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Jul 28, 2011, 12:51 PM


Courtesy of Shougai PSO, here is a synopsis of the latest PSO2 information as published in the July 27 issue of Famitsu Connect!On and the July 28 issue of Famitsu.

Game server specs
* There will be several servers, each known as a "world."
* Each world is independent of the others.
* Different worlds cannot interact with each other.
* Essentially worlds are as they were in PSU. (EK note: Though they are now known as "entrances," originally they were called "worlds.")
* When you start the game, you can choose the world you want to belong to.
* You can create characters on multiple worlds.
* They are considering the ability to move a character from one world to another as a future possibility.
* If you want to play with your friends, make sure you all decide on a world to start on!

* There are three races, however...
* Sakai says, "this is an online game, after all, so we could always decide to increase that number."

Skill tree
* This system is used to learn class skills.
* EXP earned goes toward increasing your class level.
* You accumulate points by leveling up.
* By using these points, you can learn class skills.
* Class skills can only be used on the class you learned them with.
* For example, a skill learned as a Hunter cannot be used by a Force.
* Even if you max your class level, you cannot learn all skills.
* You will have a limited number of points to put toward skills, so individual skill combinations will vary.
* The ability to redo learned skills is under consideration.

Wired lances
* This weapon cannot be used to throw larger enemies.

* You can link three techniques to a rod.
* Only linked techniques can be charged (for stronger attacks).
* A technique's power, range and effect change when charged.
* PP cost does not change for charged techniques.

Learning photon arts and techniques
* Disks are used to learn photon arts and techniques.
* Disks have certain learning requirements.
* Requirements are stat-related, for example, one may require 50+ TP.
* Unlike PSU, there will not be a limit on the number of PAs or techs you can learn.
* It is undecided if you will be able to return a learned PA or tech to its disk form.
* The ability to transfer disks to other players (such as through disk restoration) is under consideration.
* Disks will appear with the level they teach displayed. For example, "Razonde (LV3)."
* High-level disks will of course be very powerful.
* High-level disks can be obtained as enemy drops.
* Low-level disks will include tutorials.
* Low-level disks can be bought at shops.

* You can perform common and just attacks while jumping.
* It is unknown how photon arts will work while jumping.
* Techniques and original combos will change while jumping.
* Range changes will occur while jumping, for example with original combos.
* You can jump on the backs of enemies.
* Most enemies have a weak spot on their back.
* There are some enemies that, if not knocked down, you will not be able to jump on their backs.
* On the other hand, there are other enemies that, even if not knocked down, you can still jump on their backs.

Original combos
* You can set different photon arts to the three parts of a combo.
* Combined PAs will let you pull of three-part combos. For example, Tornado Break to Spinning Break to Gravity Break. Also, you can perform normal attacks between all of those.

Interrupt events
* Event occurrence locations are not set in stone.
* There are some rare events which can occur.
* Due to the wide range of enemy levels you will encounter, expect drastic changes between difficulty levels.
* Even if you fail an event by not meeting all of its conditions, you will not suffer a penalty.
* You will receive items and so forth for successfully completing an event.

Incapacitation penalties
* If you are incapacitated, your individual grade will fall.
* Results are on a character-by-character basis.
* For example, if Mr. A dies, Mr. B's grade will not be affected.
* In short, you don't have to worry about being blamed for giving your party a bad grade!

PSE and PSE burst
* There is a new component known as "photon sensitive effect."
* There is a fixed probability of PSE occurring while you continuously defeat enemies.
* Attack power, drop rates and Meseta drop quantities are all boosted for a fixed period when PSE occurs.
* If you acquire an "evolved drop" (details unknown) from killing an enemy, you get even more boosted attack power, drop rates and Meseta payout.
* If consecutive PSEs occur, you can perform a "PSE burst."
* Bonuses from a PSE burst last for one minute and include even higher drop rates and highly increased number of enemies that appear.
* You can extend the PSE burst's duration by killing more and more enemies.

Multi-party areas
* Certain areas allow for up to 12 people to play together simultaneously.
* However, this doesn't necessarily mean that you are limited to three parties of four people each.
* For example, 12 individual solo players can all gather in these areas.
* It is possible to reorganize your party in a multi-party area.
* For example, if you have three parties of four people each, players from each party can transfer from one party to another.
* At first you can have the following parties: A1 A2 A3 A4 / B1 B2 B3 B4 / C1 C2 C3 C4
* But you can swap players around like so: B1 C2 A3 B4 / C1 A2 B3 C4 / A1 B2 C3 A4
* In multi-party areas, support techniques will only affect your party.
* There are some techniques that have cross-party effects, however.

Drop items
* Drop items are decided on a character-by-character basis.
* Each character can get different drops.
* Item drops are based on real luck.
* The system is similar to that of PSZ and PSP2i.

* Units exist in this game.
* They can be equipped to your arms, back and legs.
* Units can be additional costume parts for your character.
* When equipped, units can change certain visuals of your costume.
* Units can boost abilities such as defense and attribute rates.

* Mags exist in PSO2 as living, evolved protectors.
* Details on them are scarce at the moment.
* Unfortunately, they will not appear in the alpha test.

* Whether or not you receive EXP is determined by your range to an enemy.
* If you are within the enemy's range, you will receive EXP.
* If you are out of an enemy's range, you will not receive EXP.
* This may be a counter-measure for multi-party leveling.

Visual lobbies
* Event billboards will be in the lobbies.
* There will also be a large screen theater.
* Motion pictures of some sort can be played on the theater screen.
* This feature will be active during the alpha test.

Your room
* A feature similar to PSU's room will be in PSO2, but details are unknown.

Reincarnation system
* A system of this sort does not exist. No comment was made as to if it would be added later.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:00 PM
I see a lot of great additions, but most of them are still only speculated about in the development team itself? I am just a tad more worried about the pending 2011 release date now. The mags do not seem show ready yet, either.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:02 PM
Well I still dunno what to say from too much awesome, as I've posted in the other thread.

I'll just say that this game is officially my definition of perfect.

*obnoxious laughter*

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 01:06 PM
Well I still dunno what to say from too much awesome, as I've posted in the other thread.

I'll just say that this game is officially my definition of perfect.

*obnoxious laughter*

Easy, boy. XD

have a sam'mich. :sandwich:

Oh, and a cruller. :cruller:

Jul 28, 2011, 01:08 PM
I'm just laughing obnoxiously D<

The drooling, mouth foaming and impatient rage doesn't start till later. ]:

Jul 28, 2011, 01:11 PM
The world limitations seem a bit silly to me. Just let us have a bunch of characters we can take anywhere.

I hope the jumping aspect doesn't turn this game into a hop fest.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:11 PM
The separate servers thing isn't going to last long, lol. Players will just bunch up to one single server, and the others will be ghost towns.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:16 PM

Jul 28, 2011, 01:16 PM
The thing that stood out most to me was that you get EXP for being close to an enemy. I hope they do this right or else Rangers and Forces could get fucked over as "being close" is quite often counter productive to their optimum playstyles.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:20 PM
The thing that stood out most to me was that you get EXP for being close to an enemy. I hope they do this right or else Rangers and Forces could get fucked over as "being close" is quite often counter productive to their optimum playstyles.

It's probably at least in the max range of the longest reaching weapons, else you could end up killing stuff from far away yourself and not getting any EXP. :wacko:

Jul 28, 2011, 01:21 PM
The thing that stood out most to me was that you get EXP for being close to an enemy. I hope they do this right or else Rangers and Forces could get fucked over as "being close" is quite often counter productive to their optimum playstyles.I hope that means in the same or adjacent room (or whatever system the fields are in now). That would be reasonable. I think the entire party should get exp when an enemy is killed. Losing out on exp in PSO was common when rooms could be wiped out fairly quickly by other party members and I always found it annoying having to set off a rafoie (sucks to be a Cast) just to ensure you got exp.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:22 PM
So you can link 3 techs to a rod BUT that's only for charging purposes so this means you don't need 8 different rods to use all techs like in past games....NICE!

Jul 28, 2011, 01:22 PM
Phantasy Star of Warcraft? (and now starts the flame war)

Game server specs
* There will be several servers, each known as a "world."
* Each world is independent of the others.
* Different worlds cannot interact with each other.
* Essentially worlds are as they were in PSU. (EK note: Though they are now known as "entrances," originally they were called "worlds.")
* When you start the game, you can choose the world you want to belong to.
* You can create characters on multiple worlds.
* They are considering the ability to move a character from one world to another as a future possibility.
* If you want to play with your friends, make sure you all decide on a world to start on!

* There are three races, however...
* Sakai says, "this is an online game, after all, so we could always decide to increase that number."

Skill tree
* This system is used to learn class skills.
* EXP earned goes toward increasing your class level.
* You accumulate points by leveling up.
* By using these points, you can learn class skills.
* Class skills can only be used on the class you learned them with.
* For example, a skill learned as a Hunter cannot be used by a Force.
* Even if you max your class level, you cannot learn all skills.
* You will have a limited number of points to put toward skills, so individual skill combinations will vary.
* The ability to redo learned skills is under consideration

Jul 28, 2011, 01:24 PM
* You can link three techniques to a rod.
* Only linked techniques can be charged (for stronger attacks).
* A technique's power, range and effect change when charged.
* PP cost does not change for charged techniques.

It appears that my theory on how techniques would function was spot on:


Shinji Kazuya
Jul 28, 2011, 01:25 PM
Mags are living, evolved protectors!!!!!!!!

Seth Astra
Jul 28, 2011, 01:31 PM
The ability to rearrange you skill points seems like kinda a must have. Permanantly screwing up your character = BAD!!!

Other than that, I'm slightly nervous about the units system. Frankly I prefered the PSO/Z/P2 system where you had unit slots in your armor, and you can equip whatever units you want. Also, I don't like the concept of visual units. Fashion and function should be totally separate in games, I believe.

Besides those two, though, this sounds awesome.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:32 PM
The separate servers thing isn't going to last long, lol. Players will just bunch up to one single server, and the others will be ghost towns.
Lawl, same thing I was thinking.

I don't understand what was wrong with PSU's method. Being able to jump from world to world at-will worked perfectly well. Limiting people to one will only cause them, as you said, to bunch up on one.

Unless they add incentives for spreading out...

The ability to rearrange you skill points seems like kinda a must have. Permanantly screwing up your character = BAD!!!

Other than that, I'm slightly nervous about the units system. Frankly I prefered the PSO/Z/P2 system where you had unit slots in your armor, and you can equip whatever units you want. Also, I don't like the concept of visual units. Fashion and function should be totally separate in games, I believe.

Besides those two, though, this sounds awesome.

The good thing is that it's only arm, leg, and back slots. Also, we don't know if we're going to be able to hide the visual components of them.

Plus it's still in alpha, so things are subject to change... a lot.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:35 PM
Channels (PSU's Universes) =/= Entire Servers.

My assumption is that even if the servers are global, maybe they'll be differently placed around the world...?

Then people might HAVE to make sure they pick the right server and not just the most populated one for smoother gameplay...

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 01:36 PM
Phantasy Star of Warcraft? (and now starts the flame war)

Meh, everything is compared to WoW nowadays, simply because WoW is the "gold standard" that sits at the top. PSO 2 seems to have enough going for it to keep those comparisions to a minimum, though it is a bit unsettling to see the dev team go this route. I'm hoping that the Alpha testers make enough fuss to make Sakai rethink this course of action, even if it means the release date is pushed back. I'd rather wait for them to do the game right, then to play something that isn't as fun as it could be.

Seth Astra
Jul 28, 2011, 01:37 PM
@Zyrustice: I'm more thinking about the possibility of having to choose between a unit that looks cool, and one that is more helpful.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:38 PM
WoW is the base design for too many MMO games which is annoying.

Yet at the same time taking an idea from it, and adding it into an actual unique game is a whole other story.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 01:39 PM
@Zyrustice: I'm more thinking about the possibility of having to choose between a unit that looks cool, and one that is more helpful.


Jul 28, 2011, 01:39 PM
Grade being player based, hmm this causes concern about team play, more so badly effecting Hunter types.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:39 PM
Sounds great, now if I only knew the specs needed to play this I can start the looking for the right CPU to play it.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:39 PM
Lawl, same thing I was thinking.

I don't understand what was wrong with PSU's method. Being able to jump from world to world at-will worked perfectly well. Limiting people to one will only cause them, as you said, to bunch up on one.

Unless they add incentives for spreading out...

PSU already had that but not on the western/360 servers. When PSU started in Japan they had to add another "world" (completely new server) because the one they had could not handle the players.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:41 PM
PSU already had that but not on the western/360 servers. When PSU started in Japan they had to add another "world" (completely new server) because the one they had could not handle the players.

Though in the end became a good thing, both were merged so they basically gave everyone 8 Character slots.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:41 PM
@Zyrustice: I'm more thinking about the possibility of having to choose between a unit that looks cool, and one that is more helpful.

And you should. The unit looks the way it looks. If you want something prettier then you sacrifice stats. I'm a fan of this.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 01:45 PM
And you should. The unit looks the way it looks. If you want something prettier then you sacrifice stats. I'm a fan of this.

Eh, I hope that DOESN'T happen.....If anything, I'm thinking of something like Champions did, where equiping certain items unlocked the part for general customizing.

........Wait, what am I saying. NO! Just give us the freedom to choose independently.....please.

Seth Astra
Jul 28, 2011, 01:51 PM
I misworded that. I actually don't want that. I just don't like the idea of sacrificing effectiveness for looks.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 28, 2011, 01:53 PM
And you should. The unit looks the way it looks. If you want something prettier then you sacrifice stats. I'm a fan of this.
That's ridiculous and stupid. Forcing people to wear the good armors and not use what they wanna use because it could make them lose out on damage, accuracy or some such is terrible. That would be backpedaling in terms of the customization. Making me choose between Puyos coming out of my afro and having +100 ATP is dumb. Why can't I have both?

