it would be pretty fun to have an android that could fly around.

Yes, that would be awesome. However, they would need to give the other races something that a CAST can't do for it to be fair. If not, everyone would just pick CASTs and constantly (or however long you can before cooldown period) hover.

Jul 9, 2011, 10:46 AM
Yes, that would be awesome. However, they would need to give the other races something that a CAST can't do for it to be fair. If not, everyone would just pick CASTs and constantly (or however long you can before cooldown period) hover.

Go back to the old "androids cannot into techs"? Seems like the logical choice to me.

Jul 9, 2011, 11:13 AM
With jumping confirmed, it would be pretty fun to have an android that could fly around.

Hovering gun turret mode. Jump, hover, OPEN FIRE!!!

Possibly give hunter casts some kind of ultra-rocket-dash?

And then you have techs and such on fleshies. Maybe have techs newman only, then give humans something special too?

Jul 9, 2011, 11:16 AM
Humans --> traps?


Jul 9, 2011, 11:30 AM
For humans.... how about.... uhhhh...... NVM can't think of anything.

Jul 9, 2011, 11:43 AM
So it'll always be a dick thing to just up in say some OTHER people that you don't even know and probably won't play with... RUIN YOUR PRECIOUS LITTLE ATMOSPHERE, Because they look "out of place" for the 5 seconds you'll have to see them when they're not even going to be in your party.

But of course, there should be no compromise right?

You're missing what i was saying. The difference between PSO and PSU is that PSU pretty much endorsed dressing fashion over function to battle from the very beginning. You couldn't "ruin" PSU's "atmosphere" even if you tried, because from the very beginning they sent the message they wern't trying to uphold a very serious one. PSO, however, is a much more realistic game in pretty much every aspect, and the characters you play as reinforce this. Therefore, if a PSO character is to walk into battle wearing a bikini, speedo or a cute skirt, it's probably going to be a decently high level player. It doesn't ruin the atmosphere because joke clothing and weapons are PART of the game.

When everyone on the game is wearing functional armor and a group of lv 150s are wearing skirts and wedding costumes....well, its obviously an indicator of playtime or level, the same as everyone running around with photon weapons and one player running around with katanas or baseball bats killing everything in the room.

PSO = stylized functional battle outfits, PSU = stylish outfits with "plot armor" function for story coherency (lineshields), PSP2 = futuristic popular anime party, PSP2i = popular jpop lolita manga anime mashup party. As these games get more liberal with their outfits, so does the "atmosphere" of the game. Which is why PSO is obviously the darkest, and PSP2i is obviously the lightest.

In order for PSO2 to maintain its "atmosphere", it does not have to REMOVE these outfits, it simply has to make them harder to access, similar to the joke weapons of PSO. There are many ways to do it, and i can't just sit here and explain them all because im not designing this game. But it DOES have an impact on the way people view the game.

Wow, look at everyone pooping their pants. Remius' obligatory wall-o-text over one little statement, Vashyron's obligatory stab at me, and other people having mini conniptions just because I said "the starting outfits are boring."
Well, it just seems like you're trolling, really lol. Of course it's probably just your opinion, but seeing as these outfits are barely a farcry from anything in PSU or PSO, im only wondering how you formed your opinion...unless you hated the PSU stuff too. Im not attacking you or anything for thinking the way you do.


Human abilities? Well, since Casts will probably be able to use traps and transform into WMDs then i assume they will not be able to use Techniques. Perhaps MAG blasts will be newman/human specific? Or maybe they'll finally decide to answer the question on how Androids in PSO were [probably] not made of organic material yet were still affected by Resta? I hope to see a return of varied Mag Blasts and PB Donating/Chaining. I think that was a great concept that PSO players never really took advantage of (probably because the practical uses for maintaining them and unleashing their WTFrape damage potential was limited). If techniques are made into useful applications of elemental damage, then i can see how easy androids would suffer from not being able to use them. And as this game is closer to PSU in terms of how you'll take damage (no invincibility time with hordes of enemies), being limited on healing items would render them quite vulnerable.

And seeing as they seem to be focusing alot more on Enemy AI, i wouldn't be surprised if androids were able to fly, or have increased sniping range or something, making flying enemies easier to deal with. But a dashing or hovering android would be the neatest thing ever. I expect forces to be able to eventually hover and shit as well then, rofl

Jul 9, 2011, 11:44 AM
Hovering gun turret mode. Jump, hover, OPEN FIRE!!!

Hm, that kind of reminds of the Sentry Turret from Borderlands. That would actually be cool if one of the RA classes gets something like that.

And if Casts get a dash or fly ability, give the others a Haste and Float spell. With same durations and cooldown.

Jul 9, 2011, 11:48 AM
For humans.... how about.... uhhhh...... NVM can't think of anything.

In truth, its more likely that casts will get some kind of special to compensate for lack of techs again. Traps in PSO weren't quite enough, so giving them those and some rocket boosters would be interesting.

Besides, we all know casts are going to be the ultra-toughs, newmans will be squishy, and humans balanced. I would like to see newmans get higher accuracy and evasion in addition to the techs though, to make up for their inevitably bad defense.

Which would give a racial breakdown like this:
Humans: Baseline
Casts: -techs, +traps, +boosters, -tech defense, -evasion, +accuracy, +strength, +defense
Newmans: +tech power, +tech defense, +evasion, -defense, -strength

Something like that, which is basically where it's always been anyways. Humans could do with a bonus somewhere though... perhaps give them access to traps too? I dunno, it just seems casts get excessive stat bonuses usually...

I suppose we could have different defense styles for each race. Casts use boosters to move fast in a straight line (hunters)/hover out of reach (rangers), newmans use dodge rolls and jumping over attacks, humans block and parry blows (and get to deliver strong counterattacks afterwards?)

Jul 9, 2011, 11:51 AM
Hm, that kind of reminds of the Sentry Turret from Borderlands. That would actually be cool if one of the RA classes gets something like that.

And if Casts get a dash or fly ability, give the others a Haste and Float spell. With same durations and cooldown.

Yeah, some defensive techs like that would be neat. Float for newman rangers, haste for newman and human hunters?

And then something like a floating shield for humans of any type... (Casts are already tanky, newmans are kind of weak and ill-suited to blocking attacks)

Jul 9, 2011, 11:51 AM
When everyone on the game is wearing functional armor and a group of lv 150s are wearing skirts and wedding costumes....well, its obviously an indicator of playtime or level, the same as everyone running around with photon weapons and one player running around with katanas or baseball bats killing everything in the room.

So you want players to spend countless hours of grinding until they are allowed to wear what they want?


Jul 9, 2011, 01:00 PM
Well, it just seems like you're trolling, really lol. Of course it's probably just your opinion, but seeing as these outfits are barely a farcry from anything in PSU or PSO, im only wondering how you formed your opinion...unless you hated the PSU stuff too. Im not attacking you or anything for thinking the way you do.l

I wasn't trolling. I genuinely think that the outfits shown for PSO2 thus far are bland. As for PSU outfits, a lot of them also look bland and tasteless as well. There are only a select bunch of clothing I pick from on PSU, and find different combinations in which to wear them. I guess I'm just really nitpicky when in comes to fashion (at least in video games), and it's a matter I take a little bit seriously.

I form my opinions based on the fact that I'm very picky about in-game clothing options. I look at every little detail and every little part of the clothing, to see if it matches well with everything else, including the character's hair, hat, facial accessory, and everything. Then decide whether or not I think it looks "good" by my standards. So far, the outfits haven't been ugly or bad, per se, but they've definitely been "meh" at best. At least to me.

That's why I'm waiting for screenshots or a video depicting the customization options, as that's a very important feature which will determine whether or not I'll be buying PSO2. I'm a big customization buff. I crave variety. So much that I actually have 2 different deodorant sticks, 2 different scents of handsoap, 3 different kinds of shampoo, and 3 different kinds of conditioner in my bathroom. I need customizable variables. It's just who I am.

Jul 9, 2011, 01:13 PM
Well, that's fair enough lol.

So you want players to spend countless hours of grinding until they are allowed to wear what they want?Yeah thats EXACTLY what i said, i want you to grind for 49,000 hours before you're able to wear a bikini because i dont want anyone fucking up my precious perfect atmosphere because it definitely took 49,000 hours in PSO to find a joke weapon and everyone bitched about it because it was so important because everyone wore the same outfit and back when pso was out i remember everyone bitching about how much they wish they could just equip a bikini or a rappy suit or a victorian dress because their characters looked so bland and stupid

Why do people throw everything into extremes when arguing a point? You had to be at a certain financial point in the game to afford most of the popular outfits in PSU anyway, unless someone bought it for you. But the game was more casual than PSO, and so it really never mattered as you had funny stuff to wear before then.

