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View Full Version : Does anyone want room improvements?

Aug 1, 2011, 04:23 PM
Player rooms are cool, but beside PM functions, storage, and your shop (if you have one), don't serve much purpose.

Anyone think rooms should have more reasons for players to spend time there, or that the entire concept should just be left alone?

Aug 1, 2011, 04:27 PM
They're already confirmed, so I assume they will be updated in some way. It'd be pretty silly for Sega to just leave them as they are.

Aug 1, 2011, 04:29 PM
I liked the player rooms in PSU. they where a great place to just hang out and talk to friends.

but it would be cool if you could put some sort of mini game in there. maybe like little arcade systems to play old sega games on.

Aug 1, 2011, 04:32 PM
That's a verryyy good idea.

Seth Astra
Aug 1, 2011, 04:34 PM
They do have a lot of potential. If they're more customizable than in the Gurhal saga, then I'd be quite happy. I loved having my own cool little room in PSP2. Considering what they've done with character customization in PSO2, I doubt they'll slack off on the my room function.

Aug 1, 2011, 04:39 PM
The room was probably one of the best additions PSU implemented into the saga. I would be happy to see more freedom in designing it, and perhaps the rooms being bigger, aswell. So that we still fit in with our huge-ass units. :wacko:

Aug 1, 2011, 04:40 PM
They do have a lot of potential. If they're more customizable than in the Gurhal saga, then I'd be quite happy. I loved having my own cool little room in PSP2. Considering what they've done with character customization in PSO2, I doubt they'll slack off on the my room function.

It seems they are very serious about customization & My Room should be no different. I can't think of any way to improve it off the top of my head. Maybe a fun thing to do would be to "room" with another player online until you reach a higher level and then you can obtain a larger room and some privacy......lol

Aug 1, 2011, 04:40 PM
I would love if they added the ability for your room to increase in size from a two-area room to a three-area one or even give us the option of a second level or basement to give the player more storage space and increase the limit on players in a given room as well.

Aug 1, 2011, 04:43 PM

Aug 1, 2011, 04:57 PM
Lol yeah, kind of like GCN animal crossing's nes games... wow I've left this unposted for like 30 minutes forgot what else I was gonna say.

But yeah Rooms are confirmed, I'd be surprised if it had less than PSU's rooms.

Aug 1, 2011, 04:59 PM
No way.

I dont want my room decorations clashing with my character's outfits.

I gotta look fly, bro.

Aug 1, 2011, 05:14 PM
I dont want my room decorations clashing with my character's outfits.

I gotta look fly, bro.

^I must admit, that seemed a bit forced. Don't try so hard.

Anyway, no one even knows how they're managing rooms this time around. I'm going to wait and see what they give us before I think about what I would "want improved."

Aug 1, 2011, 05:16 PM
No way.

I dont want my room decorations clashing with my character's outfits.

I gotta look fly, bro.

Well if I can't make a gothic room, to punch-I mean if I can't make a gothic room to make my gothic emo kid rockstar guy.

I'll be sure to punch remius in the neck for ruining for for me. ]:

Aug 1, 2011, 05:37 PM
I think it's funny that people go online to hang out in their rooms.

Aug 1, 2011, 05:40 PM
I think it'll be for the best is if all you had when you logged in was a party browser to either create or join a party and play the real game 'cause that's what only matters right?


Aug 1, 2011, 05:46 PM

Aug 1, 2011, 05:49 PM
I think it's funny that people go online to hang out in their rooms.

The room had a lot of functions besides "just hanging out" though.

What do you LIKE starting arguments over tiny shit...? e_e;

Aug 1, 2011, 07:15 PM
but it would be cool if you could put some sort of mini game in there. maybe like little arcade systems to play old sega games on.

A million times this. Maybe even make them a rare item, people can play your arcade sega game for a few meseta if they don't have it or something. Better than that Gotcha machine BS. Though the thing with that is, I'd assume most people just pirate a sega game nowadays.

