View Full Version : Big deal about Dark Weapons?

Jul 26, 2011, 07:10 AM
O.k. I got my hand on those, but all I have to ask now, what's the big deal about them?

Dark Flow, only 40 ATP over full grinded TJS and the special? "Oh I can use it, I can use it" *dead*
Dark Meteor only 30 ATP over a full grinded Baranz Launcher, oh and the special, of course, the mobs will be so kind to get in line for you.
Dark Bridge bring Antiparalysis and heal alot. Specials? Caduceus anyone?

So, why the big fuzz about them? If ST had had released them, nobody would care.

Jul 26, 2011, 12:17 PM
The only Dark Weapon that people really go nuts over is the Dark Flow, and that is only on private servers where it has a combo unlock. Dark Flow with the combo unlocked is by far the best sword in the game. You clearly haven't noticed that it has by far more range then any sword or partisan in the game. As for the Meteor and Bridge, they really aren't that good and there have always been better alternatives, and without a combo unlock they are pretty much useless, Dark Flow included.

Jul 26, 2011, 01:01 PM
I guess, only on BB you can unlock the combo?

So on GC, Dark Flow is also a mediocre weapon.

Jul 26, 2011, 02:22 PM
Players always like unobtainables, they like using them to show off, they like to show off their own deaths while using those.

On BB and in some servers it got combo unlocked so ppl enjoy them

Jul 26, 2011, 11:38 PM
Dark flow is still usable when it's combo is locked, you just have to know where and when, and not be stupid with it.

Jul 27, 2011, 04:23 AM
The reason why I wrote is, I saw ST never released the the gene and people was bragging about private server who did so, so I thought "This weapon has to be the uber-weapon, completly killing the game balance" In which case I understood the people dislike the availability of Dark Weapons, but they are by far not as powerful (of course, they are usable).

Take two Hucasts, both get the same stats an Items except for one thing, one gets the Dark Flow and one get's charge vulcans.
I'm pretty sure, the one with the Vulcans will be much faster throught Ult Ruins then the one with Dark Flow.

So I don't get why people are this upset over the servers where you can get the Dark Weapons.

Jul 27, 2011, 11:34 AM
I'm sorry, but you just compared two completely different weapon types that are used in completely different ways. Of course the charge vulcans will have the advantage for single enemies over a sword type weapon, especially for bosses. What you should be doing is comparing the Dark Flow to any other sword or even partisan since they are used for the same function. I mean, who really runs around with one weapon in their inventory? Anyway, as I said before, the dark weapons are only a big deal on private servers because of the fact they are extremely rare and have their combo unlocked, though this truly only benefits the Dark Flow. The combo unlocked Dark Flow is above and beyond the best crowd control weapon for hunters so that is the reason it is sought after, but the other dark weapons are merely for bragging rights since they are not the best weapons of their respective weapon class. Of course you don't necessarily need any of the dark weapons to get make progress in this game. I had no problem getting my Hucast to the 190's before I finally got a gene to drop, my hit Red Sword did just fine, and I still don't have a Red Ring either.

Jul 27, 2011, 12:42 PM
I'm sorry, but you just compared two completely different weapon types that are used in completely different ways. Of course the charge vulcans will have the advantage for single enemies over a sword type weapon, especially for bosses. What you should be doing is comparing the Dark Flow to any other sword or even partisan since they are used for the same function. I mean, who really runs around with one weapon in their inventory? Anyway, as I said before, the dark weapons are only a big deal on private servers because of the fact they are extremely rare and have their combo unlocked, though this truly only benefits the Dark Flow. The combo unlocked Dark Flow is above and beyond the best crowd control weapon for hunters so that is the reason it is sought after, but the other dark weapons are merely for bragging rights since they are not the best weapons of their respective weapon class. Of course you don't necessarily need any of the dark weapons to get make progress in this game. I had no problem getting my Hucast to the 190's before I finally got a gene to drop, my hit Red Sword did just fine, and I still don't have a Red Ring either.

I only did wan't to show, that Dark Flow is by far not as mighty, that you could get upset, it's available on some servers.

Jul 27, 2011, 02:23 PM
The same could be said about a lot of the really rare weapons in the game. TJS, Heaven's Punisher, Psycho Wand, etc, are not needed to do well in the game. The game isn't really hard; in fact, the game can be beat with the most basic of gear.

Dec 14, 2011, 07:20 AM
:\ i too side towards the useless dark weapons. I mean yeah it would be cool to have them but honestly when it comes to forces i use the summit moon.
When it comes to rangers i use guilty light, meteor smash,etc.
And for hunters i use agito, Sange yasha, soul banish, oriagito etc.
My point for this is that the gene is not even suppose to be a usable item and quit frankly i dont wish to use such items. Because like i said there are many, much more powerful items that are much easier to get. The TJS, chainsawd , zamba, heaven punisher and etc. Are rare items but are able to get. Although they can mainly only be dropped by skyly ( heaven punisher : bluefull)
my point is yes the dark items are amazingly cool along with Rico's items. Id love to have a red ring Rico and heathcliff flowen character but its just not in the cards. Im fine with a lvl 200 force with only a hand full of 12 start items.