Jul 9, 2011, 01:27 PM
Lol, atmosphere.

Jul 9, 2011, 01:43 PM
When it comes down to it, I will have to agree with Remius. I'd much rather see less fanservice in this game. Atmosphere and story are both much more important to me than fashion and fanservice. I would hope that the game actually goes in that direction regardless of how many people would oppose it since I want this game to be as enjoyable for me as it can. It sounds selfish, but hey, that's human nature for you.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:10 PM
When it comes down to it, I will have to agree with Remius. I'd much rather see less fanservice in this game. Atmosphere and story are both much more important to me than fashion and fanservice. I would hope that the game actually goes in that direction regardless of how many people would oppose it since I want this game to be as enjoyable for me as it can. It sounds selfish, but hey, that's human nature for you.

You and everyone else. Everyone wants what they want, and most people honestly don't give half a shit if someone else is disappointed. Just as long as they, themselves, are happy.

EDIT: Also, don't expect a groundbreaking, emotional story in PSO2. It's probably not going to happen. It might, but most online RPGs aren't known for pulling on the ol' heartstrings.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:11 PM
Olaf, I'd be really interested in seeing what you consider a good style of outfits as opposed to PSO2's style you find boring.

Not trying to be a smartass or anything, I'd just like to see what you're comparing it to as I'm a big fan of clothes design too.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:13 PM
the problem is that everyone is so leaning towards extremes that nobody can make the other happy with one choice.

PSU gradually got more and more extreme with it's fanservice, and kind of lost what made it a unique series, IMO. PSP2i is nothing but a mashup of a bunch of popular anime outfits and rampant Lolita fashion.

Which is not a bad thing, but for those who want more of a "phantasy star" feeling, it's going to greatly annoy them. Phantasy Star has been pretty consistant with it's artform changes until PSP2 came along. (PSI-IV, PSO, PSU-PSP).

Jul 9, 2011, 02:40 PM
EDIT: Also, don't expect a groundbreaking, emotional story in PSO2. It's probably not going to happen. It might, but most online RPGs aren't known for pulling on the ol' heartstrings.
I'm well aware that it won't be groundbreaking in any way. PSO's story wasn't at all groundbreaking but it was at least interesting and not forced on the player should they decide they want to have nothing to do with.

Jul 9, 2011, 02:57 PM
You're missing what i was saying. The difference between PSO and PSU is that PSU pretty much endorsed dressing fashion over function to battle from the very beginning. You couldn't "ruin" PSU's "atmosphere" even if you tried, because from the very beginning they sent the message they wern't trying to uphold a very serious one. PSO, however, is a much more realistic game in pretty much every aspect, and the characters you play as reinforce this. Therefore, if a PSO character is to walk into battle wearing a bikini, speedo or a cute skirt, it's probably going to be a decently high level player. It doesn't ruin the atmosphere because joke clothing and weapons are PART of the game.

When everyone on the game is wearing functional armor and a group of lv 150s are wearing skirts and wedding costumes....well, its obviously an indicator of playtime or level, the same as everyone running around with photon weapons and one player running around with katanas or baseball bats killing everything in the room.

PSO = stylized functional battle outfits, PSU = stylish outfits with "plot armor" function for story coherency (lineshields), PSP2 = futuristic popular anime party, PSP2i = popular jpop lolita manga anime mashup party. As these games get more liberal with their outfits, so does the "atmosphere" of the game. Which is why PSO is obviously the darkest, and PSP2i is obviously the lightest.

In order for PSO2 to maintain its "atmosphere", it does not have to REMOVE these outfits, it simply has to make them harder to access, similar to the joke weapons of PSO. There are many ways to do it, and i can't just sit here and explain them all because im not designing this game. But it DOES have an impact on the way people view the game.

Well, it just seems like you're trolling, really lol. Of course it's probably just your opinion, but seeing as these outfits are barely a farcry from anything in PSU or PSO, im only wondering how you formed your opinion...unless you hated the PSU stuff too. Im not attacking you or anything for thinking the way you do.


Human abilities? Well, since Casts will probably be able to use traps and transform into WMDs then i assume they will not be able to use Techniques. Perhaps MAG blasts will be newman/human specific? Or maybe they'll finally decide to answer the question on how Androids in PSO were [probably] not made of organic material yet were still affected by Resta? I hope to see a return of varied Mag Blasts and PB Donating/Chaining. I think that was a great concept that PSO players never really took advantage of (probably because the practical uses for maintaining them and unleashing their WTFrape damage potential was limited). If techniques are made into useful applications of elemental damage, then i can see how easy androids would suffer from not being able to use them. And as this game is closer to PSU in terms of how you'll take damage (no invincibility time with hordes of enemies), being limited on healing items would render them quite vulnerable.

And seeing as they seem to be focusing alot more on Enemy AI, i wouldn't be surprised if androids were able to fly, or have increased sniping range or something, making flying enemies easier to deal with. But a dashing or hovering android would be the neatest thing ever. I expect forces to be able to eventually hover and shit as well then, rofl

I would be fine with this, infact most of the extra novelty/ best looking outfits in universe were always harder to get in the beginning early anyway. Especially in PSP2 where you have to unlock them or get them from trade missions.

But I'd just feel like a droid with my only outfit choices being what we've seen so far. ESPECIALLY because they just super PSO outfits. To be honest I never liked ANY of the PSO outfits... I thought they all looked horrible. Other than the girl's outfits and a few colors (like HUmar in White.) e_e

What ever the umbrella style of this game is going to be. I mostly just want more than what our obvious default outfits are going to be. Either way, even space heroes can have something a little more leisurely or comfortable...


Jul 9, 2011, 03:11 PM
Funny you should mention Space Pirate Cobra, Michaeru. I've always thought it was odd that PSP2 had an outfit from Bobobo instead of a more relevant JUMP comic like Cobra. Having a set of armor for Caseals modeled after Lady Armaroid would have been the best thing ever.

Jul 9, 2011, 03:18 PM
I like the models. Mostly the detail on them. So far I haven't seen anybody cry about them looking like the old PSO models. I'm sure you can play around with the Height and weight of your characters.

Jul 9, 2011, 03:39 PM
If character customisation is what it should be, not anyone's character will look like that. Remember the default character models in PSO/PSU/PSP2/PSP2i...

The RAmarl on that pic looks a lot like Reimi Saionji from Star Ocean the Last Hope >_>

Jul 9, 2011, 04:01 PM
Why do people throw everything into extremes when arguing a point? You had to be at a certain financial point in the game to afford most of the popular outfits in PSU anyway, unless someone bought it for you. But the game was more casual than PSO, and so it really never mattered as you had funny stuff to wear before then.
You said, specifically "When everyone on the game is wearing functional armor and a group of lv 150s are wearing skirts and wedding costumes...."

In PSO getting to just lv120 for some people (including myself) was a chore, especially when you're juggling 4 characters. I've never even been to 150 (if the cap goes that high, I don't really remember the caps, as it was never that relevant to me since I never went for it.) 150 is also high for most other MMOs. I'd say it would be pretty justified in assuming 150 is late/end-game content. Furthermore, you split it between the "group of level 150 guys" and "everyone on the game," so essentially, everyone who isn't 150 is wearing functional armor. And since that was the only number or indication of any sort of level you gave, I'd say his presumption (that you would be grinding to the endgame for joke content) of what you meant was made rightfully so. You need to make your examples more clear.

Jul 9, 2011, 08:22 PM
I like the RAmarl. And like other have said the RAcast could have been a bit bigger. If you can customize proportions then it don't really matter. Actually if it big on customization then these are just the begin models and it doesn't matter at all.

Jul 9, 2011, 08:59 PM
You said, specifically "When everyone on the game is wearing functional armor and a group of lv 150s are wearing skirts and wedding costumes...."

In PSO getting to just lv120 for some people (including myself) was a chore, especially when

i didn't read anything past this point. You can't really think i suggested your precious bikini would be limited to level 150 players. In PSO you were able to find rares as early as level 20.

Jul 9, 2011, 09:14 PM
As said in another thread, Extra stuff should come last or be earned.

Sorry if I butted in. Heh...

Jul 9, 2011, 09:24 PM
i didn't read anything past this point. You can't really think i suggested your precious bikini would be limited to level 150 players. In PSO you were able to find rares as early as level 20.

So you assume that players will wait til high-level/end game until they can wear what they wish to freely, simply for the sake of keeping the precious atmosphere going, despite that now they can have access to it at a lower level.

That may have worked for Visual Units and Joke weapons, but that's because both of those things were actual equipment and as such, provided stats like any other piece of equipment. Clothing options are purely for aesthetics and shouldn't be compared to nor treated as the formerly mentioned simply because it's 'atmosphere-breaking.'

