View Full Version : Role-Play Vote Here for the Next Role Play!

Seth Astra
Jul 23, 2011, 03:01 AM
Well, it's time to vote for our next RP. As a refresher, the two candidates are below:
Siyamak's Surivival-type RP/Writing Exercise:

Name: Don't know, I never care about names 'till way later. For now lets just call it "Survival," since that's what it's going to be about.
Universe: We could make our own, but we could just as well be crash landed on Ragol or any other planet.
General Location: See above.
Rough Time Frame: Ending could easily be set, as the "goal" of the characters is basically just to survive until they are found or find society. So you could make it 1 month or a whole year, I don't care.
RP Style: Mostly social, combat can be there, but should be mostly minimal.
RP Type: Limited open-world (the world is going to be open, but there are rules I'll list in the summary.)
RP Length:Ending could easily be set, as the "goal" of the characters is basically just to survive until they are found or find society. So you could make it 1 month or a whole year, I don't care. If it gets boring, it'll be the type you can end on the spot if everyone starts disliking it.
Summary: Alright, here's the deal. For whatever reason we/you decide, our characters are stuck in a survival situation. We don't have a lot of food, we are not hardcore grizzly survival vets or anything, we have limited resources when we get stranded (low on food, water, one or two weapons might be prevalent but not enough for the whole group) none of us are superstrong, superfast, or have 20+ years of martial arts/battle experience blah blah blah. You will be, in effect, a normal civilian. Specific details of what we have can be decided upon if the idea is even accepted.

Now here's the very special rule that limits things, while also kind of forcing you to write in a fan fiction style. When you want to use something as a resource, you cannot create it yourself. You can only use what's been described by other users. For example, you cannot just say "I pick up a sharp rock and tie it to a stick to form a spear." Someone first has to describe that there is even a rock bed existent in the first place, perhaps by a creek or something (keep in mind that would also create a creek, so now the next person can be the one to come up with the idea of spears, and/or do something with running water. You can do as much as you want, but only in the confines of what has been described by another user.) Even the stick itself may need to be described, if we aren't in a woodsy environment where sticks would be abundant (if we're stranded on a beach/island that mostly has palms, which don't really branch to have sticks, someone would have to describe driftwood branches on the beach, and someone could use that for their stick. The describer doesn't have to have their character specifically tell anyone, but it has to be somewhere in their description of the landscape.) You'll also need something to hold the rock to the stick. You are only allowed to describe things that are actually visible to your character. They cannot know things beyond their normal senses (for example, you wouldn't be able to tell when a forest ends and turns into a plain, and you can't describe that as a 3rd person narrator either, someone will have to actually go exploring to find that out.) Because of these rules, you are not allowed to have more than one character. I know some of you like to control more than one, but for the purpose of this RP, you cannot do that.

Keep in mind contacting one another outside the confines of the RP to preplan descriptions to get what resources you want is cheating. The point is that everyone actually pays attention to their environmental detail descriptions, so other players have the most to work with. Characters can also make things harder for everyone to survive if they so choose. For example, lets say you describe it as we're stuck near a large body of water (since it might be an ocean or a large lake, you can't see to the other side, but there are plenty of lakes big enough even here on Earth where that's the case, so it's totally plausible that it could be either.) The next person could taste it, and declare it freshwater (which would make things easier as we have something to drink) or salt water (which would make things much harder.) You could also describe the weather as being harsh (hot and dry) or we could be blessed with a cool rain (which would also be supplying us with a source of fresh water, unless we're in a very cold environment, in which case it'd suck because it would be to cold. Last I checked rain in 35 degree weather wasn't fun.)

Combat should primarily have to do with hunting or perhaps keeping a monster at bay that's trying to attack the group. However, you're supposed to be normal civilians (no exceptions) so your character cannot just walk in and slaughter 5 Boomas and say we're set for dinner. You could also fight amongst one another, but when you're dead, you're dead, and due to the nature of the RP, just adding in another person isn't going to fly. So I wouldn't encourage violent in-fighting. Though bickering and arguments and the like are totally encouraged, development in which characters start to hate one another's guts is still development.

So that's pretty much the idea. It's more of a writing exercise than anything, but in the confines of an RP play style.

One more note: if people start being inactive for so many days, but others still want to play, you could always have their character killed off from starvation/sickness/monster attack, etc. Depending on how they die, you might even be able to use them (take their clothes/tools and ditch the corpse; be a cannibal; use their bones for tools, whatever. Though I wouldn't keep rotting meat around to long as that leads to sickness, which could really fuck over a survival party.) Though obviously I'd PM that person on the matter before killing them off (or even let them kill themselves off, so they get to determine what's done with the corpse. If it gets dragged off by an animal, then you can't really use it, can you?)

The primary purpose of these rules is a writing exercise to make you better at detailing your surroundings. Rather than just "My character does/says X thing," you will have to write out the environment, how they alter it, and add things to the environment others may not have noticed (or go exploring and detail your find to the others, though for survival purposes it should usually be at least a group of two, plus because of the previous rule you would not be able to utilize anything new you see on the spot if it's just you.) It's no longer about just what your character is doing right that moment.