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 01:54 PM
I misworded that. I actually don't want that. I just don't like the idea of sacrificing effectiveness for looks.

I took that as in you were worried about it, and therefore thinking about it.

Do I get a cookie for being right? XD

....there's no cookie icon. I am most displeased.

Seth Astra
Jul 28, 2011, 01:56 PM
I was talking to the guy before you. You just ninja'd my post.

Jul 28, 2011, 01:58 PM
Won't you normally be swapping out units a lot anyway?

Unless they're huge like custom robo parts, I won't be worried about them messing with my fashion.

Though something tells me that blue wing shaped thingy on the Rockbear screen shot is an obvious examble of the units.

Jul 28, 2011, 02:11 PM
I don't get the world idea, why was it so easy on Dreamcast and Game Cube to access all servers and it is not now? and a major feature in PSU are player shops, more worlds mean more economies.

Jul 28, 2011, 02:21 PM
This game is probably going to be bigger than PSO or PSU. And if the servers are indeed global, then this is the best choice of action.

Around the time of the Dreamcast and Gamecube, online gaming was not what it is today.

Jul 28, 2011, 02:23 PM
With the info we have it's already 3 times bigger than both games put together.

edit: at this point I can completely ignore, "everything PSU can die in a fire, this game is borderline Super PSO BABY" Because it already has everything I wanted from both games. 8D

Jul 28, 2011, 02:29 PM
As for units changing the looks....who cares?

I mean, seriously, who cares? If you want to look like a badass, then go to a lower leveled stage and take your equipment off and murder stuff like you do on other MMOs. There were few units or barriers on PSO that were visual and detracted from your character.

They'll probably just be simple things. Barriers, Shields, maybe some things that go on your legs or back (like Mags.) I doubt they'll make or break an outfit for you. It's like complaining that your character wears the weapon on their backs now. It's going to essentially be the same thing.

Jul 28, 2011, 02:56 PM
No rebirthing is the best news ive heard so far; it's the one thing i hate in Infinity.

MAGs are possibly the worst PSO2 news I've heard so far; I'm ok with them provided I don't have to spend hours sitting in front of a shop feeding them. Oh, memories :wacko:

Jul 28, 2011, 03:01 PM
No rebirthing is the best news ive heard so far; it's the one thing i hate in Infinity.

MAGs are possibly the worst PSO2 news I've heard so far; I'm ok with them provided I don't have to spend hours sitting in front of a shop feeding them. Oh, memories :wacko:

+1 then it would say you have to wait a while between feedings and you would save a quit and go back in then continue where you left off, for 3 hours.

Jul 28, 2011, 03:26 PM
"If you want to play with your friends, make sure you all decide on a world to start on!"

Really? Seriously? But I'm the type of player who wanders from room to room on various days & time. Always looking to meet new & interesting ppl.
Now I'm gonna be cut off from a bunch of other players from the get-go?!
It's not what I thought "Global Servers" would be (in the spirit of things).
If I'm playing at 3AM in the US and wish to find other peeps to play with, I was hoping I can easily hop onto the Jp or Eur servers for the time being.

I hope they reconcider and allow us to move our characters freely (at no charge).
I think I heard other MMO's charging you if you move your characters to a different server.

Jul 28, 2011, 03:29 PM
Lol no beast's in PSO2 xD

I have a beast in PSU as my main, but this doesnt bother me one bit.

I mean this is PSO not PSU after all ^_^

My girl can go back to being a human (RAmarl) like she was in PSO.

The only thing I dont like very much is the fact that our chars are tied to different "worlds" ala WoW..Pretty lame oh well.

Jul 28, 2011, 03:34 PM
"If you want to play with your friends, make sure you all decide on a world to start on!"

Really? Seriously? But I'm the type of player who wanders from room to room on various days & time. Always looking to meet new & interesting ppl.
Now I'm gonna be cut off from a bunch of other players from the get-go?!
It's not what I thought "Global Servers" would be (in the spirit of things).
If I'm playing at 3AM in the US and wish to find other peeps to play with, I was hoping I can easily hop onto the Jp or Eur servers for the time being.

I hope they reconcider and allow us to move our characters freely (at no charge).
I think I heard other MMO's charging you if you move your characters to a different server.

If there are 10-18 different servers then make 10-18 different characters....duh! ...jk

Jul 28, 2011, 04:05 PM
"If you want to play with your friends, make sure you all decide on a world to start on!"

Really? Seriously? But I'm the type of player who wanders from room to room on various days & time. Always looking to meet new & interesting ppl.
Now I'm gonna be cut off from a bunch of other players from the get-go?!
It's not what I thought "Global Servers" would be (in the spirit of things).
If I'm playing at 3AM in the US and wish to find other peeps to play with, I was hoping I can easily hop onto the Jp or Eur servers for the time being.

I hope they reconcider and allow us to move our characters freely (at no charge).
I think I heard other MMO's charging you if you move your characters to a different server.

In WoW you make your character on a server and then can move it across servers for a fee. I would be surprised if they let you move your characters across servers for free, as it could become taxing on computer resources if people used it excessively.

Jul 28, 2011, 04:31 PM
"If you want to play with your friends, make sure you all decide on a world to start on!"

Really? Seriously? But I'm the type of player who wanders from room to room on various days & time. Always looking to meet new & interesting ppl.
Now I'm gonna be cut off from a bunch of other players from the get-go?!
It's not what I thought "Global Servers" would be (in the spirit of things).
If I'm playing at 3AM in the US and wish to find other peeps to play with, I was hoping I can easily hop onto the Jp or Eur servers for the time being.

I hope they reconcider and allow us to move our characters freely (at no charge).
I think I heard other MMO's charging you if you move your characters to a different server.

I agree as well. Just let the players choose which world they want to go to. I believe this is the only piece of news I disliked hearing so far from this game.

Jul 28, 2011, 04:46 PM
There better be mags.

Legato Bluesummers
Jul 28, 2011, 04:50 PM
These features all sound pretty good, except for the separate worlds thing, yeah. Hopefully they'll consider it right and let players just jump between them as they see fit.

Also, I didn't play PSZ and PSP2i, so I'm not exactly sure how the item drop mechanics are supposed to work here. Does this "decided on a character-by-character basis" and "each character can get different drops" mean that certain characters will be inherently unable to pick up a certain drop that happens to be exclusive to other characters?

Jul 28, 2011, 04:53 PM
Basically, all drops that are for you are gonna be seen by "YOU". And vice versa for other players. The best thing they could do to quell item stealing and possibly boss booting.

Jul 28, 2011, 04:54 PM
It mean when an enemy drops an item, it drops one for each person in the party, but you can only see the one intended for you. sometimes it may be a rare weapon, sometimes it will be a monomate.

Jul 28, 2011, 05:07 PM
No rebirthing is the best news ive heard so far; it's the one thing i hate in Infinity.

MAGs are possibly the worst PSO2 news I've heard so far; I'm ok with them provided I don't have to spend hours sitting in front of a shop feeding them. Oh, memories :wacko:

You know, you were never required to feed your mag in PSO. You could have very easily just leveled up, like in every other MMO. Mags simply made the process much, much easier.

It mean when an enemy drops an item, it drops one for each person in the party, but you can only see the one intended for you. sometimes it may be a rare weapon, sometimes it will be a monomate. You know, i really disliked this. I'd rather just have the rares set to random or something.

What i thought it meant is that the drop is determined by the player, as in specifically who killed it (like a section ID), but im pretty sure thats wrong.

I guess that means Section IDs are out.

Kimil Adrayne
Jul 28, 2011, 05:08 PM
If this ends up being a JP onry game, hopefully english speaking importers will collectively choose a world server to call home together.
I don't want to be lost in a sea of moonspeak all alone.

Legato Bluesummers
Jul 28, 2011, 05:09 PM
It mean when an enemy drops an item, it drops one for each person in the party, but you can only see the one intended for you. sometimes it may be a rare weapon, sometimes it will be a monomate.

Huh. So when a rare weapon drops, everyone in the party gets one?

Or at least everyone whose character is able to use it.

Jul 28, 2011, 05:10 PM
You know, you were never required to feed your mag in PSO. You could have very easily just leveled up, like in every other MMO. Mags simply made the process much, much easier.You know, i really disliked this. I'd rather just have the rares set to random or something.

What i thought it meant is that the drop is determined by the player, as in specifically who killed it (like a section ID), but im pretty sure thats wrong.

I guess that means Section IDs are out.

I dunno...

People whining over who deserves what rare in the early days of PSU made me want to punch someone in the ovaries...


Jul 28, 2011, 05:11 PM
Huh. So when a rare weapon drops, everyone in the party gets one?

Or at least everyone whose character is able to use it.

No. Everyone gets a drop. You may only get a monomate when your party gets weapons or armor. It depends on level and luck.

Jul 28, 2011, 05:14 PM
All sounds good to me besides the no switching world...

Jul 28, 2011, 05:18 PM
Huh. So when a rare weapon drops, everyone in the party gets one?

Or at least everyone whose character is able to use it.

No. Everyone gets a drop. You may only get a monomate when your party gets weapons or armor. It depends on level and luck.

@r00tabaga: Yeah

@Legato: It's kind of like this.

Player 1 gets a Dimate
Player 2 gets a "Mega Frame"
Player 3 gets a Saber
Player 4 gets a Rookie/Power unit

Jul 28, 2011, 05:22 PM
For the most part, awesome details. MAGS omg.. yes! I hope they still float along side/behind a character and can still be evolved into different forms. I can't wait until some images of them are shown. They better not be in humanoid form like PSU's partner machines. :/

Legato Bluesummers
Jul 28, 2011, 05:22 PM
@r00tabaga: Yeah

@Legato: It's kind of like this.

Player 1 gets a Dimate
Player 2 gets a "Mega Frame"
Player 3 gets a Saber
Player 4 gets a Rookie/Power unit

...So it's kind of like PSU's turn-based distribution of drops, only here only the person who the drop is meant for can see it?

Jul 28, 2011, 05:26 PM
...So it's kind of like PSU's turn-based distribution of drops, only here only the person who the drop is meant for can see it?

Everyone sees their own dropped items

Jul 28, 2011, 05:27 PM
...So it's kind of like PSU's turn-based distribution of drops, only here only the person who the drop is meant for can see it?

No. Let's say an enemy dies, and drops an item. On each player's screen, they see their own drop. Player 1 gets a Dimate, Player 2 gets a Mega Frame, and so on and so forth with the example provided by Anon.

Jul 28, 2011, 05:31 PM
Every player will have the chance to see an item drop from a slaughtered enemy. You might for instance see a Monomate drop from said enemy, where as another player does not see a drop at all, or another one. And as you are the only one to see that specific drop, it is always you who gets it.

Jul 28, 2011, 05:36 PM
Sounds good to me.

Legato Bluesummers
Jul 28, 2011, 05:38 PM
Every player will have the chance to see an item drop from a slaughtered enemy. You might for instance see a Monomate drop from said enemy, where as another player does not see a drop at all, or another one. And as you are the only one to see that specific drop, it is always you who gets it.

Ah, I think I get the picture now. So basically it's as if you were playing solo. The drops you get are all exclusively meant for you and nobody else can see them. And thus there's no fighting or racing over them either. I guess that is a competent solution to all the bitching and calling dibs from PSO and whatnot.

Jul 28, 2011, 05:52 PM
Ah, I think I get the picture now. So basically it's as if you were playing solo. The drops you get are all exclusively meant for you and nobody else can see them. And thus there's no fighting or racing over them either. I guess that is a competent solution to all the bitching and calling dibs from PSO and whatnot.

*Team kills enemy*
*Monomate drops*
*Teammate picks it up*

"What the... bitch took my Monomate!?"

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 05:56 PM
*Team kills enemy*
*Monomate drops*
*Teammate picks it up*

"What the... bitch took my Monomate!?"

Happened to me once in PSU. Stupidest incident of my gaming career.

Jul 28, 2011, 05:57 PM
Happened to me once in PSU. Stupidest incident of my gaming career.

Did you troll him?

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 06:00 PM
Did you troll him?

No, I promptly blocked him for being such an idiot. XD Kicked me from the party, but it was so worth it since I didn't have to hear his yelping like a wounded puppy anymore.

I then promptly got a shower to wash the fail he has exposed me to from my body. XD

And laughed. Very hard.

Jul 28, 2011, 06:01 PM
No, I promptly blocked him for being such an idiot. XD Kicked me from the party, but it was so worth it since I didn't have to hear his yelping like a wounded puppy anymore.

I then promptly got a shower to wash the fail he has exposed me to from my body. XD

And laughed. Very hard.

LOL Im laughing reading this comment!

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 06:05 PM
LOL Im laughing reading this comment!

I try, I really do. Glad to see it's working.

I shall now enjoy a nice donut :donut: and a pint of oil - er, I mean milk :milk:

While reminding myself of all the fun times in PSU.....

.....Wait, I dealt with a bunch of idiots is PSU.....BAH, BRING ON PSO2!

Jul 28, 2011, 06:07 PM
I try, I really do. Glad to see it's working.

I shall now enjoy a nice donut :donut: and a pint of oil - er, I mean milk :milk:

While reminding myself of all the fun times in PSU.....

.....Wait, I dealt with a bunch of idiots in PSU.....BAH, BRING ON PSO2!

Yes, bring it on!