People love variety in these kind of games. Not just in the weapons we can use, but also in how our character's appearance appeal to us, the player, and if that somehow interferes with your playtime, then play somewhere else.

Jul 9, 2011, 09:30 PM
Well then, to fix this may I suggest a search option to pair people either with serious and/or free spirited players then?

Jul 9, 2011, 09:35 PM
If you guys are that worried about good immersion and atmosphere, maybe video games isn't your thing. I suggest finding a group of people to LARP with. You can't get any more immersed than that!

...hopefully someone doesn't show up with a bag of food from Burger King or something, though. Because then the perpetrator would probably get a good ol' Medieval flogging for stomping the atmosphere into a thousand little pieces. :wacko:

Anyway...something else to bitch about...oh! The monsters look so dumb! I mean, what is this?! Some cheesy B-movie from the 1950s?! Man!

Jul 9, 2011, 09:47 PM
Hey, i'm ok with the silly stuff. Im a nintendo fan for crying out loud. I just think that if this is going to be a major problem with people, then just put in option on what or who you wish to be with.

Jul 9, 2011, 09:57 PM
Funny enough. I'm not sure that many people didn't use PB chaining. In my group in PSO, we were always about the PB chains. Whenever we could manage to get it, we'd store it for a boss encounter. Very satisfying. It was a great reward for having the ability to hang in there as a team.

Jul 9, 2011, 10:22 PM
@ Olaf: All of these alien spider monsters remind me of star ship troopers. Which I agree WAY too many sci-fi things copy. and doesn't exactly give me the impression I'm fighting forest hostiles.

But since this is an alien planet they get away with that. Plus I'm sure theres giant spiders in some forests and jungles in the world(OMG MUST NOT PICTURE SPIDERS) And I'm used to playing games where you have to kill floating bunny heads made out of anime pudding so I'm fine with anything as long as it's manly/scarey/cool looking.

I'm surprised we didn't get bombarded with the new rappy design yet, since they seem to change with every series. PSU's looking the most realistic "Ironically," I qoute Ironically because PSU's art style was actually realistic besides it's clothes and it's style change in PSP2i. But for some reason the art style is the first thing people jump on when exaggerating reasons to hate PSU for not being PSO.


Everyone bitch about THAT!

Jul 9, 2011, 10:28 PM
Hey, i'm ok with the silly stuff. Im a nintendo fan for crying out loud. I just think that if this is going to be a major problem with people, then just put in option on what or who you wish to be with.

I know. I'm just busting chops at this point. It's all quite silly.

Oh, and Michaeru, I didn't really realize that. But, yes, the enemies do look like the bugs from Starship Troopers. That's kind of cool in a way, but still cliched, like you said.

Jul 10, 2011, 12:34 AM
So you assume that players will wait til high-level/end game until they can wear what they wish to freely, simply for the sake of keeping the precious atmosphere going, despite that n

Once again, i stopped reading right there. Im not replying to semantics anymore. And if you weren't trying to be funny, lrn2read.

If you guys are that worried about good immersion and atmosphere, maybe video games isn't your thing. .....okay you just have to be trolling at this point, Olaf. You're just trying to make me laugh now, aren't you? You can admit it, you know.

Look people. I understand that you have an insatiable need to clothe your precious female roleplays in Lolita dresses nipple garments kimonos and bikinis, and that no amount of logic will sway you from that goal. But honestly, i dont really care anymore, because you people just sway from one extreme to the other and it's getting pathetic. There really is zero arguing with you guys. If the PSO-religious people are crazy for being pissed at this game having jumping and air combos, then you PSP2i-tards are no different for going off on hissy fits should the developers make a choice to stay original and NOT hire random tasteless manga artists to draw whatever sexual cosplay fantasy they were thinking of at the time to stick in this game, too.

Can we please talk about something else now? Someone get another Anatomy major in here to bitch about Hunewearl again, lol.

And the monsters look nothing like the Starship Troopers monsters, because i just watched that movie yesterday morning. The antlions from Half Life 2 on the other hand? Definitely a Starship Trooper rip.

Jul 10, 2011, 12:58 AM
And I understand you want to be in the shoes of the military man shooting down rappies and experience it like it were real and wanting nothing to ruin it. Because obviously reading a book or playing another game just isn't good enough.

You want your immersions. I want the freedom. Plain and simple. The end.

And yes, another topic to discuss would be nice... if there was anything new to talk about.

Damn this Bonko person for holding back the Creation screen.

Jul 10, 2011, 01:00 AM
There's going to be a compromise on the fashion content, guys. Just live with it; we're all going to be playing the game anyways. ^^

Is there any kind of timetable for character design releases? They seemed like they had a shitton on that one photo of the PSO2 workplace wall.


Jul 10, 2011, 01:01 AM
....okay you just have to be trolling at this point, Olaf. You're just trying to make me laugh now, aren't you? You can admit it, you know.

No kidding. It's called busting chops. Obviously I don't expect you to go out and LARP...unless you really want to.

Look people. I understand that you have an insatiable need to clothe your precious female roleplays in Lolita dresses nipple garments kimonos and bikinis, and that no amount of logic will sway you from that goal. But honestly, i dont really care anymore, because you people just sway from one extreme to the other and it's getting pathetic. There really is zero arguing with you guys. If the PSO-religious people are crazy for being pissed at this game having jumping and air combos, then you PSP2i-tards are no different for going off on hissy fits should the developers make a choice to stay original and NOT hire random tasteless manga artists to draw whatever sexual cosplay fantasy they were thinking of at the time to stick in this game, too.

^He mad. There's no reason to be so full of rage just because people want a little bit o' cleavage in their games, you know. If it's that big a deal to you, don't play with any of us "less serious" players.

Jul 10, 2011, 01:08 AM
Nah Olaf, i just totally went and burned the fuck out of the PSP2i enthusiasts, and they probably all secretly hate me for it now.

They'll never admit it, though. ::trollface::

[spoiler-box]There was plenty of cleavage in both PSO and PSU. Oh, if you mean bra-less physics defying (and custom slider proportion defying) cleavage, then be my guest....you know, if concrete titties are your thing. I prefer my pixels natural, sir.

And there's absolutely no fun in a girl with no surprises.
Or girls who happen to be fourteen. But hey, at least Japan thinks its sexy. It's the visual style PSP2i was based off of, afterall.[spoiler-box]And i don't know what a LARP is. Can you eat it?[/spoiler-box] [/spoiler-box][/spoiler-box]

Jul 10, 2011, 01:10 AM
LARP is "Live-Action Role Playing." If you like immersion and atmosphere, there's nothing better. You should try it.

Jul 10, 2011, 01:19 AM
Different strokes for different folks, i'm afraid.

And if LARP is so great for immersion...what was PSP2i LARP like? I saw a few male characters during Little Wing Grand Prix (as in 1), but the rest were definitely female...and rather young looking....

....and all the players were male....


Jul 10, 2011, 01:19 AM
Welp this argument has nothing to do with me now, I just want my flexible customization, I'm indifferent about ecchi. Though I still don't think it would ruin MY atmosphere.

I actually CAN take the situation seriously if I see a girl in a bikini while I'm fighting a giant purple space version of Satan.

Not cause I'm a PSU purist, but because this game is from japan anyway and my own imagination will probably be doing 70% of the work in terms of making this games "atmosphere" awesome anyway.

I dunno why everything has to be so dramatic.

Jul 10, 2011, 01:24 AM
It doesn't. But apparently people refuse to read what you type, and thus because one dislikes PSP2i's horrible fashion presentations i now belong to the "atmosphere" and "immersion" group.

So, im probably going to resort to trolling the shit out of that topic from now on, should anyone decide to debate it again.

[spoiler-box]I hate PSP2i's clothing designs, but i really hold no hatred for the game. But the only way to beat a troll is to troll it harder, sooooooooo[/spoiler-box]

Edit: i just read over what Olaf defined "LARP" as, and totally laughed my ass off, because i completely ignored the "live-action" part. It just made my visual image of PSP2i role playing even funnier.

At least i thought it was funny. Sorry.

Jul 10, 2011, 03:28 AM
I was really hoping the RAcast head would be like the classic original when they introduced it. I hope they kept some of the neat/weird designs from the original. Casts were cool because eyes were optional... these visors though, actually I don't even recall a visor look in PSU either? Am I wrong?
http://i.imgur.com/yBSYy.png and my personal favorite http://i.imgur.com/Ir8Tx.png

Jul 10, 2011, 03:32 AM
No, i DO remember you being able to choose a microwave receiver as a head though

Jul 10, 2011, 09:11 AM
It doesn't. But apparently people refuse to read what you type, and thus because one dislikes PSP2i's horrible fashion presentations i now belong to the "atmosphere" and "immersion" group.