Anyhow, I really like the rooms, wish we had more options. Getting the room moved to a different location was cool, more of that would be nice (with more windows to.) I personally loved the bar one or whatever it was, and I got the bar furniture item (or was it part of the room? I can't remember.) Moved to Moatoob when the tickets came out, awesome desert, for that western saloon atmosphere. Had a full de rol le (whatever it was called in PSU) circling the room. With a nice set of tables and chai- WHY THE HELL WAS I DOING THIS!?

But yeah, I like having on-the-side projects to work on besides character building. I just wish the theme hadn't been tied to room size. Chatting in rooms made for an interesting atmosphere for a conversation that would otherwise be pure text or voice. Also saying creepy or weird things to other's parrots, ha.

Aug 1, 2011, 10:15 PM
I loved the shop system in PSU. I hope that they improve on it, but i still want a room and a shop. The idea of having multiple rooms is interesting. More customization with layout and design would be ideal. I dont know if i would want them to go to the extreme of Sims customization, but it would be cool if they avoided the "ticket" style transformation and just gave you tools. that would make for a more unique room.

Aug 1, 2011, 10:29 PM
I loved the shop system in PSU. I hope that they improve on it, but i still want a room and a shop. The idea of having multiple rooms is interesting. More customization with layout and design would be ideal. I dont know if i would want them to go to the extreme of Sims customization, but it would be cool if they avoided the "ticket" style transformation and just gave you tools. that would make for a more unique room.

Tool editor would be pretty sick. I would actually want to check out some players' rooms if that was the case, instead of "oh cool look, another Cave room"......with shit in it...

Aug 1, 2011, 10:38 PM
I hope they improve the customization system. Trying to arrange things in PSU was way too cumbersome. Also this is probably not going to happen, but you know how in PSU you got cut off in the hall way; it would be cool to have clan support where you could walk from room to room.

Aug 4, 2011, 08:05 AM
I dunno, the personal rooms was one of the things i dont have much complaints about for PSU, but yes im sure the way you arrange furniture will be less uhh.. well just looking like a trophy room, or i hope so

dont really want or feel the need to add any stupid crap like private room mini games (ik, youre thinking animal crossing) i mean it's cute but its not a feature most people would actually use for more than a couple minutes imo..if i wanted to play an old sonic game ill go do that, and not be on PSO2 lol

Aug 4, 2011, 08:23 AM
I liked the player rooms in PSU. they where a great place to just hang out and talk to friends.

but it would be cool if you could put some sort of mini game in there. maybe like little arcade systems to play old sega games on.

I second this.

I hope they have ALL decoractions available for purchase in the item shop, don't make them rare drops or where your have to find multiple parts to make 1 whole decoration. All Room skins should be available at the start. One the dumbest things about PSU was the way room skins and new decorations where very very slowly released...

Aug 4, 2011, 09:44 AM
I think a majority would want improvements, but I have a few that have probably already been mentioned.

-Customization of the "lounge" type area connected to the main room where you can't put furniture in PSP2(or PSU I believe). Would have been cool to put some stuff in there, too.

-Have an "item" shelf that can show off just graphics of your weapon drops as sort of an armory in the main room. The requirement to unlock an item for viewing is for it to either be in your inventory or storage box.

-More decoration items(though this seems like a no brainer and is probably in)

-Being able to purchase your own more complete dressing room for a tidy sum to change hair/eyes/what you can customize in PSU. This way, you can do all that right next to or in the dressing room for clothes.:D

-Better store search functionality(though they probably have that down to an art).

-Better crafting interface.

I would love if they added the ability for your room to increase in size from a two-area room to a three-area one or even give us the option of a second level or basement to give the player more storage space and increase the limit on players in a given room as well.

THIS. I think it'd be cool to have the option to expand.

And I think that's all! Rooms were pretty good to start with.:)

Aug 4, 2011, 10:05 AM
FFXI had a great customizable room interface, imo. It's purpose was different than PSU, but the Mog House was a great way to layout furniture so your time spent organizing your items or changing jobs and such felt a little more unique to your tastes. I didn't get much in the way of PSU's furnishing, but what I did seemed really limited in comparison.