In retrospect, this kind of sounds like "Hatchet: The RP."
An idea I stole from Neona, featuring your average act of terrorism.

Name: I'll figure this out some other day.
Universe: Gurhal
General Location: Parum
Rough Time Frame: Somewhere in the year between the end of PSP2 and the epilogue.
RP Style: Somwhere between open world and overarching plot. Everyone will know their objective and will move towards it as they choose.
RP Type: Primarily Combat... Well, actually primarily action. Really should have called it that from the start.
RP Length: Long
Summary: Although the Illuminus have been thought destroyed for some time now, fragments of their organization, combined with smaller, less powerful organizations with similar missions, have banded together to form a group calling themselves the New Illuminus. This group has set up a thourough offensive on a Parum city (if anyone knows any cities on Parum, please list a few, I haven't played PSU, so I wouldn't know any). After bombing the city from above, a group of foot soldiers took control of what remained. They have set up a series of EMP devices that prevents the AMF and the Guardians from making any large scale offensives. Lastly, a large bomb has been set up to destroy the city. The Guardians and AMF have each sent in a few skilled operatives, while the Parum senate has sent out a call for all available mercenaries to help as well. The objectives are to disarm the bomb and to disable the EMP barrier. By doing this a large scale offensive will be possible.

From our perspective, first, we'll have to devide our characters into squads, primarily based on allegiance. Our characters will then work their ways towards their objectives, some of them meeting up along the way.


Now that you know the contenders, vote!!!

I will be voting for my own, for two reasons:
I straight up like the idea (hence why I stole it from Neona)
No offense, Siyamak, but I'm just not into your idea. Partly because I feel that the level of detail your RP would all but require us to write in is a bit absurd, and partly because I am a horrible writer, and, well, reflecting on that gets me depressed.

Jul 23, 2011, 04:03 AM
The second, just so it's easier for my characters to fit in. ^^;

I know, I'm lazy.


Jul 23, 2011, 11:03 AM
Variance is a good thing,
practice is a good thing.
Im going with Siya's

Jul 23, 2011, 12:21 PM
RP's with an ending are better than vague: "Long" (til its -prob not- done).

RP Style: Somwhere between open world and overarching plot. Everyone will know their objective and will move towards it as they choose.
They come in with their own objectives or everyone doing the same one?

Everyone on the same page, way better.

But if limited to bomb-squad, counter-bomb squad, keep those two factions only. Don't allow willy nilly run around, make their own, behind the scenes wheeling dealing, etc. convoluted messy mess. One side or the other.

Seth Astra
Jul 23, 2011, 12:42 PM
The two main objectives of the players are outlined in the summary section. I'm going with the assumption that everyone will be among the non-terrorist factions (Guardians, AMF, and various mercenaries). Mostly since I don't think PVP would go well. So, despite being different factions, they all have the same objectives (stop the bomb and take down the EMP system)

Also, the RP is supposed to end shortly after the missions are completed. Listing it as being "long" is a referance to the outline on the original thread (indicating that I estimate the RP as taking 3-6 months).

Jul 23, 2011, 04:40 PM

Jul 23, 2011, 04:53 PM
I voted for the Siyamak option even though I don't think I'll participate either way. I sometimes like to read the RP threads, but the battle-heavy PSU stories don't exactly turn my crank. Changing it up and trying something entirely new would probably be more interesting than you think!

Jul 23, 2011, 04:59 PM
I'm voting for my own, it's already fleshed out and explained, I needn't do it again unless for clarification. I simply find the act of challenging myself to write better is better than moping about how low my current writing skills are at.

Jul 23, 2011, 05:02 PM
I chose the second one!

Jul 23, 2011, 05:08 PM
Its not that bad. We are special forces going into the danger zone trying to bypass the baddys to stop a big boom. Give me Price and im in lol. That leaves room for drama, betrayels, new events, casts going hurp derp stupid humans and the like.

Jul 23, 2011, 05:10 PM
Its not that bad. We are special forces going into the danger zone trying to bypass the baddys to stop a big boom. Give me Price and im in lol. That leaves room for drama, betrayels, new events, casts going hurp derp stupid humans and the like.

According to HAYABUSA-FMW- he doesn't want any betrayals.

Jul 26, 2011, 01:37 AM
I personally don't much like the limits set to Siya's as limiting something fun has never really been on my bright side. But, it is these times i like to feel creative, like finding something i would enjoy that will "fit" under those limits.

It'll depend on where we are set to see what i can think up if Siya's wins.

Jul 26, 2011, 04:46 AM
As for characters, it never states that we can't have cameos, traveling caravans, and other nomads as reoccurring or random events.

Jul 26, 2011, 08:53 AM
Don't think of this as limitations of fun or what have you... think of it as a writing excercise as he stated. (Which this is.) You doods have the knack for storytelling, use this to help further flesh your main character, or develop character skills, writing skills and for those of us with subpar grammar skills (Hi Sayara) let it also be a good grammar/writing comprehension practice.