I somehow fail to see how you are NOT the most leading example, considering how many of your posts explicitly talk about the atmosphere and immersion in the games.

I mean, if you REALLY don't want to talk about that, and ONLY talk about the fashion, you should probably omit all that stuff about immersion and atmosphere and shit. Because apparently everyone is missing your REAL point. It has absolutely nothing to do with your style of communication, right? :roll:

Jul 10, 2011, 09:22 AM
The problem I see with your posts Olaf, is that while you state that you simply have another priority for this game (a diverse fashion collection to pick from) than Remius (atmosphere), you simply cannot refrain from saying that atmosphere in games is bullshit and does not exist.

It is no bullshit and it does exist. It is just nothing that matters to you, but saying that there never is atmosphere in games is just downright ignorant. I have just finished Killzone 3, and it felt like a movie. Heck, it felt real. Because they managed to build a fantastic world where everything suits together. Fighting monsters in panties does not seem realistic, thus the atmosphere dwindles. That's just how it works. You don't care for that? That's alright, just please do not be that ignorant to say we should look for atmosphere in other media.

Jul 10, 2011, 10:43 AM
The problem I see with your posts Olaf, is that while you state that you simply have another priority for this game (a diverse fashion collection to pick from) than Remius (atmosphere), you simply cannot refrain from saying that atmosphere in games is bullshit and does not exist.

It is no bullshit and it does exist. It is just nothing that matters to you, but saying that there never is atmosphere in games is just downright ignorant. I have just finished Killzone 3, and it felt like a movie. Heck, it felt real. Because they managed to build a fantastic world where everything suits together. Fighting monsters in panties does not seem realistic, thus the atmosphere dwindles. That's just how it works. You don't care for that? That's alright, just please do not be that ignorant to say we should look for atmosphere in other media.

Why are you bringing something up that was settled pages ago? Seems a bit inflammatory to me. Like I said, you don't want to play with me or anyone else wearing bikinis and/or whatever other kinds of silly outfits they decide to add? Then don't; it won't bother me none. Then you can be all immersed and feel like you're really in the game and really fighting giant evil bugs in a forest on some far-off world...or whatever your goal is...

Anyway...the only RAcast head I liked from PSO was the 2nd picture that Revy posted. I always liked the little horn-looking thing. Better than that odd tortoiseshell helmet to me.

Jul 10, 2011, 02:39 PM
I'm still pretty okay about the character designs so far. The only thing I'm not pleased with is that god-forsaken pigeon-toed stance. I never got how that was "cute". *hoping for that gangsta-style pistol shooting on the RAmarls :-D*

As for the RAcast, I'm just hoping for some of the original head types. *points at Revy's post* Otherwise I think he's holding true to the overly-large-toaster-with-legs-and-arms deal that was in PSO.

I'm quite interested in seeing exactly what customization will shape up to look like. Hopefully they'll release a demonstration sometime soon. I wonder if they'll have the gag-outfits (I.E. Rappy suit, bikini, wedding dress, ect.) along side the more "functional" and more battle ready style.

Jul 10, 2011, 07:11 PM
It doesn't. But apparently people refuse to read what you type, and thus because one dislikes PSP2i's horrible fashion presentations i now belong to the "atmosphere" and "immersion" group.

i didn't read anything past this point. You can't really think i suggested your precious bikini would be limited to level 150 players. In PSO you were able to find rares as early as level 20.

Once again, i stopped reading right there. Im not replying to semantics anymore. And if you weren't trying to be funny, lrn2read.

ITT Remius thinks his posts are better than everyone else and couldn't possibly have worded his posts a bit better. Meanwhile everyone blasts Olaf for a simple opinion until it drags out his whole belief in what makes a game good for himself and that gets blasted to.

Fun filled day in PSO2.

I normally don't feel the same way as Olaf on things, but if it's any consolation Olaf I actually agree the outfits displayed thus far are getting boring. They all have the same heavy theme to them, and one could probably make a pretty good educated guess as to what the next one will look like without needing to see it. I no longer care about the art direction of the characters, Sega has shown pretty well what it will look like at this point if they're just gonna keep sticking to taking the PSO clothes and armoring them, then giving everyone similar colors. If they start showing completely new original clothing ideas, sure, lets see them. Otherwise I want some solid gameplay info now, something more "new news" about the game.

Jul 10, 2011, 07:12 PM
If it helped she's not really tip-toe'd she's just wearing high heels. and She's bo-legged cause she was born in japan.

So be prepared to be stuck with it.


But yeah TL:DR I can live without the gags, but only having dull brain soldier space soldier stuff as clothing choices will be depressing.

B> Badass Leather Jackets or Casual wear

Jul 10, 2011, 07:40 PM

B> Badass Leather Jackets or Casual wear

I'd actually love to see some badass leather jacket wear. Sure, it's cheesy 80s and 90s, but damn do I love me some black leather. For those that care about it as well, leather is far more of a "feasible" battle clothing than cotton.

Jul 10, 2011, 08:16 PM
Needs some Mad Max inspiration.

Jul 10, 2011, 08:33 PM
Yeah you'd think with 7 planet theres gotta be a lot more going on than just serious business space boyscout action. A post apocalyptic planet would be rad.

Jul 10, 2011, 08:40 PM
A post apocalyptic planet would be rad.

Because even on other planets...

....War. War never changes.

Jul 10, 2011, 09:17 PM
ITT Remius thinks his posts are better than everyone else and couldn't possibly have worded his posts a bit better. Meanwhile everyone blasts Olaf for a simple opinion until it drags out his whole belief in what makes a game good for himself and that gets blasted to.

Look, whatever. I make it a point to argue from a non-biased opinion, because lets face it, nobody is going to listen to you if you're completely one sided and close minded. But unfortunally, those are the types of people im arguing with. I stop arguing with respect when people refuse to see it from more than one point of view. Sorry if my logic is flawed, because it very much can be, but i just really stop caring when people do that.

Therefore, i stopped reading posts the moment i realized that the poster didn't read anything i said beforehand and started talking like I was saying i didn't want bikinis in the game out of fear of the "atmosphere" of the game being ruined. You know, like if you go to the PSU boards an mention PSO anywhere. Anyone who read what i wrote would know that. And im not about to explain what i meant anymore, because i've explained it too many times in too many ways.

When "Level 150's with baseball bats in bikinis looks cool and is a clear indication of player gaps" becomes "O SO U WANT US TO GRIND FOR COUNTLESS HOURS BEFORE WE CAN WEAR OUR BIKINIS", i stop applying any fucking logic to my posts anymore because it is no longer worth the time.

Im blasting Olaf not because he holds a strong opinion, but because his defenses for holding his position are (no offense Olaf) just damn stupid. He's basically saying that 1) 'atmosphere' does not exist in videogames, 2) there is no reason for a videogame to have storyline coherency, and 3) people who play games for storyline immersion are looking in the wrong places. What the hell.

So...i've decided that going on any farther with opinions is pointless and that trolling is the only option. But this is the PSO2 board, so it really shouldn't matter. But FYI, i would MUCH rather you point out where im wrong instead of change my words around / ignore whatever i say.

Jul 10, 2011, 09:24 PM
Im blasting Olaf not because he holds a strong opinion, but because his defenses for holding his position are (no offense Olaf) just damn stupid. He's basically saying that 1) 'atmosphere' does not exist in videogames, 2) there is no reason for a videogame to have storyline coherency, and 3) people who play games for storyline immersion are looking in the wrong places. Wat.

Well, I'll just pop up a quick elaboration on these three points, and then drop the discussion entirely. I don't want things to get "personal" again, like they did a few hours ago.

1. No, I'm aware that atmosphere can exist in a video game. However, it's up to the player how intense they want said atmosphere to be. You can play Dead Space with the My Little Pony theme song blasting in the background if you so choose. That's what I meant when I said that atmosphere is an illusion in the player's own mind. The developers can do their damnedest to give a game an atmosphere, but it's up to the players to decide how much they want to acknowledge it.

2. I don't recall saying that video games shouldn't have story coherency. I just said that some people don't put as much thought into it (much like point #1 above). Some people don't play online RPGs for "story immersion", and just play to dick around and have fun with friends, hence wanting "dick around" clothing, such as bikinis or Rappy Suits. And, as such, it's kind of a douchey move to tell someone that just wants to have fun with those kinds of silly clothes "no, because it'll ruin my immersion" (not saying you said that; it's just a generalization).