Jul 28, 2011, 06:10 PM
For the most part, awesome details. MAGS omg.. yes! I hope they still float along side/behind a character and can still be evolved into different forms. I can't wait until some images of them are shown. They better not be in humanoid form like PSU's partner machines. :/

Thinking of a floating mag bouncing behind me gives me chills. Can't wait for screenies! The fact that all this info coming out and still no mention of worldwide release WORRIES me to no end!!!

Jul 28, 2011, 06:10 PM
I really, really hate to see servers segregated like this just because every other MMO does it unless Sega is aspiring to MUCH higher heights than before with their player base. Separate servers is gonna suck, especially if you get involved at a different time from your friends or something and didn't catch the memo as to what server they're on. I REALLY hope that gets changed and the server system is more like PSO/PSU.

That, and people won't be able to flock all to one server. The latency will become unbearable for most, and it will constantly be at "log in capacity" so you'll be sitting there for 3 hours trying to get a spot or something.

This game is going to rock socks if Sega does it right. If not, it's going to fail horribly, and I'd rather not see that happen.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 06:17 PM
Yes, bring it on!


:sandwich:.......OOO, a SAM'MICH!

Jul 28, 2011, 06:23 PM

:sandwich:.......OOO, a SAM'MICH!

I WANT A SAMMICH! And yes, no idiots, plox. I was once booted from a party in PSU because the leader decided to go afk...for 15 minutes...so we started the boss without him and then he flipped out.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 06:27 PM
I WANT A SAMMICH! And yes, no idiots, plox. I was once booted from a party in PSU because the leader decided to go afk...for 15 minutes...so we started the boss without him and then he flipped out.

Yeah, hate when that happens.

Should have totally given that guy a Cruller. :cruller:

....this is what happens when I listen to too many Mega-man techno remixes....god I love being crazy. :wacko:

Fullmetal Muffinman
Jul 28, 2011, 06:27 PM

Jul 28, 2011, 06:31 PM

:sandwich:.......OOO, a SAM'MICH!

Yeah, hate when that happens.

Should have totally given that guy a Cruller. :cruller:

....this is what happens when I listen to too many Mega-man techno remixes....god I love being crazy. :wacko:

Being crazy is possibly the most attractive part about existing. Being sane is far too boring.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 06:33 PM


Jul 28, 2011, 06:34 PM
unless, while being crazy, you look like an idiot. Easiest way to accomplish this is by being ugly.

So really the most attractive part about existing is being sexy.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 06:36 PM
unless, while being crazy, you look like an idiot. Easiest way to accomplish this is by being ugly.

So really the most attractive part about existing is being sexy.

Bah, nonesense. Fun is fun! XD

Jul 28, 2011, 06:43 PM
Good, good info. The separated servers thing kinda ticks me off though, oh well. I hope everyone just flocks to one server so it doesn't matter. Hey, they always have in the past.

Alsooo, anyone have an understanding of this?

* Drop items are decided on a character-by-character basis.
* Each character can get different drops.

To me, it sounds like other players won't be able to see the drops that you see, and that's just stupid imo.

Jul 28, 2011, 06:43 PM
I wonder if the PSOW community will try and stick to a server or if we'll all just split up and run rampant.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 06:46 PM
Good, good info. The separated servers thing kinda ticks me off though, oh well. I hope everyone just flocks to one server so it doesn't matter. Hey, they always have in the past.

Alsooo, anyone have an understanding of this?

* Drop items are decided on a character-by-character basis.
* Each character can get different drops.

To me, it sounds like other players won't be able to see the drops that you see, and that's just stupid imo.

That's pretty accurate actually. And the reasoning behind it is that it helps get rid of ninja-looters and boss booters, see? It's not really that bad of a system.

@Siyamak: I'm all for calling a server vote and running around with the other people here. Either way, Olaf is gonna be about a week behind everyone else, he'll spend so much time in the Character Creator. :P

Jul 28, 2011, 06:47 PM
Hi Guys,

Long time PSO player here from the Dreamcast days, looking to get back in the mix with PSO2.

I have one question though after reading through these forums.

Do we still level up in this game or what?

I always liked seeing every ones level next to their user name.

How will anyone know what level everyone in the party is?

Any explanation would be very helpful.

Jul 28, 2011, 06:47 PM
I keep saying, im pretty SURE the Server "world" idea is going to be a measure to allow the game to safely support a global userbase.

Sure, you could always visit the other ones, but where are you going to spend most of your time? In the server with your native tongue.

Of course, if the servers DO launch global and the servers look like this:

JP :*************
US: ****

Then im probably going to just make characters on both.

Jul 28, 2011, 06:51 PM
That's pretty accurate actually. And the reasoning behind it is that it helps get rid of ninja-looters and boss booters, see? It's not really that bad of a system.

@Siyamak: I'm all for calling a server vote and running around with the other people here. Either way, Olaf is gonna be about a week behind everyone else, he'll spend so much time in the Character Creator. :P

Yeah, it's good for having your items not get stolen... but a better idea would be just not letting people pick up the items that belong to you. Having them not be seen by the other players disconnects a lot of the team coherency, and makes it feel like you're playing your own separate little mission rather than on a team.

Seeing the red boxes and whatnot was always a really exciting moment in PSO. Even if the box didn't belong to you, it was fun to find out what it was. Shame that won't be returning.

Hi Guys,

Long time PSO player here from the Dreamcast days, looking to get back in the mix with PSO2.

I have one question though after reading through these forums.

Do we still level up in this game or what?

I always liked seeing every ones level next to their user name.

How will anyone know what level everyone in the party is?

Any explanation would be very helpful.
You level up your class level now, rather than your character level. So instead of just leveling your base, you'll level the things pertaining to what class you are. You get points for levelling it, and put those points into whatever you want. Your class level still appears next to your name, and it's unknown whether or not you'll be able to switch between classes.

Jul 28, 2011, 06:52 PM
I'm curious about that movie theatre...

Does this mean that there will be cutscenes in the game.. which means we'll have PSU's story modes...? e_e

Or does it mean we get to watch actual movies on the screen? (As weird as that would be I'm sure the lobby rats would LOVE that. o_o)


But no really... I seriously doubt that...

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 06:54 PM
Yeah, it's good for having your items not get stolen... but a better idea would be just not letting people pick up the items that belong to you. Having them not be seen by the other players disconnects a lot of the team coherency, and makes it feel like you're playing your own separate little mission rather than on a team.

Seeing the red boxes and whatnot was always a really exciting moment in PSO. Even if the box didn't belong to you, it was fun to find out what it was. Shame that won't be returning.

It is, and it's a shame that there were enough problems with the old system to warrant the change. I'll miss the old system, as well. It was definitely fun seeing a rare drop, even if you didn't get it. Too bad there were too many fits.

Jul 28, 2011, 06:55 PM
I'm curious about that movie theatre...

Does this mean that there will be cutscenes in the game.. which means we'll have PSU's story modes...? e_e

Or does it mean we get to watch actual movies on the screen? (As weird as that would be I'm sure the lobby rats would LOVE that. o_o)


But no really... I seriously doubt that...

Hmm? I'm pretty sure they're just going to be playing small clips on the screen in the lobby, pertaining to events and whatnot. They've done this kind of thing in Playstation Home, as well as a few others.

Jul 28, 2011, 06:56 PM
Hi Guys,

Long time PSO player here from the Dreamcast days, looking to get back in the mix with PSO2.

I have one question though after reading through these forums.

Do we still level up in this game or what?

I always liked seeing every ones level next to their user name.

How will anyone know what level everyone in the party is?

Any explanation would be very helpful.

At the moment, it seems your character doesn't have a level, but your class does. So PSU-style, you can switch classes (maybe?) which opens up room for potential hybrid classes. If you look at the close up of the HUD, though, the levels are still displayed.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 06:58 PM
I'm curious about that movie theatre...

Does this mean that there will be cutscenes in the game.. which means we'll have PSU's story modes...? e_e

Or does it mean we get to watch actual movies on the screen? (As weird as that would be I'm sure the lobby rats would LOVE that. o_o)


But no really... I seriously doubt that...

It'd be cool if they did show actual movies on the screen. Even if that was how things end up, they would probably show Japanese shows or anime with English subtitles.......

Actually, this is sounding better and better...*crosses fingers*

Jul 28, 2011, 06:58 PM
Yeah, it's good for having your items not get stolen... but a better idea would be just not letting people pick up the items that belong to you. Having them not be seen by the other players disconnects a lot of the team coherency, and makes it feel like you're playing your own separate little mission rather than on a team.

That would literally change nothing if that's how it ended up. This way promotes grouping since you have your own instance of drops.

I'll almost sure they'll put in a scrolling text thing if anyone does find anything rare.

Jul 28, 2011, 06:58 PM
I'm curious about that movie theatre...

Does this mean that there will be cutscenes in the game.. which means we'll have PSU's story modes...? e_e

Or does it mean we get to watch actual movies on the screen? (As weird as that would be I'm sure the lobby rats would LOVE that. o_o)


But no really... I seriously doubt that...

It probably won't air huge blockbuster films or w/e..... But I think it'll be something interesting to watch.

I vaguely remember hearing a friend talk about some PS3 feature(Might have been PlayStation Home?) where you make an avatar and roam a virtual convention center or something... And one part was a movie theater that you could sit down in and watch stuff with your friends.

But yeah... This theater thing in PSO2. It'd be pretty cool if it had something like a 30 minute short-film every Friday/Saturday night.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:04 PM
At the moment, it seems your character doesn't have a level, but your class does. So PSU-style, you can switch classes (maybe?) which opens up room for potential hybrid classes. If you look at the close up of the HUD, though, the levels are still displayed.

Since it specifies class skill points from normal xp, or something... that does sort of imply class changing, since otherwise you could bind it to normal level ups... or something...

I dunno.

I like the PSE burst idea. Slaughter enemies, makes you stronger, gives more drops, burst gives more enemies to kill, more power to kill them with... FEEDBACK LOOP OF AWESOME!!!!!

MAGs confirmed. Excellent.

Units affect appearance? Hopefully more than the auras from PSU, though some were pretty damned cool (wings, Whitill Spell)

Noted that it neither confirms nor denies international servers. That they plan to have multiple discreet worlds set up from the interface makes me a bit more hopeful we'll get the most important feature to a lot of this board...

Disc trading is a given, I assume... hopefully rare trading isn't crippled PSP2 style. Reverted discs (if implemented) will probably be account bound.

I desperately hope a skill reset option is given. Scaling upward cost, with a cap would work. A few cheap resets, then something harder. Maybe use an equivalent to PDs/PA frags as payment.

Seperate drops per player is good to hear. Kind of expected this after PSZ/PSP2, in which it worked beautifully.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 07:08 PM
Since it specifies class skill points from normal xp, or something... that does sort of imply class changing, since otherwise you could bind it to normal level ups... or something...

I dunno.

I like the PSE burst idea. Slaughter enemies, makes you stronger, gives more drops, burst gives more enemies to kill, more power to kill them with... FEEDBACK LOOP OF AWESOME!!!!!

MAGs confirmed. Excellent.

Units affect appearance? Hopefully more than the auras from PSU, though some were pretty damned cool (wings, Whitill Spell)

Noted that it neither confirms nor denies international servers. That they plan to have multiple discreet worlds set up from the interface makes me a bit more hopeful we'll get the most important feature to a lot of this board...

Disc trading is a given, I assume... hopefully rare trading isn't crippled PSP2 style. Reverted discs (if implemented) will probably be account bound.

I desperately hope a skill reset option is given. Scaling upward cost, with a cap would work. A few cheap resets, then something harder. Maybe use an equivalent to PDs/PA frags as payment.

Seperate drops per player is good to hear. Kind of expected this after PSZ/PSP2, in which it worked beautifully.

That's actually a really good idea, it'd be cool if they checked the forums for ideas. XD They could work it like in PSU; after you reach a certain rank of mission, you get a PA frag (or equivalent) for every S rank you get, and you trade in X amount to reset your points.

It encourages people to try for the S rank and work harder, which helps everyone.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:12 PM
As a whole I am very happy with PSO2, it looks well thought out and sounds really fun to play in groups. A few of the things in the added content I had literally asked for by name. I am shocked and beside myself that this game is everything I asked for and more. :-o Now it's time to save for that new PC! :D

Jul 28, 2011, 07:12 PM
I think the whole unit thing is totally awesome. More places to put them, AND they change appearance?

Pretty awesome to me.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:15 PM
Character levels aren't absent. It's just a separate entity like in PSU.

A method to reset our skill points is going to be mandatory in my opinion if they are going to have skill trees that we are unable to completely fill.

I despise "mess up your points? too bad" type games, and I can't think of someone that this concept doesn't annoy. I'm somewhat brought back to the material system in PSO...didn't like having to keep track of all 150 (?) of them you needed to take in order for your stats to "max" by a certain level, but there was no way to reverse if you messed it up.

If they kill rare trading they effectively omit one of the most important parts of the PSO experience, doubt they'll omit that.

I don't think the PSE thing confirms that we'll be using MAGS. Sure they made a mention at how MAGs are in the game and they are beings of awesome but that doesn't mean that we're necessarily going to be using them as equipment...maybe they are just in the game as "characters"...

I'm also a little sketchy about multiple separate worlds. This idea in my opinion doesn't work in a game like PSO's favor, because it's a mission based room-to-room action game, not an open world MMORPG harboring possibly thousands of players within the same zones over giant landscapes. It seems counter-intuitive to me to not allow players to just...all be in one pool, with different worlds in the ilk that PSU did it to spread people out so things don't get too clustered for the sake of lag.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:17 PM
maybe they are just in the game as "characters"...
I think that's quite a stretch lol. I see no reason for them to do that, especially since they know everyone wants mags to return so badly.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:17 PM
Character levels aren't absent. It's just a separate entity like in PSU.

