View Full Version : Game Unique Video Game Playthroughs

Jul 16, 2011, 02:39 PM
I've recently grown a fascination with plaything through video games in bizarre, unneccessary ways. Sometimes making the game harder than it has to be.

One example of a unique playthrough would be in Dead Space, where someone played through the whole game using no other weapon than the flamethrower--a weapon which uses fuel very quickly.

In Phantasy Star Universe and Zero, playing a Cast the mainly uses Technics and Force weapons is unique.

Or playing trying to play Fallout 3 without killing anyone(I'm pretty sure this is possible).

Or several JRPGs where you can set up every party member in the same role... like all healers, or all mages.

Have you played through any video games in an unconventional way?

Shinji Kazuya
Jul 16, 2011, 02:45 PM
Hmmm... Nope. I don't think I tried this before. I might have but I don't remember anymore.
Maybe in Resident Evil 4. Clearing the game with the Pistol only. But I don't really remember > <

Jul 16, 2011, 02:55 PM
a playthrough of Metal Gear Solid 3 on Big Boss difficulty, no kills, no camo changing, no food eaten, never spotted, no equipment used and a Big Boss rank at the end.

Jul 16, 2011, 03:02 PM
a playthrough of Metal Gear Solid 3 on Big Boss difficulty, no kills, no camo changing, no food eaten, never spotted, no equipment used and a Big Boss rank at the end.

I knew someone was going to mention the Big Boss playthrough. XD I love that game!

Jul 16, 2011, 03:08 PM
I've recently grown a fascination with plaything through video games in bizarre, unneccessary ways. Sometimes making the game harder than it has to be.

In Phantasy Star Universe and Zero, playing a Cast the mainly uses Technics and Force weapons is unique.

Been done before. SEVERAL times, in fact.

Jul 16, 2011, 03:10 PM
Speaking of RE4, there's some amazing playthrough of it using only the knife (in a few spots it's impossible, in which cases he uses the starting handgun with no upgrades). I think it's still incomplete, but he got as far as chapter 5-2 before stopping. Youtube channel name is "KaiWii"

Also there's this freaking incredible "no equipment" playthrough of MGS3 where the player uses absolutely no items whatsoever, no camouflage, food, no anything and still gets an extremely quick FOXHOUND ranking on European Extreme. Fun watch.


This is a DMC3 "NO GROWTH" playthrough, where the player Heretic plays through the entire game on the hardest difficulty, Dante Must Die, without upgrading Dante or any of his weapons at all (one of his styles levels up once, but that's unavoidable). Very, very, very difficult:


Oh yeah, and there are people that play through Ninja Gaiden Black on the hardest difficulty using these absolutely crazy strategies to max out their karma scores, which requires beating all of the in-game battle timers and doing all sorts of other sometimes wacky and often brutally challenging things. I could barely scrape through Master Ninja mode at all, but there are people that just make the game their bitch. Totally insane people.

As for me, I once beat MGS3 on Extreme with purely CQC (but camo changes and the cardboard box and stuff allowed) using a strategy I saw on Youtube. I got a FOXHOUND ranking by beating the game in under 3 hours, the requirement being 5, and I still have the save file in case I ever need to brag about a game that's been obsolete (though still awesome) for 5+ years :razz:

EDIT: shit i just got ninja'd at least twice, that's how long this post took me :wacko:

Jul 16, 2011, 03:37 PM
I think people do this a LOT, I guess it's a good reason to get bragging rights and a chance to replay the game in an interesting way.

I also think most people take requests on how they should do it. Heck, megaman 9 and 10's achievements system encourages it. <_>

Jul 16, 2011, 03:45 PM
I've played Pokemon many times as if I was a gym leader - I only would use one type the entire game. It was surprisingly fun, lol. An all Water-type team was my favorite because of how many dual types there are with Water. I think I'm gonna start that again on my Black version, just trading over a few from my White early on since there aren't all types of what's in the new gen, like there's not 6 new electric types.

In various RPGs I'll do a "team bro" or "Powerpuff girls," teams made up of all guys or all girls respectively.

In FFT:A/A2 I'll do missions with only one race, such as viera.

Jul 16, 2011, 04:04 PM
Such play-throughs have always come off as either novel or purely for bragging rights. Since I never cared enough about the novelty, and don't give a crap what other people really think of my gaming skill, can't say I've ever bothered. I'm still impressed when I see really ridiculous stuff, for sure, but not so much it inspires me to do the same or anything.

If you want a game you could definitely do such runs on, try the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

Jul 16, 2011, 04:37 PM
Don't think you can beat Fallout 3 without killing... You'd obviously exclude the enforced Radroach kills at the start. You'd probably need to exclude a few other points too that are basically scripted "boss" fights.