3. I was joking when I was saying that, dude. Unless you really do want to run around looking like this:


Nitro Vordex
Jul 10, 2011, 09:28 PM

I'd actually love to see some badass leather jacket wear. Sure, it's cheesy 80s and 90s, but damn do I love me some black leather. For those that care about it as well, leather is far more of a "feasible" battle clothing than cotton.
Only if I can have a hoverbike that looks like I put half of a car engine in.

Jul 10, 2011, 09:41 PM
You know, like if you go to the PSU boards an mention PSO anywhere. Anyone who read what i wrote would know that. And im not about to explain what i meant anymore, because i've explained it too many times in too many ways.

What makes you think I (or anyone else here) bothered to read your one post in one other thread (or any number of your posts in other threads,) and then bothered to catalog it and remember it? I (nor anyone else, I would doubt,) am not going to peruse around the entire forum reading just your posts so I can learn what you actually mean when you say something, versus what you have actually written. It doesn't matter a lick what the other games had their joke items set at, because we're talking about your opinion. You could very potentially be a person that feels stuff like that should be late-game content for whatever slew of reasons good or bad, and that the previous levels were a bad place to allow access at. We don't all know you, we don't all know your habits and, most of us probably don't care unless it is relevant to the topic we happen to be looking at. Get over yourself. If people make false generalizations because you worded things shoddy, that's your own fault.

And before I here the counter: "Well, if I'm not important, why are you bothering with this?" The answer is simply because today is a very slow day. I don't have much to do, but I can certainly just post for awhile about random topics.

Jul 10, 2011, 10:16 PM
Well it was a big post and you get those people that go "MY BRAIN! TOO MANY WORDS TO READ!". One the other hand, dood argues that people that do read it have a negative response to it. You already talked about that though. Eh, maybe i'll just look at other games and see how well late game stuff affected players compared to early:mid game.

I also have the need to say sorry to OLAF. Don't want to seem like i'm bashing you.

Jul 10, 2011, 11:05 PM
I agree with Mad Max-y leather jackets so hard.

Jul 10, 2011, 11:18 PM
Only if I can have a hoverbike that looks like I put half of a car engine in.

Mad max+star wars= PSO2


But man, wouldn't that be a trip. Whether it was pod racing or the hover bikes on Endor.

Jul 10, 2011, 11:32 PM

1. No, I'm aware that atmosphere can exist in a video game. However, it's up to the player how intense they want said atmosphere to be. You can play Dead Space with the My Little Pony theme song blasting in the background if you so choose. That's what I meant when I said that atmosphere is an illusion in the player's own mind. The developers can do their damnedest to give a game an atmosphere, but it's up to the players to decide how much they want to acknowledge it.
....well, that argument works for absolutely anything on earth that involves any kind of emotion or reaction that isn't instinctual (like pain, or reflexes for example)

Well, i believe it is GENERALLY ASSUMED that when someone buys a game, they are pretty much submitting to whatever experience the developer intended for you -- why did you buy the game in the first place? It is a good developers job to make you feel a specific way at a specific point. If the game is built around, oh say "freedom" (which, of course, actually IS just an illusion created by the game designers), then within the boundries of fair play (I.E. not hacking the game and changing shit around), then the same idea will still apply. If the game designer wants you to not blast hello kitty music in dead space, then he will remove the feature of Custom Soundtrack during the scene. Nowww...If you do it anyway (headphones), then...well, yeah, there was nothing they could do. Perhaps you didn't care for that portion of their ideas? However, I believe that THE MAJORITY of hardcore-based videogamers do NOT deliberately try to break the atmosphere the developers tried to impose on them, because...well, what's the point? Who buys Dead Space just to listen blast benny hill while playing in a brightly lit room? No, people want to play the game to FEEL like they're being hunted by ugly...things.

You know, in the end, i'm noticing that this is really a purely opinionated argument, Olaf. Neither of us are goiing to end up right because we are basically arguing our definition of art to eachother. In my eyes, since PSP2i, Phantasy Star has pretty much become less of its own style of game and more of a mashup of all sorts of popular things. Customization was never the true reason why I enjoyed PSO or PSU -- it was the fact it was wholly unique. PSP2i just is not the same way to me. It's become unique in a way that...well, isn't unique, and is more of a sellout in my eyes. PSP2i was less about phantasy star and more about...well, EVERYTHING else. Fanservice, Pizza Hut, KFC, Anime outfits, Anime weapons, more main-character-fanservice-through-plot-destruction (hello Hyuga) and...Phantasy Star Online? Where the fuck was the Phantasy Star Universe?

I respected the series much better when the ideas were original, or even heavily inspired, but not just thrown at you from whatever direction they could get licenses from.

And just to close this off for good....HONESTLY, the amount of bullshit clothing they'd have to create to bring this game down to PSP2i's level of atrocious would be quite significant. The biggest difference between this game and PSP2/ PSP2i is that PSP2i pretty much annouced what you were going to be playing from the moment they announced the fucking game and showcased those retarded outfit choices. It felt like i just went from a sequel to the Phantasy Star Universe spinoff to an entirely different game, like Phantasy Star Zero or something. Cheesy cliche characters, SeeD infected humans who don't die and grow eyepatches, shameless fanservice....

PSO2 may very well have some clothing choices that i lothe to appease every corner of the fanbase, and that is quite alright with me. Im just hoping the RATIO of fanservice and actual trying to do something artistic is more or less equal.

Some people don't play online RPGs for "story immersion", and just play to dick around and have fun with friends, hence wanting "dick around" clothing, such as bikinis or Rappy Suits. And, as such, it's kind of a douchey move to tell someone that just wants to have fun with those kinds of silly clothes "no, because it'll ruin my immersion" (not saying you said that; it's just a generalization).Well, yeah it is a pretty dickwad thing to say. Just as it's pretty rude for me to bash PSP2's character designs (even though i very much hate the majority of them and openly express it everytime i get the chance. Oops.)

And I havent played a single MMO on earth that made me give a shit about immersion either....

...well, until i picked up Phantasy Star Online, which was the first MMO i ever touched in my life that actually put genuine effort into the atmosphere of the stages, from the background detail to the epic OST. Of course, this is what the PSO2 team is trying to resurrect, what universe ultimately failed at, and what Phantasy Star Portable 2/infinity pretty much ignored completely in favor of a new way to hook players. (on top of some MUCH appreciated gameplay enhancements. it wasn't all bad.)

3. I was joking when I was saying that, dude. Unless you really do want to run around looking like this:Well, i was hoping you were anyway.

I'd replay to Siyamak, but.....ughh, i really just dont want to. This post is huge enough already. And besides, he seems to think im some kind of forum post elitist or something, and i just dontttt feel like going through that right nowwww jeeeeeeezeee

Jul 10, 2011, 11:44 PM
Am I the only that just thinks PSO got lucky? :0

Jul 10, 2011, 11:45 PM
Got lucky? How?

Jul 10, 2011, 11:51 PM
Angsters gonna angst...

Jul 10, 2011, 11:58 PM
...well, until i picked up Phantasy Star Online, which was the first MMO i ever touched in my life that actually put genuine effort into the atmosphere of the stages, from the background detail to the epic OST.


Jul 11, 2011, 12:03 AM
All this crazy atmospheric stuff...

They tried something new with the music, and then put a twist on the classic games to make it an online action rpg. Then that transition mixing into modern/current sci-fi themes. Yanno when all that stuff was new to most people, and the matrix was still popular. Not to mention JRPG's were still new and cool and popular and everyone still liked spikey hair, giant swords, FF7 and dragon ball z.

It had everything that was new and popular in video games and movies back then.

Meanwhile PSU had everything that was already infamously overrated by the time it was born.

The older everything gets, the worse new things start to look. PSO just landed in a good spot. Probably in terms of SEGAs give a shit timeline as well.

Jul 11, 2011, 01:33 AM

....you DO know how incredibly vague that term is, right?

All this crazy atmospheric stuff...

They tried something new with the music, and then put a twist on the classic games to make it an online action rpg. Then that transition mixing into modern/current sci-fi themes. Yanno when all that stuff was new to most people, and the matrix was still popular.

It had everything that was new and popular in video games and movies back then.
LoL...this is interesting.

Dude....you can't compare PSO as it stands in 2011 to PSO how it stood 11 years ago. They are in two completely different standings.

When PSO was released it was among the best sounding, looking and playing games out. There was no such thing as a Console MMO at the time. And even during the years when PSO came out, it still held a very unique artstyle. By the time the GCN came about, it was even offline-multiplayer. Despite its issues, its competition (i believe Diablo is what it was compared to most over here) really didn't have too much over it aside from the advantage of not being japanese cultured. (well, and already having its established fanbase over here.)