Aug 4, 2011, 10:09 AM
I would be good with using just banks and good old Mags. That PA crap from PSU should be scrapped.

Aug 4, 2011, 10:12 AM
All I want is a mirror in my room <.<

Aug 4, 2011, 10:21 AM
Why a mirror?

Aug 4, 2011, 11:31 AM
All I want is a mirror in my room <.<

Why a mirror?

Haha, since you guys have the same avatar, for I second I thought Ark22 responded to himself. I was about to headdesk.

But, yeah....why a mirror?

Aug 4, 2011, 12:20 PM
I liked the player rooms in PSU. they where a great place to just hang out and talk to friends.

but it would be cool if you could put some sort of mini game in there. maybe like little arcade systems to play old sega games on.

*Joins friend's room*
*Plays Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention*

Playing a RPG IN AN RPG. LOL

Enforcer MKV
Aug 4, 2011, 12:31 PM
*Joins friend's room*
*Plays Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention*

Playing a RPG IN AN RPG. LOL


Aug 4, 2011, 01:15 PM
Haha, since you guys have the same avatar, for I second I thought Ark22 responded to himself. I was about to headdesk.

But, yeah....why a mirror?

He stole it. :(
I should change it, but I really don't post often enough for it to matter.
Really, he should change it. Seniority rules!

Aug 4, 2011, 01:42 PM
Haha, since you guys have the same avatar, for I second I thought Ark22 responded to himself. I was about to headdesk.

But, yeah....why a mirror?

Jin is my alt account, I use it to talk to myself when no one responds after a set time.

But for the mirror, TO SEE HOW I LOOK D=<. From an in game mirror =D!!

He stole it. :(
I should change it, but I really don't post often enough for it to matter.
Really, he should change it. Seniority rules!

=( Why me,,,*sniff

Seth Astra
Aug 4, 2011, 01:45 PM
That makes no sense and complete sense at the exact same time.

Aug 4, 2011, 01:47 PM
Jin is my alt account, I use it to talk to myself when no one responds after a set time.

But for the mirror, TO SEE HOW I LOOK D=<. From an in game mirror =D!!

I really love this guy

Enforcer MKV
Aug 4, 2011, 01:47 PM
Jin is my alt account, I use it to talk to myself when no one responds after a set time.

But for the mirror, TO SEE HOW I LOOK D=<. From an in game mirror =D!!

*sneaks up on Ark while he's busy looking at himself* (don't ask how he didn't see me.)

*throws a hammer at the mirror*


*Le Ghost Recon escape*

Aug 4, 2011, 01:50 PM
*Gets in the Leetinator*

*pulls out the LOL cannon*


^looks like that except a cannon, but since I am at work this will do.

Enforcer MKV
Aug 4, 2011, 01:52 PM
Lol, your link broke, mine is fine. XD

Aug 4, 2011, 02:06 PM
I really love this guy

If you really loved me, you would add me :'(.. Help a Ark out. One more friend = one more great teammate for PSO2 =')

Aug 4, 2011, 02:11 PM
How about something like a personal VR room to let you run missions with customized options. (Tech power, weapon power, enemy levels, maybe permanent status effects for the mission?)

Seth Astra
Aug 4, 2011, 03:53 PM
Hmm... That sounds cool. Only thing is that it'd probably be best if that had decreased/no EXP gain. Otherwise I can see it being abused severely.

Aug 4, 2011, 04:27 PM
Hopefully the room, in general, is more interactive. In PSU, it bugged the hell out of me that you couldn't actually lie down on your bed, only sit. I found that irritating.

Aug 4, 2011, 04:36 PM
Hopefully the room, in general, is more interactive. In PSU, it bugged the hell out of me that you couldn't actually lie down on your bed, only sit. I found that irritating.