Err.. No, character levels are gone.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:19 PM
Err.. No, character levels are gone.
You're telling me they scrap the entire progression system of a game where the only real mode of progression itself is leveling up...?

Look at the screenshots...I see a number in each unit frame in the party screenshots that is pretty clearly denoting a level.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:20 PM
No, they moved it to your class lol. Just imagine it like having 3 seperate levels, pertaining to your different abilities. That number you see is their class level.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 07:21 PM
You're telling me they scrap the entire progression system of a game where the only real mode of progression itself is leveling up...?

Yes and No. Yes, Character levels are gone. But you have your class to level now. So while they no longer have a level for your character specifically, they still have leveling.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:22 PM

But yeah I'm reeally curious as of to what they could possibly show besides boring stuff already in the game.

Would be awesome if we could record our own videos and submit/play them.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:23 PM
You're telling me they scrap the entire progression system of a game where the only real mode of progression itself is leveling up...?

Look at the screenshots...I see a number in each unit frame in the party screenshots that is pretty clearly denoting a level.

Can you please post the pic?

Jul 28, 2011, 07:24 PM
The sooner they show images and details on MAGs the better.
I hope players can still have them floating with them in the field, and that they can evolve into different forms, that are *not* mini-Cast/Partner machines. PSU's PM's were cute but useless in battle. :/

Mags were awesome IMO, had lots' of nice designs, enhanced a characters appearance (such as Ila,Tapas, Rati, Dewali, Devil Tail, Angel Wings, Devil Wings), and could learn great Photon Blasts (Pilla save me more time than I can count from being beaten to death when surrounded by enemies, and Mylla&Youlla helped me to survive ULT).

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 07:24 PM

But yeah I'm reeally curious as of to what they could possibly show besides boring stuff already in the game.

Would be awesome if we could record our own videos and submit/play them.

Hmm, or they could implement a voting system, and they show the winning every week...or day, depending on how much support Sega puts behind it. Since it's PSO, I wouldn't rule out the everyday thing....for the Japanese, anyway.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:24 PM
Can you please post the pic?
...It's in every picture/video seen so far lol.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:26 PM
I have not yet seen the word officially that character levels are gone. I see a small sub-section of points based on how classes have skill trees that are progressed through by leveling your class, but it's very simple to just assume they are doing the same routine for class/character leveling they did in PSU.

Unless someone posts me a direct quote proving otherwise.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:27 PM
I have not yet seen the word officially that character levels are gone.
...Aside from the fact that they announced it during the media briefing, right? *facepalm*

Jul 28, 2011, 07:28 PM
...Aside from the fact that they announced it during the media briefing, right? *facepalm*Which I didn't watch, nor would I have understood if I had.

Wouldn't it be documented if it was such an important point?

Jul 28, 2011, 07:28 PM
Err.. No, character levels are gone.

That isn't explicitly stated, actually. Not even implied, really, considered the functionality of the entire PSU series

Class changing is actually confirmed by this, though.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:28 PM
"There are no longer any character levels, now you just level up the class."

I don't get why that's so complicated and wrong. The only problem I see is the limit which we level.

I say if it goes past lvl 100, then you can just consider it the same shit as a character level. :\

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 07:29 PM
...Aside from the fact that they announced it during the media briefing, right? *facepalm*

where is the exact quote again, was it in the video, or hmmm......where was it now, I know it's....somewhere..

Jul 28, 2011, 07:29 PM
Yeah LOL I'm looking for it too. It used to be on the Bumped blog but now I can't find it. I remember them specifically saying "Character levels are gone", though.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:31 PM
"The general concept of character levels do not exist in PSO2.* Instead PSO2 will use your class level. When you increase your class level, you can learn skills to enable further character growth.

Update: We’ve checked three sources all saying the same thing, character levels don’t exist. "


Jul 28, 2011, 07:31 PM
"There are no longer any character levels, now you just level up the class."

I don't get why that's so complicated and wrong. The only problem I see is the limit which we level.

I say if it goes past lvl 100, then you can just consider it the same shit as a character level. :\And where exactly is this quote?

That isn't explicitly stated, actually. Not even implied, really, considered the functionality of the entire PSU series

Class changing is actually confirmed by this, though.
Precisely my thoughts.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 07:32 PM
I know they said that EXP goes towards your class level, so that is a good indicator to me....bah, I know that there is an exact quote SOMEWHERE.....someone give me a hand....

*someone throws an actual CAST hand in from of him*

....OK, who's the wise guy!?

Jul 28, 2011, 07:33 PM
And where exactly is this quote?

Precisely my thoughts.

Here you go.

The general concept of character levels do not exist in PSO2.* Instead PSO2 will use your class level. When you increase your class level, you can learn skills to enable further character growth.

From http://bumped.org/psublog/category/phantasy-star-online-2/

ooh i got ninja'd kinda. oops, oh well lollol

Jul 28, 2011, 07:34 PM
Geez, it's not that hard guys.

You start as a Hunter. You gain EXP. You level your Hunter to 3. You switch to Force class. You are now level 1 again. You level Force to 2. You switch back to Hunter; you're now level 3 again.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:34 PM
Ok, that seems pretty concrete.

Not sure how I feel about that...the class level better be reflective of the longevity of character progression.

In PSO we had the level 200 grind to keep us very occupied. I'll be disappointed if capping a class level is made to be pretty simplistic in comparison.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:35 PM
Lol guys, it's gonna be EXACTLY the same as Character leveling, but now instead of just leveling a hunter, you'll be leveling a character that consists of all three original classes. Three levels in one character.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:36 PM
Lol guys, it's gonna be EXACTLY the same as Character leveling, but now instead of just leveling a hunter, you'll be leveling a character that consists of all three original classes. Three levels in one character.
Refer to the previous post.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 07:36 PM
Geez, it's not that hard guys.

You start as a Hunter. You gain EXP. You level your Hunter to 3. You switch to Force class. You are now level 1 again. You level Force to 2. You switch back to Hunter; you're now level 3 again.

Lol, just trying to find concrete proof for someone who wanted it, not a big deal. :lol:

Jul 28, 2011, 07:37 PM
On the bright side, my desire to play RAcast will be filled, and when I'm playing with me bro and my friend who'll be RAmarl and FOmar, I can switch up to HUcast. However, I've been playing Eden Eternal lately and just got burned out and leveling classes can be a total bizznitch.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:39 PM
On the bright side, my desire to play RAcast will be filled, and when I'm playing with me bro and my friend who'll be RAmarl and FOmar, I can switch up to HUcast. However, I've been playing Eden Eternal lately and just got burned out and leveling classes can be a total bizznitch.Hey man, I've been doing the same lately! Lots of Eden Eternal...I'm on Aquamarine.

When you have the ability to switch classes it makes you feel obligated to level all 3. Even Eden Eternal has a character level though.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:40 PM
Yeah, it's good for having your items not get stolen... but a better idea would be just not letting people pick up the items that belong to you. Having them not be seen by the other players disconnects a lot of the team coherency, and makes it feel like you're playing your own separate little mission rather than on a team.

Seeing the red boxes and whatnot was always a really exciting moment in PSO. Even if the box didn't belong to you, it was fun to find out what it was. Shame that won't be returning.

You level up your class level now, rather than your character level. So instead of just leveling your base, you'll level the things pertaining to what class you are. You get points for levelling it, and put those points into whatever you want. Your class level still appears next to your name, and it's unknown whether or not you'll be able to switch between classes.

I think the point you're missing here is that if it's anything like PSP/2/i The "rare" drops will appeara as system notifications. So if I get for example a shiny Zanba as a rare drop, it will come up on the side of the screen "Nilok received Zanba 9* 34% Lightning" or w/e. So you may not see me grab the box, but you'll see it when I get something nice.

That's if it's like the PSP games, which I'm sure it is.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:41 PM
I think the point you're missing here is that if it's anything like PSP/2/i The "rare" drops will appeara as system notifications. So if I get for example a shiny Zanba as a rare drop, it will come up on the side of the screen "Nilok received Zanba 9* 34% Lightning" or w/e. So you may not see me grab the box, but you'll see it when I get something nice.

That's if it's like the PSP games, which I'm sure it is.

It is like that.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:47 PM
are all 3 class levels displayed?

I'm not a fan of the force or ranger class and don't really plan on using them. Will this count against me using my HUmar the entire time?

Sorry for the n00b questions.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:51 PM
So assuming that the cap for level is 200 per class, and also assuming you can switch between classes, that makes level cap 600, sounds pretty intense :O

Jul 28, 2011, 07:53 PM
So assuming that the cap for level is 200 per class, and also assuming you can switch between classes, that makes level cap 600, sounds pretty intense :O

I SERIOUSLY doubt that will be the case. Simply judging by the fact that you can switch classes, either hybrids will later become available, or these "sub-classes" are more than they appear at the moment.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:54 PM
I don't have my wired Xbox controller anymore, my brother took it back. Meaning the controls are impossibly awkward for me (moving my whole HAND to look around instead of just my thumb or another finger (you'd be surpised by some of the strange-ass hand layouts I temporarily pulled off on some games!)).

And you won't really be punished, per se, Green Tea, you'll just have less stuff to level sooner. Also meaning less gear to gather.The keyboard/mouse control scheme is quite simple and easy to use, not sure why it's a big deal that you lack a controller :P. You use the mouse to control the camera/focal point/aiming.

Anyhow...back on topic...

The issue I see with this is that there needs to be content that is more difficult than other content...and that gap should be closed by being a higher level.

Are we going to be saying things like "Oh I can't force for us on that mission, her level is too low" type things soon?

Jul 28, 2011, 07:55 PM
are all 3 class levels displayed?

I'm not a fan of the force or ranger class and don't really plan on using them. Will this count against me using my HUmar the entire time?

Sorry for the n00b questions.

No, only your current class is displayed. It works very very similar to a character level, it's just that now you have the option to move over to other classes on the same character, which have their own level as well. If you only want to play Hunter, then you don't have to play anything else. It will act very similar to how it was in PSO.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:57 PM
No, only your current class is displayed. It works very very similar to a character level, it's just that now you have the option to move over to other classes on the same character, which have their own level as well. If you only want to play Hunter, then you don't have to play anything else. It will act very similar to how it was in PSO.

Perfect. Thanks

Jul 28, 2011, 07:58 PM
Pfft, who needs a FOrce when you have black android magic at hand!? Megistarides and Star Atomizers, all around! Sure is better than that crappy HUmar resta!

Jul 28, 2011, 07:58 PM
So assuming that the cap for level is 200 per class, and also assuming you can switch between classes, that makes level cap 600, sounds pretty intense :O

I saw that you could not take back skill points, so if U main a force and max out your skills as a force then it would make being a hunter/ranger kinda stupid. There will be more force skills than U will have points for even when maxed out and U have reached the cap so it's impossible to earn every class skill.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:58 PM
Aren't you guys worried that the new jump feature is going to be abused to the max with a screen full of characters bouncing up and down.

Jul 28, 2011, 08:00 PM
I fail to see how that's a bad thing...also, it would make for some epic screenshots.

Jul 28, 2011, 08:00 PM
Aren't you guys worried that the new jump feature is going to be abused to the max with a screen full of characters bouncing up and down.

Thinks of Halo...........uh oh

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 08:01 PM
I saw that you could not take back skill points, so if U main a force and max out your skills as a force then it would make being a hunter/ranger kinda stupid. There will be more force skills than U will have points for even when maxed out and U have reached the cap so it's impossible to earn every class skill.

Wouldn't you get seperate points for each class, though, assuming you can in fact swap them?

Jul 28, 2011, 08:01 PM
Wouldn't you get seperate points for each class, though, assuming you can in fact swap them?

It is, in fact, specified that skill points do not carry over from each class.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 08:09 PM
Aren't you guys worried that the new jump feature is going to be abused to the max with a screen full of characters bouncing up and down.

The only way this could be abused is if the females have breast.....physics....OH GOD!!!!

Jul 28, 2011, 08:12 PM
Glad to see some new info so quickly! :D

Game server specs
* There will be several servers, each known as a "world."
* Each world is independent of the others.
* Different worlds cannot interact with each other.
* Essentially worlds are as they were in PSU. (EK note: Though they are now known as "entrances," originally they were called "worlds.")
* When you start the game, you can choose the world you want to belong to.
* You can create characters on multiple worlds.
* They are considering the ability to move a character from one world to another as a future possibility.
* If you want to play with your friends, make sure you all decide on a world to start on!

This sounds a lot like how FFXI and FFXIV are, where you basically had to pick a server and stick with it, BUT you could still play alongside people from different regions. Square-Enix charged people for server-hopping, which I thought was stupid, so hopefully it'll be like how PSU or PSOBB was, where you could switch out on the fly rather easily.

* There are three races, however...
* Sakai says, "this is an online game, after all, so we could always decide to increase that number."

I'm cool with whatever, as long as they're balanced properly, and each have a unique ability that actually does something cool. It might piss off some people to have to make a new Beast, Duman, etc. character though, if that's what they originally wanted.

Skill tree
* This system is used to learn class skills.
* EXP earned goes toward increasing your class level.
* You accumulate points by leveling up.
* By using these points, you can learn class skills.
* Class skills can only be used on the class you learned them with.
* For example, a skill learned as a Hunter cannot be used by a Force.
* Even if you max your class level, you cannot learn all skills.
* You will have a limited number of points to put toward skills, so individual skill combinations will vary.
* The ability to redo learned skills is under consideration.

I love the idea of a skill tree system, as this allows for even more character customization, but in a practical way. However, I'm not too sure on the whole "you can't use one class's abilities as another class" thing, but I'm hoping it's for balance purposes. Also, if you can't eventually learn all the abilities, then being able to redo them should definitely be an option.

