View Full Version : Game Just got a ps3. Know of any good multiplayer games?

Jul 13, 2011, 11:15 AM
Pretty sure this is where a topic like this belongs. Not so important perhaps, but not a rant either :rolleyes:.

Anyway, I'm slow on the uptake, I know. Many good ps3 games have come and gone. Fortunately, I have a credit card and internet which grants me the mighty power to pull from the vault of time. I've looked around, but most games available at the moment in stores are single player, of which I still grabbed a few. However, the only good multiplayer ps3 games I can think of off the top of my head are various 'tales of' games. Searching around tends to have people boast about and focus on shooters *coughgamefaqscough*, regardless of what I specify :/. I know shooters are awesomesauce, but I'd like some games beyond that genre. So I am here enlisting the help of pso-world :).

I enjoy all genres excepting non-fictional sports (made up sports are awesome).

That said, I'd like you all to dip into your fondest memories of this platform and suggest any games you'd consider a great ps3 game to check out, multiplayer games specifically. The console's library is enormous, and I need to narrow down my search a bit. My roommate also dislikes getting his ass beat on a regular basis :lol:, so a couple co-op games would be appreciated as well.

Jul 13, 2011, 11:18 AM
Uncharted 2
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade edition, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Marvel Ultimate alliance 2, Resident Evil 5, Modnation Racers, Little Big Planet 2. Wipeout.
May I continue?

Jul 13, 2011, 11:26 AM
Course! Fire off as many as you remember enjoying. Staring at the entire available library hurts my eyes, and it doesn't even have a narrow down option lol. Just seeing what you guys enjoy makes it more worthwhile for me to check them out.

Have the new Marvel vs Capcom (Yay! Ammy!). Have the first marvel ultimate alliance. How does the second one stack up in comparison?

Jul 13, 2011, 11:30 AM
MUA2 is a bit more co-op focused due to the fusions of the powers, plus it has better team chemistry than the first one. Plus much funnier Deadpool ftw.

Jul 13, 2011, 11:42 AM
If you want fantastic co-op and a silly game, Saints Row 2 is lovely. Sure it's all gang-like but it's what GTA should be + the entire game is co-op (drop in/out too). The multiplayer is complete crap though, never go online for that, lol.

Borderlands is also great for co-op (I have it for Xbox so not sure how good PSN can hold 4 people, as LBP/2 has shown me not very well...)

As for straight up multiplayer, I just recommend generic multiplatform games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc.

Jul 13, 2011, 12:13 PM
Borderlands is awesome the first few times you play through it.
Needs teamwork for a lot of the stuff, and you get better loot and harder enemies the more are playing. It could be my connection, since I play on wifi, but 4 players lags a bit.

Fat Princess is like a Capture the flag that's been fed cake.

Jul 13, 2011, 12:15 PM
modnation racers vroooooooooom

Jul 13, 2011, 01:13 PM
Saints Row 2 marks as one of the surprisingly best followups to a game. SR1 kind of felt like the cheap GTA wannabe, but with some notable things it did better at. SR2 took all of that, didn't take itself seriously, and turned the game into a laugh riot. And I don't mean for gang reasons, most of the time. I'm talking about a meme-using over-the-top crazefest that practically mocks the entire GTA style and turns it on its head. So I have to give them major props to turning a series that looked like it wanted to be GTA, to a series that wanted to be the absolute Un-GTA game. They bought themselves major respect for wanting to be so blatantly different and *out there* for the sequel.

Jul 13, 2011, 01:24 PM
I have this on 360 but maybe something simple like Castle Crashers. X-Men Arcade, TMNT Turtles in Time Re-shelled and Bomberman Ultra I would suggest as well. Dunno just some good arcade fun i guess and all of them are 4p (6p for xmen obviously)

Jul 13, 2011, 02:23 PM
There's Lost Planet 2, but it does get repititive after a while. It's fun for those moments you want to enlist some actual help over having a team of AI.

I also second Borderlands, it's a fun game if you can get people to play with, otherwise there's always these idiots that think it's fun to always PvP.

Borderlands is also great for co-op (I have it for Xbox so not sure how good PSN can hold 4 people, as LBP/2 has shown me not very well...)
It's more or less the same from what I was able to experience, just more connection errors and having to reconnect to PSN after you get disconnected or the host's connection is poor.

Jul 13, 2011, 03:05 PM
DC universe online, Demons souls, White knight chronicles, Lost planet 2

i wouldn't worry to much about white knight chronicles since the sequel should be coming out soon.

Jul 13, 2011, 10:08 PM
Borderlands so much yes, also try out Steel Diver psn co-op game

Jul 15, 2011, 03:52 PM
I wanted to thank everyone who helped me out with some suggestions :).

I've begun to look into these games, though the only one in the cart right now is Saints Row 2.

I was not aware that psn had some old school arcade games. Definitely gonna grab some of those while I'm at it. The arcade ninja turtles game reminds me of my old nes edition.

Jul 15, 2011, 03:59 PM
2 is a direct sequel to 1, so if you never played the first, either play that or read the story on a Wiki or something so you're somewhat caught up on what's going on. SR: The Third too will be a direct sequel.

Jul 15, 2011, 04:13 PM
Streets of Rage 2, Final Fight double impact, Golden Axe, X-men Arcade, Gatling Gears.

Jul 16, 2011, 10:01 AM
2 is a direct sequel to 1, so if you never played the first, either play that or read the story on a Wiki or something so you're somewhat caught up on what's going on. SR: The Third too will be a direct sequel.

I didn't know that, thanks for the heads up. I'll pop on the wiki later and do a read through.

Jul 16, 2011, 10:16 AM
I also approve of Borderlands. Perfect fusion of the FPS and RPG genres, and drop in/drop out co-op (offline and online), its the one game that will successfully satisfy your needs 8-)

Jul 16, 2011, 10:46 AM
The thing I love about Borderlands is it's just as fun offline as it is online, and how enemies are tougher (well, more HP at least) the more people you put in a game, so it's not like having 4 people will make it easy mode. If anything, it makes some bosses have so much HP that you would rather kick everyone out and solo it first xD