What would also be nice is sleeping and awakening while inside your room. Kinda strange when you leave for the title screen and re-appear outside your room.

Aug 4, 2011, 04:48 PM
That seems kind of unnecessary lol

Aug 4, 2011, 04:52 PM
Arcade games in the rooms are a very bad idea. If they did that, no one would play PSO2.

Aug 4, 2011, 04:52 PM
Yes, it feels like having to sleep and wake up, etc. would be too much. I just meant that it would be a neat little feature if you could go up to your bed and lay down. Have your character put their feet up, and relax.

Aug 4, 2011, 05:45 PM
It'd be nice if your character's location at the point of logging off would be his/her starting point when logging back on. Except for dungeons, of course.

Aug 4, 2011, 05:46 PM
Why a mirror?

(So he can admire his bulge) *cough*

But seriously. I don't understand. You can see "yourself" by turning the camera around.... o.O

Aug 4, 2011, 05:55 PM
Would be cool if rooms had some effect on the game. Like making a shrine would boost rare items by X-percent, or you could get room items that would have certain effects on weapons or something.

Aug 4, 2011, 06:46 PM
Would be cool if rooms had some effect on the game. Like making a shrine would boost rare items by X-percent, or you could get room items that would have certain effects on weapons or something.

FFXI did this and it worked pretty nicely. Could get different effects based on the decorations you used. For example I had one that reduced the EXP lost from death. Think they also had one that slightly boosted item drop rate.

Aug 4, 2011, 07:10 PM
I also hope we don't have those stupid fixed shapes for our rooms or...


But like...

I hated how the rooms in PSU ALL had that same shape, except for like happy score (My favorite room for multiple reasons, including size and unique shape)

Aug 4, 2011, 07:13 PM
Jin is my alt account, I use it to talk to myself when no one responds after a set time.

You'll ruin everything.

Aug 4, 2011, 07:29 PM
three floors and a balcony

Aug 4, 2011, 07:33 PM
Just let me customize the interior of my space ship and call that my room...

/buys Insterstella 5555 posters and a disco ball

Aug 4, 2011, 08:17 PM
More room customization would be nice. Like greater control over wallpaper color, size and shape of the room, etc.

Aug 4, 2011, 08:18 PM
(So he can admire his bulge) *cough*

But seriously. I don't understand. You can see "yourself" by turning the camera around.... o.O


Aug 5, 2011, 04:00 AM
Having a few slots to put items on display would be great....

In PSU, I had the trouble showing items that cost over max meseta to potential buyers if I could not equip them due to my class.

Aug 5, 2011, 05:53 AM
Someone mentioned this awhile back as well, but it would also be nice if they had a lock function for the room that didn't lock your shop as well. This way, if you wanted to just sit in your room and chat with friends, you could lock the room portion, (ideally) have your text hidden from people that want to make a purchase, and everyone is happy.

It would also be nice, as others have said, to have a display option for your gear, whether for selling or just to show it off when you're not using it.

Now this one is a minor one, but I found it annoying after awhile, I'd like there to be a better way to store all the equipment. Having everything lumped into only a few pages to scroll through your stored equipment got a bit annoying as your storage filled up. Would be nice if they could break up the weapons, armor, ect into sub catagories for quicker access. (I.E. under weapons have a different page for sabers than rifles, that kinda thing.)

Aug 5, 2011, 09:32 AM
I kind of hated the rooms in PSU.

Herp, put a model here, lol gridbased furnishing, lol silly stuff all over your room, lol a shop with everything at 99999999999 Mesetas, lol dat music in every room, lol all rooms generally looking bad, lol the shops totally ruining the economy, lol synthing items is the worst thing since NOL.

Axel Wulf
Aug 6, 2011, 12:16 AM
Maybe we will get lucky and they will just rip of room creation idea's from other company's, were you can increase your room size by squares etc up to a certain number of squares, but hopefully enough that if you wanted to you could make a shop that sells rare items deep within the labyrinth that is your home.