I did one of these type games 5-6 years ago where we all discussed our characters beforehand and developed a full fledged story out of it. So not only did you have your own person to interact with you...but every other character in the story NEAR your guy to use and develop correctly. That was hard as balls let me assure you, i was terrible at it. But MAN was it exciting taking your hands on someone else's character and mimicing their style to the piece. Then vice versa for when they transformed yours into theirs.

So if it comes to his winning, give it a shot before just tossing your hands and surrendering. I think you'll enjoy yourself much more when you see progress at hand.

Jul 27, 2011, 02:08 AM
Writing exercises.

*is reminded of AP English*



Jul 27, 2011, 12:26 PM
Writing exercises.

*is reminded of AP English*



*Currently taking AP English*

*shudders in preparation*

Jul 27, 2011, 04:39 PM
think it more like.... AP Creative Writing? Because its about something you WANT to do...and not about some literary piece?

Mega Ultra Chicken
Jul 27, 2011, 06:51 PM
I know I've never been on this forum before... but does the next RP necessarily indicate that there is supposed to be only one RP at any given time? I have a little RP idea of my own depending on the poll's outcome.

Seth Astra
Jul 27, 2011, 06:55 PM
Well, there was a thread to post ideas, but that one ended, sorry. And it's kinda agreed among those who do RP that no more than one should exist at a time. We kinda went overboard one time... Simply put: catastropy.

Jul 27, 2011, 07:04 PM
Focus works best with just one. Usually.

Jul 27, 2011, 10:48 PM
I'm not taking an AP English next school semester; most US colleges only accept one AP English credit. Also just not interested in my school's Creative Writing course.

Journalism FTW. ^^


Jul 27, 2011, 11:56 PM
Even though I'll most likely not RP, I'm casting my vote for Siyamak's idea.

Jul 28, 2011, 05:30 PM
I know I've never been on this forum before... but does the next RP necessarily indicate that there is supposed to be only one RP at any given time? I have a little RP idea of my own depending on the poll's outcome.

Nah, there's no limit or anything. Efforts are just trying to be focused for once, though not much seems to be coming of it.

The more active RPers don't really care for my idea, while I have a stronger backing from those who just support good writing but aren't very active themselves (admittedly myself included.) So I have a feeling my idea will probably be ditched anyways despite winning the poll and some other one made unless we come up with a setting that pleases the more frequent RPers. Honestly, you might as well just pitch your idea here because I honestly don't see this poll meaning a thing in the long run. So let's hear what you have.

Seth Astra
Jul 30, 2011, 03:37 AM
Siyamak's wins, 17 to 10. Now, Siyamak, it's you're job to get it rolling, and then hopefully people will join (I don't hold any resentment, and I genuinely do want people to join your RP). Basically, the same thing I usually do. Good luck (take it from a guy whose winter-themed RP ended in the summer, you'll probably need it).

Jul 30, 2011, 04:44 AM
Can't we just compromise and get people to use Siyamak's rules with some other RP or something? TBH, some RPers can't exactly use the best grammar/spelling...


Jul 30, 2011, 04:46 AM
Can't we just compromise and get people to use Siyamak's rules with some other RP? TBH, some RPers can't exactly use the best grammar/spelling...


Nor do we have to, lass. Nor do we have to.

Jul 30, 2011, 05:06 AM
I don't recall saying at any point you had to have the best grammar in the world. But you will need to be descriptive of your surroundings or the RP goes no where. I honestly think you're fooling yourself into thinking this project is more intensive and locked-in than it really is. If you like, you can even use *s for your actions (*Siyamak jumps over the log*) I don't care. No bullet point listing of details though, that is cheating. If you get made fun of though or are considered a bad writer by others for your habits, that's your own problem.

Also: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189628

Jul 30, 2011, 05:09 AM
Nor do we have to, lass. Nor do we have to.

But replace planet with Fanworks. Sorry, Fanwerks, those ungodly things by fhans.

PSO2's new kids, they're coming. Will it be more DevArt/FanFiction weird or diamonds in the rough?


To reiterate:

-Working to get better

Both good.

Winter Vacation "ends" (spoiler:nope)


Better luck next time.

Jul 30, 2011, 07:30 AM
Winter Vacation "ends"

It actually did lol.


Jul 30, 2011, 09:56 AM
I mean, in honesty, a lot of us have pretty average grammar/spelling skills. I often use Chrome's spellchecker in site to fix some of my spelling mistakes that I notice. At the very least your grammar skills have to be enough that everyone can understand what you are saying. Wether you use the **'s like Siya suggested or try to flesh it out manually. Lets get my old bones a crackin now baby!

Jul 30, 2011, 11:34 AM
So uh, when is this going to start?

Jul 30, 2011, 11:40 AM
So uh, when is this going to start?

Refer to Siyamak's thread, right below this one. ^^;