Wired lances
* This weapon cannot be used to throw larger enemies.

Makes sense, you shouldn't be able to constantly put boss-like monsters in a vulnerable state.

* You can link three techniques to a rod.
* Only linked techniques can be charged (for stronger attacks).
* A technique's power, range and effect change when charged.
* PP cost does not change for charged techniques.

This sounds cool and everything, but I hope to God this doesn't mean techniques HAVE to be bound to weapons...

Learning photon arts and techniques
* Disks are used to learn photon arts and techniques.
* Disks have certain learning requirements.
* Requirements are stat-related, for example, one may require 50+ TP.
* Unlike PSU, there will not be a limit on the number of PAs or techs you can learn.
* It is undecided if you will be able to return a learned PA or tech to its disk form.
* The ability to transfer disks to other players (such as through disk restoration) is under consideration.
* Disks will appear with the level they teach displayed. For example, "Razonde (LV3)."
* High-level disks will of course be very powerful.
* High-level disks can be obtained as enemy drops.
* Low-level disks will include tutorials.
* Low-level disks can be bought at shops.

I like the idea of disks being enemy drops and having certain stat requirements, but I'm worried that this means we won't be able to level them up. I don't like the idea of having my moves capped at a certain level until I luckily find a new item. I know leveling PA's in PSU was ridiculous, but if it was made easier in PSO2, I'd prefer that method instead.

If they allow PA's to be put back into disc form with their appropriate levels (especially if we can level them up somehow), then there needs to be a stat restriction on re-using them on other characters as well, otherwise lower-level alternate characters will gain an unfair advantage over same-level characters who have just started out. Kinda like how on PSO, you could give a Lv. 1 character a Lv. 200 MAG and instantly be able to use certain disks and equipment from the get-go.

* You can perform common and just attacks while jumping.
* It is unknown how photon arts will work while jumping.
* Techniques and original combos will change while jumping.
* Range changes will occur while jumping, for example with original combos.
* You can jump on the backs of enemies.
* Most enemies have a weak spot on their back.
* There are some enemies that, if not knocked down, you will not be able to jump on their backs.
* On the other hand, there are other enemies that, even if not knocked down, you can still jump on their backs.

Just Attacks, eh? As long as they don't automatically crit every time, I guess that's okay... they can still be stronger than usual, but no auto-critting, that's stupid - critical hits are supposed to be RANDOM.

Jumping on enemies' backs sounds fun, but I'm more curious as to how aerial combat will play out. It'd be pimp as hell if I could actually FLY around in the air as a Cast and gun down enemies. :wacko:

Original combos
* You can set different photon arts to the three parts of a combo.
* Combined PAs will let you pull of three-part combos. For example, Tornado Break to Spinning Break to Gravity Break. Also, you can perform normal attacks between all of those.

Combo customization? FUCKING AWESOME.

Interrupt events
* Event occurrence locations are not set in stone.
* There are some rare events which can occur.
* Due to the wide range of enemy levels you will encounter, expect drastic changes between difficulty levels.
* Even if you fail an event by not meeting all of its conditions, you will not suffer a penalty.
* You will receive items and so forth for successfully completing an event.

Sounds cool, hopefully this, along with more map randomization, will take the boredom out of short, repeated mission runs.

Incapacitation penalties
* If you are incapacitated, your individual grade will fall.
* Results are on a character-by-character basis.
* For example, if Mr. A dies, Mr. B's grade will not be affected.
* In short, you don't have to worry about being blamed for giving your party a bad grade!

Good to hear.

PSE and PSE burst
* There is a new component known as "photon sensitive effect."
* There is a fixed probability of PSE occurring while you continuously defeat enemies.
* Attack power, drop rates and Meseta drop quantities are all boosted for a fixed period when PSE occurs.
* If you acquire an "evolved drop" (details unknown) from killing an enemy, you get even more boosted attack power, drop rates and Meseta payout.
* If consecutive PSEs occur, you can perform a "PSE burst."
* Bonuses from a PSE burst last for one minute and include even higher drop rates and highly increased number of enemies that appear.
* You can extend the PSE burst's duration by killing more and more enemies.

Interesting... sounds like a much more fun and skill-based alternative to "LULZ everyone gets max luck after this event."

Multi-party areas
* Certain areas allow for up to 12 people to play together simultaneously.
* However, this doesn't necessarily mean that you are limited to three parties of four people each.
* For example, 12 individual solo players can all gather in these areas.
* It is possible to reorganize your party in a multi-party area.
* For example, if you have three parties of four people each, players from each party can transfer from one party to another.
* At first you can have the following parties: A1 A2 A3 A4 / B1 B2 B3 B4 / C1 C2 C3 C4
* But you can swap players around like so: B1 C2 A3 B4 / C1 A2 B3 C4 / A1 B2 C3 A4
* In multi-party areas, support techniques will only affect your party.
* There are some techniques that have cross-party effects, however.

As long as there are tons of really strong enemies to balance this, it sounds like fun. Otherwise, I could see it turning into a total PSU zerg-rush-fest real quick...

Drop items
* Drop items are decided on a character-by-character basis.
* Each character can get different drops.
* Item drops are based on real luck.
* The system is similar to that of PSZ and PSP2i.

YES, THANK YOU. If item drops are instanced again, that means no more bitching over item distribution settings, calling rares, flooding other people's inventories with "junk items," no one stealing your drops, etc. I gladly welcome this change.

* Units exist in this game.
* They can be equipped to your arms, back and legs.
* Units can be additional costume parts for your character.
* When equipped, units can change certain visuals of your costume.
* Units can boost abilities such as defense and attribute rates.

Hmm... not sure what to think of this. I liked having 4 slots that weren't restricted to certain areas, so you could stack multiples of the same thing if you wanted. But even then, where's the head slot? And does this mean we'll have to sacrifice stats or perks to get the clothes we want? That sounds lame... :disapprove:

* Mags exist in PSO2 as living, evolved protectors.
* Details on them are scarce at the moment.
* Unfortunately, they will not appear in the alpha test.

Well, this pretty much confirms that they'll be in the game, at least... but we don't know HOW yet. I'm really hoping we'll be able to raise and customize them again.

* Whether or not you receive EXP is determined by your range to an enemy.
* If you are within the enemy's range, you will receive EXP.
* If you are out of an enemy's range, you will not receive EXP.
* This may be a counter-measure for multi-party leveling.

I guess this is good if you were having trouble "tagging" enemies to catch up in levels, but I could see this being exploited. If there was a /follow command or something similar, one could possibly afk-level with someone who could continuously heal and protect them...

Visual lobbies
* Event billboards will be in the lobbies.
* There will also be a large screen theater.
* Motion pictures of some sort can be played on the theater screen.
* This feature will be active during the alpha test.

This sounds interesting. I wonder if it'll be something like Playstation Home's advertisements that they show in certain places in the world. If so, this would be a cool way to show players what updates, events, etc. are in the works.

Your room
* A feature similar to PSU's room will be in PSO2, but details are unknown.

Yes please!

Reincarnation system
* A system of this sort does not exist. No comment was made as to if it would be added later.

I think it'd just be easier to extend the level cap further if players want to become stronger, rather than making them go through the same levels over and over again with slightly better stats each time. Of course, there will need to be newer and/or more difficult missions to correspond with these changes too.

The only way this could be abused is if the females have breast.....physics....OH GOD!!!!


Jul 28, 2011, 08:17 PM
Everyone bunny hopping would be kind of annoying to look at, Hopefully enemy AI will have a lot of anti air to prevent borderlined invincibility of jump spamming.

Jul 28, 2011, 08:18 PM
I decided to skip basically all of the posts so I don't know if this was mentioned, but why couldn't Sega take an idea from the .hack manga's? In the manga's game called "The World" different parts of the game world were on different servers. Also instead of tying a players character to a server couldn't they just have all character data on a farm of servers designed to save and update characters to allow "world jumping"? Of course the Character server farm would need to have redundant copies of character data though.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 08:19 PM
Everyone bunny hopping would be kind of annoying to look at, Hopefully enemy AI will have a lot of anti air to prevent borderlined invincibility of jump spamming.

lol, that'd be funny to see.....*Hunewearal bouncing around* *robo missiles* *knocks Hunewearal on her bum.*

Jul 28, 2011, 08:22 PM
lol, that'd be funny to see.....*Hunewearal bouncing around* *robo missiles* *knocks Hunewearal on her bum.*

*Me sitting in the corner watching her boobs bounce around while it happens, as her teammates wonder where the other parties are at in the multiparty area...

But only I showed up...


Stalking the all female party with my ninja bad self...

Boobies... e3e


Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 08:24 PM
*Me sitting in the corner watching her boobs bounce around while it happens, as her teammates wonder where the other parties are at in the multiparty area...

But only I showed up...


Stalking the all female party with my ninja bad self...

Boobies... e3e


*looks over with his thermal tracking* Pervert detected. Neutralizing....*hi-power blaster bolt to Mich's face*......eliminated.....*realizes the monster is bearing down on him*....Uh, nice Rockbear.....ack! *runs.....very fast*

Jul 28, 2011, 08:26 PM
I'm really happy with the new details aside from the fact that quests/missions/whatever will continue to be ranked. I only really enjoyed that in the unique PSO quests, not so much in PSU. I wonder what will be the rewards for S ranks and the like? We'd already be getting EXP from killing enemies. Maybe items like Photon Drops?

Corey Blue
Jul 28, 2011, 08:30 PM
Game server specs
* There will be several servers, each known as a "world."
* Each world is independent of the others.
* Different worlds cannot interact with each other.
* Essentially worlds are as they were in PSU. (EK note: Though they are now known as "entrances," originally they were called "worlds.")
* When you start the game, you can choose the world you want to belong to.
* You can create characters on multiple worlds.
* They are considering the ability to move a character from one world to another as a future possibility.
* If you want to play with your friends, make sure you all decide on a world to start on!

*crosses fingers*

Jul 28, 2011, 08:31 PM
I hate how the units are. I really hope people don't just fucking jump around the whole time. That will piss me the hell off.

Like I said before, don't get me wrong I am excited to play the game. I will miss the units from PSO and PSOBB. I felt the same way about PSU and became to like it. I guess only time will tell.


Jul 28, 2011, 08:37 PM
I saw that you could not take back skill points, so if U main a force and max out your skills as a force then it would make being a hunter/ranger kinda stupid. There will be more force skills than U will have points for even when maxed out and U have reached the cap so it's impossible to earn every class skill.

It's also important to note that skills and skill points are locked to a class, so you can't take the points you earn as a hunter and spend them on skills as a force. And the skills you learn as a force only are applied when you are playing as a force.

Jul 28, 2011, 08:41 PM

For Wiz ;)

Jul 28, 2011, 08:51 PM
I hoped for some info regarding a global server. Oh well, still a lot of great info! I do disapprove of the part about separated worlds, though...

Jul 28, 2011, 08:53 PM
It's also important to note that skills and skill points are locked to a class, so you can't take the points you earn as a hunter and spend them on skills as a force. And the skills you learn as a force only are applied when you are playing as a force.

Yeah, I should've put that in there too but I didn't.

Jul 28, 2011, 09:02 PM
People. Stop worrying about people jumping.

You can dash when your weapon is sheathed, so if someone tries to jump around the entire time they'll fall behind in-between rooms. And if they try to jump around the entire time when fighting enemies, it'll make it hard to hit them.

Cinnamon Roll
Jul 28, 2011, 09:03 PM
This info fascinates me. :D

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 09:05 PM
Yeah, this release certainly had a lol of info now, they only need to annouce this for us, and fix the poor choice in servers, and it'll be perfect!

Cinnamon Roll
Jul 28, 2011, 09:08 PM
Yes, quite...

Jul 28, 2011, 09:09 PM
Now is it free to play or not. That is the question. most people have 1 sub and it's wow (Bad game I know but people also vote republican, so the logic of people is always suspect)

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 09:13 PM
Yes, quite...

A bit odd that they'd take such a step back, though, doesn't anyone think? I mean, going from more freedom to less freedom? That's just counter intuitive. You could always argue server stress and such, but all the Phantasy star games have been more open then segregated servers, right?

I mean, that's what I was led to believe.

Jul 28, 2011, 09:22 PM
A bit odd that they'd take such a step back, though, doesn't anyone think? I mean, going from more freedom to less freedom? That's just counter intuitive. You could always argue server stress and such, but all the Phantasy star games have been more open then segregated servers, right?

I mean, that's what I was led to believe.

Actually, PSU JP has two discrete worlds. For population reasons.

Jul 28, 2011, 09:27 PM
I am literally kicking myself from forgetting to enter my Infinity PSO2 alpha test code into the raffle. So hard right now.

My concern with a US launch would be creating too many worlds and have a scattered population. Which an already medium to small sized community wouldn't need(and what made Rift kinda suffer initially really). I'll miss being able to hop to different ones depending on situation, but I imagine smart money is to go to the most populated one if/when it comes here.:D

I'm also pretty sure I'll be quitting most every other online game when this drops.

Now is it free to play or not. That is the question. most people have 1 sub and it's wow (Bad game I know but people also vote republican, so the logic of people is always suspect)

I highly doubt it really. I am guessing $8-10 a month to play. I quit WoW, and can quit Rift, so it's all good for me though.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 28, 2011, 09:33 PM
Actually, PSU JP has two discrete worlds. For population reasons.

Ah, I see.

Well, since that PSU was so much more epic than ours (RAAAWR -Squeak - ....damn my vocabulator.), I can understand why the population would warrant that.