Not to mention JRPG's were still new and cool and popular and everyone still liked spikey hair, giant swords, FF7 and dragon ball z.But...uh...everyone still likes spikey hair, giant swords, FF7 and Dragonball Z.

Look at that list you just made. The matrix has pretty much permanently changed the way movies do action scenes to this very day, just how DBZ has permanently influenced Action Anime, and how Final Fantasy 7 has permanently influenced Japanese RPGs.

You're "doing the matrix" if you go slo-motion. you're "pulling a FF7" if your main villian either a) kills a main character, b)has a giant sword, c) grows a wing at ANY point, or d) has a latin choir orchestrated final boss theme. You're "doing a DBZ" if you charge up -- in fact, if a character can shoot a giant energy beam, it's a kamehameha. The kamehameha can't "look like" the other attack. It dont go the other way around.

JRPGs though? Not doing too hot. But that says more about the way videogames have changed over the past 11 years. Those things you listed have pretty much been etched in history as game changers.

I dont believe PSO could have ever achieved quite that level of success simply because of what it was -- a uniquely drawn, heavily sci-fi anime hack and slash RPG with an incredibly vague approach to storytelling. As innovative as PSO ultimately was, it just had FAR too small of a target audience. It wasn't an action movie, it wasn't a popular manga-turned-anime, and it wasn't an entry in the most popular RPG franchise known to man (and the most successful entry, no less. Even squaresoft had trouble trying to trump themselves.)

PSO gets popular in japan, while DBZ, The Matrix, and FF7 get worldwide critical acclaim. Not to mention, unfortunately for PSO lightsabers had already been done already.

Meanwhile PSU had everything that was already infamously overrated by the time it was born.

The older everything gets, the worse new things start to look. PSO just landed in a good spot. Probably in terms of SEGAs give a shit timeline as well. You fail to see the big difference between PSO and PSU. When PSO came out, it actually was an innovator. When PSU came out, it did a plethora of things that it's competition was already doing better. In terms of the jump from PSO to PSU, PSU brought a significant amount of scale changes to the franchise, but in the grand scheme of things, it really didn't do anything new. But more importantly than anything, it didn't push the envelope.

ANY envelopes. Recall, PSO was one of the best sounding, looking ect. ect games of its time. PSU was most definitely not a very decent sounding game (in neither OST nor SFX), its graphics were more or [probably] less average, and while its gameplay still got the praise it deserved for being madly addictive, it really didn't add too much to the formula. PSU's customization system was probably it's most impressive aspect, but not even a few years later you have even F2P MMOs that come out with far more in-depth customization systems. Of course, most of them lacked the "standard good lookingness" that PSU's models had, but that didn't take long to trump either. And worse than everything, it was even LESS likely to pull an audiance overseas because of the direction they decided to take with the storyline.

So now you have a still quite unique (yet even more "anime" and "colorful" than PSO) art style, wholly unimpressive presentation quality hack-and-slash action RPG with spoon fed content (ultimately less than PSO ever had until AotI, and even then it was still pressed), with storytelling which went from purposely vague to overly anime-dramatic....and it wasn't even offline multiplayer.

There's no surprise that PSU was going to not do as well as PSO. If you scale PSO's achievements up to the year 2011, it would probably:

Look like Final Fantasy XIII
Sound like Final Fantasy 6/7/8/9/10
Have ridiculous hours of replay value with tons of unique drops
Probably be offline multiplayer (without the downgrades of PSU PS2)
Do something amazing in terms of MMO Action-Online gameplay.

While PSO in hindsight really isn't anything special, it deserves its praise for the time period it was conceived in. It wasn't just "lucky".

And besides, it was around the year 2006 that Sonic Team started to really fall off the fucking map. Sonic Adventure 2 (battle) was the last really amazing game they produced. By the time PSU was released, the last game Sonic Team was known for was Shadow the Hedgehog (fucking trash), and then later what is now known as Sonic 2k6, probably the worst game on Xbox360 or PS3 right now. Seriously, it's like the Superman 64 of modern videogames.

[spoiler-box] And finally...videogames just aren't what they used to be. Back during the Dreamcast you have Sonic Team games like Nights into Dreams, Samba De Amigo, Chu Chu Rocket, Burning Rangers, Sonic Adventure 1&2, Phantasy Star Online....and then other games from other developers like Powerstone 1&2, Skies of Arcadia, Jet Grind Radio, Soul Calibur, Shenmue, Crazi Taxi, Street Fighter A3, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Space Channel 5, House of the Dead.....the fucking list just goes on and on, man.

People aren't as creative as back then because the cost of making games is no longer worth the risk. Therefore, people revert to schematics for videogames, and can no longer safely do what they want to, which is why genre like FPSs, JRPGs, and all around all videogames are failing right now...well, they're making PLENTY of money, but just not pleasing those of us looking for something more.[/spoiler-box][/spoiler-box]

Jul 11, 2011, 01:55 AM
....you DO know how incredibly vague that term is, right?

That's as retarded as calling Portal a first person shooter. Neither PSO or PSU are massive in any way. Especially not PSO.

Jul 11, 2011, 01:59 AM
It's easier than calling it a fucking Science Fiction First-Person Puzzle-Adventure game. Who cares?

Are we really about to start this argument? I promise, i'll scream in your ear if we do!

Jul 11, 2011, 02:02 AM
you always yell and curse and over complicate things.

FPS Puzzle game.

Online RPG. Not complicated.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:17 AM
Like I said, PSO went through everything it did, when all this J-pop culture was still new and the internet was JUST born. I listed FF7 and DBZ as examples to new things from that culture getting a lot more hype. The matrix as well, not for it's slow motion action and all of that. But that time being the best time for Sci-fi stories. The 70's pitched it, the 80's just getting into it, then it exploded in the 90's then got weak by last decade.

Which is why I say it got lucky, Because everything it did at the time was new to a lot of people,(ESPECIALLY online gaming) Yet it still fit properly into it's time. Infact, since you bring up when SEGA started to fuck up, adds even more reasons to say PSO was lucky.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:18 AM
they aren't curse words Pika, they're sentence enhancers! (Not really. I dont curse nearly as much IRL, but for some reason i sound like a wonderful little sailor on forum boards!)
And uh, their screwups were most definitely due to staff changes, not them just magically becoming bad at making games.

I mean look, you just can't look at something old and say "people only liked it because they got lucky because they made it during a time when people would like it". You're either before your time, after your time, or the new fad. I dont really think anyone is smart enough to choose in a business like this.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:21 AM
It's easier than calling it a fucking Science Fiction First-Person Puzzle-Adventure game. Who cares?

Are we really about to start this argument? I promise, i'll scream in your ear if we do!

Or, you know, you can call it a puzzle game. Don't even bother back pedaling with that "who cares" non-sense. Obviously you cared enough to refute my claim.

The only thing that even remotely resembles an MMO in PSU is the lobby system. Replace it with the kind one would see in a fighting game and nothing of value has changed. Sure the roleplayers that use it like an interactive chatroom are QQing but the actual gameplay remains untouched.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:22 AM
Which is why I say it got lucky, Because everything it did at the time was new to a lot of people
You realize this could be said about anything that has been successful.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:29 AM
PSO/PSU = Lobby-based Dungeon-crawler.

You can shut up about it now.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:31 AM
You realize this could be said about anything that has been successful.


Theres a LOT of things that got popular/successful just out of luck. Trying a new and different version usually backfires and bunch of fireballs into it's audience.

Then trying to bring it back usually results in it not being a huge deal.

In the end I doubt PSO2 will perfectly bring back everyones precious atmosphere, even if it's possible I'd be surprised to see SEGA pull it off. "Atmosphere" is only temporary enough as it is, for ANY game. As long as PSO2 doesn't suck just be happy with what you get... or NOT be happy with whatever we get.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:37 AM
PSO was an MMO.

Chair races and pickup games of Go Go Ball. :3c

Jul 11, 2011, 02:43 AM
Or, you know, you can call it a puzzle game. Don't even bother back pedaling with that "who cares" non-sense. Obviously you cared enough to refute my claim.

The only thing that even remotely resembles an MMO in PSU is the lobby system. Replace it with the kind one would see in a fighting game and nothing of value has changed. Sure the roleplayers that use it like an interactive chatroom are QQing but the actual gameplay remains untouched.

And only thing that even remotely resembles a puzzle game are the portals. It's obviously an FPS becuase you're looking through FIRST PERSON VIEW the whole game and, uh shooting. Oh yeah, in First Person View. Doesn't matter what you shoot, the game is classified by what you do. I definitely see the first person perspective and some sort of circular projectile. Remove the puzzles and replace it with enemies of the type one would find in a shooting game and nothing of value has changed. Much. Dont know which game YOU were playing.