Jul 16, 2011, 04:38 PM
I don't know how 'unique' or 'unconventional' this is, really, but I've home-grown a style of playing shoot'em'up games that involves not using bombs and playing with a non-spread type character. Playing in this way puts a lot of emphasis on learning patterns and improving your movement skills in order to stay safely in front of the enemies where you can hurt them.

Edit: I'll add some more emphasis to the 'no bombs' part of the above: it has gotten to the point where I really can't use a bomb even when it is by all regular means justified. It makes me feel almost ill by my own failure. :-x I would rather die another thousand times than use a bomb to get past a troublesome part.

Jul 16, 2011, 08:34 PM
Did any of you guys remember a HUcast on PSOBB, forgot his name sorry. But he was dark green in colour and, only ever seen him used green-star coloured photon basic weapons, through-out 0 to level 200 lol!

Jul 16, 2011, 10:14 PM
I don't know how 'unique' or 'unconventional' this is, really, but I've home-grown a style of playing shoot'em'up games that involves not using bombs and playing with a non-spread type character. Playing in this way puts a lot of emphasis on learning patterns and improving your movement skills in order to stay safely in front of the enemies where you can hurt them.

Edit: I'll add some more emphasis to the 'no bombs' part of the above: it has gotten to the point where I really can't use a bomb even when it is by all regular means justified. It makes me feel almost ill by my own failure. :-x I would rather die another thousand times than use a bomb to get past a troublesome part.Not using bombs is pretty standard, how about pacifist runs?

Jul 16, 2011, 11:05 PM
Your Rank: Dot Eater

Jul 17, 2011, 01:23 AM
Not using bombs is pretty standard, how about pacifist runs?

Reach first boss, live until you get bored?

Jul 17, 2011, 08:20 AM
Well, a team of Red Mages in Final Fantasy on PSP.
A team of 2 Black Mages and 2 Red Mages.

And the usual 3-Heart challenge in LoZ:Oot. (Next time might even just use the Biggoron Hammer as the main weapon during the challenge)
Which i probably could do in WW if i felt for it.
TP might give some trouble, ehh.

Jul 17, 2011, 10:51 AM
Reach first boss, live until you get bored?A lot of those games put timers on bosses, so all you have to do is survive until the timer runs out.

Jul 17, 2011, 11:17 AM
The closest I've ever gotten to doing something like this is playing through Mirror's Edge without killing anyone. It's not that hard, though. The only real hiccup is towards the end after the sniper rifle segment.

Jul 17, 2011, 12:14 PM
Well, a team of Red Mages in Final Fantasy on PSP.
A team of 2 Black Mages and 2 Red Mages.

And the usual 3-Heart challenge in LoZ:Oot. (Next time might even just use the Biggoron Hammer as the main weapon during the challenge)
Which i probably could do in WW if i felt for it.
TP might give some trouble, ehh.Isn't Red Mage just a mixed class though? One that is competent in melee and both types of magic? I just feel like it'd be more interesting to have an all Black Mage party, or maybe an all-Thief party...

Jul 17, 2011, 02:06 PM
Isn't Red Mage just a mixed class though? One that is competent in melee and both types of magic? I just feel like it'd be more interesting to have an all Black Mage party, or maybe an all-Thief party...

Yesh, Red Mages have the lowest HP as well.

Thief party will probably not be much different from a Red mage.
Only that they canīt heal and use weak magic.
But they can use those powerful melee buffs when class changed...

Might do that sometime...

But a Black Mage only party sounds awfully drawn out and
White Mage party gotta take the cake though.

Jul 17, 2011, 02:44 PM
Isn't Red Mage just a mixed class though? One that is competent in melee and both types of magic? I just feel like it'd be more interesting to have an all Black Mage party, or maybe an all-Thief party...

Red mages don't get some of the game's best spells. Final ultimate spells? Nope. Dia? Nope. Revive? Nuh-uh. IMO, they can substitute for blacks a lot better than whites. Also, they have more HP than black mages... And they can use fairly good swords as well.

The default party is actually pretty damned good. Post-promotion especially, since ninjas can spam Temper on your knight. I was hitting Chaos for 6k by the time he died. (Haste+Saber+Temper spam)

Jul 17, 2011, 03:00 PM
Ummm I wouldn't call them unique but i do 3 heart runs on the 3D Zelda's.

Jul 17, 2011, 09:17 PM
Like someone stated above, achievements sometimes enforce us to do just this. Playing through deadpsace using only the plasma cutter is a good example, though its no way near as hard as beating ninja gaiden on the hardest difficulty.