Jul 28, 2011, 09:37 PM
I hope there is no player-run economy and I hope they take those psu dance moves out of the game. I shat myself in disappointed when I saw that shit. Aside from that, I'm looking forward to when they finally announce it for the 360.

Jul 28, 2011, 09:40 PM
I highly doubt it really. I am guessing $8-10 a month to play. I quit WoW, and can quit Rift, so it's all good for me though.
Yeah good for you but when you want a potential base to where dlc and micro transaction can more than make up for a weak user base, you can't go wrong.

Like to have a great number of people on to play with and not just the sega niche because that's a weak niche to play with.

Jul 28, 2011, 09:42 PM
I highly doubt it really. I am guessing $8-10 a month to play. I quit WoW, and can quit Rift, so it's all good for me though.

Really? I'm honestly guessing $14-$15. I don't really have anything hard to support that, just a sort of gut feeling. Be nice if it does come to $10 though.

Jul 28, 2011, 10:00 PM
Really? I'm honestly guessing $14-$15. I don't really have anything hard to support that, just a sort of gut feeling. Be nice if it does come to $10 though.

PSO at it's most expensive was 10$

PSU all throughout it's existence was 10$

SEGA knows this isn't an MMO and shouldn't be charging an MMO price for it.

Jul 28, 2011, 10:11 PM
Let's hope there's an offline mode. And if there's an online mode, with a sub, it shouldn't be at an MMO price point. Because at its core, it's not really a MMO.

Jul 28, 2011, 10:15 PM
&#x202a;House Of pain - Jump Around Music Video&#x202c;&rlm; - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwQbPgouUYo)

For Wiz ;)

haha...nice my friend

Jul 28, 2011, 10:18 PM
PSO2 is a PSOG...



Jul 28, 2011, 10:20 PM
PSO at it's most expensive was 10$

PSU all throughout it's existence was 10$

SEGA knows this isn't an MMO and shouldn't be charging an MMO price for it.

Agreed. I played both Blue Burst and PSU on the official PC servers, and that was the price. They're shooting themselves in the foot if they make it higher. It's the reason I quit WoW honestly, $15 was just too much, I think $10 is a sweet spot.

Jul 28, 2011, 10:21 PM
I hope there is no player-run economy and I hope they take those faggot psu dance moves out of the game. I shat myself in disappointed when I saw that shit. Aside from that, I'm looking forward to when they finally announce it for the 360.

I believe I saw those same dance moves in one of the new PSO2. Go to the 1st page and look around, you'll see some of those dancing fiends.

Corey Blue
Jul 28, 2011, 10:24 PM
I believe I saw those same dance moves in one of the new PSO2. Go to the 1st page and look around, you'll see some of those dancing fiends.

Wish they would do something different with the emotes.

Jul 28, 2011, 10:26 PM
Are we expecting a lot of content from PSO / PSU into this game? By content, I mean weapons, mags, enemies, names etc... Because it would seem a waste of ideas/creativity from the developers to throw all of that away. I know a lot of PSO went into PSU, but if they incorporated it in some way without making it to identical, or cheap content, I think it should be alright. Like I bet a lot of us would like to see the return of various clothing, weapons from the past games into this?

Any more information on the Rangers?

Jul 28, 2011, 10:27 PM
Gah. I suppose it was inevitable that PAs would return, but I really hope weapons have distinct specials as well, a la PSO. Making each rare feel appropriately distinct and interesting is an important part of making them worth collecting, and rare collecting is the best part of the game to me.

A method to reset our skill points is going to be mandatory in my opinion if they are going to have skill trees that we are unable to completely fill.

I despise "mess up your points? too bad" type games, and I can't think of someone that this concept doesn't annoy.

With how some of the systems in PSU were designed, I honestly fear that this might be consciously designed to be frustrating and unpleasant, so that they can sell point refunds as microtransaction content... :-/

That said, as a completionist, even if we can freely reset points, I'm still somewhat displeased as I'd like to just flat out max everything. :-(

Jul 28, 2011, 10:42 PM
Are we expecting a lot of content from PSO / PSU into this game? By content, I mean weapons, mags, enemies, names etc... Because it would seem a waste of ideas/creativity from the developers to throw all of that away. I know a lot of PSO went into PSU, but if they incorporated it in some way without making it to identical, or cheap content, I think it should be alright. Like I bet a lot of us would like to see the return of various clothing, weapons from the past games into this?

Any more information on the Rangers?

Spot on@ My biggest thing with this series is hunting for rare weapons just like everyone else! But iam sure all those will be incorporated sooner or later honestly. ;)

Jul 28, 2011, 10:44 PM
The FOcaseal design found in the Famitsu article is rather cute. The HUnewm looks like a more mechanical, beefy version of Zero's HUnewm.

Jul 28, 2011, 10:44 PM
I believe I saw those same dance moves in one of the new PSO2. Go to the 1st page and look around, you'll see some of those dancing fiends.

All of the emotes shown so far are from PSU, which is both disappointing and lazy, hoping to see some new stuff at least before release.

Jul 28, 2011, 10:51 PM

Needs something like this ;D

Jul 29, 2011, 12:03 AM
*sigh*.. nevermind.

Jul 29, 2011, 12:17 AM
That said, as a completionist, even if we can freely reset points, I'm still somewhat displeased as I'd like to just flat out max everything. :-(
Mastery systems must drive you insane. You can never max out everything with mastery systems...

(Examples of mastery systems: Age of Conan, advantages in Champions Online, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, etc.)

Jul 29, 2011, 12:22 AM
Maybe fix that quote box. :wacko: I wasn't the one who said that.

Jul 29, 2011, 12:27 AM

Also, I don't know how the hell that happened. Must've been a hiccup in the system or something...

Jul 29, 2011, 12:43 AM
All this information is great and all, but even still, the only bit of information I care about is a darned NA release confirmation :/

Jul 29, 2011, 12:51 AM
Oh wow that PSE thing sounds awesome.

Jade DaBain
Jul 29, 2011, 01:55 AM
All this information is great and all, but even still, the only bit of information I care about is a darned NA release confirmation :/

Thats what I want to know.

Jul 29, 2011, 02:02 AM
They'll probably release the release dates all at once, and since we haven't even gotten a JP release date yet, I wouldn't be worried.

Jade DaBain
Jul 29, 2011, 02:05 AM
They'll probably release the release dates all at once, and since we haven't even gotten a JP release date yet, I wouldn't be worried.

Lets just hope that we get it.

Jul 29, 2011, 06:53 AM
They'll probably release the release dates all at once, and since we haven't even gotten a JP release date yet, I wouldn't be worried.

I was thinking that as well. Obviously if it does come out West it won't be a simultaneous launch. JP, then NA & poor EU last like always. I just hope that it won't be as long a delay as PSPo2 was......but if we are getting it, I won't bitch!

Jul 29, 2011, 07:30 AM
A method to reset our skill points is going to be mandatory in my opinion if they are going to have skill trees that we are unable to completely fill.

I despise "mess up your points? too bad" type games, and I can't think of someone that this concept doesn't annoy.

With how some of the systems in PSU were designed, I honestly fear that this might be consciously designed to be frustrating and unpleasant, so that they can sell point refunds as microtransaction content... :-/

That said, as a completionist, even if we can freely reset points, I'm still somewhat displeased as I'd like to just flat out max everything. :-(

I believe this inability to max out the entire skill tree is because they are encouraging party play. You can have a team of Forces and all four of them could have different skill builds. I only hope that the skills have really good party interaction and player combos.

Also after seeing the 12 people multi-party area's I don't believe we can truthfully call PSO2 not an MMO. It's main feature outside of the extensive levels of customization are that you can play with a massive community, even the lobbies are being designed to reflect this with a built in theater like the PSN home has(though that only has music).

Jul 29, 2011, 07:39 AM
I believe this inability to max out the entire skill tree is because they are encouraging party play.

I fail to see how the two are related. Unless there are some skills that will allow access to certain areas then how would particular skills encourage party play?

Most likely it's more to give a sense of individuality beyond things superficial. In the past once you maxed out a character there was nothing to separate you from someone else's maxed character except aesthetics. Now you can be different by having other skill sets, and if they give the ability to switch it can make the "end game" last for a bit longer.

Jul 29, 2011, 07:39 AM
MMO = Massive-Multiplayer Online.

Therefore, anything with Massive amounts of people playing online, whether it be Call of Duty (MMOFPS) or LoL (MMOBA), is an MMO. The Phantasy Star games just aren't your traditional MMORPG, a la WoW, or even MMOARPG, a la Diablo franchise.

Jul 29, 2011, 07:40 AM
It's as close to an MMO as it's ever been. It's an MMOARPG w/boob physics!

Jul 29, 2011, 07:41 AM
I fail to see how the two are related. Unless there are some skills that will allow access to certain areas then how would particular skills encourage party play?
Because when you can't use a certain ability, and you want to make use of it, you get someone in your party can use it?

Jade DaBain
Jul 29, 2011, 07:41 AM
PSO2 is defiantly a MMO. I mean, how can you consider having 12 people play together not a MMO?

Jul 29, 2011, 07:42 AM
Lol it's not an MMO. Man, not this crap again.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 29, 2011, 07:47 AM
Are we expecting a lot of content from PSO / PSU into this game? By content, I mean weapons, mags, enemies, names etc... Because it would seem a waste of ideas/creativity from the developers to throw all of that away. I know a lot of PSO went into PSU, but if they incorporated it in some way without making it to identical, or cheap content, I think it should be alright. Like I bet a lot of us would like to see the return of various clothing, weapons from the past games into this?

Any more information on the Rangers?

Can you say.......dimensional rifts that mysteriously open in relic sites? or....other ruins..

The FOcaseal design found in the Famitsu article is rather cute. The HUnewm looks like a more mechanical, beefy version of Zero's HUnewm.

At least it isn't strictly skin tight anymore - he looks like he has armor and can actually take a hit.

All of the emotes shown so far are from PSU, which is both disappointing and lazy, hoping to see some new stuff at least before release.

Well, it still is Alpha. And even if they keep them in, I'm not too troubled with it.

&#x202a;?Wonder Girls???????&#x202c;&rlm; - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS2rWc-EwJ0&feature=related)

Needs something like this ;D


*sigh*.. nevermind.

No, please, what was on your mind?

Jul 29, 2011, 07:47 AM
Because when you don't have a certain thing ability, and you want to make use of it, you get someone in your party who has it?

I get that, but this is still only a valid claim if certain areas are impassible without certain skills.

For instance:

If there were red mages, and blue mages one of them may be better for certain points of the game, but either way they would add to a party. The only way that different skills would encourage party play is if you were a blue mage, and it was impossible to solo an area because you need blue mage skills. The former situation isn't encouraging party play at all.

Perhaps the person should have said "encourage party diversity." This makes far more sense than "encourage party play."

as for MMO or not MMO: Why do you give a shit? It's a game you're going to play. Does the genre really matter?

Jul 29, 2011, 07:50 AM
What we need is a carmeldansen emote.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 29, 2011, 07:51 AM
MMO = Massive-Multiplayer Online.

Therefore, anything with Massive amounts of people playing online, whether it be Call of Duty (MMOFPS) or LoL (MMOBA), is an MMO. The Phantasy Star games just aren't your traditional MMORPG, a la WoW, or even MMOARPG, a la Diablo franchise.


Jade DaBain
Jul 29, 2011, 07:52 AM
What we need is a carmeldansen emote.

Oh please no! Anything but that! OK..... almost anything.

Jul 29, 2011, 07:53 AM
Enforcer MKV
I dont feel like having certain member here berate me just because I state an opinion (such as what I think about the PSU emotes or what I consider a frivolous thing to complain about for example) that runs contrary to certain members that think their point of view is superior to everyone elses. Not refering to you, or anyone in particular...

Jul 29, 2011, 07:57 AM

MMOFPS = Mass Multiplayer Online First-Person Shooter.

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a CoD fan (I prefer Halo) and I think anyone who whines that this CoD is better than some other CoD needs to be punched in the face because they're all the same exact game, it just refuses to acknowledge it.

ANY game with a massive multiplayer base that's online is an MMO. End of conversation. Anyone who believes otherwise needs to learn to read. While the PS series is by no means traditional within that genre--and I'd even go as far to make it it's own sub-genre--it is what it is.

Jul 29, 2011, 08:00 AM
Musekaze, your description of an MMO is completely incorrect. Sure, it's a subjective term, but no game developer/reviewer ever would classify CoD as an MMO. By your ideas, EVERY online game EVER is an mmo, and that's just silly.

It's not that other people need to learn how to read, it's that you need to understand that just because a game genre sounds like one thing, doesn't mean that's exactly what it is under any circumstance.

Jade DaBain
Jul 29, 2011, 08:00 AM
MMOFPS = Mass Multiplayer Online First-Person Shooter.

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a CoD fan (I prefer Halo) and I think anyone who whines that this CoD is better than some other CoD needs to be punched in the face because they're all the same exact game, it just refuses to acknowledge it.

ANY game with a massive multiplayer base that's online is an MMO. End of conversation. Anyone who believes otherwise needs to learn to read. While the PS series is by no means traditional within that genre--and I'd even go as far to make it it's own sub-genre--it is what it is.

How about we all just say that the Phantasy Star series is a bunch of extremely awesome games?

Jul 29, 2011, 08:07 AM
Musekaze, your description of an MMO is completely incorrect. Sure, it's a subjective term, but no game developer/reviewer ever would classify CoD as an MMO. By your ideas, EVERY online game EVER is an mmo, and that's just silly.

It's not that other people need to learn how to read, it's that you need to understand that just because a game genre sounds like one thing, doesn't mean that's exactly what it is under any circumstance.