And i can "backpedal" all i want! At least give me a good argument to cower away from you into a corner with, honey.


Theres a LOT of things that got popular/successful just out of luck. Trying a new and different version usually backfires and bunch of fireballs into it's audience.

Then trying to bring it back usually results in it not being a huge deal.

In the end I doubt PSO2 will perfectly bring back everyones precious atmosphere, even if it's possible I'd be surprised to see SEGA pull it off. "Atmosphere" is only temporary enough as it is, for ANY game. As long as PSO2 doesn't suck just be happy with what you get... or NOT be happy with whatever we get. I think you're trying to push the PSO luck thing just a bit too much, dude. Sonic Team had an astounding track record.

And i think we've seriously been arguing about "atmosphere" a bit too much. I mean it's important and can definitely break a game, but it isn't going to make it by itself, either.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:49 AM
Remius, I told you that there will be perverted outfits no matter what. Deal with it x2 combo.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:52 AM
Hey, i dont mind perverted outfits. I mind perverted outfits on 10 year olds.

And tasteless perverted outfits, if there is such a thing. And might i go ahead and already point you to the fine PSO2 Hunewearl design?

...wait, how did we get back on perverted outfits we were just talking about luck and genre

Jul 11, 2011, 02:52 AM
Perverted outfits ruining your atmosphere ect.

We're all off-topic here though, so whatever.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:55 AM
Why does the armor for the RAmarl have to look so damn mechanized? Why can't she look normal and wear cloth material. Also, yet again more silly fan service the librarian nerd-tan glasses.

Jul 11, 2011, 02:56 AM
Good thing for customization!

Jul 11, 2011, 02:58 AM
Ishia, the massive 2 person war about the "atmosphere" really had less to do with the outfits in the game and more to do with the definition of "atmosphere" in context of phantasy star online. And i find it ironic that barely a page ago we were talking about the pre-conditioned responses this forum has to automatically generalize an opinion based on specific words seen in a post, even if there is no way those words could possibly have concluded the generalization.

Im going to start a sociology experiment now, who wants to help me!

Edit: Or would it be Psychology...? Whatever. Commence.

I really hope they keep the outfits more conservative this time around. Makes the game feel a bit more...conservative and down to earth. It's a big contrast to PSP2i, which was all over the place.

Jul 11, 2011, 03:28 AM
And only thing that even remotely resembles a puzzle game are the portals. It's obviously an FPS becuase you're looking through FIRST PERSON VIEW the whole game and, uh shooting. Oh yeah, in First Person View. Doesn't matter what you shoot, the game is classified by what you do. I definitely see the first person perspective and some sort of circular projectile. Remove the puzzles and replace it with enemies of the type one would find in a shooting game and nothing of value has changed. Much. Dont know which game YOU were playing.

I'm not going to split hairs over what the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device's key function is, but I WILL tell you that that's a pretty bullshit argument you've concocted. Trying to trivialize my side of the argument by making it sound like removing all of Portal's game play is the same as removing an interactive chat room from PSO/U is just plain silly. Take PSPo1 for example, the lobby was replaced by a menu based system but played exactly the same as PSU:AotI once a mission began. Would you call PSPo1 an MMO? I seriously hope not.

How about Marvel: Ultimate Alliance? It had customizable abilities and equipment, 4 player missions, and an interactive lobby just like PSO. Would you call this game an MMO?

Jul 11, 2011, 03:30 AM
I'd say PSU had a better atmosphere than PSO anyway It had a whole "universe" going on with different people and cultures and life styles. Where PSO you're just lost in some ugly world with catchy music and vague story telling.

One is like being in a city and the other is like being inside of your closet with nothing but a tiny flash light and an mp3 player. I'm sure your imagination being tricked into doing almost all of the work didn't effect anything at all. Or at least that's what peoples 10 year old memories tell them. Atmosphere making or breaking a game? I'm sure if you like the game in general it'll probably give you that "atmosphere" that you like regardless.

This nostalgia and "Atmosphere" stuff suddenly just squeezes into the same crap, and results in the same endless arguments because everyones different. Yet they think what they want will lead to making this game near perfect for anyone but themselves. Which would completely contradict sakai wanting to make this game something "everyone can be happy with."

and yeah...

It may not have been ALL luck, but I'm mostly saying the time it came out worked well for it in general. Part of PSU's failure was it that it was been harder to obtain that success outside of Japan in this current generation. Regardless of their screw ups that I don't really have to mention.

It's even more annoying that one word can spark off a enough text to write a book. Only to find out people are just posting their random thoughts on a whim, then having to elaborate on it, only never to find an ending because it just ends up in a nit pick battle till both people fall asleep.

The ironic thing behind most of the pointless giant arguments that this forum has daily is that most of us in the long run will probably end up wanting 90% of the same things anyway. Which is exactly why this is the most entertaining section in PSOW right now, until Sakai finally stops trolling...

My god I wrote 6 paragraphs, man this isn't proving anything to anybody and it's off topic either way. I'm DONE... we're DONE. This is all Sakais fault anyway! It's DONE! THAT'S IT, IT'S OVER!

Jul 11, 2011, 06:13 AM
And i can "backpedal" all i want! At least give me a good argument to cower away from you into a corner with, honey.

Yeah, that will never happen, Remius. You argue for argument's sake, whether or not you care to make enough sense. Your grammar is intelligible, and your sentence structure better than most on this board; but your debating skills suck and you drag people through pointless arguments because you want your opinion to be the loudest.

I'd bet you'd argue with yourself if people didn't respond to your long-winded biased opinions :P

Jul 11, 2011, 06:33 AM
And only thing that even remotely resembles a puzzle game are the portals. It's obviously an FPS becuase you're looking through FIRST PERSON VIEW the whole game and, uh shooting. Oh yeah, in First Person View. Doesn't matter what you shoot, the game is classified by what you do.Now, I'm not sure if I completely misunderstood your entire post, but yes, games are classified by what you do... and what you do in Portal is solve puzzles. What you're saying is any game that has a first person view and you can shoot things is an FPS, and that's just ridiculous. I guess Oblivion and Morrowind are first person shooters too? Lol, even PSU?

I definitely see the first person perspective and some sort of circular projectile. Remove the puzzles and replace it with enemies of the type one would find in a shooting game and nothing of value has changed. Much. Dont know which game YOU were playing.
Yes... of course when you take out the elements of the game that make that game what it is, and replace them with different elements, it becomes a different game/genre. The argument that a game is a certain genre, because if you replace things in it, it becomes that genre, is just ridiculous.

Jul 11, 2011, 06:53 AM
I can't wait to see how the Racaseal looks like ! Noxia's resurection !

Pouny Star Online 2 FTW =3

Jul 11, 2011, 07:28 AM
I liked the overall design of the RAmarl... Until I got her head. Something about it is screaming loli in my head. Big eyes, long hair, and that big beret lol. I can deal though, it was just shocking to me at first. RAcast I have no overall issue with. Its design matches the class.

LOL @ looking at a pic on a forum of a female from the bottom up.

Also I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I see people talking about how short the RAcast is. Isn't it possible that whoever it is just decided to make it short? Is it known that height can't be edited?

Jul 11, 2011, 07:32 AM
Yes, lol. People just like to complain about things, but PSO has had a proportion adjuster for the past 11 years, there is no reason to assume they suddenly removed out of nowhere.

Jul 11, 2011, 10:59 AM
Man, what happened in here? I come back to people debating whether or not Portal 2 is a puzzle game (which has an extremely obvious answer).

Also, the terms "MMORPG" and "ORPG" are separate for a reason. PSO and PSU were the latter. This is non-debatable.

Ok, everyone! Continue!

Jul 11, 2011, 11:20 AM
Some new screens!



[spoiler]Sadly not, Trololol: http://bumped.org/psublog/psp2i-and-border-break-air-burst-cross-collaboration/[/spoiler-box]

Jul 11, 2011, 11:21 AM
I wonder how many people are going to have bloody diarrhea all over their pants out of sheer excitement before they read the last little bit of the post, there.

Jul 11, 2011, 11:27 AM
I wonder how many people are going to have bloody diarrhea all over their pants out of sheer excitement before they read the last little bit of the post, there.

No excitement here, my brain nearly exploded from the confusion though. Now I feel like an AI that was presented with a logical paradox. :wacko:

Nitro Vordex
Jul 11, 2011, 11:51 AM
Some new screens!



[spoiler]Sadly not, Trololol: http://bumped.org/psublog/psp2i-and-border-break-air-burst-cross-collaboration/[/spoiler-box]
For some reason, those made me think of Vanquish.