Jul 17, 2011, 10:09 PM
I only used neutral armor in PSU, duz dat count?

Jul 17, 2011, 10:40 PM
i think playing phanatsy stat portable 2 without using twin sabers is fairly unique =P

Jul 17, 2011, 11:00 PM
-Did FFIII with Four Red Mages
-Did PSP with just pistols
-Did Kotor with a basic rifle
-Did Fable with just a bow
-Did FFTA2 with just Luso then used the 2nd file useing only Nu mous of ultima face punching goodness.

Jul 17, 2011, 11:02 PM
Like someone stated above, achievements sometimes enforce us to do just this. Playing through deadpsace using only the plasma cutter is a good example, though its no way near as hard as beating ninja gaiden on the hardest difficulty.The plasma cutter is what I used most of the time, anyways. I only switched to other guns really to provide novelty/when I was running out of PC ammo. Also, with enough perseverance (read: deaths), anyone can stumble through Ninja Gaiden on Master Ninja, though it might take you upwards of twenty hours...

Jul 17, 2011, 11:03 PM
I try the nun chucks. Just couldn't do it. Got to love Nintendo Hard even though it was on the 360.

Jul 18, 2011, 02:08 AM
Red mages don't get some of the game's best spells. Final ultimate spells? Nope. Dia? Nope. Revive? Nuh-uh. IMO, they can substitute for blacks a lot better than whites. Also, they have more HP than black mages... And they can use fairly good swords as well.

The default party is actually pretty damned good. Post-promotion especially, since ninjas can spam Temper on your knight. I was hitting Chaos for 6k by the time he died. (Haste+Saber+Temper spam)

I admit that a Red Mage team is the most fun i had with FFI.
Specially in Labyrinth of Time, oboy.
That Chronodia really is something.
Nothing they couldnīt handle though.

Alucard V
Jul 18, 2011, 12:02 PM
Pokemon Red, 4rd gym battle, I won it with the last Pokemon I had was a Oddish that only knew absorb and cut.

Jul 18, 2011, 06:33 PM
The plasma cutter is what I used most of the time, anyways. I only switched to other guns really to provide novelty/when I was running out of PC ammo.

Oddly, I played mostly the same way. Only other gun I used was the Line gun to be honest. Most of the other guns sucked......(pulse rifle for instance was pretty much useless imo anyway).

This one achievement for not getting hit on a boss forced me to do this battle like 4 times before I finally got it >_> Didn't wanna start another game and I don't believe you were able to go and re-fight bosses or else I woulda got it on the first one. (Although I did get for a friend later on the second boss without even trying).


Jul 18, 2011, 06:45 PM
I once played through Fable: The Lost Chapters with no swords or bows. Just fists and that force-field spell.

Another time on Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, I decided to start a game without looting bodies and ONLY getting income from rewards and...well robbing houses. XD It was quite interesting.

Jul 18, 2011, 07:06 PM
Jack of blades must have been horrible let alone an ice golem.

Jul 18, 2011, 07:13 PM
I once played through Fable: The Lost Chapters with no swords or bows. Just fists and that force-field spell.

Another time on Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, I decided to start a game without looting bodies and ONLY getting income from rewards and...well robbing houses. XD It was quite interesting.

Robbing weapon shops is more rewarding than looting kills, barring Oblivion, and such.

And quest rewards >> loot/shops. Especially Shivering Isles.

Regarding Dead Space... I was a heavy Ripper user. One shot kills three-five necromorphs. Regenerator? Completely dismemebered in one shot. It was useless on the final boss though.

Jul 18, 2011, 08:12 PM
Jack of blades must have been horrible let alone an ice golem.
It took a painfully long time. But eventually triumph was mine!

Robbing weapon shops is more rewarding than looting kills, barring Oblivion, and such.

And quest rewards >> loot/shops. Especially Shivering Isles.

Regarding Dead Space... I was a heavy Ripper user. One shot kills three-five necromorphs. Regenerator? Completely dismemebered in one shot. It was useless on the final boss though.
Not saying it wasn't still easy, but it certainly is a different way to play. (It was harder in the beginning because the sneak skill was low and well, I'm not careful enough in the first place XD)

Jul 19, 2011, 07:10 PM
It took a painfully long time. But eventually triumph was mine!

Not saying it wasn't still easy, but it certainly is a different way to play. (It was harder in the beginning because the sneak skill was low and well, I'm not careful enough in the first place XD)

I've never found robbery hard though. Just wait 'til midnight and you don't have to sneak at all (Enter to check for guards, then smash and grab)