You're completely correct. No developer/reviewer would classify it as an MMOFPS. But that is what it is. I just feel like sub-genres should be played up more. Then again, reviewers were classifying Twilight Princess as an RPG which makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever. It's Action/Adventure.

And yes. PS games are awesome...maybe I should get around to playing the old ones some time.

But if PSO, PSU, and PSO2 aren't MMOs, then what would you classify them as? I would take "Massive-Multiplayer Online Cooperative RPG" as an acceptable answer, since there is definitely more of a Cooperative focus than other games which, alternatively, allow you to have a PvP focus...which I'm sick of. I don't want people begging for PvP in games anymore >.<

Jul 29, 2011, 08:11 AM
You're completely correct. No developer/reviewer would classify it as an MMOFPS. But that is what it is. I just feel like sub-genres should be played up more.
Then again, reviewers were classifying Twilight Princess as an RPG which makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever. It's Action/Adventure.

Oh sweet delicious irony thy taste is magnificent.

Jul 29, 2011, 08:12 AM
PSO is just an online RPG. I wouldn't consider it an MMO, because the most accepted description of an MMO is something that sustains hundreds to thousands of people simultaneously in a constant world. PSO2's gameplay only allows for up to 12 people at once (not even as many as CoD) in an actual game field, which isn't a constant world, but rather a single RPG instance.

So that's why I'd just consider it an online RPG.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 29, 2011, 08:17 AM
Enforcer MKV
I dont feel like having certain member here berate me just because I state an opinion (such as what I think about the PSU emotes or what I consider a frivolous thing to complain about for example) that runs contrary to certain members that think their point of view is superior to everyone elses. Not refering to you, or anyone in particular...

Ok, that's fair. Don't want to be pushy.

MMOFPS = Mass Multiplayer Online First-Person Shooter.

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a CoD fan (I prefer Halo) and I think anyone who whines that this CoD is better than some other CoD needs to be punched in the face because they're all the same exact game, it just refuses to acknowledge it.

ANY game with a massive multiplayer base that's online is an MMO. End of conversation. Anyone who believes otherwise needs to learn to read. While the PS series is by no means traditional within that genre--and I'd even go as far to make it it's own sub-genre--it is what it is.

Err - COD isn't a MMO, Muse. MMO's are generally large, connected worlds there thousands of players can be at the same time. A good example of an MMOFPS would be a game called Planetside. COD is nothing like Planetside, in the fact that you have a small number of players in matches, where the maps reset everytime. Do you see where I'm going?

How about we all just say that the Phantasy Star series is a bunch of extremely awesome games?


Jul 29, 2011, 08:17 AM
Yeah, this is going nowhere fast. I don't think 12 players constitutes for MASSIVE either but some people will never let this thing go. I said it's as close to an MMO as it's ever been, BUT it is still not an MMO. Period. And lobbies don't count.

Jul 29, 2011, 08:20 AM
My argument there, Hotobu, is that LoZ doesn't really RPG. The only thing different about each character is the name, should someone choose to not be named Link, and there are no choices you make that affect the story. I suppose it could be argued that because there are tons of hidden secrets to explore and such, and that those are all completely optional, those are viewed as "choices" and Link does improve and get shiny stuff by doing some of these things, that it can be viewed as an RPG. However, most fans of the series wouldn't think so.

Irony aside, I can see why Malachite wouldn't see the PS games as MMOs. I still think it's deluded, but that doesn't mean he isn't entitled to that belief.

However, as you pointed out, I've lost my agreeableness factor and neglected the fact that I contradicted myself so I'm just going to finish waking up and never touch the PSOW forums again. There's a reason I use this as a reference website, not a social/discussion one. (That being it's not a smaller community of players I see regularly, it's a very large community of people I don't know anything about.)


Random fact about me: I am either deliberately overly literal, or use circular logic and nonsense in logical ways. Sometimes I am not always aware of this (usually when I am tired). When I am, very silly things happen.

Jul 29, 2011, 08:24 AM
It's got nothing to do with any of you, it's got to do with me. I generally don't mix well with large groups. Never have, never will. I work well with smaller, more organized groups. Usually nonsense-based ones. It's why I sit in the front of my lecture halls, so it feels smaller >.<

Jul 29, 2011, 01:01 PM
I was thinking that as well. Obviously if it does come out West it won't be a simultaneous launch. JP, then NA & poor EU last like always. I just hope that it won't be as long a delay as PSPo2 was......but if we are getting it, I won't bitch!

Exactly! I'm just hoping for a good US release as well, I'll be excited to see a PSO2 box in stores.;D

I also always call the Phantasy Star Online/Universe games "OARPGs" as they're online action RPGs. There's lobbies and whatnot, even multiple decorative lobbies in PSU, but honestly the game doesn't really have that massive open-world play. You still have to make smaller groups and cannot actively fight in lobbies as far as my knowledge goes with PSO2. I view it in the vein as something like playing Left 4 Dead online, just with a couple more folks!

I just view MMOs as Massively Multiplayer RPGs that also need a massively persistent open-world to go with that, such as Telara (Rift), Azeroth (WoW), or even the world of Tera which has similar ARPG combat, but an open world instead of lobbies.

Jul 29, 2011, 01:11 PM
Musekaze, your description of an MMO is completely incorrect. Sure, it's blah blah blittity fucking blah

Okay, the next time someone brings this up, i sware to god im going to nuke the planet.

It's the stupidest argument on the planet. Mostly because NONE OF YOU know what you're talking about. You're trying to define something with a word that is too vauge to even have an official description behind it.

So none of you are right or wrong. Just....GO BACK to talking about spines again.


A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplayer_video_game) which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously. By necessity, they are played on the Internet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet), and feature at least one persistent world (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistent_world). They are, however, not necessarily games played on personal computers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_computer). Most of the newer game consoles, including the PSP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Portable), PlayStation 3 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3), Xbox 360 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360), Nintendo DSi and Wii (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii) can access the Internet and may therefore run MMO games. Additionally, mobile devices and smartphones based on such operating systems as Android (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_%28operating_system%29), iOS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS_%28Apple%29), webOS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebOS), and Windows Mobile (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Mobile) are seeing an increase in the number of MMO games available.
MMOGs can enable players to cooperate and compete with each other on a large scale, and sometimes to interact meaningfully with people around the world. They include a variety of gameplay types, representing many video game genres (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_genres).
Nevermind, Wikipedia article. If it's an online game, where hundreds or thousands of players are on at the same time playing with eachother (YES, that includes PSO, PSU, and will include PSO2, as well as Call of Duty, Halo Reach, whatever you can think of thats popular), then they are MMOs.

Now can we drop this, PLEASE? None of you are making any sense.

Jesus, you people act like World of Warcraft CREATED the term.

Enforcer MKV
Jul 29, 2011, 01:12 PM
Okay, the next time someone brings this up, i sware to god im going to nuke the planet.

I've seen that brought up quite a lot, actually. I'm surprised it's a point of such debate.

Jul 29, 2011, 01:19 PM
The people who argue the point bring up the argument for NO reason it seems like.

By almost every written definition of the word by any creditable source, games like PSO, PSU, and Call of Duty fit the description. It doesn't matter what you others think, and it doesn't matter how it sounds. Just because World of Warcraft has a trillion people playing it and happens to be an MMORPG doesn't mean that the WHOLE GAME WORLD has to fit its definition to a singular ridiculously successful videogame. There WERE MMOs before WoW existed, you know. (COUGHCOUGHphantasystaronlineCOUGH)

Enforcer MKV
Jul 29, 2011, 01:23 PM
The people who argue the point bring up the argument for NO reason it seems like.

By almost every written definition of the word by any creditable source, games like PSO, PSU, and Call of Duty fit the description. It doesn't matter what you others think, and it doesn't matter how it sounds. Just because World of Warcraft has a trillion people playing it and happens to be an MMORPG doesn't mean that the WHOLE GAME WORLD has to fit its definition to a singular ridiculously successful videogame. There WERE MMOs before WoW existed, you know. (COUGHCOUGHphantasystaronlineCOUGH)

Where could I find a written definition, btw? I don't really consider CoD an MMO, but if there is an official written definition that actually sets the standard for what it is, I'd be happy to look at it and finally have the record set straight.

@EDIT; I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers, I meant no offense - to anyone - just trying to learn and live, and have a fun time doing it.

Jul 29, 2011, 01:29 PM
Back to the point (what's with all this MMO term debate? XD ) ...

I am extremely pleased by the huge information dump! Like... it's starting to feel serious in here. Ha ha.

I really like what I hear. The 12 party system sounds really neat, in the fact that you are sort of put into squads of 4 that are their own units, and their buffs affect only those 4... that means more buffs than just 4! I wonder if that means there will be a Force skill path that deals a lot with buffs? :O

And I'm also glad to hear confirmation on My Room. XD

And! The whole exp is for nearby / death affects only you / drops are personal bits all will hopefully keep the game a little more friendly and no squabbling over rare items or ranks?

Enforcer MKV
Jul 29, 2011, 01:31 PM
Back to the point (what's with all this MMO term debate? XD ) ...

I am extremely pleased by the huge information dump! Like... it's starting to feel serious in here. Ha ha.

I really like what I hear. The 12 party system sounds really neat, in the fact that you are sort of put into squads of 4 that are their own units, and their buffs affect only those 4... that means more buffs than just 4! I wonder if that means there will be a Force skill path that deals a lot with buffs? :O

And I'm also glad to hear confirmation on My Room. XD

And! The whole exp is for nearby / death affects only you / drops are personal bits all will hopefully keep the game a little more friendly and no squabbling over rare items or ranks?

That would be very good if it indeed made things more friendly.

Jul 29, 2011, 01:39 PM
That would be very good if it indeed made things more friendly.

Now if only it would stop the whining of "I played this mission for 4 hours and I haven't seen Xsuperrareitem yet!"

Enforcer MKV
Jul 29, 2011, 01:41 PM
Now if only it would stop the whining of "I played this mission for 4 hours and I haven't seen Xsuperrareitem yet!"

hahaha, that is a dream I don't think we'll ever see come true.

Jul 29, 2011, 01:42 PM
PSO and PSO 2 are not MMOs I know that Sega liked to con people into thinking it is and then get money out of them, but it is not. It's heavily instanced. You don't have 600 people in one area fucking up monsters. So it's an online rpg sure but not so massively. Does not need to be so either. This has it's charm makes groups more personal.

You guys have to get into the mistrust of the publisher dynamic, that will force them to be more compliant and make better games, you don't hold em accountable you get wow.

Jul 29, 2011, 02:05 PM
As for personal item drops, I could see everyone in party picking up every junk rares they find and dropping them for teammates to use, making 1 junk rare drop multiply by x4. The only solution to minimize total mess is to minimize rare drop frequency and eliminate all kinds of synthing mat drops such as in PSU drop system.

Jul 29, 2011, 02:57 PM
Multi-Party Areas

In multi-party areas, support techniques will only affect your party.
There are some techniques that have cross-party effects, however.

Cross-party effect techs that are not support techs would lead me to imagine that they are bringing back combination attack techs a la Phantasy Star IV style, hopefully. They could make this work by having certain number of cross-party members staying in close proximity and casting combination attack spells togather at the same time that would turn into one uber powerful boss-killer spell.

Jul 29, 2011, 03:49 PM
My argument there, Hotobu, is that LoZ doesn't really RPG. The only thing different about each character is the name, should someone choose to not be named Link, and there are no choices you make that affect the story. I suppose it could be argued that because there are tons of hidden secrets to explore and such, and that those are all completely optional, those are viewed as "choices" and Link does improve and get shiny stuff by doing some of these things, that it can be viewed as an RPG. However, most fans of the series wouldn't think so.

Irony aside, I can see why Malachite wouldn't see the PS games as MMOs. I still think it's deluded, but that doesn't mean he isn't entitled to that belief.

However, as you pointed out, I've lost my agreeableness factor and neglected the fact that I contradicted myself so I'm just going to finish waking up and never touch the PSOW forums again. There's a reason I use this as a reference website, not a social/discussion one. (That being it's not a smaller community of players I see regularly, it's a very large community of people I don't know anything about.)


Random fact about me: I am either deliberately overly literal, or use circular logic and nonsense in logical ways. Sometimes I am not always aware of this (usually when I am tired). When I am, very silly things happen.

Zelda is a sub class of RPG called adventure. the reason for this is there is still stat and skill progression with a focus more on atmosphere story and such than there is on action. your definition of RPG is too narrow as there are plenty of RPGs that dont let you cnage the names of teh characters and don't have any sort of cause and effect. By your definition even classic RPGs like dragont quest and early final fantasy titles...heck PS games except III - all dont qualify as RPGs by your standards.

I think you need to reevaluate your outlook.

Jul 29, 2011, 03:59 PM
Wired lance: You can’t throw the larger sized enemies. According to Dengeki, the Wired Lance can do something else other than flinging enemies, it can tear off a part of the body. WHAT? That sounds freaking awesome. Imagine if you could rip a monsters head off lol.

Jul 29, 2011, 04:17 PM
Wired Lance = spiderman

Jul 29, 2011, 05:31 PM
PSO and PSO 2 are not MMOs I know that Sega liked to con people into thinking it is and then get money out of them, but it is not. It's heavily instanced. You don't have 600 people in one area fucking up monsters. So it's an online rpg sure but not so massively. Does not need to be so either. This has it's charm makes groups more personal.

But you DO have 600 people online. Playing the game. At the same time. It does not matter if the game is instanced or not -- you DO realize that no matter how big a game world is, you can only interact with a finite number of players at a single time?