Jul 11, 2011, 12:28 PM
I've been seeing that robot eveywhere, so yeah didn't work on me...

Surprised our Racast didn't look something closer to that though.

Though this is more robot, and less armored android.

Jul 11, 2011, 12:45 PM
Some new screens!



[spoiler]Sadly not, Trololol: http://bumped.org/psublog/psp2i-and-border-break-air-burst-cross-collaboration/[/spoiler-box]

Soo based on everyone's reactions I take it those screen shots aren't legit? ;_; sure looks purty though.

edit: n/m found the blanked out text

Jul 11, 2011, 01:28 PM
Is it really come from PSO2 ?

Jul 11, 2011, 01:29 PM
Is it really come from PSO2 ?

No, son.

Jul 11, 2011, 01:45 PM

Looks like my girl can be a RAmarl again insted of a female beast :)

Jul 11, 2011, 01:56 PM
I still liked those screens. That look still looks killer with the weapon combined with the mechs. Makes me wish I can try Border Break out. (I'm a huge huge Virtual On fan, and am intrigued whenever another big arcade release, like this, comes out)

Jul 11, 2011, 02:17 PM
I'd say PSU had a better atmosphere than PSO anyway It had a whole "universe" going on with different people and cultures and life styles. Where PSO you're just lost in some ugly world with catchy music and vague story telling.

One is like being in a city and the other is like being inside of your closet with nothing but a tiny flash light and an mp3 player. I'm sure your imagination being tricked into doing almost all of the work didn't effect anything at all. Or at least that's what peoples 10 year old memories tell them. Atmosphere making or breaking a game? I'm sure if you like the game in general it'll probably give you that "atmosphere" that you like regardless.

This nostalgia and "Atmosphere" stuff suddenly just squeezes into the same crap, and results in the same endless arguments because everyones different. Yet they think what they want will lead to making this game near perfect for anyone but themselves. Which would completely contradict sakai wanting to make this game something "everyone can be happy with."

and yeah...

It may not have been ALL luck, but I'm mostly saying the time it came out worked well for it in general. Part of PSU's failure was it that it was been harder to obtain that success outside of Japan in this current generation. Regardless of their screw ups that I don't really have to mention.

Well, if you think PSU has a better "atmosphere" (last time im using that word) then i guess thats all you, Micharu. I didn't really think so. But i'd still argue that you can apply the "they got lucky" or "it's just nostalgia" argument to pretty much anything.

To me, PSO wasn't some STTUUUPERRR AMAZING messiah of a game designing spectacle, it was just really well done in most of its areas. PSU was just medicore in most areas, but good enough in the others to make it a game i'd still pay to play, but i'd also admit a good portion of my beef with PSU came from the people running it instead of the people who programmed it.

Some new screens!


Boy. You know the first thing i noticed is that the engine looked completely different, but i ignored it because it looked like a PS robot. Then i scrolled down and saw that PSP2i gunblade....and noticed the robot was like 5 miles tall.

Still very much favors a PS character, though. It'll be sad if this game turns out looking better than PSO2 : 0

Jul 11, 2011, 03:43 PM
I hope you know what a mmo is. Unless it had online play(never played M:UA) and tons of people play it then yes, it is a mmo.

Jul 11, 2011, 05:00 PM
Some new screens!



[spoiler]Sadly not, Trololol: http://bumped.org/psublog/psp2i-and-border-break-air-burst-cross-collaboration/[/spoiler-box]

I wonder how many people are going to have bloody diarrhea all over their pants out of sheer excitement before they read the last little bit of the post, there.

.......Goddamnit. :disapprove:

I know graphics aren't everything, but PSO2 needs to look like this. I don't care if everyone and their grandma has to buy a new PC to play it, this looks fucking amazing. Get to work, Sakai!

Jul 11, 2011, 05:47 PM
I can't believe how much of this debate is purely about appearance. What really pisses me off about these is the implication that they're doing away with the job system from PSU. This means if I want to switch jobs I have to make a new character? WTF?!

This whole locked class, where your race and gender are part of your class BS was stupid in PSO and would be stupid now. That better not be what this is. Everyone can look like Cadburry bunnies for all I care, as long as we get to keep the ability to switch classes, and appearance remains independent of armor.

And while we're at it, PA's need to level with use, not by finding random RARZ that level your PA's. That's the ONE thing PSP2 got wrong. Hopefully they keep a lot of the advancements from PSP2 as that game was near perfect, with the PA thing being the only real issue.

Jul 11, 2011, 06:06 PM
I can't believe how much of this debate is purely about appearance. What really pisses me off about these is the implication that they're doing away with the job system from PSU. This means if I want to switch jobs I have to make a new character? WTF?!

This whole locked class, where your race and gender are part of your class BS was stupid in PSO and would be stupid now. That better not be what this is. Everyone can look like Cadburry bunnies for all I care, as long as we get to keep the ability to switch classes, and appearance remains independent of armor.

And while we're at it, PA's need to level with use, not by finding random RARZ that level your PA's. That's the ONE thing PSP2 got wrong. Hopefully they keep a lot of the advancements from PSP2 as that game was near perfect, with the PA thing being the only real issue.

I have to agree with all of this... well, except the Cadbury bunnies part, lol. :wacko:

As I pointed out in another thread a few minutes ago, a lot of people keep referencing PSO's job/race/gender classification system (I think I'm guilty of it myself as well), but it would be stupid nowadays to keep this system. What if Sega starts charging extra towards your monthly subscription fees to make another character? You'd have to pay real money per month AND start from level 1 all over again JUST to change jobs. That's just retarded; no one would want to do that, unless they have more money than they do common sense.

Personalized character customization is a must as well, as we've discussed countless times already. If we used PSO's old job system, we'd all be stuck wearing the same outfits. Hell, people would be able to tell what job you were just by looking at you. I could see elitist mentalities develop from that, because then some people would expect you to be doing certain things to help out the party. Now, depending on how the game is set up, one could take that as constructive criticism, especially if jobs are more unique and specialized and teamwork is more critical, but given the nature of PSO and PSU, I highly doubt that will be the case. I could be wrong, though; we still hardly know shit about PSO2's combat, other than what was in that one video from back in April.

Also, finding discs to LEARN new moves is fine, but you shouldn't have to find them AGAIN at higher levels just to make them stronger; that should be something you level up instead. If you want to FIND something to make yourself stronger, just get a new weapon.

Jul 11, 2011, 06:44 PM
Meh. I'm fine with lock classes as long as I wouldn't have to pay for a new character.

Just need a shared storage and a few save files.

Jul 11, 2011, 07:10 PM
i dont think anyone sed anything about classes being locked... id imagin a Ramarl could do several Ra style jobs. also the idea of sega charging per char is nonsence. stop with that b4 you cause a panic lol.

Jul 11, 2011, 07:14 PM
Given that the game is mainly marketed toward people who enjoyed PSU and PSP2/I, I would not bother expressing concerns about the class and outfit choices this early in the announcement cycle. Especially as the initial PSO2 announcement said it would have even more character customization.

Jul 11, 2011, 07:26 PM
Given that the game is mainly marketed toward people who enjoyed PSU and PSP2/I, I would not bother expressing concerns about the class and outfit choices this early in the announcement cycle. Especially as the initial PSO2 announcement said it would have even more character customization.

agreed. ppl keep jumping to crazy conclusions. just because they show a ramarl dosnt mean you cant change class or outfit. and that idea of sega charging per char?! sega never announce anything that would lead us to think something like that were true.

Jul 11, 2011, 07:31 PM
also the idea of sega charging per char is nonsence. stop with that b4 you cause a panic lol.
Actually, it's more likely than you think....

Considering, y'know, PSU is currently both pay-to-play and pay-to-win in JP atm, and considering Squeenix already set precedent for charging per-character, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they went that route. It would disappoint me, but I would not be surprised...

Jul 11, 2011, 07:33 PM
If the first char is free and the 2nd has to be bought then people would probably just make an alt account.

Jul 11, 2011, 07:40 PM
I am certain that in a pay for alternates model, it would be cheaper to just add an alternate than to add another monthly fee.


That said, I would not mind paying less per month than I did in PSU and being limited to one character.

Jul 11, 2011, 07:45 PM
Heh, I forgot about the pay to play thing. Oh well, if your paying you may as well just buy another char. As stated above.

Jul 11, 2011, 09:52 PM
If the first char is free and the 2nd has to be bought then people would probably just make an alt account.

Bind each account to a CD key.

Jul 11, 2011, 10:04 PM
Oh thats harsh. Then they put 1 account on 3 computers per disk.

Jul 11, 2011, 10:39 PM
Oh thats harsh. Then they put 1 account on 3 computers per disk.

Make the key usable with only one active account at a time.