There can be 951,000,000 World of Warcraft players online, sharing the same world, at the same time. You will never encounter all of them, and you can only interact with so many of them at once. If you're on one side of the map, your client will COMPLETELY ignore a portion of the map a few blocks from where you're standing. Thus, while the world isn't instanced, for all intents and purposes it might as well be.


There is no difference between the two. More recent MMOs are simply larger than PSO because of the OBVIOUS age differences, but PSO still classifies because you are not sharing the server content with 4 freaking people.

Especially when you realize there is not a single MMO on this planet where 600 people can be in one spot, at the same time, doing the same thing, and have the game be even remotely playable. Not only would that destroy whatever graphics card you're using, it would be completely impractical. Chat windows would EXPLODE, the server would be ridiculously stressed, and your framerate would probably be abysmal no matter what graphics card you'd be using.

Jul 29, 2011, 05:34 PM
Yes... there is no difference between PSO and WoW... aside from the fact that they're completely different games/genres in almost every spectrum.

Jul 29, 2011, 05:40 PM
Obviously there's a difference in gameplay. Smarty Pants. Stay on topic, we're talking about the Genre here.

Edit: Wait, no we're not.


Jul 29, 2011, 05:41 PM
Are people trying to say that PSO was an MMO again?

Hehe. Continue.

Jul 29, 2011, 05:43 PM
It's Multiplayer M

It's Massive M <- Your problem is here, but if theres a 1000 people playing the game at once, whether you can slash a monster while you see most of em or not, it's still the game. Most MMO's cut people down by by server, channel, area, party, instance anyway.

It's Online O
It's an Role playing RP
It's a Game G


Now stop bringing this dumb argument back up. Or just call it a PSOG like I do, then continue shutting up.

Jul 29, 2011, 06:27 PM
I'm not to keen on the fact you can't freely roam between servers...if half your friends play world 1 and other half world 2 your forced to make chars on both instead of using 1 char.

Why even choice for something like that? I mean PSU could do it, why PSO2 not?.

I hope that distance for EXP changes depending on your type, otherwise Rangers have to get really close to get any exp.

Fullmetal Muffinman
Jul 29, 2011, 06:38 PM
I'm not to keen on the fact you can't freely roam between servers...if half your friends play world 1 and other half world 2 your forced to make chars on both instead of using 1 char.

Why even choice for something like that? I mean PSU could do it, why PSO2 not?.

I hope that distance for EXP changes depending on your type, otherwise Rangers have to get really close to get any exp.
I Agree. im Kinda Worried About the whole EXP Distance thing.

Jul 29, 2011, 06:43 PM
I'm sure they thought about that lol. Rangers won't have a problem with EXP.

Jul 29, 2011, 08:48 PM
I'm sure they thought about that lol. Rangers won't have a problem with EXP.

I hope and don't hope that there would be benefits in exp for the classes, who are at their proper distance range.

Hunter = Short range
Force = Medium range
Ranger = Long range

Because hunters like to shoot (50% hit charge Vulcan's anyone) and rangers like to melee (Excalibur) and forces in-between. I doubt it'll be like PSO where a class can dominate being a different one, because of stats etc. I'm sure they'll think of something not detrimental.

It'll be nice if they added the stats of monster's you have slain, rare item hunting %, how many times you have completed a certain mission, TA times, deaths, etc... Like on PSZ/PSP2.

Jul 29, 2011, 08:58 PM
Let's draw a line here.

MMORPG = >80 people in a single world (gameplay) instance at any one point in time.
Examples: WoW, Aion, Champions Online, LOTRO, FFXI/XIV, EVE Online, Dofus/Wakfu, Age of Conan, Guild Wars 2, et. al.

ORPG = <80 people in a single world (gameplay) instance at any one point in time.
Examples: PSO/PSU, Vindictus, Guild Wars, the Diablo series and all its "clones"... There's actually a lot fewer of these due to the MMO craze, where people saw only the dollar signs and just went completely nuts churning out game after game after game.

TBH, the world would be a better place if we had more ORPGs and fewer MMORPGs.

Jul 29, 2011, 09:26 PM
I wouldn't make the distinction between ORPG and MMORPG by attaching an arbitrary number to it. To me, the difference has always been that in an MMO, you have a nebulously large amount of players impacting each other's game through a variety of methods, even if they never meet. Sure, I may have never personally met Soulkilla when I was playing WoW, but perhaps he just cleared out the quest zone I just arrived at, leaving me to wait impatiently for respawns, or maybe he bought something I put up for sale on the auction house. Just because I've never had the opportunity to have him yell at me for not taunting off him doesn't mean we've never had any impact on each other.

So, PSO, or any of its successors, is no MMO. And I agree: that's a good thing.

Jul 29, 2011, 09:32 PM
The number is pretty arbitrary; you could put any number between "10" and "100" in there and it'd work just as well, as none of the ORPG examples I mentioned actually allow parties bigger than that.

Jul 29, 2011, 10:17 PM
Let's draw a line here.

MMORPG = >80 people in a single world (gameplay) instance at any one point in time.
Examples: WoW, Aion, Champions Online, LOTRO, FFXI/XIV, EVE Online, Dofus/Wakfu, Age of Conan, Guild Wars 2, et. al.

ORPG = <80 people in a single world (gameplay) instance at any one point in time.
Examples: PSO/PSU, Vindictus, Guild Wars, the Diablo series and all its "clones"... There's actually a lot fewer of these due to the MMO craze, where people saw only the dollar signs and just went completely nuts churning out game after game after game.

TBH, the world would be a better place if we had more ORPGs and fewer MMORPGs.

Why 80 though?
Why not 100?
Why not 60?
Arbitrary cutoff point is completely arbitrary.

Jul 29, 2011, 10:45 PM
"Original Combos

- You can set different photon arts to the three parts of a combo.
- Combined PAs will let you pull of three-part combos. For example, Tornado Break to Spinning Break to Gravity Break. Also, you can perform normal attacks between all of those."

Yes, I am liking the sound of this! :D

And MAGs! Woooooooooooo!! I can finally relax!

Jul 29, 2011, 10:47 PM
Why 80 though?
Why not 100?
Why not 60?
Arbitrary cutoff point is completely arbitrary.

The number is pretty arbitrary; you could put any number between "10" and "100" in there and it'd work just as well, as none of the ORPG examples I mentioned actually allow parties bigger than that.

Do people really not read before they post?

Do they really?


Edit: Just in case you didn't get it, actual MMORPGs allow for HUGE numbers of players in a single world instance.

PSO, PSU, PSO2 do NOT do this. Same thing with Guild Wars. Same thing with Vindictus. Those games are, by definition, NOT MMOs because you don't actually have a massive number of players interacting with each other in the same space.

Same space meaning something other than a pre-mission lobby; y'know, as in a space where people actually play the game. If people can't kill mobs or other players next to three dozen other players in the same instance, it's not an MMO.

Jul 29, 2011, 11:15 PM

Yeah, everything looks nice and dandy. I'm curious about the points listed about rods, however.

It implies that you can still cast techniques freely, regardless of your equipment (which is a fantastic thing), though techniques can only be charged if they're bound to a rod. It raises the question though: How much of a real difference is it going to make, to charge techniques? It's going to be a rather difficult thing to balance, especially if they want to facilitate anyone playing a sort of hybrid gameplay style. That's really my only worry.

Why 80 though?
Why not 100?
Why not 60?
Arbitrary cutoff point is completely arbitrary.
It may seem that way, but there's actually reason behind it.

Make note of the word "massively" in the term "Massively-Multiplayer Online Game." What constitutes "massive" varies between people, but in general terms, 32 players at once is not something people consider massive. Hell, if you ask a Tribes player whether or not either of the two Tribes games anyone cared about are massively-multiplayer, they'd tell you that no, they are not, despite that 128 players could feasibly take part in the same instance of gameplay at a given time. This is why we look at multiple games that are not considered massively-multiplayer and make a judgment on what constitutes massive based on it (and therefore, making the number non-arbitrary).

Non-massively-multiplayer online games are generally somewhat small-scale. Diablo, PSO, PSU, all of these support anywhere between four and eight people playing at once. Even if you were to take into account individual lobbies, how many people can occupy a single instance of a lobby at once in PSO? 15. Some people are easily fooled by lobbies and visual chat channels (those two are really just a difference in nomenclature) into thinking that it's how many players a game supports playing at once... Because they can't tell the difference between what is effectively a menu system to facilitate players in finding other players, and an actual multiplayer gameplay instance.

On top of this, people often seem to forget that the term is "massively-multiplayer," taking note of the hyphenation. The implication is that within a multiplayer game (which does, in fact, refer to a given instance of the game - you'd have to be an idiot to actually try and argue that), there can be a massive number of people playing together at a given time. "Massive" is indeed subjective, and therefore can be easily seen as an arbitrary description, but then we try and apply some logic to it:

If we consider that most-commonly, games that are not considered massively-multiplayer generally support a maximum of 16 or 32 players at once (and, somewhat-uncommonly, 64 players at once), then we can safely call numbers significantly larger than this "massive" by the term's common definition (of describing something as being "much larger than normal"). Thusly, for something to be considered "massively-multiplayer," it has to support a significantly-larger number of players playing together in an instance of gameplay than what we generally see among games just described as "multiplayer."

I would not personally deduce that the point at which a game becomes massive is so low as 80, but that's beside the point - that being, that whether or not a game can be logically considered as "massively-multiplayer" is determined by how many players can be actively playing together in a given instance of the game's world simultaneously. It has nothing to do with "styles" or "setups" of massively-multiplayer worlds; it either supports a massive number of simultaneous players in the same gameplay instance, or it does not.

Jul 30, 2011, 02:08 AM
PSO, PSU, PSO2 do NOT do this. Same thing with Guild Wars. Same thing with Vindictus. Those games are, by definition, NOT MMOs because you don't actually have a massive number of players interacting with each other in the same space.

Same space meaning something other than a pre-mission lobby; y'know, as in a space where people actually play the game. If people can't kill mobs or other players next to three dozen other players in the same instance, it's not an MMO.

See #228 (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2662772&postcount=228) and #232Problem is how that post assume that every MMO games must do specific function. That is very much narrow-minded concept where facing a game like PSO that does different tasks like command input .

Jul 30, 2011, 03:18 AM
* The ability to redo learned skills is under consideration.

Respeccing HAS to be in the game. Its the norm in all MMOs now. I do not like the idea of messing up my spec and then having to create another character to re-do it. I like to experiment and not get punished.

* You can link three techniques to a rod.

I hope this doesn't mean we are limited to only using 3 techs at a time. But, from the look of the next line, it seems that there is a benfit from slotting techs to a rod and you can still use other techs besides the slotted ones?

* The ability to transfer disks to other players (such as through disk restoration) is under consideration.

Huh? I hope we aren't limited in trading stuff now. I like being able to pass stuff to friends/alts.

* Units exist in this game.
* They can be equipped to your arms, back and legs.
* Units can be additional costume parts for your character.
* When equipped, units can change certain visuals of your costume.
* Units can boost abilities such as defense and attribute rates.

Meh. I hate equipment that adds looks to your character. Judging by the screens, some of the units look really dumb.

* Whether or not you receive EXP is determined by your range to an enemy.
* If you are within the enemy's range, you will receive EXP.
* If you are out of an enemy's range, you will not receive EXP.
* This may be a counter-measure for multi-party leveling.

Good. I hated the whole "have to hit the mob" to get exp. At least now if you have crazy party members who like to kill everyhting or you just want to heal, you can get exp.

* Certain areas allow for up to 12 people to play together simultaneously.

Not really liking this. Does this mean you will *need* 12 ppl to get thruogh the content? I was only planning on duoing/small groups, I don't wanna be locked outta content. Sounds too much like raids, meh.

Jul 30, 2011, 04:17 AM
Hmmm... I like what they did with the option to link techs to canes. Makes for a lot more options to either go all caster or mix melee with magic at one time.

So.... While we wait, who wants to play a Massively-Multiplayer Game of Monopoly! :D

And I wonder if they will troll us with any doors that require 12 people to stand on different switches at the same time that are scattered throughout the Caves or something.

Jade DaBain
Jul 30, 2011, 04:42 AM
Hmmm... I like what they did with the option to link techs to canes. Makes for a lot more options to either go all caster or mix melee with magic at one time.

So.... While we wait, who wants to play a Massively-Multiplayer Game of Monopoly! :D

And I wonder if they will troll us with any doors that require 12 people to stand on different switches at the same time that are scattered throughout the Caves or something.

That be evil. Who want to go on a mad hunt, trying to find 12 switches in a zone?

Jul 30, 2011, 08:02 AM
I hope this doesn't mean we are limited to only using 3 techs at a time. But, from the look of the next line, it seems that there is a benfit from slotting techs to a rod and you can still use other techs besides the slotted ones?

Judging from what's been said somewhere, "techs are stronger when linked to a rod".

Does that mean you can use some techs without the rod?

If it's what I think it is, this sounds rather cool - possibly, you can juggle having explosive techs on your rod in one hand, and less used techs to flick out from the other, unequipped hand.

Jul 30, 2011, 09:13 AM
I'm not to keen on the fact you can't freely roam between servers...if half your friends play world 1 and other half world 2 your forced to make chars on both instead of using 1 char.

Why even choice for something like that? I mean PSU could do it, why PSO2 not?.

I hope that distance for EXP changes depending on your type, otherwise Rangers have to get really close to get any exp.I think this is how they will keep jpn from the rest of us heathens. They are getting the concept in the users head so they can excuse segregating the player base.

Jade DaBain
Jul 30, 2011, 09:16 AM
I think this is how they will keep jpn from the rest of us heathens. They are getting the concept in the users head so they can excuse segregating the player base.

Ya know, you may be right. That just may be an excuse for Sega to separate us.